Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 607 Could it be her?Take Susu to the street to find someone

Chapter 607 Could it be her?Take Susu to the street to find someone
Jun Moqing carried Susu up and sat on his lap, seeing the little guy's dark eyes full of doubts, he said softly, "Susu, your mother has no sisters."

The doubt in Susu's eyes deepened after hearing this, she thought for a while, and continued: "Could it be that grandpa lost Mama's sister? So there are no sisters?"

Jun Moqing laughed secretly in her heart, the thoughts in the child's head were really interesting, just like Xiao Jiu when he was a child, he always asked some weird questions.

"Why would Susu think this way? How could grandpa lose his daughter? Grandpa only has one daughter, your mother, you know?"

Susu nodded half-understanding, "Then why does Mama look the same as others? It's like a nest and a pot."

This will change Jun Moqing's doubts, "Susu, who do you see looks the same as your mother?"

"I don't know Wo, I think it's Mama, but she doesn't kiss Wo, and she doesn't call Wo Baobao." After Susu knew it wasn't Mama, the grievance disappeared in her voice.

Jun Moqing has never seen a woman who is very similar to Xiao Jiu, except for Xiao Jiu's mother, he can't help but look forward to it.

"Then where did you see it?"

"On the street, where to buy fruit." Susu loves to eat fruit most, so I remember it very clearly.

Although Xiao Jiu didn't specifically mention the street, Jun Moqing guessed that Chang'an Street was the most bustling street in the capital.

After Taotao finished her morning class, she couldn't wait to put down her pen, and ran out of the study all the way. As soon as she ran to the door, she was hugged by Xiao Jinyu.

"Peach, what are you doing running so fast?"

Tao Tao saw that it was Uncle Wang, and said with a smile: "Uncle Wang, let's find grandpa to play with."

Xiao Jinyu turned his eyes when he heard the words, and asked with a smile: "Tao Tao, do you know how powerful your grandfather is?"

Taotao shook her head, "I don't know."

Xiao Jinyu said with a mysterious face: "Your grandfather is a national teacher, and his martial arts are super powerful, much better than your father. Moreover, your grandfather is also very good at fortune-telling."

Taotao widened her eyes when she heard this. During this period of time, Xiao Jinyu has heard a lot about how powerful his father is, how powerful his lightness kung fu is, and how powerful his resourcefulness is...

"Can it fly?"

Of course it can fly. "Xiao Jinyu pointed to the distance from the palace wall in front of him to the opposite palace wall and said: "Your father can fly from here to there, but what about your grandfather..." He pointed to the palace wall in front of him to the opposite side of the opposite side. Pavilion said: "You can fly from here to there. "

Susu is very smart. Looking at Xiao Jinyu's strokes, she immediately understood that her grandfather was much, much better than her father.

"Grandpa is amazing."

Xiao Jinyu said with a smile on his face: "Do you want to become as powerful as your grandfather?"

Taotao nodded vigorously, "I think."

Xiao Jinyu found that Taotao was very good at learning, and he was also a child who loves to learn, "Then you go and let your grandfather teach you martial arts, and then you will be as good as your grandfather."

Then he leaned closer to Taotao's ear and said, "By the way, learn the skills of fortune-telling. By then, besides your grandfather, you will be the best."

Taotao hesitated, "Will grandpa teach me?"

Xiao Jinyu said with absolute certainty, "Of course you will. You are your grandpa's precious grandson. As the saying goes, if you don't let the fat and water flow into the fields of outsiders, you will definitely be willing to teach you such powerful martial arts."

Don't look at Taotao's young age, she has high aspirations, since she can be as powerful as her grandfather, of course she must work hard to catch up and become a powerful person, so that he can protect Ma Ma and his sister.

"Look for grandpa for the nest, and let grandpa teach the nest."

Xiao Jinyu put Taotao down, smiled and said, "Go."

"Little Uncle Wang, goodbye." Taotao waved her hand and ran towards Hehuan Hall.

Seeing Taotao being so active, Xiao Jinyu laughed twice. It would be a pity not to be a teacher with such a powerful grandfather.

When Xiao Jinyan came back, he saw Xiao Jinyu standing at the door and giggling, "What are you laughing at?"

Xiao Jinyu smiled and said: "Brother Prince, I asked Taotao to go to Master Guoshi to learn as a teacher. With such good genes and such a powerful grandfather, it would be a pity not to learn."

Xiao Jinyan also agrees with Xiao Jinyu's idea that it is best to be able to learn. With high-strength martial arts, you can also defend yourself and protect those you want to protect.

"Taotao is not yet three years old, it's a bit early to learn martial arts."

Xiao Jinyu said: "It's not too far from the age of three. First of all, you can start learning when you are three years old."

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "Then it depends on the arrangement of Master Guoshi."

Xiao Jinyu asked: "By the way, Brother Prince, have you recovered your previous memory?"

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "Well, when I was in Nanzhao Kingdom, Master Guoshi helped restore it."

When I came back yesterday, there were too many things, Xiao Jinyu was too curious to ask, so I just wanted to ask the prince's brother today when he was free.

"Sister-in-law is the daughter of the Master of the State Teacher, so didn't the elder brother of the crown prince know each other a long time ago?"

"Well, Bengong and Xiaojiu's childhood sweetheart, she was kidnapped by her enemies when she was a child and lost her memory. She became the concubine of the Shen family by accident." Xiao Jinyan didn't say anything about Xiaojiu's time travel. Many people know.

For the first time, Xiao Jinyu felt that fate is a very magical thing.

"It turns out that the prince's elder brother and sister-in-law are really destined to be together by chance."

Xiao Jinyan was noncommittal.

"Follow me to the study."

Xiao Jinyu nodded, "OK."

Tao Tao quickly ran to the yard with his two short legs, and threw herself into Jun Moqing's arms, "Grandpa, I've finished morning class."

Jun Moqing looked at Taotao and then at Susu, showing his play and love of learning to the fullest.

On the way back, Jun Moqing heard Xiao Jiu say a lot about Taotao and Susu.

When Taotao was one year old, she liked to doodle with a pen.

Other people's children are forced to study, but Taotao likes to study.

"Peach, very powerful."

Being praised by grandpa, Taotao is not arrogant but just happy, "Grandpa, I heard from Uncle Wang that the mud is very, very powerful, isn't it?"

Jun Moqing nodded, "Yes."

Taotao's little face is full of seriousness: "Wo also wants to become a powerful man like grandpa, so that Wo can protect Ma Ma and sister."

Jun Moqing looked at Taotao, who was more than two years old, no wonder Xiao Jiu said that Taotao was very smart, and she was indeed very smart.

"Tao Tao is so sensible at such a young age, it is commendable."

Taotao's little face was filled with anticipation, "Will grandpa teach Wo Kung Fu? There is no way to rely on Wo alone to become a powerful person like Grandpa."

Jun Moqing readily agreed, "Of course, but you're still young, and grandpa will teach you when you're three years old."

Taotao suddenly stood up straight when she heard the words, raised her head and chest, and said like a little adult: "The nest is not small, grandpa, can you teach the nest now?"

Jun Moqing looked at Taotao, and thought that if Xiaojiu had been so eager to study back then, there would be no one to inherit his mantle.
"Then grandpa will teach you a movement first. If you can persist for five days, grandpa will teach you."

Taotao nodded happily, "Okay."

Jun Moqing put Susu down, then stood up straight, opened her legs, put her fists on her waist with both hands, sank down, and squatted.

After finishing, Jun Moqing looked at Taotao, "Come and learn how grandpa moves."

"Okay." Taotao saw the whole process of Jun Moqing's squatting just now, and he imitated everything, following Jun Moqing's movements just now, learning to do the squatting.

It was the first time he squatted in the horse stance, and he learned it well.

Jun Moqing saw it, and stood up straight in front of Taotao, bending over to correct his posture.

"Put your feet out a little bit."

Following Jun Moqing's instructions, Taotao opened her feet slightly and moved them out by one centimeter.

Jun Moqing said again: "Yes, squat down a little more."

Taotao's knees were slightly bent again. At this time, the chassis was a little unstable, and she felt that she might fall in the next second.

Jun Moqing stood up straight and sat down on the chair again, held the teacup to his lips and took two sips, but kept staring at Taotao.

Susu blinked her beautiful big eyes twice, and stared at Guoguo curiously, "Guokuo, it's amazing."

As long as she can't do things, others can do very well.

As soon as the words fell, Taotao couldn't hold on any longer, and took a few steps back. After standing still, he continued the movement just now and continued to squat.

Jun Moqing saw it, and found that Taotao was not only smart but also very persevering. Two years old was the age full of curiosity and playfulness. It was rare to see such perseverance as Taotao.

But Jun Moqing didn't say anything. There are many people who want to learn martial arts, but not many people with perseverance.

People with perseverance also need talent, otherwise they will not reach that height.

If Xiaojiu has talent and perseverance, of course he wants to teach them all.

Feng Wuyou woke up after a nap, came to drink tea and eat snacks with her father, when she just came here, she saw Taotao squatting, she felt a little strange.

"How did Taotao learn to squat?"

Taotao said very seriously: "I want to learn martial arts."

Feng Wuyou was taken aback when he heard the words, Taotao not only likes to learn literature but also is interested in martial arts?When she was pregnant, she had never been educated like this.

Feng Wuyou asked suspiciously: "Why do you suddenly want to learn martial arts?"

Taotao said: "Wo wants to become as powerful as grandpa."

Feng Wuyou really didn't want to pour cold water on his son, but he still had to remind him.

"Then you will have to persevere for a long time to reach the height of your grandfather."

Taotao still said very seriously: "It's okay to nest."

"Okay, as long as Taotao is happy." As soon as Feng Wuyou sat down, Susu rushed in, "Ma Ma, I want to eat cakes."

Without further ado, Feng Wuyou took a piece from the plate and handed it to Susu, and gently reminded: "You can only eat one piece, and you will have lunch later."

"I know." Susu happily walked towards Dabai while eating the pastry.

Taotao persisted on and off for a while before Jun Moqing said, "Taotao, it's done."

Taotao stood up straight after hearing this, but after such a short effort, he was so tired that he was out of breath.

Feng Wuyou took a piece of pastry and handed it to Taotao, "Taotao eats a piece of pastry."

Taotao took the pastry and said, "Thank you Mama." Then she ran to play with Susu.

Feng Wuyou looked at her father, "Father, do you really want to teach Taotao how to learn martial arts?"

Jun Moqing said quietly: "Let him squat first, if he can persist, I will teach him and see if he has the talent in this area."

Feng Wuyou said: "I don't know who Taotao looks like, such a small person, it's time for eating, drinking and playing, he is good, learn this and that, I didn't teach them these things in prenatal education."

Jun Moqing said: "Taotao is not like you. When you were three years old, I taught you to squat, and you sat on a small stool, saying that you were tired, so just sit obediently, okay?"

"Didn't Daddy say that Susu looks like me? After all, he is greedy." In fact, Feng Wuyou also regretted it, why didn't she learn martial arts at the beginning?Otherwise she can become very powerful.

But having said that, a person with her temperament will definitely not be bothered to learn if no one supervises her.

Jun Moqing just couldn't bear to let her suffer, that's why she allowed her to eat, drink, have fun and have a happy childhood when she was training her foundation.

Jun Moqing said: "Indeed, but girls don't have to work so hard."

"Daddy is the best. He is open-minded. He deserves to be dressed in modern times. He allowed me to spend my childhood carefree."

Feng Wuyou is very thankful that her father is so good, better than anyone else, who dotes on her and pampers her.

However, father still has a way of bringing up the baby. Under his pampering, she did not become arrogant and domineering, but instead developed the temperament of a salted fish.

Only she likes to fight her father. When others say how good her father is, she will show her father off.

When others say how good her mother is, she will still bring out her father.

Because Daddy is really nice.

Jun Moqing said: "Daddy always feels that he owes you for letting you lose your mother's company when you were young. If you don't treat you double, you will always have regrets."

"Although I also hope to have my mother by my side, but because of my father, I feel that when I miss my mother, I don't feel sad. There is a saying, as long as you have all the love, you can make up for some missing love .”

When Feng Wuyou was a child, she saw that everyone else had a mother, but she did not. Although she wanted to have a mother very much, but the love her father gave him was too much for her to hold. Her father would not move a finger of her, nor would she say half a word. Serious sentence.

She was very happy in her childhood, so happy that she could ignore the maternal love she didn't have.

Even if her daughter said so, Jun Moqing still felt indebted. Only a father's love and a mother's love are complete, so she doesn't leave any regrets.

in the afternoon,

Because of Taotao practicing calligraphy, Jun Moqing took Susu out of the palace to play, mainly because Susu mentioned that there was a woman who looked very similar to Xiaojiu.

He has seen very similar ones, and only Xiao Jiu's mother is the only one.

Susu hugged Jun Moqing's neck, "Grandpa, nest fruit."

Ever since Susu knew that delicious and beautiful fruits could be bought on the street, the first thing she would do when taking her out of the palace was to buy fruits.

Jun Moqing would naturally not refuse the granddaughter's request, "Okay."

Susu happily smacked Jun Moqing's cheek, "Grandpa is so kind."

Jun Moqing looked at Susuxiao's crooked eyebrows, which looked very much like Xiaojiu. For a moment, he felt as if he had returned to Xiaojiu's childhood. He often hugged Xiaojiu, watched her acting like a baby, and watched her being happy because of being happy. Kiss him on the face.

Now Xiao Jiu is almost 20 years old.

Jun Moqing held Susu in his arms, and went to the tea fruit shop after asking.

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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