Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 612 Jun Moqing is treated as a "tender grass", grandpa won't coax her and hel

Chapter 612 Jun Moqing is treated as a "tender grass", grandpa won't coax her and help coax her

Qingrong asked suspiciously: "Master, didn't this little girl call you mother last time? Why did you change her name again?"

"Because her mother found it." Feng Qingyan looked at Susu, and saw that she was looking at her expectantly, as if she was really her grandmother.

Qingrong felt a little unbelievable, "When mom finds it, she thinks the master is grandma. If grandma is also found, wouldn't she think the master is Grandma Zeng?"

Feng Qingyan: "..." It is not impossible to develop according to the current trend~

Susu tightly held Feng Qingyan's hand with her two small hands, for fear that she would run away.

"Grandpa is here too, I will take you to see him."

As Susu said, she grabbed Feng Qingyan and walked towards Jun Moqing's table.

Feng Qingyan was stunned when she heard the words, "..." And grandpa?
Yes, it's normal to have a grandfather.

But, how embarrassing would it be to drag her to meet the girl's grandfather?

She hurriedly stopped the girl, "I've never met your grandpa, and I'm not your grandma, so there's no need to meet your grandpa, understand?"

Looking at her master lightly, she was helpless by a girl doll.

If it were someone else who was so difficult to deal with, the master would probably kick him straight away.

Susu tilted her head and looked at Feng Qingyan, her eyes were full of doubts, but both hands still held Feng Qingyan tightly, because she promised her grandpa that she would hug her tightly when she saw grandma.

"I'll get to know you when we meet. Grandpa Wo is super powerful, and he's also very handsome. Ni won't suffer."

Feng Qingyan: "..."

"Grandma, let's go find grandpa." Susu pulled Feng Qingyan to continue walking.

Feng Qingyan looked at the girl who was less than three years old, she could speak well, but she was a child who didn't understand anything, no matter how much she said, she couldn't understand.

It's better to meet the grandfather she was talking about, and tell the adults to hear clearly, so as to avoid such misunderstandings.

After Jun Moqing came to her senses, she saw Susu get off the chair and ran all the way, grabbing his hand and not letting go.

Not only did he not let go, but he also dragged him to this side.

Susu is also a good boy who does what he says~

Jun Moqing put down the teacup, stood up and walked over.

Seeing Jun Moqing coming, Susu shouted happily: "Grandpa, grandma is here."

Feng Qingyan followed Susu's line of sight, and when she saw someone approaching, she was stunned just by taking a look.

The man is like a person who has stepped out of a painting, he is handsome and has an extraordinary temperament.

Wearing a blue and white long gown, there is a sense of immortality in the coldness.

He's so young, so he shouldn't be a grandfather.

When Susu pulled the hand of the immortal man and called "Grandpa", she froze.

Holding Susu's hand, Jun Moqing raised her head to look at the woman in front of her. Her slap-sized face was very delicate. Even in her old age, her eyes were still as bright as stars.

Xiao Jiu is indeed very similar to her, especially in the eyebrows and eyes.

Feng Qingyan found that she had been staring at them all the time, and it turned out that good-looking people are seductive.

She asked uncertainly, "Are you her grandfather?"

"Exactly." Jun Moqing paused, and asked tentatively: You don't know me? "

Feng Qingyan asked back: "Do I know you?"

She thought, if he is such a handsome man, if she knows him, she will definitely not forget him, and he is not a passer-by.

She glanced at Susu again, still not believing that this was his granddaughter and not his daughter...

"Are you really her grandfather?"

Jun Moqing glanced at Susu, and said, "It's a fake."

Feng Qingyan still didn't believe it, "I think she looks like your daughter, not your granddaughter."

Jun Moqing said: "I have a daughter who is almost 20 years old."

Feng Qingyan: "..." She thought to herself that her daughter must be an adopted daughter, otherwise how could she have a 20-year-old daughter at such a young age?
Jun Moqing stared at her for a while, they were standing in the middle of the teahouse, there were many customers coming and going, everyone would stare at them when they passed by.

"Let's sit down and talk first, okay?"

Although Feng Qingyan liked this face, she was not the kind of woman who eats tender grass, so she directly rejected it.

"I still have things to do, so I don't have time to chat with you first." She lowered her head and glanced at the lovely Susu, and said again: "She has misunderstood the person, you are her elder, let's watch it."

After Feng Qingyan finished speaking, she let go of Susu's hand, turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing that she was going to leave, Jun Moqing grabbed her wrist almost without thinking, "Don't leave."

Feng Qingyan turned her head to look at Jun Moqing, she didn't expect that she was so tyrannical even though she was spotless and graceful.

She struggled for a while, but she didn't break free. She frowned, clenched her hands into fists and exerted strength secretly, and found that the opponent was very strong.

"Let go."

Qingrong was also amazed by the handsome man in front of her. She saw him grabbing her master before she realized it and stepped forward to stop him.

"Let go of my master."

Jun Moqing ignored Qingrong, and asked without giving up: "You really don't remember me?"

After Feng Qingyan gave Qingrong a calm look, she calmly looked at Jun Moqing, "You are a living person standing in front of me, don't I know if you recognize him or not?"

On Jun Moqing's calm and breezy face, there was a rare seriousness: "But I know you."

Feng Qingyan asked jokingly: "You don't have a crush on me, do you?"

Jun Moqing: "..."

Susu raised her head and asked curiously: "Grandma, what is secret love?"

Feng Qingyan explained with a good temper: "A secret love is to secretly like someone, understand?"

Susu nodded half-understood, "Oh, those who have no secret love in the nest, are all honest and honest lovers."

Jun Moqing said: "Let's sit down and talk first, or go to the carriage."

Feng Qingyan glanced around, everyone looked at her like watching a play, and some people were talking in low voices.

"That young man is so handsome and extraordinary, why can't this girl take a liking to him?"

"Why do I see that I didn't like it, but abandoned my husband and son? Seeing that girl, who looks so juicy, how can I be so cruel?"

"Maybe the young man broke the girl's heart, and the girl abandoned her wife and son."

No matter how quiet the discussion was, Feng Qingyan and Jun Moqing could hear it clearly.

"Sit down and talk first." She didn't want to be treated like a monkey by everyone.

Jun Moqing nodded, "Okay."

The two led Susu to the table and sat down.

Jun Moqing lifted the teapot and took out a clean teacup, poured a cup of hot tea and placed it in front of her.

Feng Qingyan looked down at the teacup in front of her, and also saw that hand, which was clean and spotless, with slender knuckles, very beautiful.

Sure enough, such a handsome man has such beautiful hands.

Susu took out a piece of pear flower-shaped tea fruit from her pocket and handed it to Feng Qingyan, "Grandma, this tea fruit."

Feng Qingyan saw an extra piece of pastry in front of her, turned her head to look over, and saw Susu's smiling eyebrows.

"Grandma, the tea fruit is very good. Grandpa asked me to give it to Nici."

Susu smiled and looked at Feng Qingyan, there was no other way, grandpa couldn't coax grandma, so she had to go into battle.

Feng Qingyan raised her head and looked at Jun Moqing, who was also looking at her. The former didn't believe it, but the latter was calmly happy.

When Feng Qingyan faced Susu, she didn't have a trace of vigilance or vigilance.

"Thank you."

Susu said: "No need for crabs, as long as grandma doesn't get angry with grandpa."

Feng Qingyan: "..." Susu must have misunderstood, this is probably the innocence of a child.

Jun Moqing stared at the woman in front of him for a long time. He seemed calm and calm, but he was actually very excited at the moment, but his calm and indifferent face showed no expression.

Although there is no proof that she is Feng'er, it feels like she is.

Personality has not changed, maybe amnesia?
Is amnesia so popular these days?
Feng Qingyan took a bite of the tea fruit, and found that it was indeed delicious, she took another bite, and found that Jun Moqing hadn't spoken for a long time, she raised her head to look at Jun Moqing, and found that he had been staring at her.

Could it be that he really had a crush on her?
"Hurry up if you have something to say, and I have to go to work after I finish."

Jun Moqing said: "You have lost your memory."

Feng Qingyan is not a little girl who doesn't understand anything. The man in front of her looks calm and indifferent, but in fact, there is something bad in her heart and she wants to touch porcelain!

"Do you want to say that before you lost your memory, I took advantage of you and stole your heart, and you have been looking for me for several years?"

Jun Moqing corrected: "It's not a few years, almost 20 years."

Feng Qingyan paused when she heard the words, and stared at Jun Moqing in front of her without blinking, as if she was about to stare out a hole.

Even if she stared at a hole, she would not believe it.

"My brother, although you are very good-looking, I am afraid that no one in this world can match it. No matter how lecherous I am, I will not attack a young lady. I am not a pedophile."

But Jun Moqing said: "If you want to praise that I am younger than you, you can directly praise me."

Feng Qingyan: "..." I really want to give him a big roll of my eyes.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at Jun Moqing, "So what about being young? You don't have an Oedipus complex."

Susu is like a curious baby, but also like a studious baby. When you meet something you don’t understand, feel free to ask.

"Grandma, what is an Oedipus complex?"

Feng Qingyan felt that she should pay more attention to what she said, what if she taught the children badly?
"It's because of the lack of maternal love, so I like women who are much older than me. That's probably what it means."

"Oh." Susu lowered her head thoughtfully, took out a piece of candy from her pocket and handed it to Jun Moqing, "Grandpa, this is Ma Ma's nest, now give it to Grandpa once, Grandpa will not be short. "

Jun Moqing: "..."

Feng Qingyan: "..."

"Thank you, Susu." Jun Moqing picked up the piece of candy from her hand, and then looked at Feng Qingyan in front of her, "I don't have an Oedipus complex, and I'm older than you."

Feng Qingyan was almost speechless. She thought that a child would not understand at a young age, but a man of this age did not understand either. He opened his eyes and talked nonsense, treating her as a fool~
"Qing Rong, look how big he is."

He replied lightly, "It's not yet thirty."

"Have you heard, not only I think you are young, but my maid also thinks you are young." Feng Qingyan took a bite of the tea fruit in her hand and said casually: "I am not very old this year, only 38 years old."

Jun Moqing said, "Well, I'm forty-two."

Feng Qingyan chewed for a while, then looked at Jun Moqing in front of her again, she didn't look like a 42-year-old at all, there were no fine lines at the corners of her eyes, her skin was fair and even pores were invisible.

Even her skin is not so good at close range.

"Who are you lying to?"

Jun Moqing said calmly: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, after all, I look younger than you."

Feng Qingyan: "..." Although it is true, it's not good to be so narcissistic.

"Even if you are 42 years old, I still don't know you, so you must have identified the wrong person. I have to leave beforehand, and I will never see you again."

When Feng Qingyan stood up to leave, she found that her wrist was being grabbed again. When she raised her head, she saw a man standing in front of her, staring at her with cold and indifferent eyes.

Just now, he was obviously sitting opposite, but when he got up, he appeared in front of him. This speed is not something that ordinary people can have.

Jun Moqing's voice was cold: "Where are you going?"

Feng Qingyan said angrily: "Where I go has nothing to do with you? Whether a man or a woman can kiss each other, understand? Let me go."

Not only did Jun Moqing not let go, but he held it even tighter. After nearly 20 years of separation, and finally met, how could he let go so easily?
"You are my wife, why not?"

Feng Qingyan: "..."

"I'm not a three-year-old child, why didn't I know I had a husband?"

Feng Qingyan noticed something was wrong, looked down, and saw Susu hugging her thigh, with that innocent face staring at her.

"Grandma, don't go away, okay? I'll give you some sugar."

Feng Qingyan: "..." Is it a good idea to discuss the big and small ones?
Children can't say it, but adults can't say it?
"I said no, why don't you believe it? Are you short of women?"

"No shortage." Jun Moqing paused, and then said, "Lack of a daughter-in-law."

Feng Qingyan: "..."

Jun Moqing said again: "I'll take you to see Xiao Jiu."

Feng Qingyan was almost speechless, it's fine to be entangled by a gangster, but the other party doesn't have any hooligan aura, if she yells indecent, probably the one being chased and beaten will be her!

"Who is Xiaojiu?"

Jun Moqing said: "Our daughter."

Feng Qingyan was speechless, even her daughter came out... that's right, she has a granddaughter, and it's normal to have a daughter.

It was very abnormal in front of her.

A 30-year-old man who doesn't even have a man insists that he is 42 years old.

She has been single obviously, insisting that she is her daughter-in-law.

"It seems that you are determined not to let me go?"

Jun Moqing asked: "If I let you go, where can I find you?"

Feng Qingyan also lost her temper, "Then I have to go."

"Really?" The tone was still calm and breezy, but with confidence.

Feng Qingyan glanced down at the hand that was holding her wrist, it looked good, but it needed to be beaten.

"Let go of me first."

"Okay." Jun Moqing let go of her as promised, then hugged Susu, and ordered: "Xue Huai, hold Susu."

Xue Huai took a few steps forward and took Susu from his master's arms.

Susu stared at Feng Qingyan and Jun Moqing suspiciously, not knowing what they were going to do, it seemed like they were fighting.

Taking advantage of Jun Moqing bending over to hug Susu, Feng Qingyan turned around and ran outside.

Jun Moqing knew at a glance that martial arts were very powerful. When she didn't know the details of the other party, it was better to leave the place of right and wrong first. Her lightness kung fu is not bad.

Seeing that she ran away, Jun Moqing wasn't angry, so she cheered up and chased after her.

 Good night, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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