Chapter 609 Why not?

It's been a few days since the last time I left, and I didn't expect to meet her here.

Unexpectedly, she was from the palace.

Seeing the man in black standing still on the beam, Susu took a few steps forward, raised her head and said in a coaxing tone: "Come down with the mud, I'll give you some fruit, the fruit is very sweet and soft, gray Very good times."

Feng Qingyan was hesitating, when she heard the little girl's coaxing tone, she immediately wanted to laugh, and thought the little girl was very cute.

She looked around and found no one, so she got down from the beam.

Seeing the man in black flying down, Susu immediately lined up her little hands and exclaimed, "The mud is so strong."

Feng Qingyan looked at the little girl's pink and tender face with two dimples when she smiled, she came over and squatted down in front of Susu, pulled off the veil on her face, and asked: "How do you recognize me?" here?"

Susu pointed to her clothes and said, "Because Ni wears black clothes."

Feng Qingyan lowered her head and glanced at her clothes, it turned out that she was recognized because of the clothes, is this a delusion?

Susu has never seen a woman in black clothes, only saw Feng Qingyan wearing it, so when she saw the black clothes, she would subconsciously think it was her.

Feng Qingyan looked at the cute and soft little girl in front of her. She was wearing pink clothes. Looking at the fabric and style, she knew that she was not an ordinary little girl, and she was most likely very noble.

"You asked me to come down, is there anything wrong?"

Susu stared at the same face as Ma Ma, although it was a little different, but still very similar.

She asked very seriously, "Is Ni the grandma Wo?"

Feng Qingyan was stunned when she heard the words, last time she called her mother, but now she asked if it was her grandmother, this changed so quickly...

But she is still more than enough to be her grandmother at her current age.

"Why do you think so?"

"Because Wo Mama and Ni are very similar." Susu took Feng Qingyan's hand, her pink face was full of expectation, "Is that Ni Grandma Wo?"

Feng Qingyan said: "How could I be your grandmother? You have mistaken someone."

Susu tilted her head, her bright eyes were full of doubts: "Why not? Isn't it good to be a grandmother?"

"..." Feng Qingyan looked at the little girl in front of her. She called her mother when they met for the first time, and grandma when they met for the second time. She didn't know what was going on in her head.

"Grandma doesn't do things casually, understand?"

Susu seemed to have identified Feng Qingyan, and held onto her hand, "It's okay to be a grandmother, okay?"

Feng Qingyan couldn't hold back her laughter: "You girl, why do you like me to be your grandmother? Don't you have a grandmother yourself?"

Susu said: "Wo saw grandma before, and grandpa said, Mama looks a lot like grandma, and you look like Wo Mama, why can't you be grandma?"

Feng Qingyan was a little curious, "Then did you find Ma Ma?"

"Wo Mama is back." Susu turned her head and shouted towards the Moon Cave Gate not far away: "Mama, Wo found grandma."

Feng Qingyan's young girl opened her mouth and shouted, and there were many people in the palace with mixed eyes. This shout, no accident, someone will come over soon.

"I'm leaving first." Feng Qingyan put on a face mask, used lightness kung fu to climb onto the hanging beam again, and then flew away.

Susu watched her grandma fly away, and there was no time to keep her.

When Feng Wuyou and the others heard Susu's cry, they ran over immediately.

"Susu, what's wrong?" Feng Wuyou came to squat down in front of Susu, and looked at her carefully.

Susu looked back at Feng Wuyou, pointed to the wall beside her and said, "Ma Ma, grandma is flying away."

Feng Wuyou was a little confused, "What grandma?"

Susu said: "The person who looks very similar to Mama, grandpa said, would be grandma."

Only then did Feng Wuyou remember that Susu mentioned it before, and she suddenly opened her eyes wide, "Susu, look at that person who looks very similar to mother?"

Susu nodded, "Well, she flew away."

flew away?Feng Wuyou looked in the direction of Susu's finger, could it be someone from the palace?
But she has stayed in the palace for so many years, and she has never heard of a woman similar to her. If there was, it would have spread by now.

"Grandma is wearing a black face scarf, but I recognized her." There was a little pride in her crisp and soft voice.

"Wearing a face scarf?" Feng Wuyou suddenly realized, that woman sneaked into the palace secretly, what was she doing in the palace?
Jun Wuxian smiled and said, "Susu, you haven't confirmed if it's your grandma yet, so why don't you just call me grandma?"

Susu said it confidently, "Grandpa said it was grandma."

Feng Wuyou and Jun Wuxian looked at each other, both a little curious.

"We'll talk about it when Dad comes back."

When Jun Moqing came back from outside the palace, the sun had already set in the west.

Feng Wuyou was lying on the couch eating cakes, when she saw her father came back, she sat up straight and asked with a smile: "Father, where have you been?"

"Go out and look around, see if you can meet that person." Jun Moqing sat down on the couch.

After a while, Chun Xi came in with new tea, put the tea in front of Jun Moqing, and then withdrew.

Feng Wuyou asked: "Is it someone very similar to me?"

Jun Moqing picked up the teacup and was about to drink it when she heard the words and nodded: "Well, you know?"

Feng Wuyou said: "Listen to what Susu said, she said that my mother and I look very similar, even Susu misunderstood, does father think that woman is mother?"

Jun Moqing said: "I do have this suspicion, and only when I meet myself will I know."

Feng Wuyou was so worried that she hoped that that woman was her mother. Although she was a stranger to her mother, her father should have always wanted to find her, otherwise there would be no news, so he went out of the palace to look for her.

In the vast sea of ​​people, it is too difficult to find someone.

"Today Susu saw her again."

Jun Moqing paused while drinking tea, then raised her eyes to look at her daughter, where did she see it? "

Feng Wuyou said: "It's in the East Palace, Susu was playing in the yard, and saw that woman, and that woman was wearing a black face scarf, she should have sneaked into the palace secretly."

Jun Moqing has been searching outside the palace, but has never met before. If that woman is really her, he thought that his fate with her was really shallow. For so many years, he has never met her once.

But Susu has seen it three times, this fate...

"What did she say to Susu?"

Feng Wuyou repeated it succinctly: "Susu asked her if she was grandma, and that person said no."

At this time, Susu ran in with two short legs, saw Jun Moqing, threw herself into his arms, and called out sweetly: "Grandpa, Ni is back?"

"En." Jun Moqing picked up Susu and put it on his lap, then picked up the mung bean cake from the plate and handed it to Susu, "Eat the mung bean cake."

Susu held the mung bean cake and was not in a hurry to eat it. She raised her face and said excitedly: "Grandpa, I saw that grandma is spicy."

Jun Moqing asked: "And then? What did you say to her?"

Susu repeated the content of the chat between herself and grandma. Although it was not comprehensive enough, it was all about the key points.

"Grandpa, why doesn't she want to be a nest grandmother?"

Jun Moqing said: "Whether she is your grandmother or not, you have to let your grandfather see it to be sure, understand?"

"She flies so fast, I wanted to ask her to come see grandpa, but unfortunately she flew away." Susu sighed after she finished speaking, looked down at the mung bean cake in her hand, and took a bite greedily.

Jun Moqing comforted: "It's okay, we can meet again in the future."

With a big mouthful of mung bean cake in Susu's mouth, her cheeks puffed out, she spoke a little vaguely.

"The next time I see her, hug her and not let her go, and wait for grandpa to come."

Feng Wuyou didn't hear what her daughter was saying at all, but only heard a whimper.

But Jun Moqing understood, he nodded: "Okay."

Susu lowered her head happily and continued to eat the pastry.

On the day of Lidong, the temperature dropped sharply, there was drizzle in the sky, and there was a biting chill in the wind.

The emperor suddenly fell ill and was bedridden.

The imperial doctors were helpless.

The queen looked at the dog emperor on the hospital bed, her face was a little pale, she stretched out her hand to his forehead, and she withdrew her hand so hot.

In her eyes, the emperor has always looked high-spirited, when did she see him lying on the bed so weak?

When the emperor woke up, he saw the queen beside the bed, and asked slowly, "Queen, how long have I been asleep?"

Seeing the emperor waking up, the empress was a little excited: "Sleeping for a night and adding a day, the imperial doctor has seen it several times."

The emperor saw the dark circles under the empress's eyes and the bloodshot eyes, so he guessed that she hadn't slept all night.

In the past, I always felt that the queen's love for him gradually decreased over time, especially in recent years, her temper became more and more irritable, and she was always angry and refused to let him enter Fengyi Palace.

This will see, he found that the queen still cares about him.

He reached out to hold the queen's hand, his weak voice seemed to comfort her.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tired."

It is said that illness comes like a mountain, and the emperor is like this, as if he is dying of illness.

Of course the queen didn't believe it, she was so sick and said she was fine?

"But your high fever doesn't go away. If you continue to have a fever, I'm afraid you will become confused."

The emperor smiled and said: "Nonsense, how could I be so burned?"

The queen said coquettishly: "Then you will get better sooner, you are sick, don't you just be confused?"

The emperor said weakly: "I am too tired, I want to sleep for a while, and it will be fine when I wake up."

The queen said: "Then the emperor rests first, and the concubine asks the imperial doctor to come and take a look."

"Yeah." The emperor fell asleep almost instantly after closing his eyes, and it was the first time he fell asleep so quickly after being so many emperors.

The imperial doctor came soon and took the emperor's pulse.

Doctor Wen also came, and also checked the pulse again, frowning.

The queen looked worried, "How is the emperor?"

Doctor Wen lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "Empress, the emperor's evil energy has entered the body, and the energy and blood are blocked, resulting in weakness, but the high fever persists, and I don't know why."

The queen was anxious and angry, "Is there nothing you can do? You quack doctors, you can't even treat illnesses well, what use are you for?"

All the imperial doctors retreated a few steps in fright, knelt on the ground with a few "plops", and dared not speak out.

Doctor Wen hesitated for a while, and said: "Empress, I know that someone should be able to cure the emperor."





ps: Let’s talk about the new book, which has been received for one month in advance. Since the book has not been released yet, it has been hidden, and you can see it when it is published.

The editor of the opening article has already read it, but it needs to be discussed and revised, so it has to be posted later.

Babies can pay attention to Young Master Yunsi, and the system will remind you when you post a post. (about [-] words of nonsense, no charge)

 Good night spicy!

(End of this chapter)

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