This pastry shop is the best pastry shop on this street, and there are many people who buy it every day.

When Jun Moqing came over with Susu in his arms, there were many people standing in the shop, carefully selecting tea fruits.

Seeing Cha Guozi, Susu was so excited, she pointed to the pink peach blossom-shaped Cha Guozi with her little finger and said, "Grandpa, I want this one second."

Susu’s voice is milky and milky, like cotton jelly, and many customers are attentive. When they see the pink and tender glutinous rice dumplings, they think it is very cute.

However, he was quickly attracted by the man holding glutinous rice dumplings.

The man's eyebrows and eyes are picturesque, as if he came out of a painting, his long black hair is very elegant, and he is wearing a blue and white gown.

When Jun Moqing was holding Susu to buy tea fruit, he was quickly surrounded by a group of people, most of whom were young young ladies.

"I don't know which son it is, who looks so handsome and out of this world?"

"If there is such a handsome young master in the capital, why is there no news at all?"

"The current crown prince is famous for his beauty in the capital. Tell me, who is better than the man in front of you?"

"The prince is the future heir, how can he compare with him? If it gets out, I'm afraid it will cause trouble for the upper body.

Susu's two little hands lay on Jun Moqing's shoulders. Seeing so many people staring at them, she patted Jun Moqing's shoulders and said in a childlike voice: "Grandpa, many people are looking at us."

The daughter-in-law, who was still hesitant to approach her to talk to her, suddenly widened her eyes when she heard Grandpa, wondering if she had heard it wrong.

"Did you hear what that girl called that son?"

"It seems to be called Grandpa..."

The daughter of the waiting family showed an expression of disbelief, and looked at the handsome man in front of her again. Such a young and handsome man is already a grandfather?

With Jun Moqing's strength, Jun Moqing couldn't even hear those discussions. He glanced at them lightly, then looked away, and took out a piece of peach blossom-shaped tea fruit from the oil paper bag and handed it to Susu.

"Eat tea fruit."

When Susu saw the pink and tender tea fruit, she immediately forgot about the group of women, picked up the tea fruit with her small hand and put it in her mouth, took a bite, "That's a good time."

Jun Moqing looked at Susu eating tea fruit, her pink cheeks were bulging, "Why don't you bite less?"

Susu puffed her cheeks and said, "Wouldn't it be one less bite for that nest?"

Jun Moqing asked, "Why didn't you take an extra bite?"

Susu said confidently: "I took such a big bite, which means that the nest can be second."

"I see." Jun Moqing looked at Susu who was also smart, but most of Susu's intelligence was spent on eating.

Jun Moqing walked out of the pastry shop with Susu in her arms, under the gazes of all the waiting girls.

Xue Huai took out the money bag and paid the money, then followed them with the packaged tea fruit.

While eating tea fruit, Susu stared at Jun Moqing's mouth and asked, "Grandpa, why don't you have a beard?"

In fact, Susu has long discovered that grandpa is different from grandpa. Grandpa has a beard, but grandpa doesn't.

Jun Moqing said: "Because Grandpa hasn't had the time to grow a beard yet, and he will in the future."

"Oh, I know, grandpa is handsome even with a beard." Susu didn't forget to blow rainbow farts at the end.

Jun Moqing boasted: "Susu mouth is so sweet."

Susu took another bite of the tea fruit, "Grandpa, isn't the mud inferior to the fruit? Gray is always better."

Jun Moqing said: "Grandpa, go back and spend time with your mother."

Susu said: "Ma Ma also loves second fruit, she wants three, and the nest can have two."

Jun Moqing looked at Susu and lowered her head and stuffed half of the tea fruit in her hand into her mouth, her sensual cheeks were bulging like little buns.

Coming out of the pastry shop, Jun Moqing wandered around with Susu, and Susu kept her mouth open all the way.

Walking on the street, one big and one small, has undoubtedly become a scenic spot, attracting the attention of many passers-by, with admiration and amazement.

Jun Moqing saw a teahouse with elegant interior decoration, so he led Susu into it.

The waiter warmly greeted them and beckoned them in, "Please come inside, guest officer."

When he came to the private room, Jun Moqing hugged Susu and sat on the chair first, and then sat down.

"A pot of tea, and a pot of hot water."

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

The waiter in the shop was very fast, and brought a pot of tea and hot water in a short while.

After eating the crisps all the way, I was already thirsty. When I saw the teapot, I turned to look at Jun Moqing, "Grandpa, I need some water."

"Okay." Jun Moqing touched the teapot first, felt the temperature of the water was suitable, then lifted the teapot, took out a clean teacup, poured some warm water and put it in front of Susu.

"Drink slowly."

Susu picked up the teacup with both hands and passed it to her mouth, drinking it in small sips.

Jun Moqing picked up another teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. He picked up the cup of tea with his slender fingers and glanced at Susu. It is still okay to drink more water at the age of two.

After drinking the water, Susu put the teacup on the table, looked at the people in the teahouse curiously for a while, and when she was about to look away, she saw a black figure, and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

When I saw the other person's face, I realized that it was the Mama-like person from last time.

She turned her head and called Jun Moqing, "Grandpa, look at me."

Jun Moqing was drinking tea, when she heard Susu calling herself, she raised her head to look at Susu, "What's wrong?"

Susu pointed to the door and said, "Grandpa, look over there."

Feng Qingyan watched Qingrong Du finish the tea money, and then stepped out of the teahouse.

Qingrong put away the money bag, and walked to keep up.

Hearing this, Jun Moqing raised her head and looked in the direction of Susu's fingers, only to see a woman walking out of the teahouse, and she looked back at Susu without seeing anyone in particular.

"Susu, what did you see?"

Susu withdrew her gaze, followed by her fingers, and turned to look at Jun Moqing, "She's gone."

Jun Moqing asked, "Who left?"

Susu said: "A woman who looks very similar to Ma Ma."

Jun Moqing was stunned for a moment, then picked up Susu and strode out without saying a word.

Xue Huai followed behind, and when the shopkeeper shouted that he hadn't paid yet, he took out a tael of silver and put it on the counter, and the shopkeeper only accepted it.

After Jun Moqing came out with Susu in his arms, he glanced at the street. Although there were not many people, he didn't see any familiar figures or faces at a glance.

He lowered his head and asked Susu, "Susu, what clothes is she wearing?"

Susu answered quickly, "Black."

Hearing this, Jun Moqing raised her head and looked towards the street again, looking for the woman in black clothes.

Seeing a woman in black clothes in the crowd, he held Susu almost without hesitation, and flew over with lightness kung fu.

It was the first time Susu was hugged and flew up, she shouted excitedly: "Grey turns hot."

Jun Moqing came looking for the woman who was similar to Xiao Jiu with expectation, but when he chased after the woman in black clothes and saw his face, he found it was not.

The woman was about to get angry when she was stopped, when she looked up and saw the man's face, her eyes were full of astonishment, the anger was gone, and she was a little shy instead.

"My son, is there something wrong?"

"I found the wrong person." After Jun Moqing finished speaking, she turned her head and left.

The woman stayed where she was with a dazed face, thinking that she would have a chance encounter and an affair, but she found the wrong person?

Susu tilted her head and asked suspiciously: "Grandpa, why do you want that woman? Is it really Ma Ma's sister?"

"How could it be your mother's sister?" Jun Moqing paused, and continued: "Your mother looks a lot like your grandma, and grandpa wonders if that woman who resembles your mother could be your grandma."

Susu nodded half-understanding, "Oh, next time I see her, ask her."

Jun Moqing nodded, "Okay."

Susunai said in a childish voice: "Grandpa, I still need some fruit."

Without further ado, Jun Moqing ordered: "Xue Huai, give one to Susu."

Hearing this, Xue Huai opened the oiled paper bag and handed it to Susu, asking her to choose one by herself.

Susu said that eating one is just one, and she picked up one in her little hand and didn't take it anymore.

Jun Moqing took Susu to search for a while, but when he couldn't find anyone, he took Susu back to the palace.

In the dead of night, Feng Wuyou lay on the couch and slept for an hour in the afternoon, but it was not so easy to fall asleep while lying on the bed.

When she was about to fall asleep, Xiao Jinyan lifted the quilt and got into the bed, looked at the person with closed eyes, stretched out his hands and hugged her into his arms.

Feng Wuyou only felt surrounded by the stove, and could feel the hot body of the other party through the thin cloth.

Xiao Jinyan came back from the study just now, and since he came back, he has continued to review the memorials. There are so many memorials that he can't read them all without working overtime.

"Little Nine."

Feng Wuyou was not fully awake yet, she hugged someone's arms and hummed softly: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Jinyan lowered his head, lifted her chin with his slender fingers, and found that her eyes were still closed, he lowered his head and kissed her lips a few times, until the person in his arms responded, "I want to talk to you."

Feng Wuyou squinted her eyes, and it was difficult for her to open them because she was sleepy, "It's midnight, let's talk tomorrow."

Xiao Jinyan lowered his head a little more, and kissed her lips a few more times, "Xiao Jiu, don't you miss me?"

It's rare that Susu didn't come tonight, and if I don't do something, I'm sorry for such a good night.

Outside the house, the moon hangs on the treetops.

"I think, I think about it every day." But I was thinking in my heart, seeing each other every day, sleeping together every day, how can I think so?
"Xiao Jiu." Xiao Jinyan lowered his head and kissed her, not a few kisses this time, but a long kiss, and his hands were not idle.

After Feng Wuyou was woken up, she looked at the ascetic man in front of her, she didn't know if she was bewitched by his hand, or because of this unparalleled beauty, she gave in.

Feng Wuyou didn't know when she fell asleep, she only knew that before she fell asleep, she saw the man persevering.

The next day, Jun Wuxian took the time to enter the palace to visit Taotao and Susu.

Because he was busy with the wedding, Jun Moqing bought a house in the capital for the wedding, and then bought things.

When Jun Wuxian saw Taotao and Susu, he found that he had grown up a lot compared to last time, and that Susu's face was a little rounder than Taotao's.

Feng Wuyou didn't see Xu Qingqing, and asked suspiciously: "Brother, why didn't you bring Qingqing into the palace with you?"

Jun Wuxian smiled and said: "She has something to do these few days and can't get away from her, so I will bring her into the palace next time."

Feng Wuyou nodded, and called out to Taotao and Susu: "Baby, come here quickly, and call uncle."

Taotao and Susu like the new pet tigon very much, and they both want to climb on its back, but unfortunately their legs are too short to climb up.

Hearing Ma Ma's call, the two little guys ran over with a smile.

"Mama, Mama..."

Feng Wuyou pointed to Jun Wuxian and introduced, "My dears, this is your uncle."

Taotao and Susu looked at Jun Wuxian at the same time, they frowned, and said in unison: "Uncle."

Jun Wuxian squatted down in front of them, looking at the two little guys who looked exactly the same,

"You have grown a lot taller. Last time you were on the street, you were only this tall."

As Jun Wuyou spoke, he drew a few strokes.

It has been three months since Taotao and Susu saw Jun Moqing, because they only met once, so they don't remember.

Jun Wuxian played with Taotaosusu for a while, then raised his head to look at his sister, "Where's father?"

Feng Wuyou said: "I went out early in the morning, I heard that I went to find someone."

Jun Wuxian was a little puzzled, "Does father have any acquaintances here?"

"I don't know, I heard that the person Daddy is looking for looks very similar to me." Feng Wuyou got up late and didn't see Daddy, so she still learned something from Susu.

A trace of doubt appeared in Jun Wuxian's eyes.

Feng Wuyou has nothing to do, and plans to go to Xiyun Pavilion to have a look.

As soon as he walked out of the East Palace, he saw Ye Suhan, and he didn't know where he went for the past two days.

"Third brother."

Ye Suhan walked over, "Where are you going?"

Feng Wuyou said: "Go to Xiyun Pavilion and have a look."

Ye Suhan said: "I happen to be fine, so let's go with you."

Feng Wuyou nodded, "Okay."

Feng Wuyou asked while walking: "Where have you been these two days?"

Ye Suhan was stunned for a while when he heard the words, and replied somewhat perfunctorily: "I went out for a while."

Feng Wuyou saw the familiar door and reminded: "It's here."

Ye Suhan glanced at the door in front of him and asked, "Are you here to visit a friend? It's too dilapidated, is it because you don't like it?"

Feng Wuyou smiled and shook her head, "No, this is where I used to live."

Ye Suhan opened his eyes wide, "You lived in this place before?"

"When I first wore it, I was being punished and grounded, so go in and have a look." Feng Wuyou said and walked in.

Ye Suhan also walked in with doubts.

As soon as he came in, Xiao Guizi greeted him with a smile, "What are your orders, master?"

Feng Wuyou said: "Catch an old hen to make soup, one seems not enough, grab two."

"Slave will catch it now." Xiao Guizi walked happily to the chicken coop.

Feng Wuyou turned her head to look at Ye Suhan, "I'll take you to see my chicken coop."

Ye Suhan was stunned for a long time when he heard the old hen...

"it is good."

The chicken coop is not far away, just a short walk away.

When Ye Suhan saw a flock of chickens and ducks in the chicken coop, he was shocked for a long time.

"You raise chickens and ducks in the palace?"

Feng Wuyou had a sense of accomplishment, "Yes, there is also a vegetable garden."

Ye Suhan: "..."

Afterwards, Feng Wuyou took Ye Suhan to see her small vegetable garden. After leaving for so long, Xiaoguizi and the others took care of it in an orderly manner.

Cabbage, lettuce, carrots... They are all green and oily, and they are well-raised at a glance.

Ye Suhan was stunned.

Feng Wuyou returned to Hehuan Palace with two chickens, Ye Suhan still couldn't believe it.

Susu and Dabaihu were hungry from playing, and it was not time for meal. When she was walking back with her short legs, when she saw a black figure, she subconsciously shouted: "Come down."

Feng Qingyan was just passing by the East Palace, but was stopped by someone. She looked down and found that it was the little girl from last time.

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