Chapter 613 Almost the same length

Seeing that her grandpa and grandma had left, Susu couldn't help feeling anxious, "Where did grandpa and grandma go?"

"I'll take you to look for it." Xue Huai carried Susu to the counter to pay, took out a tael of silver and put it on the table, "There's no need to look for it."

After finishing speaking, he hugged Susu and chased him out in big strides.

Feng Qingyan ran for a long time, until she hid in an alley, looked back, but did not see Jun Moqing's figure, she raised the corners of her lips: "Want to chase me? Next life."

She withdrew her gaze and planned to go back, but just as she turned around, she saw Jun Moqing's handsome face looking at her indifferently.

Feng Qingyan froze for a moment, her eyes showed disbelief.

"When did you catch up?"

Jun Moqing spit out two words, "Just now."

Feng Qingyan felt that her lightness kung fu was already very powerful, but she didn't expect that the man in front of her was not weak in lightness kung fu, no wonder he let it go as soon as he said it, it turned out that he was very confident in his lightness kung fu.

She looked behind Jun Moqing, and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

After Jun Moqing heard the words, she turned her head and looked behind her, and found that the alley was empty. When she looked away, Feng Qingyan had already run away.

"No matter how far I run, I can catch up. Why waste time and energy?"

Jun Moqing's cold voice was full of helplessness, and she still cheered up to catch up.

Feng Qingyan ran out of the city in one breath, and didn't stop until she reached Shiliting. She took a few breaths, looked back a few times, but didn't see Jun Moqing, so she probably couldn't catch up, right?

She looked away and planned to go to the pavilion to rest, "I have never run so hard, I am hungry."

Just when Feng Qingyan walked in to take a rest, she saw Jun Moqing walking in calmly and slowly, and she froze.

Jun Moqing slowly came to stand in front of Feng Qingyan, and asked softly, "Are you tired?"

It took Feng Qingyan a long time to ask, "You are not human, are you?"

"..." Jun Moqing: "What nonsense are you talking about? No one can have a daughter with you?"

Feng Qingyan: "..." What kind of tiger-wolf words are these?
She looked at the man in front of her, and stretched out her hand to poke his heart. As a martial artist, she could naturally feel his heartbeat, which was strong and powerful.

It's just that after chasing her for so long, her heartbeat is so steady?

Is that human being?
Jun Moqing asked again: "Are you still running?"

Feng Qingyan's mouth twitched, she could be easily caught up by him even if she ran desperately, her face was not red and she was not out of breath, she would be a fool if she ran~

"In the end what you want?"

Jun Moqing paused, "Husband and wife should be together."

Feng Qingyan was angry and wanted to laugh, "It seems that I can't stop my peach blossoms today. I picked up a husband for nothing, oh, and a daughter, granddaughter, pick one and get three? Am I making money?"

Jun Moqing added: "There are also grandchildren, son-in-law, son, and daughter-in-law, who will be able to hold grandchildren next year."

Feng Qingyan's face darkened, this is not a peach blossom, it is clearly a trouble.

"What evidence do you have to prove that I am your daughter-in-law?" She didn't believe it, but he could produce evidence.

She doesn't believe it even if there is evidence. These days, there are many tricks to deceive people in the Jianghu. She is not a fluffy girl who just came out to play in the Jianghu. She is so easy to deceive?

Jun Moqing glanced back and forth on Feng Qingyan's body with cold eyes, and said, "I know the moles on your body."

While Jun Moqing was looking at her, Feng Qingyan felt uncomfortable, that feeling was like the illusion of being naked by him without any clothes on.

Just as she was comforting herself that it was an illusion, she was stunned when she heard this sentence.


"Butterfly Valley, under the chest..."

Jun Moqing was interrupted by Feng Qingyan before she finished speaking, "Stop, do you know how to count? Otherwise, how would you know?"

Jun Moqing asked back: "I don't know, how could there be a daughter?"

Feng Qing's face was black.

Jun Moqing said again: "It doesn't matter if you don't remember, I will help you recover, don't you want to see Xiao Jiu?"

Feng Qingyan knew who Xiao Jiu was, this man's daughter, she expressed doubts, is there really such a big daughter?

Jun Moqing continued: "When Xiaojiu was two months old, you suddenly disappeared. She never knew what her mother looked like."

Feng Qingyan looked at Jun Moqing, her voice was calm, as if she was telling an old story.

If it's true, it's really pitiful to have no mother by my side since childhood.

"What's the use of telling me? If I have a daughter, I won't leave alone. So, you should hurry to find your wife."

Jun Moqing said: "I think so too, I guess you were forced to leave."

Feng Qingyan came to the chair and sat down. She was really tired after running so far in one go.

Looking at the calm Jun Moqing, he couldn't run away.

It's just that he doesn't believe in the truth, and this is the most troublesome thing.

"I'm really not your wife."

Jun Moqing didn't seem to hear what she said, but said: "My daughter looks very similar to you."

Feng Qingyan heard the words and thought that Susu mistook her for her mother at the beginning, so she and Susu's mother naturally looked similar.

But she was also curious about how similar it was?

Just when Feng Qingyan was curious, Jun Moqing suddenly held her hand, and when she raised her head, she saw the handsome face close at hand. Even though she had seen countless beautiful men, she still couldn't help her heartbeat speeding up, and secretly said, Such a handsome man.

Jun Moqing said, "Come back with me."

Only then did Feng Qingyan come to her senses, and she directly refused, "No, this is kidnapping."

Jun Moqing: "It doesn't count."

"Then don't blame me for doing it."

As Feng Qingyan said, she drew a soft sword from her waist and stabbed at Jun Moqing, forcing him to let go of her hand.

Jun Moqing had no choice but to let go of her hand, and turned sideways to avoid the sharp sword she stabbed at.

Feng Qingyan clenched the soft sword in her hand and stabbed at Jun Moqing without hesitation, every move carried internal strength.

Every time he was about to be stabbed, Jun Moqing could easily dodge, his steps were elegant, and his speed was as fast as the wind.

After several rounds, Feng Qingyan's sword failed to touch Jun Moqing.

But Jun Moqing still stood there calmly, more leisurely than drinking tea.

From the first time she saw this man, she could tell that his martial arts were strong, but she never expected that he was even more powerful than she imagined.

Lightness kung fu is good, martial arts is good, so doesn't that mean she has no chance of escaping?
However, an old cow eats young grass, she really can't do it!
Feng Qingyan was almost bored to death.

Jun Moqing walked over directly.

Seeing this, Feng Qingyan raised the soft sword in her hand to stab him again, but was easily dodged by Jun Moqing, holding her hand holding the sword, and said softly: "It's getting late, hurry back to the palace now Here, just in time for dinner."

Feng Qingyan was very hungry as soon as she heard the dinner, who knew that she met such a difficult man halfway?
"Then you go back quickly, and I will go back too."

Jun Moqing said: "You also go back with me, Xiao Jiu will be very happy to see you."

Feng Qingyan has been walking in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and it was the first time she fell into the hands of a man, and she was still a little brother~

Xue Huai originally wanted to chase his master with Susu in his arms, but the master ran too fast and he couldn't catch up, so he had to wait by the carriage.

Susu was lying on the small window of the carriage, her dark head was staring outside.

"Why hasn't grandpa come back yet?"

Susu turned her head to look at Xue Huai, and asked again: "Could it be because grandpa can't coax grandma?"

Xue Huai comforted him, "Should be back soon."

"It must be that grandpa can't coax grandma, so grandma is angry and doesn't want to come back with grandpa." Susu sighed sadly after speaking, she should follow up and help grandpa coax grandma, so that they can go back together palace.

Susu lay on the window and looked at it for a while, and ate a piece of tea fruit during the period, because she was hungry.

Just when she was about to take the second piece, the carriage door was pushed open, and she turned her head to look over, and saw grandpa and grandma.

Her brows and eyes were curved with joy, "Grandpa and grandma, are you reconciled?"

Jun Moqing nodded, "Well, let's go back to the palace for dinner now."

Feng Qingyan: "..." She was kidnapped, okay?
Jun Moqing held Feng Qingyan's hand, and the two sat down side by side.

Susu happily ran over, stood between the two of them, took their hands and said, "Ma Ma's papa is called grandpa, and Ma Ma's Mama is called grandma."

Jun Moqing said: "That's right."

Feng Qingyan glanced at the "cheap" husband, that handsome man showed no expression, and his voice was cold and gentle.

She is probably ten years older than him. What does such a young brother like her?

Oh, yes, it may be the wrong person.

Must find a chance to sneak away.

Susu stared at Feng Qingyan for a while, and asked curiously: "Grandma, why doesn't Ni talk?"

Jun Moqing explained: "Your grandma is tired."

Feng Qingyan: "..." Why do these words sound misleading?

Susu asked curiously: "Is it because there is no afternoon nap?"

Jun Moqing nodded: "Yes."

Feng Qingyan: "..." Lying, teaching bad children.

Susu held Feng Qingyan's hand tightly, and comforted: "When I get back to the palace, I won't be tired after dinner."

Because Susu is also the same, she will not be tired after she is tired and full.

Of course Feng Qingyan wouldn't throw face at children, but she was unhappy, so she could only force a smile.

The carriage moves at a constant speed

Feng Qingyan raised her head to look at Jun Moqing, seeing that he was hugging Susu, she couldn't help asking: "Are you really her grandfather?"

Jun Moqing said: "Why should I lie to you?"

Feng Qingyan doesn't care if it's true or not, what she cares about is getting out of here.

"I can go back to have dinner with you, but after dinner, you have to let me go."

Jun Moqing thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

"Okay, but you have to let me know where you live."

In order to be able to leave, Feng Qingyan nodded and agreed, "Okay."

Anyway, she doesn't live here often, and she can leave here as soon as the work is done, so that Jun Moqing can't find her.


After Feng Wuyou woke up from a nap, she began to Zhang Luo Chunxi's dowry. She didn't know much about the ancient dowry, so she asked Xiao Jinyan to find out.

Xiao Jinyan was also considerate, and asked someone to check and then made a list.

Chunxi is the personal maid next to Xiaojiu and the maid in charge of Hehuan Palace, so the dowry should naturally be generous.

After he finished writing the list, he put down his pen, picked up the list and showed it to Xiao Jiu.

"These, that's all."

Feng Wuyou glanced at the list, counted the items, and turned to look at Xiao Jinyan, "Will there be some less?"

Xiao Jinyan thought for a while and said, "You can add some jewelry or something."

Feng Wuyou said: "I'll go to the warehouse to pick some later, it can't be too shabby."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the list, the dowry for a maid of honor is already considered generous.

When it was time for dinner, Feng Wuyou picked out the jewelry and came out, only to find that Dad and Susu hadn't come back yet, "Why did you come back so late today?"

Tao Tao ran all the way over, grabbed Feng Wuyou's hand and asked, "Ma Ma, where did grandpa and sister go?"

Feng Wuyou said: "I went to the street, I should be back soon."

Taotao suddenly felt very sorry, "Next time, Wo will go out with grandpa to play."

Feng Wuyou encouraged: "Of course you can. You don't need to stay in the study all the time. It's the age to play, so of course you have to have fun."

She is probably the one who encourages her son to play and study less?
Taotao nodded, but she thought of learning martial arts. Grandpa said that learning martial arts requires hardship.

"Wo still needs to learn martial arts, and Wo wants to be as good as grandpa."

Feng Wuyou squeezed her son's small face, and said with a smile: "Taotao is so smart, she must be as good as grandpa, as smart and wise as your father, after all, her genes are so powerful, so don't be afraid."

Taotao clenched her fists, "Wo will work hard."

Feng Wuyou said with love in her eyes: "It's good that Taotao is happy."

From the birth of Taotao and Susu to the present, Feng Wuyou has never said a single harsh word to them, not even lost her temper.

No matter whether the two little guys are crying or arguing, or causing trouble because of their ignorance, she always has a smile on her face and loves her very much.

The two little fellows are not afraid of Feng Wuyou, but have some fear of Xiao Jinyan.

Therefore, Taotao and Susu are more courageous than anyone else, and they will not lie when they make mistakes, but have the courage to admit their mistakes.

Feng Wuyou led Taotao out of Hehuan Hall, and saw a carriage driving towards this side from a distance, Xue Huai was sitting in front of the carriage, driving the carriage.

Taotao raised her head and asked, "Is grandpa back?"

Feng Wuyou nodded, "Well, your grandfather is back."

Tao Tao let go of Feng Wuyou's hand when she heard this, and ran towards the carriage.

Xue Huai saw it and immediately stopped the carriage.

Inside the carriage

Susu looked at the familiar flowers, plants and trees, put down the curtains, and happily walked in front of Jun Moqing, "Grandpa, you're home."

Jun Moqing hugged Susu into her arms, "Well, let's get out of the car."

With that said, he held Susu and opened the car door and went out.

Feng Qingyan also walked out afterward, it was not the first time she came to the imperial palace, she passed by the Eastern Palace last time, she did not expect to come today.

She waited for Jun Moqing to get off the carriage, and then got out of the carriage neatly.

Taotao saw it, and quickly ran over with his two short legs, "Grandpa."

Feng Qingyan heard the words and looked around, and saw a boy who looked exactly like Susu, running over quickly.

It turns out that the grandson in his mouth is twins with Susu?rare.

Tao Tao threw herself into Jun Moqing's arms, and found a woman standing beside her grandfather, and this woman looked very similar to Ma Ma.

I heard Susu mentioned before that the woman who looks very similar to Ma Ma is their grandmother.

He let go of Jun Moqing and came to Feng Qingyan, raised his small head, and stared at Feng Qingyan unblinkingly with Xiao Jinyan's phoenix eyes.

"Are you grandma?"

 Good night spicy!

  Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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