Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 614 Asking about parents' gossip, I'm not calm anymore

Chapter 614 Asking about parents' gossip, not calm anymore
It's not the first time that Feng Qingyan heard the name grandma, and she didn't feel disgusted or uncomfortable. What's more, the male doll in front of her was exactly the same as Susu, smart, cute, and very likable.

But she couldn't answer him, it was tantamount to admitting that she was their grandmother.

Susu struggled to get off her grandfather, ran all the way, stood beside Taotao, pointed at Feng Qingyan and said, "Guokuo, she is grandma."

Feng Qingyan was a bit embarrassed, not only was she treated as a grandmother by the two little guys, she was also treated as a daughter-in-law by someone, and she was forced to follow him home~
I have never encountered such a speechless thing in my life.

Jun Moqing came over and cast down her eyes at the two little guys who had been staring at Feng Qingyan. Now that there is another grandma pampering them, she should be very happy.

He looked up at Feng Qingyan, reached out to hold her hand, "I'll take you to see Xiao Jiu."

Feng Qingyan instinctively wanted to struggle, "Let go of me first."

However, the strength of this man in front of him is frightening, he is hardly human~

Seeing her frowning tightly, Jun Moqing hesitated for a while, then let go of her.

Feng Wuyou walked over slowly, and when she saw the woman beside her father, she was startled for a long time.

Although she has no makeup every day, she still looks in the mirror every day, and her appearance is still very clear, and she is at least [-]% similar to this woman in front of her, not to mention ninety percent similar.

Could this be the woman who mistook her mother for Susu?
Possibly her mother too?
Seeing Feng Wuyou, Susu happily ran to her with two short legs.

"Ma Ma, grandma is here." After Susu finished speaking, she took her hand and walked over.

Feng Wuyou was almost passively led by her daughter, while her gaze was fixed on that woman, that familiar yet unfamiliar face.

Feng Qingyan also looked over when she heard Susu's voice, she wanted to know how similar Susu's mother looked to her.

When she saw the face similar to her own, she was also shocked for a while.

The same small face, the most similar eyebrows.

If she was younger, it would be no problem to say that she was a twin sister.

No wonder Susu regarded her as her mother at the beginning, children don't know whether they are old or young, they only know that her face looks like her mother.

Could she really have such a big daughter?

They look so similar, it is not too much to say they are mother and daughter.

However, she was never married and never had a baby. How could she have such a big daughter?
Jun Moqing looked at her daughter, with a look of doting in her eyes: "She is Xiao Jiu."

Feng Qingyan's tone was full of surprise: "It's quite similar."

When Feng Wuyou walked over, she called out first: "Father."

Then he looked at Feng Qingyan, and looked at the woman in front of him at a close distance. In fact, he looked very young, but he didn't look young like his father.

She wondered if her father had already cultivated into a fairy, and his appearance hadn't changed for ten years~

Jun Moqing said again: "Xiao Jiu, she is your mother."

Feng Qingyan felt that it was necessary to refute, otherwise the misunderstanding would deepen.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, I don't even know him."

Feng Wuyou was stunned for a while, then looked at her father suspiciously, "Father, what's going on?"

Jun Moqing explained: "She lost her memory."

Feng Wuyou suddenly realized, "So that's the case, no wonder mother doesn't remember."

Feng Qingyan glanced at Jun Moqing, with such an understatement, as if she was used to things like amnesia.

"Whether I have amnesia or not, I am still clear."

Jun Moqing didn't refute, but said, "Go ahead and have dinner."

Feng Qingyan: "..."

Feng Wuyou believed in her father. If her father said she was her mother, she must be.

"Dinner is ready, eat dinner first, and talk after dinner."

Feng Wuyou's voice trembled imperceptibly with excitement. For so many years, her mother has been absent from her upbringing. Over time, she also got used to not having a mother.

When she was young and envious of others having a mother, she would think that she had a father, who treated her so well and could make up for the missing mother's love.

Now my mother has appeared, and she looks very much like my mother. They say that blood is thicker than water. Even if I have never seen her before, without her company, I will still be so excited that I want to cry when I meet again.

When she turned around with Susu and Taotao, she remembered that she hadn't hugged her mother just now, and told her that she actually missed her very much.

Jun Moqing wanted to hold Feng Qingyan's hand again, but Feng Qingyan dodged it and glared at Jun Moqing, "Don't make any moves."

Jun Moqing's hand froze in mid-air, and had no choice but to withdraw it.

When Xiao Jinyan came to have dinner, he learned that Xiao Jiu's mother had been found, but he lost his memory and didn't remember them.

When he came to the restaurant and saw Feng Qingyan's face, he was so surprised, it looked too similar.

Feng Wuyou called out: "Your Highness."

Only then did Xiao Jinyan come to his senses, and then sat down beside Xiao Jiu.

Susu held chopsticks in her hand, excited L looked at Xiao Jinyan, "Father, grandma has been found, isn't she similar to Mama?"

"It's very similar." Xiao Jinyan glanced at Feng Qingyan and Feng Wuyou, as expected of mother and daughter, they look so alike.

Jun Moqing picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of food she ate and put it into the bowl in front of Feng Qingyan, "You are hungry too, eat first, let's talk in detail after dinner."

Feng Qingyan is really hungry now, the food is very delicious, she also thinks it is most appropriate to talk about something after eating first.

She looked at the flesh in her eyes, then at Jun Moqing, and couldn't help but curse in her heart. She has a face that looks like a fairy, and her temperament is quite domineering.

Seeing Feng Qingyan staring at him, Jun Moqing asked suspiciously: "What's wrong? The food doesn't suit your appetite?"

"No." Feng Qingyan withdrew her gaze, picked up the chopsticks and lowered her head to start eating. She took a bite of the meat and found that the meat was delicious, something she had never eaten before, so she couldn't help but pick up a few more pieces.

Feng Qingyan is not a coy person, when she sees a dish she likes, she won't be restrained, she will eat it whenever she wants.

Jun Moqing looked at her eating, it was still the same as before, but why didn't she remember?

Susu pointed to the chicken legs on the plate and said, "Ma Ma, the chicken legs are the next best thing in the nest."

"Mom will pick it up for you now." Feng Wuyou stretched the chopsticks into the plate, picked up a chicken leg and put it into the crispy bowl.

Susu happily picked up the chicken leg with her bare hands, put it in her mouth and took a bite, it was very delicious.

Feng Wuyou looked at her son, "Taotao, do you want chicken legs?"

Taotao nodded, "Yes."

Feng Wuyou smiled and picked up a piece of chicken leg for her son.

There was one more person at the dining table, but it didn't affect the dining atmosphere in the slightest.

After dinner, Xiao Jinyan took Taotao and Susu to see the emperor. Seeing that the emperor was sick for two days, the two little guys didn't know about it. With the grandfather Jun Moqing, the two little guys didn't run away like before diligent.

In the side hall, only Jun Moqing, Feng Qingyan and Feng Wuyou were left.

Feng Wuyou didn't know about her parents' loving past, she was drinking tea and waiting for her father to tell a story.

After waiting for a while, the old man just drank tea and didn't say a word.

Feng Qingyan was also drinking tea, with a satisfied look of being full, but she also had no intention of speaking.

Feng Wuyou took two sips of tea, looked around the two of them back and forth, her eyes were full of gossip, she was very curious about such a cold person as Dad, who was chasing who in the first place?Who took the initiative?
Seeing that neither of them spoke, she simply opened her mouth to break the silence.

"Father, how did you and mother meet?"

Hearing this, Jun Moqing raised her head to look at Feng Qingyan, and began to recall the scene of the first meeting in her mind.

At the beginning, he wanted to cultivate, and then found a way to return to modern times, so he didn't care about the affairs of men and women.

There are many women who express their love, and some are difficult, even drugged.

The only thing is that she didn't pester him like she did, and she didn't just seduce him at every turn like other women.

It was the first time someone molested a man who lived in his twenties, and the person who molested him was Xiao Jiu's mother.

The first time we met was in the hot spring. Now that he thinks about it, he even suspects that she fell in on purpose.

Feng Wuyou waited for a long time, seeing that her father was still silent, "Father?"

Jun Moqing raised her head to look at her daughter, then realized in a second, and replied, "I met you in the hot spring."

Feng Wuyou gave a meaningful "Oh", "The amount of information is a bit large."

Jun Moqing coughed lightly: "Don't think about it."

Feng Wuyou smiled and said: "Father, I didn't think about it. It should be that my mother accidentally fell into the hot spring and was rescued by my father, right? A hero saves the beauty and promises with her body, right?"

Feng Qingyan raised her head and looked at Jun Moqing and Feng Wuyou. When drinking tea just now, she kept thinking about how to leave without being rejected by Jun Moqing.

Now, she was a little curious that this man was really 42 years old?
Hearing that we met in the hot spring pool, I wondered if I wanted to see a beautiful man out of the bath, right?

Jun Moqing said softly, "How can it be so clichéd."

Feng Wuyou immediately nodded in cooperation: "That's right, how could someone like Dad meet his mother so calmly? It must be unforgettable for the rest of his life."

Feng Qingyan suddenly asked: "Why do you look so young? Did you take the elixir? The elixir?"

No wonder Feng Qingyan would ask this question. More than 100 years ago, Huang Qinhuang was in pursuit of the elixir of life, but Guangnan capable people refined the elixir. Rumors seem to have been developed...

Feng Wuyou also looked at her father curiously, she had always wondered why her father was so young?

"..." Jun Moqing: "I haven't taken the elixir of life."

Feng Qingyan said: "But you don't look like a 42-year-old."

Feng Wuyou said: "Father hasn't changed in ten years."

"It hasn't changed in ten years?" Feng Qingyan touched her face, she has changed a lot in the past ten years...

Jun Moqing replied concisely, "I'm just practicing martial arts."

Feng Qingyan obviously didn't believe it, "I practiced martial arts since I was a child, but I can't keep my face young."

Jun Moqing said: "What I practice is completely different from what you practice, you are just strengthening your body."

Feng Wuyou suddenly grabbed Dad's hand excitedly, "Father, can't you restore your memory? Quickly help mother restore her memory, so that mother will remember us."

Jun Moqing said: "It takes two days to prepare."

"Oh." Feng Wuyou was a little disappointed, but soon became happy again, "Then mother will think of us in two days."

Feng Qingyan: "..." Letter?Still don't believe it?
Believe it or not, wait two days.

She stood up suddenly, "I should go back."

Feng Wuyou thought that after finding her mother, she would live with them. Although they were not familiar with each other enough, they would definitely become very acquainted after getting along.

"Mother won't stay?"

Jun Moqing said: "Wait until your mother recovers."

Feng Wuyou had no choice but to nod, "Okay."

Jun Moqing looked at Feng Qingyan again, "I'll take you back."

Feng Qingyan directly refused, "No need, you have seen my qinggong before, it's not difficult to get out of the palace."

When she said this, Feng Qingyan was not guilty at all.

Jun Moqing said: "Let's go."

Feng Qingyan: "..." She just talked about her feelings in vain~
After leaving the East Palace, Feng Qingyan thought that Jun Moqing was good at lightness kung fu, and she could see it now, but she heard him order Xue Huai: "Prepare the carriage."

Xue Huai was very efficient and drove the carriage over in a short while.

Jun Moqing looked at Feng Qingyan, "Get in the car."

Feng Qingyan rubbed her stomach, it happened that she was too lazy to move after eating, so riding in a carriage couldn't be more suitable.

She got into the carriage in front of Jun Moqing.

Jun Moqing went up afterwards.

Oil lamps were lit at the four corners of the carriage, but the light was still dim, and only the silhouettes of each other could be seen.

Jun Moqing asked: "Seeing Xiao Jiu, what do you think?"

Feng Qingyan thought for a while and said: "She looks quite similar to me, she must have been very cute and sensible when she was young."

Jun Moqing: "You are praising yourself, but Xiao Jiu was really cute and sensible when she was a child. If you see her, you will definitely not give up on her."

"But I'm really not your daughter-in-law. Although I don't mind having a beautiful husband, I'm afraid that it will end badly if I really come back." Feng Qingyan's tone was full of helplessness.

Jun Moqing's tone was very certain: "I won't admit the wrong person."

Feng Qingyan shrugged helplessly, "Forget it, there is nothing you can do if you don't believe it."

Jun Moqing said again: "If I can admit my daughter-in-law's mistake, I will live so many years in vain."

Feng Qingyan snorted and said, "That's right, calling other people's daughter-in-law on the street is indeed living in vain for so many years."

Jun Moqing: "..."

Feng Qingyan is a little proud, she can't compare to lightness kung fu, nor can she match martial arts, so she doesn't believe that she can't take advantage of her mouth?

Just when Feng Qingyan was proud, her body lightened suddenly, and when she realized it, her whole body was embraced by Jun Moqing, and when she looked up, she saw that handsome face, which was enough to make thousands of young girls' hearts flutter , she is not an exception~

Although the light was a little darker, it still couldn't stop the man's stunning beauty.

Jun Moqing put her arms around her slender waist with one hand, and grabbed her wrist with the other, and said in a sentence: "I have been looking for you for 19 years, and many women pretend to be you and try to get close to me, but I can recognize you at a glance. Isn't that enough that she's fake?"

The distance between each other is too close, every word Jun Moqing utters is in Feng Qingyan's ears, that cool and magnetic voice, followed by a warm breath, like a small hook She's itchy.

"But I don't have amnesia." Although Feng Qingyan has never been married, she has seen countless beautiful men, and the one who can make her take a closer look is probably the one in front of her.

Whether it's temperament, appearance, or this spotless and cool breath, an unmoved woman is probably blind.

"Actually, I still have a way to prove that you are my daughter-in-law." Jun Moqing said calmly.

 Good night spicy!

(End of this chapter)

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