Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 601 It's not easy to cheat and break the vicious hand, Chang Liangyuan is done now

When Susu heard that she was going to grandma Huang, she hesitated for a while, then nodded, "I miss grandma too."

Chang Liangyuan thought that children are easy to deceive, so she smiled and took Susu's hand, "How about we go together?"

Although Susu was familiar with Chang Liangyuan, she didn't like to hold hands with her. After being held, she withdrew her hand forcefully.

Chang Liangyuan just held her hand casually, but Susu easily retracted it.

"Look for grandma."

Susu was protecting her satchel with one hand, and walked briskly on the bluestone road with her two short legs.

Seeing Susu's happy look, Chang Liangyuan snorted coldly in her heart, you won't be able to laugh later, she stepped forward to follow.

Huaixiang has been following unhurriedly.

After the people passed by, Dabai's huge head poked out from behind the door, watching Susu's little figure bouncing farther and farther away.

After a long time, as if Dabai had made up his mind, he raised his forelegs and walked out. He didn't dare to run for fear of being discovered by them, so he could only follow behind secretly.

It's a long way from the East Palace to Fengyi Palace. Susu usually goes to Fengyi Palace with Dabai on her back, and she doesn't like to walk as time goes by. As soon as she walks out of the East Palace, she starts to get tired.

She stretched out her hand and shouted to Chang Liangyuan, "I want to hug you, hug me and go."

Chang Liangyuan frowned when she saw that Susu suddenly wanted to hug her. She dressed up specially today, if she hugged her, what if her clothes were wrinkled?
What should I do if the child is very handicapped and messes up her temples?
For her own purpose, she waited patiently: "You've only been walking for a while, and you'll be there if you walk a little longer."

After all, Susu is a child, once she doesn't want to walk, she will act like a baby, "Wo can't walk anymore, go out to play, grandpa hugs Wo."

If it were the empress and the emperor who saw Susu acting coquettishly and wanted to hug her, they would have been laughing from ear to ear, but in Chang Liangyuan's eyes, they were just showing off on purpose, showing off that the emperor hugged her, pampered her, and treated her specially. it is good.

Chang Liangyuan snorted coldly. Sure enough, just like your concubine mother, she is good at pleasing others, showing off when she is favored.

"walk on my own."

Susu shook her head, "I want to hug you."

Chang Liangyuan said it several times, but Susu just refused to go by herself and insisted on hugging her.

Normally, she wouldn't bother to care.It's just that today is a good opportunity, if you miss it, you won't have it.
She glanced at Huaixiang behind her and said, "I'll let Huaixiang hug you, okay?"

Susu glanced at Huaixiang, and found that she was not very familiar, she shook her head, "No, I want you to hug me."

Chang Liangyuan gritted her teeth angrily, who is hugging or not?To ask her to hug him is obviously to find fault on purpose.

For her own purposes, she had to endure it.

"Then you have to be obedient, and I will hug you."

Susu patted her small chest and said, "Baby is the most obedient."

Chang Liangyuan just bent down and squatted down, stretched her arms to hug Susu, but failed to hug Susu, she frowned and tried again, but she did, but it was too heavy, and she exhausted all her strength to hug her stand up.

Susu loves to eat, and weighs a little heavier than her elder brother, thirty catties.

Like Chang Liangyuan, who was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, she can't lift her shoulders or hands, and it is very difficult to hold her.

Chang Liangyuan had never carried such a heavy object before, and she took two steps and panted three times.

Susu didn't have to walk, so she naturally waved her little hands happily.

Chang Liangyuan was sweating profusely after walking for a while. Hearing Susu's laughter, she became so angry that she wanted to throw Susu away.

In the end, she couldn't hold her anymore, so she put Susu down, "I can't move, you go by yourself."

As he spoke, he began to tidy up his appearance, and found that his clothes were wrinkled, and his cheeks were covered with sweat. Even without looking in the mirror, he guessed that his makeup might be going to wear off.

Looking at Susu again, she was smiling happily, as if she was laughing at her.

Chang Liangyuan clenched the handkerchief in her hand, and looked not far away. There was a lotus pond nearby, so Su Su drowned without knowing who would know her, and she would not be found.

She suppressed the resentment on her face, smiled and said, "Susu, don't you want to know where your Mama is?"

Susu heard the words and immediately asked seriously: "Where is Wo Mama?"

Chang Liangyuan pointed to the lotus pond not far away, and said to Susu: "Did you see the lotus pond? There is a boat next to the lotus pond. Once you get on the boat, you can find your Mama."

Susu stared at the direction of Chang Liangyuan's finger for a long time. She still remembered that Grandpa Huang took her to play in the lotus pond in summer.

Knowing where Ma Ma is, she happily said, "Crab Crab Mud."

After speaking, he ran towards the lotus pond with cheerful steps.

Chang Liangyuan raised the corners of her lips, and a vicious smile flashed in her eyes. She looked around, the weather in autumn was cold, the wind was strong today, and it was relatively remote here, so no one would come here.

She followed with a smile.

Susu hopped and hopped all the way to the lotus pond, and when she saw a boat on the side, she walked over and stared at the boat with her big beautiful eyes.

Chang Liangyuan came over and stopped behind Susu, seeing that Susu was still not going up, she urged: "Susu, go up."

Susu reached out and tugged at Chang Liangyuan's sleeve, looked up at her with a small face, "You accompany me up."

Chang Liangyuan with all her strength pulled back her sleeves, holding back her anger and said: "You are the one who is looking for Mama, of course you go up by yourself, don't you want to see Mama?"

Susu hesitated and said: "But grandpa said that children can't play alone by the water, it will be very dangerous."

Chang Liangyuan didn't expect a child to have a lot of worries.

"Then don't you want to see Ma Ma right away? You can see him as soon as you get on the boat."

Susu clasped her fingers, her eyebrows were so tangled up, "Grandpa won't let Wo go up alone, and if he plays alone, he won't give Wo a good time."

Chang Liangyuan: "..."

Susu stretched out her hand to tug at Chang Liangyuan's sleeve again, "If you accompany me to the nest, Grandpa won't be angry."

Chang Liangyuan's patience had long been exhausted, she looked around again, saw no one, then turned her gaze back to look at Susu, her eyes suddenly became vicious.

"Susu, if you want to blame, blame your mother and concubine for always occupying the crown prince. Otherwise, how could I not be able to serve the bed after I have been in the palace for so many years? If I do, I will have sons and daughters who are smarter than you Cute and will be loved by emperors and empresses."

"As long as you don't come, the emperor and empress will definitely be furious. Your mother and concubine should go crazy after losing her daughter. Even if you don't go crazy, I will make her suffer."

Susu stared at Chang Liangyuan suspiciously, she was too young to understand what she was saying at all.

After Chang Liangyuan finished speaking, she pushed Susu into the lotus pond.

With a "plop", when Susu fell into the water, there was a big splash.

Susu fluttered her arms, her small body floated up and down in the water, and would be submerged in the next second.

She didn't know why Chang Liangyuan pushed her into the water?

Seeing that Susu fell into the water, Chang Liangyuan turned around and left, but no one came to save her. A child drowned and soon disappeared.

When they are discovered, they will only think that Susu fell into the water for fun, but whether someone did it on purpose, so don't worry about suspecting her.

At this moment, there was a tiger roar, "Wow!"

The sound was deafening and scared Chang Liangyuan's back.

Then there was another roar of a tiger, and Huaixiang turned pale with fright, and shouted while running: "The tiger is here, the tiger is here..."

Chang Liangyuan raised her head and looked in the direction Huaixiang was following, only to see a white figure running towards her in an unstoppable manner.

Chang Liangyuan's face turned pale in fright, and when she tried to escape, she found that her legs were limp and she couldn't move.

Dabai ran over as fast as he could, knocked Chang Liangyuan into the lotus pond, and jumped off himself.


Two huge water splashes splashed on the lake.

Chang Liangyuan was already delicate, how could she stand up to the tiger's attack?It felt like all the viscera were displaced, and just as I felt a sharp pain, I fell into the water.

She couldn't swim and began to struggle desperately, "Help, help!"

Dabai swam to Susu's side at the fastest speed, and kept arching Susu's body with his huge head, trying to lift Susu out of the water.

Susu drank several sips of water, she was a little dizzy, and her body surfaced, but there was no reaction.

Dabai didn't give up, it continued to arch its body, with its strong limbs swimming like a dog, trying to push Susu to the shore.

Xiao Jinyu was going to visit the two babies when he had time today, when he suddenly heard the roar of a tiger, he stopped and looked around, "Could it be that Susu is nearby?"

In the palace, only the Hehuan Palace has a tiger, which is Dabai raised by Susu.

Then he heard a tiger howl, Dabai seldom howls a tiger, usually he would just "oooo" and it was over.

Xiao Jinyu had a bad premonition, and ran towards the tiger roar almost without thinking.

When Xiao Jinyu arrived at the lotus pond, he saw the picture of Dabai pushing Susu ashore. He came to Susu at the fastest speed, seeing that Susu's body was soaked, her eyes were closed tightly, and her legs were so frightened that her legs were limp. up.

"Susu, Susu, wake up."

Susu seemed to be asleep and didn't respond at all.

Xiao Jinyu picked up Susu and ran away, afraid that it would be too late for a while, and he had no time to take into account that there was another person in the water.

Dabai was about to go ashore to catch up, he glanced back at Chang Liangyuan who was thrashing in the water, and thought about going back again.

When he swam enough to bite Chang Liangyuan's arm, he dragged him ashore.

Seeing this scene not far away, Huaixiang was too scared to go forward, and wanted to wait for the tiger to pass before going forward.

After Dabai landed, not only did he not let go of Chang Liangyuan, but ran up with her arm in his mouth, chasing after Xiao Jinyu.

At this time, Chang Liangyuan fainted due to drowning, and did not know that she was being run away by the tiger at this time.

Huaixiang watched helplessly as her master was being carried away by the tiger, but she didn't dare to step forward to stop her, so she could only ask others for help.

When the tiger was dragging and running, Chang Liangyuan was hit on the head several times, and the clothes on her back were worn out, and her skin was also worn out, bloody and bloody, not to mention other places.

Xiao Jinyu ran while holding Susu and shouted: "Call the imperial doctor quickly."

Seeing this, the guard went to call the imperial doctor without saying a word.

Xiao Jinyu returned to Hehuan Hall with Susu in his arms, and ran straight inside.

When Chunxi came out of the back room, she saw Xiao Jinyu running wildly with Susu in her arms, and Susu's clothes and hair were obviously soaked, and she suddenly had a bad feeling.

She didn't care about the things in her hands and went up to meet them, "King Yu, what's wrong with Susu?"

"Susu is drowning." Xiao Jinyu said and walked towards the house without stopping.

When Chunxi heard that her legs went limp, she fell to the ground, and the wooden basin in her hand also fell down, tears fell down, and she blamed herself endlessly.

Susu was used to going out since she was a child, and Dabai was always by her side, so she felt relieved after many times.

Who knew what happened this time?

When Chunxi was so frightened, she saw Dabai dragging a person running in. After entering, Dabai put the person down and ran out of the house.

Chun Xi was stunned for a while, then wiped away her tears, "The masters are not at home, she needs to calm down."

She got up from the ground, called the little rabbit, and asked him to inform the emperor and queen that Susu had drowned.

After the little rabbit ran out, she ordered the little maid to boil hot water. How cold would it be to fall into the water in such a cold day?
After giving the order, she glanced at the people on the ground, and when she saw a pale face, she recognized it as Chang Liangyuan.

"Why did Dabai bring her here?"

Looking at the wet clothes, could it be that Susu's drowning has something to do with her?

The more Chunxi thinks about it, the more afraid she becomes, but the most important thing now is Susu.

At this time, the imperial doctor was brought in by two guards. No one in the palace knew how much Susu was favored. The emperor, the empress, and King Susu was very important. Heart.

The imperial doctor walked slowly, and the guards had to carry it in order to hurry up.

Chunxi pulled the imperial doctor and ran inside, "Hurry up, imperial doctor, Susu has passed out."

The imperial doctor was dragged in by Chunxi.

After entering, Xiao Jinyu dragged her to the bedside, "Show Susu quickly, something happened to Susu, and your life is in danger."

The imperial doctor felt that he was about to fall apart, and when he heard that his life was in danger, he shivered in fright, and immediately began to diagnose the pulse.

The emperor was reviewing the memorial in the Imperial Study Room, and had no one to help him, so he had to work overtime to complete it.

When the little rabbit came, he was taken in by Eunuch Li after explaining the reason.

The little rabbit plopped and knelt on the ground, "Your Majesty, something happened to the princess."

Hearing this, the emperor put down the memorial in his hand, and asked coldly, "What's wrong?"

The little rabbit said anxiously: "The princess is drowning."

The emperor didn't react for a while, and his brain went blank for a while. There were too many court ladies, eunuchs, eunuchs and concubines drowning in the palace. He had heard a lot about these things, whether it was man-made or accidental.

It's just that at this moment, as if something has collapsed, it scares him.

Seeing that the emperor was silent, Eunuch Li called out cautiously: "Your Majesty?"

After the emperor came to his senses, he threw away the vermilion pen in his hand, stood up and walked out.

Eunuch Li was stunned for a moment, and immediately chased after him.

The emperor came all the way to the Hall of Hehuan, without even looking at a woman lying on the ground, he went straight into Susu's boudoir.

At this time, inside the house

The imperial doctor is still treating Susu.

Chunxi stared at Susu while wiping away tears.

Xiao Jinyu hurriedly paced back and forth in front of the bed, and seeing his father coming, he stepped forward and said, "Father."

The emperor didn't even look at Xiao Jinyu, but came straight to the bed, and saw Susu lying on the bed with her eyes closed, her face was pale and bloodless, her hair was still wet, and her clothes had been changed into dry ones.

"Doctor, how is Susu now?"

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