Chapter 602 Susu wakes up, Mama is back

The imperial doctor said cautiously: "Back to the emperor, the little princess has been drowning for a long time, and her pulse is a little weak, I'm afraid it's..."

The emperor interrupted the imperial doctor in a cold voice, "Speak well to me, if anything happens to Susu, I want you to be buried with me."

The imperial doctor's legs trembled in fright, and he nodded quickly, "I understand, I will try my best to treat you."

As he spoke, he continued to diagnose and treat Susu.

The emperor looked up at his son, "Yu'er, what's going on?"

Xiao Jinyu narrated the scene he saw just now, "Father, that's all I know, I have to ask Susu and Chang Liangyuan for details."

When Chunxi came in just now, he said that Dabai had brought Chang Liangyuan back, which reminded him that there seemed to be another person in the water, probably Chang Liangyuan.

The emperor glanced at Dabai in the room in disbelief. It was standing not far away at this time, staring at the bed with lake-blue eyes without blinking.

He looked back at his son, "You said Dabai rescued Susu from the water?"

Xiao Jinyu nodded, "Well, when I arrived, I saw Dabai in the water, pushing Susu ashore with his head."

The emperor couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect Dabai to be so smart and spiritual. He not only protects but also knows the savior of diving. It's not in vain that Susu is so good to Dabai."

Xiao Jinyu took a look at Dabai, he hadn't moved since he came in, and kept that movement all the time. If he could talk, he would have kept asking how Susu was doing.

"Father is right, Dabai is indeed very spiritual, and has been following Susu."

At this time, the queen rushed over after hearing the news, and was supported by Qingying. When she first learned that Susu was drowning, her legs were so weak that she couldn't even walk, so she had to be supported by Qingying.

"What happened to Susu?"

The queen's voice trembled violently, seeing Susu on the bed, her legs went limp again.

The emperor stood up as quickly as possible, supported the queen, pretended to be calm and comforted him: "The imperial doctor is treating you, don't worry."

In fact, the emperor himself was anxious and afraid. How could his beloved granddaughter have an accident, how could he sit still like Mount Tai?
Even though the emperor comforted her, the queen still trembled violently, and it was only by the emperor holding her that she could not stand still.

Susu is a baby bump, something happened, and she is a little confused.

"How could Susu drown? Although she is small, she is smart and knows not to go to dangerous places."

The emperor said coldly: "I know that Susu is very smart. I also told her not to go to the water alone. I will definitely investigate this matter."

After a while, the imperial doctor said: "Your Majesty, the little princess's life is not in danger, and her pulse is a little more stable than before."

The emperor saw that Susu's eyes were closed tightly and there was no sign of waking up, and asked, "Then why hasn't Susu woke up?"

The imperial doctor replied: "Back to the emperor, I have been drowning for a long time, and I woke up after a short rest."

After making sure that Susu was fine, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Susu hadn't woken up yet, and she was still a little worried.

Xiao Jinyu thought of Chang Liangyuan who was brought back by Dabai, and reminded: "Father, Chang Liangyuan is still outside, and her life and death are unknown."

The emperor ordered: "Doctor, go over and have a look. When she wakes up, I will interrogate her carefully."

"I obey." The imperial doctor took the order and withdrew.

After the imperial doctor left, the queen trembled and came to the side of the bed and sat down, never leaving Susu's eyes, looking at the little person lying there, feeling extremely distressed.

She turned to look at the emperor, "Susu's drowning has something to do with Chang Liangyuan?"

After being in the harem for so many years, Gong Dou's hand has been broken many times, and she has also dealt with the drowning incident several times.

The sudden mention of Chang Liangyuan made her suspicious.

The emperor said: "Chang Liangyuan was at the scene and also fell into the water. The specific situation will not be known until Susu wakes up and Chang Liangyuan wakes up."

Although Susu is only over two years old, she is much smarter than ordinary children of the same age, and she can also express her own thoughts, and ask some questions about what happened.

The queen said harsh words, "If Chang Liangyuan dares to hurt Susu, my concubine will never let her go."

On weekdays, the queen cared about her mother's family and her elder brother's feelings, so she tolerated Chang Liangyuan again and again.

But Susu is her precious granddaughter, and it hurts even if she loses a hair. If she deliberately murders her, it will touch her bottom line, and she can't be blamed.

The emperor sat beside the empress, and after comforting her, his eyes were full of anger: "When the truth is found out, I will not let such a vicious woman go."

Although Chang Liangyuan fell into the water for a long time, she was an adult at any rate, and she woke up after being diagnosed and treated by the imperial doctor.

When Chang Liangyuan woke up, she felt severe pain all over her body, as if she had been run over by a car, and she was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

Huaixiang's face turned pale with fright, even when she saw Chang Liangyuan wake up, she was still trembling with fright, "Master, you are awake."

It was not the first time for Chang Liangyuan to fall into the water. The last time she woke up, she only had signs of dizziness and no severe pain all over her body. This time it was almost excruciating.

She frowned and said, "What's the matter? Why does my body hurt so much?"

"Master, after you fell into the water, the tiger rescued you from the water, and then the tiger bit your arm and dragged you all the way." Huaixiang said.

Chang Liangyuan was terrified when she heard the words, was she run away by a tiger?Subconsciously, she lowered her head to check her body, and saw that her arm was tied several times with white gauze, just a little movement would cause severe pain.

"It hurts, it hurts."

Where has Chang Liangyuan been abused like this?It was so painful that I couldn't speak.

After a while, Chang Liangyuan suddenly thought of Susu, and she hurriedly asked, "How is Susu? Is she dead?"

Huai Xiang said: "Master, the slaves don't know, only the emperor and empress know about it, they are in Hehuan Hall, the emperor and empress are very angry."

Chang Liangyuan gripped the quilt tightly, feeling a little uneasy, what if Susu didn't die, what if the emperor and queen knew the truth of the matter?
Just when Chang Liangyuan was uneasy, the eunuch's high-pitched voice came from the door, "The emperor and empress have arrived."

Chang Liangyuan's heart skipped a few beats, and she looked nervously at the door, only to see an emperor and queen in bright yellow dragon robes walking in one after another.

The maids in the room knelt down on the ground, "May the emperor be safe and secure, and the queen's empress be safe and secure."

Chang Liangyuan remembered to salute, but failed to get up after struggling for several times, so she could only say helplessly: "Your Majesty and Empress, I really can't get up..."

The emperor and queen sat down on the couch one after another.

The emperor looked at Chang Liangyuan coldly, "Put aside those who salute first, I'm here to ask you, why did Susu drown?"

Chang Liangyuan's eyes turned sharply, no matter what, the emperor cannot let the emperor know that she pushed Susu into the water.

She said weakly: "Your Majesty, my concubine saw Susu playing by the lotus pond. She was afraid that she would be too young to know the danger, so she went over and wanted to take her away, but just after passing by, she found that Susu had fallen into the lotus pond." , I was in a hurry to save Susu, so I jumped down, but I didn’t expect the water to be very deep, not only failed to save Susu, but also almost drowned myself.”

After Chang Liangyuan finished speaking, she hurriedly asked: "Is Susu alright?"

The emperor stared at Chang Liangyuan with questioning eyes, "Is what you said true? Susu's drowning has nothing to do with you?"

Chang Liangyuan said in a terrified tone: "Your Majesty, even if I gave my concubine a hundred courage, I wouldn't dare to do such a thing. Susu is so small, so cute and sensible, and it's too late for my concubine to like it. To kill her?"

Chang Liangyuan said in tears, as if I was very kind and would not harm others.

The queen snorted coldly, "Is it possible that when Susu wakes up, I will find out after asking. If there is a fake, I will not let you go."

Chang Liangyuan was a little scared when she heard the words, isn't Susu still dead?
"Empress, Susu is young and doesn't understand anything. The concubine wanted to save her. She was afraid and thought it was me who pushed her."

The queen said: "Susu is not as stupid as you think."

The emperor also said: "Susu is very smart, what you said is true or false, you will know when Susu wakes up and ask, so you can do it yourself."

After the emperor finished speaking, he took the queen and left.

Chang Liangyuan was paralyzed on the bed. At this moment, she hoped that Susu would never wake up, otherwise Susu would talk nonsense and she would be finished.

It's just that she can't even get up now, what should I do?
Seeing Huaixiang at the side, she shouted, "Huaixiang, come here."

Huai Xiang came over and asked, "Master, what are your orders?"

Chang Liangyuan said: "Go secretly to Hehuan Hall to see if Susu has woken up. If she is still alive, you can find a chance to get rid of her."

"Master, slaves don't dare." Huai Xiang was so frightened that she shivered.

Chang Liangyuan said angrily after hearing this: "Why don't you dare? If Susu wakes up and says I pushed her into the water, do you think you can escape if something happens to me?"

It is said that one prospers all prospers and one suffers all losses. If something happens to the master, the servants will naturally be unable to escape.

Huaixiang was indeed afraid, and she was also afraid of death, so she could only gamble for her life.

Hall of Joy

The emperor and queen have been guarding Susu, and Xiao Jinyu is also watching.

The queen couldn't help feeling a little anxious, "Why isn't Susu awake?"

The emperor comforted: "Wait a little longer, Susu will definitely wake up."

Chunxi also watched for a long time, thinking that Susu loves to eat cakes the most, she secretly wiped away her tears, turned and went into your kitchen, and when Susu woke up, she could watch the cake she made.

In everyone's anticipation, Susu, who had been in a coma for a long time, finally opened her eyes.

The emperor excitedly said to the queen, "Susu is awake."

The queen also held Susu's little hand excitedly, "Susu, you've woken up, you scared grandma to death."

Xiao Jinyu quickly came to the bed, looked at Susu who had woken up, and comforted him: "Susu, don't be afraid, grandpa, grandma, and Uncle Wang are protecting you."

Susu was stunned for a while before she realized, she said in a childish voice, "Grandpa and grandma, there is a lot of water."

The emperor picked up Susu from the bed and put her in his arms, hugged her tightly, and comforted her in a gentle voice: "It's okay, Susu, there is no water."

Susu felt safe being hugged, she continued: "Grandpa, Woyou is obedient, it's dangerous to be alone by the water, and Wo didn't go to the boat."

The emperor nodded, "Grandpa knows, Susu is very good and smart, grandpa wants to reward you."

Susu Nuonuo asked: "Is it a good time?"

The emperor nodded without thinking, and said, "Well, Grandpa will buy whatever Susu likes to eat."

Seeing Susu's cute and sensible look, the queen felt distressed and relieved, "Susu, how did you fall into the water?"

Susu said: "Wo was pushed into the water by someone. I couldn't understand what she said. She said to go to the lotus pond. You can see numbness when you get on the boat. Wo is very obedient. She was still very angry, so she pushed nest."

The queen raised her heart when she heard this, and her hands were shaking with anger, "Does Susu know who it is?"

Susu thought for a while and said, "She said she was going to grandma's place."

The queen asked again: "Do you often go to grandma's place?"

Susu nodded.

The queen gritted her teeth and said, "Chang Liangyuan pushed Susu into the water."

At this moment, Chunxi walked in all the way, "Your Majesty, Empress, I caught a sneaky person in the yard."

As he said that, he asked the little rabbit to escort the man in.

Huaixiang lowered her head and begged for mercy, "The emperor and queen, please forgive me."

The queen recognized the kneeling maid just by taking a few glances, "You are Chang Liangyuan's maid, what are you sneaking here for?"

Huaixiang explained: "The servant girl just came to visit the little Princess, and didn't do anything."

Chunxi retorted: "It's not fair to see Susu, just sneaking around in the corner, and saying that he didn't do anything?"

The emperor's eyes turned cold: "If you don't tell the truth, pull it out and torture it to extract a confession."

When Huaixiang was tortured to extract a confession, she was so frightened that she almost collapsed on the ground.

"No, Your Majesty, the maidservant said, the maidservant said."

Huaixiang and Jiang Changliangyuan revealed everything she wanted her to do.

"It's Chang Liangyuan, not a servant girl. The servant girl is only following orders."

Knowing that it was Chang Liangyuan, the emperor and empress were very angry.

"Main-hearted and full of lies."

"Come here, lock up Chang Liangyuan and torture him for interrogation."

"My son will do it."

Xiao Jinyu was so angry that he responded and turned around and strode out.

Chang Liangyuan, who was still waiting for the news, heard the movement and thought Huaixiang had returned, but when she looked up, she saw a group of guards coming in, and then she saw Xiao Jinyu, she was stunned for a moment.

Xiao Jinyu ordered: "Take Chang Liangyuan away."

The two guards strode forward without a trace of pity, grabbed Chang Liangyuan's arm and pulled her up.

Chang Liangyuan felt severe pain all over her body just lying down, how could she bear such a rough pull?She yelled in pain, but Xiao Jinyu took out a rag and stuffed it into Chang Liangyuan's mouth, and then she was able to calm down.

"Murdering the emperor's grandson, your time of death has arrived."

Chang Liangyuan was dragged all the way by the guards, because her mouth was stuffed with a rag, she couldn't scream no matter how painful it was, she could only shake her head and struggle desperately.

After recuperating for a day, Susu has returned to her previous vitality. She ate a cake made by Chunxi and put a piece in her satchel.

"Leave it to Mama."

The emperor and empress were completely relieved when they saw that Susu didn't panic because of falling into the water.

"Grandpa, when will Ma Ma come back?"

The emperor has received the news that the prince and princess have rushed back and will enter the city today.

"I will see your father, mother and concubine soon."

Susu jumped up happily when she heard that, and took Chunxi's hand, "Do it well for Mama."

"Okay, servant girl will do it now." Chunxi smiled and entered the kitchen.

After leaving the Hehuan Palace, the queen went directly to the prison.

Susu sits on the threshold with food and waits for Mama to come back, Dabai is by Susu's side, this time no matter what the reason is, it will stay by Susu's side every step of the way.

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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