Chapter 615 Alluring beauty, inseparable

Feng Qingyan looked at the face close at hand, no matter what time, his face was calm, calm and calm.

Logically speaking, I have been separated from my daughter-in-law for more than 19 years. When I suddenly saw my daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law he thought of, did not show an excited expression. Others would have hugged her for a long time and would not let go. I miss you one by one. Where are you going?

Although it is indeed being hugged now, it is just being hugged, and there is still no feeling of surprise after a long absence.

"what way?"

Jun Moqing said: "Stretch out your hand."

Feng Qingyan hesitated for a while, but still stretched out her hand in front of him, only to find that the lights in the carriage were dim when she reached out to him.

"The lights are so dim, I can't see anything..."

Before he finished speaking, Jun Moqing's hand was stretched into his bosom, and when he took it out again, there was an extra shiny stone, brighter than a night pearl.

Jun Moqing took the stone and lifted it to her hand, the originally dark carriage brightened a lot in an instant, and the lines on her hand could be seen.

He looked down at Feng Qingyan's palms, everyone's palm lines were different, just like fingerprints.

When Jun Moqing saw Feng'er's palm at the beginning, she just wanted to take a look, but later found that the lines on her palm were very strange.

No one else is different, there is a dark line in the palm of her hand.

When I saw such palm lines back then, I also had a lot of doubts.

Looking at the lines on her palm now, there is still a line, but it is not a dark line, but now it is a bright line.

Feng Qingyan leaned over curiously, looked at her palm, but saw nothing.

She raised her head to look at Jun Moqing, and found that the two of them were very close at this moment, so close that one could see his thick eyelashes were distinct, and his dark eyes glowed with a cool light.

The bridge of the nose was straight, and the handsome features formed a beautiful silhouette under the light.

It is really beautiful and attractive...

"See what?"

Jun Moqing raised her head and looked at Feng Qingyan, "I've seen the lines on your palm before, but after so many years, there is no change, except that a dark line has become a bright line, if I guessed correctly , is related to your identity."

"Really?" Feng Qingyan moved her hand in front of her with doubts and looked at it carefully. She didn't understand the palm lines, but she didn't see the dark lines and bright lines he said.

Jun Moqing said again: "Everyone's palm lines are different, you are my wife."

Feng Qingyan still didn't believe it, "Everyone has similar looks, let alone palm lines?"

"You don't understand this. Even twins have different palm lines." Jun Moqing hugged her again, and searched for her for 19 years. The joy of finding her again has continued from the moment they met to the present.

Feng Qingyan was still looking down at the lines on her palms. She had lived so long and hadn't paid attention to the lines on her palms. When she was suddenly hugged into a warm embrace, she was startled for a moment, then struggled.

Seeing her struggling, Jun Moqing was a little helpless, "Why are you becoming stupid when you get older?"

Feng Qingyan's struggling movements paused, the biggest taboo for women is age, he not only said she was old, but also called her stupid.

She has lived for 38 years, and it is the first time she hears it today when she is old and stupid, spit out from the same man's mouth.

"Yeah, I'm old and I'm not interested in tender grass, so let me go quickly."

Jun Moqing paused when she heard the words, but let go of her, and watched her immediately sit across from her, as if frightened.

As you get older, you not only become stupid, but also less courageous. "

Thinking of her before, she was very courageous, completely different from those waiting daughters.

Coming from modern times, he originally sneered at all kinds of rules and etiquette in ancient times, so he thought about going back to modern times.

Feng'er is different, she doesn't stick to trifles, her behavior is bold and measured.

Thinking that she didn't want to believe that she was his wife, he simply changed the subject.

"What have you been doing all these years?"

"Do what I have to do. As for what matters, I have nothing to say." Feng Qingyan blocked him with a single sentence, so as not to ask him again.

Jun Moqing didn't continue to ask, but said: "Xiao Jiu is very similar to you."

Feng Qingyan said: "I saw it, it is very similar, although I am also very surprised why it is so similar, but it does not mean that I am your daughter-in-law."

Jun Moqing shook her head lightly: "No, I'm talking about personality, which is very similar to you."

Feng Qingyan froze for a moment.

Jun Moqing added: "However, Xiao Jiu is also like me and doesn't like to argue."

Feng Qingyan: "..." No one is so narcissistic.

At this moment, the carriage stopped suddenly.

Feng Qingyan lifted the curtain, saw the familiar inn, and looked away at Jun Moqing, "I'm here."

Jun Moqing: "Yes."

Feng Qingyan said again: "Then I will go down."

Jun Moqing's voice was still faint: "Yes."

Only then did Feng Qingyan stand up and push open the carriage door to come out. She instantly felt that the air outside was sufficient, unlike inside the carriage, where the air always felt thin.

After taking a deep breath, she jumped out of the carriage neatly.

Just as she was about to go in, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jun Moqing also coming out of the carriage. It was easier than breathing when she got off the carriage, and she saw the clothes fluttering, full of immortality.

In her mind, she automatically imagined his appearance when he used lightness kung fu, it must be so elegant and effortless.

It was just an imaginary space, Jun Moqing had already come to her, "Go in."

Feng Qingyan came back to her senses and nodded: "Okay."

There were a lot of guests in the inn this time, and the two of them attracted a lot of attention when they first entered, some were amazed, some sighed, in short, they were attracted by the two of them.

After Feng Qingyan went upstairs, she realized that Jun Moqing had followed her, she slowed down, glanced at Jun Moqing, thinking that he would not want to follow her into the guest room, would she?
When I got to the door of the guest room, I saw Qing Rong running all the way over.

"Master." Seeing that Feng Qingyan was safe and sound, Qingrong secretly heaved a sigh of relief, seeing that the man behind the master was the man he saw in the teahouse this afternoon, doubts flashed in his eyes.

Feng Qingyan said: "I'm fine."

She looked back at Jun Moqing, and said nonsense: "I'm already here."

Jun Moqing: "Yes."

Feng Qingyan: "..."

She reached out and pushed the door open, and when she was about to close the door, she saw Jun Moqing standing at the door, staring at her with cold eyes.

She paused as she closed the door, "Go back."

Jun Moqing: "Yes."

Feng Qingyan paused, and closed the door, blocking those eyes, so reluctant to part, as if she was in love...

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Feng Qingyan hesitated for a while, then stepped forward to open the door, thinking it was Jun Moqing, but what she saw was Qingrong.

As soon as the door was opened, Qingrong saw the master and asked worriedly: "Master, what happened to that young master? Didn't you persecute the master?"

Qing Rong knocked on the door after watching Jun Moqing leave.

"It's nothing, I just misunderstood that I was his wife, so I explained to him when I went home." Feng Qingyan said calmly.

Knowing that the master is fine, Qing Rong couldn't help but suggested: "However, master, that young master is indeed very handsome, and this is the first time this subordinate has seen such a handsome man, so the master might as well accept her."

"That is to say, what if I take him in and his real wife comes back? I don't want to serve a husband with others."

Qingrong immediately understood, "If that son doesn't have a wife, is the master planning to accept him?"

Feng Qingyan blinked her beautiful eyes twice, she is so handsome, she sent it to her door by herself, it is not stupid not to accept her~
Inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation
After experiencing a serious illness, the emperor's health was not as good as before, and he has been recuperating these days.

When Xiao Jinyan came with Taotao and Susu, the emperor and empress had just finished their dinner and were drinking tea.

"Grandpa Huang, Grandma Huang."

Taotao and Susu yelled in unison, and threw themselves into the arms of the emperor and queen.

Susu raised her pink face and stared at the emperor without blinking, "I heard from my father that the emperor's grandfather is sick and not feeling well, right?"

The emperor smiled and said, "That's right, Grandpa Huang was sick and didn't play with Susu. Are you angry with Grandpa Huang?"

Susu shook her head, "Mama said that when Grandpa Huang is sick, he will feel sleepy and feel very uncomfortable. Don't be angry. I hope Grandpa Huang will get better soon."

As Susu said, she opened the satchel, took out the small snacks she had kept privately, and stuffed them all into the emperor's palm.

"Grandpa Huang, when the nest is uncomfortable, you will be full every time, and after you are full, you will get better soon."

The emperor looked at the pastries and candies in his hand. These were Susu's favorites, and he would give them all to him. It was true that his granddaughter was a caring little padded jacket.

"Thank you Susu, Grandpa Huang will be fine soon."

Taotao also took the emperor's hand and said: "Grandfather, tomorrow the guild will teach Wo to learn martial arts."

The emperor was overjoyed when he heard the words. It would be a good thing if Taotao could get the guidance of the master of the state.

"Really? Master Guoshi promised to teach you martial arts?"

Taotao nodded vigorously, "Wo has squatted for five days, and grandpa said that Wo is very suitable for learning martial arts."

The emperor boasted without hesitation: "Taotao is very smart and powerful, she will definitely be as powerful as your grandfather."

In front of Taotao and Susu, the emperor has always praised and never criticized half a word.

When the prince was young, the emperor would often praise him, because the prince was smart and sensible since he was a child.

When Taotao was holding the emperor's hand, Susu ran to the queen, and took out a lollipop from the satchel with her little hand and handed it to the queen.

"Ma Ma said Grandma Huang hasn't slept well these days, so I'll give Grandma Huang some candy."

The queen was overjoyed, "Thank you, Susu."

Xiao Jinyan stood aside and watched this warm scene. In the past, this scene was something he couldn't even imagine. Now that he experienced it, he found that the so-called hardships before were all worth it.

The emperor recovered from a serious illness and needed to rest. After playing for a long time, Xiao Jinyan took the two little guys back to the East Palace.

After Taotao and Susu left, the Hall of Mental Cultivation immediately fell silent.

The emperor glanced at the queen, and found that she was staring at her hand. Looking carefully, she found a lollipop in her hand, and she knew it was from Susu without asking. Her small satchel was filled with a pile of food every day. .

He snorted twice, "Ouch!"

The queen raised her head immediately when she heard it, and asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

The emperor clutched his chest and said weakly, "It's a bit uncomfortable here."

"Didn't you feel fine just now? Why did you feel unwell all of a sudden?" The queen came over and looked at the emperor worriedly, "The concubine asked Eunuch Li to call the imperial doctor over."

The emperor held the queen's hand and shook his head weakly, "No, it will be fine later."

"Is it really all right?" The queen was still a little worried, "Your Majesty, now is not the time to be brave. If you feel uncomfortable, you need to see an imperial doctor. If something bad happens, your body will not be able to bear it."

The emperor: "..." The queen is saying that he is not in good health?

He looked up at the queen, thinking about the consequences of proving that his "body" is good now.

Thinking about how the queen treated him these few days was really gentle, and never said a single harsh word.

If you want to make the queen angry in order to prove that you can do it, the loss outweighs the gain.

The emperor thought about it, and reached out to hold the queen's hand again, "The queen has worked hard to take care of me these few days."

The queen said softly: "As long as the emperor recovers soon, how can the concubines work so hard?"

Listening to the empress' soft voice, the emperor always felt that something was missing, and when he saw the empress' aging face, which was still familiar to him, he felt a little more at ease.

dead of night

Feng Wuyou was lying in Xiao Jinyan's arms, she was a little drowsy at this moment, because it was already late when Xiao Jinyan finished her work.

She whispered: "I look like my mother."

Xiao Jinyan asked knowingly, "Are you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy. I always thought I didn't have a mother, and my father never said it. In fact, seeing other people have mothers, I also want to have a mother. But my father is so handsome and spoils me so much, so I don't envy him so much."

Feng Wuyou paused at this point, and continued: "Now I am also a mother, and I can understand it better when I see my mother."

Xiao Jinyan leaned into her ear and said, "Isn't it time to celebrate?"

Feng Wuyou's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Do you want to eat barbecue?"

Xiao Jinyan smiled lightly: "Eat your husband, okay?"

Feng Wuyou raised her head and stared at Xiao Jinyan, thinking whether to eat or not to eat, she is the one who is tired after eating, and she is the one who is tired from not eating...

Xiao Jinyan was also happy for her, who wouldn't want their parents to be by their side?

Feng Wuyou asked suddenly: "Jinyan, do you think my father is coming back tonight?"

"I don't know either." How could Xiao Jinyan care if the old man came back?He has been busy for several days and has not had a good time with his daughter-in-law and had an in-depth communication. Tonight, he spent a full moon, so he can't let him down.

At the beginning, Feng Wuyou was still distracted thinking about whether her father would guard her mother tonight, after all, her mother lost her memory, what if she slipped away?
Later, she had no time to take care of it, because Xiao Jinyan knew her sensitive points too well, and soon let her fall into the love net arranged by him.

At this time in the inn

Feng Qingyan lay on the bed after taking a bath. What she experienced today still feels a little unreal.

She rubbed her chin, thinking about what Jun Moqing said today, it seemed that she didn't think she was his wife just because of her face.

He also said that many women pretended to be her, and he saw through it at a glance.

Also, what woman doesn't like a handsome and powerful man?Do not worship?
At this time, Jun Moqing was sitting on the roof of the inn, drinking tea slowly with a teacup in his hand.



Double monthly ticket, ask for monthly ticket support! (If there are more, more will be added)

 Good night spicy, babies!

(End of this chapter)

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