Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 616 Getting caught running away, food temptation

Chapter 616 Getting caught running away, food temptation

Feng Qingyan lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, thinking of Jun Moqing's unfathomable martial arts and lightness skills, now he firmly insists that she is his wife, what if she pesters her and doesn't let go?
She sat up suddenly, "It's better to leave first while the night is dark and the wind is high, so as to avoid trouble in the future."

After making the decision, Feng Qingyan lifted the quilt and began to dress, "Qing Rong, get up."

Qingrong slept in the outer room, she was also a martial artist, she woke up when Feng Qingyan got up, and when she heard the voice of her master, she immediately got up from the bed and began to dress.

"Master, what are you going to do so late?"

Feng Qingyan said without raising her head: "Get out of here first."

Hearing the words lightly, he didn't ask any more questions, and started to pack his luggage after getting dressed.

It wasn't long before I came to the capital, so I didn't have many salutes, so I packed it up soon.

Qingrong put her back on her back and bowed, raised her head to look at Feng Qingyan, "Master, it's ready."

Feng Qingyan nodded, "Let's go now."

After going downstairs to settle the bill, Feng Qingyan walked out of the inn, looked at the street, it was already past the third watch, and there was no one on the street.

She didn't find anyone suspicious, so she continued to move forward.

Jun Moqing was holding a teacup in his hand, and looked down at the two people who came out of the inn. His eyes fell on the woman in front. She was still wearing a tight-sleeved dress with red and black matching colors. Unlike before, she always loved her. wear red.

He put down the teacup, and calmly jumped down from the roof, light and elegant.

"Master, where are we going now?" Qing Rong asked as he walked.

"Change the inn to live."

As soon as Feng Qingyan finished speaking, she saw a plain figure descending from the sky. The figure was slender, with picturesque eyebrows and eyes, as if he had walked out of a painting. His beauty was unreal.

"Why are you here?"

Jun Moqing walked up to her slowly, and said quietly, "I'm always here."

Feng Qingyan was directly petrified in place, and the emotional gentleman Moqing has been guarding the inn?How did he know that he wanted to run away in the middle of the night?
She smiled awkwardly, "I just couldn't sleep, so I went out for a stroll."

Even if I don't believe this, Jun Moqing probably won't believe it either...

Jun Moqing said: "The dew is heavy late at night, and it is easy to catch wind and cold."

Feng Qingyan was stunned for a moment, why was this answer different from what she thought?
"What about you? You have been squatting on the roof, not afraid of catching the cold?"

Jun Moqing: "Not afraid."

Feng Qingyan: "..."

In the end, Feng Qingyan returned to the inn obediently. When she passed the counter, the shopkeeper couldn't help asking: "Guest officer, why are you back again?"

"En." Feng Qingyan nodded awkwardly, then turned her head and went up to the second floor.

Jun Moqing also went up to the second floor.

Reluctantly walked to the counter to renew the room.

When she came to the door of the guest room, Feng Qingyan pushed open the door, because she had just checked out and no one came to clean it up.

She looked at Jun Moqing who was standing at the door, without any intention of leaving, "Are you planning to continue squatting on the roof?"

Jun Moqing said: "I don't mind if you let me in."

Feng Qingyan: "..." Is he afraid that I will run away? "

"It's late at night and dew heavy, you'd better go back."

After Feng Qingyan finished speaking and closed the door, she sighed helplessly, she might not be able to leave tonight.

If Jun Moqing had been guarding the inn, it would be difficult for her to leave after finishing her work.

At the fourth watch, Feng Qingyan opened her eyes and looked up out of the window, "He wouldn't really be squatting on the roof all the time, would he?"

After thinking about it, Feng Qingyan lifted the quilt and got up, picked up the cloak and put it on her body, then pushed open the window, jumped out of the window with her breath, and jumped up with her toes on the wall.

In the dark night, the vigorous figure climbed neatly on the eaves.

She didn't go directly to the roof. If Jun Moqing really squatted on the roof and guarded, it would definitely be embarrassing if she was discovered.

After clinging to the eaves with her hands, she cautiously poked her head out to look towards the roof. As soon as she raised her head, she saw a piece of plain clothes dancing in the wind.

Further up, there is Jun Moqing's slender figure, sitting there leisurely, with his slender legs slightly bent, holding a crystal clear teacup in his hand, drinking tea slowly.

Feng Qingyan opened her eyes wide in disbelief, she was clearly afraid that she would run away by staying here.

Fortunately, I didn't go directly to the roof just now, otherwise I would stare and stare, which was extremely embarrassing.

Feng Qingyan was afraid of being discovered by Jun Moqing, so she took a second look and retracted her head.

Just when Feng Qingyan shrank back, Jun Moqing's gaze just happened to look over. In fact, he found out when Feng Qingyan got up.

He stared at Feng Qingyan's place, raised the teacup in his hand and took a few sips of tea.

Feng Qingyan was a little worried, looking at a very cold person, why is she so persistent?It has become so difficult to leave quietly.

After thinking for a while, she poked out her dark head quietly, revealing a pair of eyes brighter than the stars, staring at the blue and white figure.

Entering the palace today, although she didn't stop much, the time for a meal let her know that Jun Moqing only had one daughter-in-law, not even a concubine.

His daughter-in-law has been missing until now, and she hasn't remarried or taken a concubine, which means she has lived alone in an empty house for more than twenty years.

It's rare for a handsome and powerful man to be so dedicated.

Feng Qingyan sighed, she missed the good man, and when she was about to go back after sighing, a cold voice came, "Why don't you look at it openly?"

Feng Qingyan paused when she went down, she was so careful that she was discovered?
Sure enough, the martial arts are powerful, and the hearing is also very sensitive.

Feng Qingyan snorted, let go of her hands, turned over and jumped into the window, then closed the window lightly.

As long as she doesn't admit it, there will be no embarrassment of peeping!

When Jun Moqing heard her go back to the guest room, she didn't say anything. She looked away and glanced at the teacup in her hand, then raised her head to look at the bright moon above her head. The moon on the fifteenth day was big and round.

next morning
Feng Qingyan slept late last night and woke up later than usual. She opened the door and looked up to see Jun Moqing standing at the door. His posture seemed to be waiting for a long time.

"Why are you still here? Don't you need to sleep?" She kept staring at Jun Moqing, looking at him who hadn't slept all night, without a trace of sleepiness, not even dark circles under her eyes.

If he hadn't seen him sitting on the roof at four o'clock with his own eyes, he probably wouldn't have believed that he was so energetic that he hadn't slept all night.

Jun Moqing said: "Let's have breakfast together."

Only then did Feng Qingyan realize that he was holding breakfast in his hand, and he didn't know when he was waiting here.

She is indeed hungry now, and breakfast is the business.

On the round table, there are two bowls of clear porridge, three dishes of side dishes, and three breakfasts.

Feng Qingyan was really hungry, picked up the bowl and chopsticks, took a sip of the porridge, put it in her mouth and started eating.

Jun Moqing held the chopsticks, but looked at Feng Qingyan, seeing how she ate, the same as before.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the East Palace for breakfast. Xiao Jiu will make a lot of delicious breakfasts, and the taste is very good, which cannot be bought outside."

Feng Qingyan was a little surprised, "Really? Your daughter is a princess, and she can cook?"

Jun Moqing nodded, "Xiao Jiu is very sensible and smart."

Feng Qingyan asked again: "What would she do for breakfast? You can't buy it outside?"

"Fried dough sticks, glutinous rice cakes, pies, dumplings..." Jun Moqing said the names of a long list of meals in an unhurried manner.

Feng Qingyan licked her lips when she heard it, it was a name she had never heard before, and she wanted to taste it.

Jun Moqing said again: "Go to the East Palace tonight and ask Xiao Jiu to make you pickled fish and steamed pork."

Feng Qingyan was a little moved, but when she thought that she was not Jun Moqing's wife, she didn't feel at ease to eat and drink.

"But I'm not your daughter-in-law, so it's not good to eat and drink?"

But Jun Moqing said firmly: "I say yes."

Feng Qingyan shrugged helplessly, "Forget it, you can think whatever you like."

After speaking, continue to eat the meat buns in the bowl.

Jun Moqing knew that she couldn't accept it for a while, and now it's time for breakfast, and eating is the most important thing, so she stopped explaining and took a sip of porridge with her head down.

Feng Qingyan suddenly raised her head to look at Jun Moqing, "If your daughter-in-law looks older than you, don't you mind?"

Jun Moqing stopped drinking the porridge, and asked, "Why do you mind?"

Feng Qingyan said: "You look like you are not even 30 years old. Being with a woman who is almost forty is not like a husband and wife at all. In another ten years, if your appearance remains the same, your wife's appearance will be old. You Nothing on your mind?"

Jun Moqing nodded thoughtfully, "Your worry is a little unnecessary, everyone will grow old one day, even if you look old, you are still you, that's enough."

Feng Qingyan immediately retorted: "I didn't mention me, I was very confident, I was talking about your wife."

Jun Moqing said softly, "Well, this is you."

Feng Qingyan: "..."

After breakfast, Jun Moqing asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"I'm going to do something, you can't follow me." Feng Qingyan deliberately emphasized the last sentence.

Jun Moqing didn't say any more after hearing the words, "Okay, I'll pick you up to the East Palace tonight for dinner."

Feng Qingyan nodded hesitantly, the temptation of delicious food is a bit strong.

After Jun Moqing left, Qing Rong couldn't help sighing: "Master, I have never seen such a dedicated person who doesn't care about appearance, a rare lover in the world."

Feng Qingyan nodded in agreement, "It's really rare, but it's a pity that the famous grass has an owner."

East Palace
Feng Wuyou picked out some nice jewelry from the storeroom and put them away in dowry as Chunxi's dowry.

After two days of busy work, Chunxi returned to Hehuan Palace. Because the wedding was coming soon, she had just measured the size to make the wedding dress, and she was in a hurry.

Seeing Chunxi, Feng Qingyan asked with a smile: "Chunxi, why are you back? How about the wedding dress?"

Chunxi smiled and said: "Thanks to the master, the Shangyi Bureau is rushing to make it, and it can be made before the wedding date."

"That's good." Feng Wuyou patted the dowry on the table and said, "Look, this is the dowry I chose for you, does it suit your wishes?"

Chunxi heard the words and looked at the dowry on the table. The dowry is the dowry that girls want most when they get married. She took two steps forward and looked at such an exquisite dowry. No ordinary dowry.

She opened the dowry and found inside a pair of pink bead flowers, two pairs of gold earrings, a pair of ruby ​​hairpins, a pair of gold step rockers, and a pair of gold bracelets.

Chunxi looked up at Feng Wuyou in disbelief, "Master, is this a dowry for slaves?"

Feng Wuyou said: "Of course, you are the personal maid of the Crown Princess, you can't be poor when you get married."

Chunxi was flattered, "This is too much."

The dowry that Feng Wuyou prepared for Chunxi was not only these, but also fertile fields and shops, 500 taels of silver and [-] taels of gold.

The dowries of first-class female officials in the palace are not so much.

Feng Wuyou reassured: "The dowry is for personal use. In the future, when you get married and have children, the whole house will need to be taken care of. This is also confidence."

"Master, you have treated your servants so well, things that your servants dare not even dream about." Chunxi cried as she spoke.

In ancient times, women's dowry was a woman's confidence, and it was also the ten-mile red makeup that every woman wanted.

Feng Wuyou gave her something that Chunxi never dared to think about in her life.

Feng Wuyou patted Chun Xi's shoulder and said: "This shows that you have good eyesight. Back then, I was still a little obedience, demoted and grounded, but you followed me all the time. It's the so-called blessed fellow To enjoy the hardships together, and to bear all the difficulties, of course it is to enjoy the blessing."

Chunxi couldn't help but think of the days when Feng Wuyou was grounded. The reason why she was willing to follow was because Feng Wuyou was a kind person and treated her well.

It doesn't matter whether the master is rich or not, the important thing is that the person is good.

Otherwise, no matter how rich or noble a person is, it is not good to die without knowing how to die.

Chun Xi wiped away her tears, "It's better for the master, and the slaves will enjoy the blessings with the master."

Feng Wuyou said: "Okay, getting married is a big deal, I'll take care of my own affairs first during this time, I have Xiao Guizi and the others on my side, there are enough people."

Only then did Chun Xi smile and said: "Master, the slaves are actually fine, the dowry is prepared by the master, Qin Xiao is preparing the rest, and the slaves are still serving the master."

Feng Wuyou nodded, "You can figure it out yourself."

At this time Taotao ran all the way over, grabbed Feng Wuyou's hand, and asked: "Mother and Concubine, where did Grandpa go?"

Only then did Feng Wuyou think of her father. Last night Xiao Jinyan tossed and tossed until midnight, and she slept until the sun was high before waking up.

"Isn't grandpa in the East Palace?"

Taotao shook her head, "I searched for Wo, but I didn't see it. Grandpa promised Wo that today I will teach Wo martial arts."

Feng Wuyou thought about it, Dad probably stayed with his mother last night and didn't come back.

"Don't worry, Taotao. Grandpa will do what she promised Taotao. Your grandfather should be with grandma, and he will be back later."

Taotao nodded sensiblely, "The nest will wait for Grandpa."

Feng Wuyou was about to praise her son for being sensible, when she saw her father walk in, she smiled and shouted: "Father."

Taotao turned her head and saw Grandpa, and happily flew over, "Grandpa."

Jun Moqing led Taotao to Feng Wuyou.

Feng Wuyou looked behind Jun Moqing a few times, but she didn't see Feng Qingyan, so she asked suspiciously, "Father, where's mother?"

Jun Moqing said: "She has something to do, I will pick her up here for dinner."

Feng Wuyou frowned happily when she heard that, "Okay, my mother came here unexpectedly last night, and I didn't even prepare well. Tonight I will show my skills and let my mother have a taste of my cooking skills."

Jun Moqing said: "Your mother's taste is roughly the same as yours, so prepare fish with pickled vegetables and steamed pork with flour."

Fish with pickled cabbage and steamed pork with rice noodles are Feng Wuyou's favorite, and he is also the best at it.

"No problem, don't worry, Dad."

Feng Wuyou then asked again: "Father, aren't you afraid that mother will run away during the day?"

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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