Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 617 The daughter has her last name, it's over, it's completely fallen

Chapter 617 The daughter has her last name, it's over, it's completely fallen
Jun Moqing said: "Run away, look for it again."

He really wanted to follow her all the time, afraid that she would run away as soon as he turned around.

It's just that if you follow her all the time, she won't be happy either.

But she likes to eat, so she probably won't run away.

Feng Wuyou stepped forward and took Jun Moqing's wrist, comfortingly said: "Father, when mother recovers her memory, she will remember you, and she won't think about leaving."

Jun Moqing naturally understood that if she didn't restore her memory, with Feng'er's temperament, she would definitely want to leave all the time.

Taotao looked up at Jun Moqing, her neck was sore, "Grandpa, teach me martial arts."

Jun Moqing withdrew her thoughts, looked down at Taotao, "Okay."

When Taotao heard that she could learn martial arts, she happily dragged Jun Moqing to the open space.

Feng Wuyou looked at the slender figure of her father, who watched over her mother all night last night, could it be that they were all outside?
On the surface, the old man was calm and calm, but he must be very worried in his heart that his mother would run away.

It's hard to meet, but it's hard to find if you run away.

west sun
When Feng Qingyan came back from the outside, she saw a carriage parked at the entrance of the inn. She took a second look and saw the lantern hanging on the carriage, so she wanted to recognize that it was Jun Moqing's carriage.

At this moment, the curtain of the carriage opened, revealing a handsome face, looking at her with cold eyes.

She smiled, "You are punctual."

Jun Moqing: "Come up."

"...Okay." Feng Qingyan took a few steps forward and got into the carriage neatly. When she opened the door, she saw Jun Moqing sitting in the carriage. glow.

There is a lot of space in the carriage, which can accommodate eight to ten people.

Feng Qingyan sat opposite Jun Moqing, and as soon as she sat down, a cup of hot tea was brought in front of her, the hand holding the tea cup was clean and spotless.

Jun Moqing said: "Drink some tea to moisturize your lips first."

Feng Qingyan touched her lips when she heard the words, and found that they were a little dry. She reached out to take the teacup, "Thank you."

She took a few sips of the hot tea and found that the temperature was just right, just enough to enter her throat.

Afterwards, Jun Moqing handed over another pastry.

"Hungry, you can fill your stomach first."

Feng Qingyan raised her head to look at Jun Moqing, and found that he looked like a stranger, but was very careful. She said that he was not good at words, and sometimes although he spoke a little bluntly, he could still speak to people's hearts.

Jun Moqing saw that she kept staring at him but didn't take the pastry, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

Feng Qingyan shook her head, took the pastry from his hand, handed it to her mouth and took a bite, and found that the pastry was delicious.

"What's the name of your pastry? It's delicious."

Jun Moqing: "Peach Crisp."

"Taosu." Feng Qingyan took a bite and found something was wrong, "Taosu, isn't that the nickname of Taotao and Susu?"

Jun Moqing nodded, "Well, Xiao Jiu took it."

"It's pretty good, and it sounds good." Feng Qingyan took another bite of the peach cake. It was crispy and sweet, and it was better than the previous peach cake.

Jun Moqing said: "Xiao Jiu is very smart."

Feng Qingyan was eating peach cakes, and looked up at Jun Moqing, seeing that he was staring at her, she was stunned for a moment, then she looked away and continued eating peach cakes.

Taotao and Susu had been waiting at the gate of the Hehuan Hall long ago. When they saw the carriage, the two little guys immediately went up to meet it.

When Feng Qingyan got off the carriage, she saw Taotao and Susu running over, calling out in a childish voice: "Grandma, grandma."

The two little guys are very enthusiastic and cute, and Feng Qingyan also likes them.

Feng Wuyou followed behind the two little guys, when she saw Feng Qingyan, she was not as nervous as the first time, she walked over, after thinking about it, she threw herself into Feng Qingyan's arms.

The sudden hug made Feng Qingyan stunned for a moment, she looked at Feng Wuyou in her arms, normally, she would not be so close to others.

He didn't push it away, probably because he heard Jun Moqing talk about Xiao Jiu, and his mother was not around since he was a child, and he followed Jun Moqing all the time.

Now there is a woman in front of her who is very similar to her mother, and Jun Moqing regards her as his daughter-in-law again, no wonder Xiao Jiu is excited.

It's just that the excitement is delayed for a long time~
Feng Wuyou was so excited that she wanted to cry, her eyes were also a little sour, but there were no tears, she raised her head and saw her father standing behind her mother looking at their mother and daughter.

No wonder I couldn't cry, it turned out that it was because my father was there.

Feng Wuyou let go of Feng Qingyan, smiled and said: "Mom, Dad said that your taste is roughly the same as mine, so most of the meals I cook today are my favorites. Mom will try them later. If you like them, you can eat them in the future." My daughter often makes it for her mother."

Feng Qingyan felt that she had to clarify one thing, " are so enthusiastic, if one day you find out that I am not your mother or your father's daughter-in-law, will it be embarrassing?"

Feng Wuyou said: "I believe father, if father says you are my mother, then you are."

Feng Qingyan raised her head and glanced at Jun Moqing. Those eyes were even more beautiful than phoenix eyes, and they were cool and bright.

"In case you miss it."

"No, mother doesn't know. I also lost my memory at the beginning. They all said that I am Feng Wuyou, but I don't think so, because..." Feng Wuyou leaned closer to Feng Qingyan's ear and said, "Because I came from modern times, so I firmly believe that I am not Feng Wuyou, but my father is very powerful, he knew I was her daughter the first time he saw me."

Feng Qingyan was shocked for a long time when she heard the words, but she didn't understand what she meant.

However, she found a very important problem.

"Isn't your surname Jun?"

Feng Wuyou was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. He had discussed this issue with Xiao Jinyan before, but after finally meeting his father, he stopped paying attention to this issue.

She looked up at her father, "Father, why isn't my surname Jun?"

Jun Moqing explained: "Your mother's surname will be yours."

Feng Wuyou was not surprised to know the answer, because there are also people who take their mother's surname in modern times, but they are rare, because of the traditional concept, children take their father's surname.

Feng Qingyan looked at Jun Moqing again, she didn't expect him to let her daughter follow her mother's surname, let alone have the same surname as hers.

"...Coincidentally, my surname is also Feng."

Feng Wuyou's brows and eyes curved happily, "I follow my mother's surname, and of course my mother's surname is also Feng, which means you are my mother."

Feng Qingyan felt that this was just a coincidence, if she lost her memory, she would doubt it, but her memory was intact, she did not have such a beautiful and powerful husband, let alone such a lovely daughter.

Jun Moqing knew that Feng Qingyan didn't believe it, so he was not in a hurry to make her believe it immediately, he said, "Go ahead and have dinner."

Feng Wuyou took her mother's hand and said: "It's cold, the food won't taste good when it's cold, let's eat first, and then continue talking after eating."

Feng Qingyan is just hungry at this meeting, and the most important thing is to have a full stomach.

At the dining table, Feng Qingyan glanced at the food in front of her, it was obviously different from last night, most of the dishes were new to her, they were delicious in color, fragrance and taste, which made her very appetizing.

Holding the chopsticks, she didn't know which dish to eat first.

Feng Wuyou's cooking is more suitable for her own taste. She likes spicy food, so several dishes are spicy.

However, Xiao Jinyan doesn't eat spicy food, so there are several dishes that Xiao Jinyan likes to eat, and he can't forget his husband after having a mother.

Jun Moqing picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of pickled fish and put it in her bowl, "Try the pickled fish."

It was the first time Feng Qing heard the name of the pickled fish dish, looked at the piece of fish, picked it up curiously, put it in her mouth, and took a bite.

Feng Wuyou looked over, her eyes filled with anticipation.

After Feng Qingyan finished eating, she found that it was delicious, so she stretched out her chopsticks and put another piece into her mouth.

Seeing her mother's behavior, Feng Wuyou knew without questioning that she liked to eat it. At this moment, there was an extra piece of sauerkraut fish in the bowl. She raised her head and said to Xiao Jin, only to hear him say, "I'll pick it up for you."

Feng Wuyou smiled, thinking that Xiao Jinyan must have misunderstood, she was not jealous, she was happy because father and mother had a good relationship.

Jun Moqing took the tamales again and put them into the bowl in front of Feng Qingyan, "Taste the tamales."

"Yeah." Feng Qingyan didn't hesitate, she clenched the chopsticks tightly, picked up the steamed pork in the bowl, put it into her mouth and took a bite, it was very fragrant, the pork belly was fat but not greasy, and the lean meat didn't stick to the teeth.

She boasted without hesitation: "The tamales are also delicious."

Feng Wuyou happily said: "If mother likes to eat, eat more."

Jun Moqing put another vegetable into Feng Qingyan's bowl, "Try the hot and sour potato shreds."

Feng Qingyan looked at the shredded potatoes, picked them up and put them in her mouth. They were crisp and refreshing, a little spicy, with a sour taste of vinegar, no wonder they were called hot and sour potato shreds, and they tasted good.

Jun Moqing picked up all the dishes, and Feng Qingyan was in charge of following behind to eat, and found that every dish was delicious.

As a result, she was full tonight, and even if she was full, she still wanted to eat more.

Feng Qingyan rubbed her stomach and turned her head to look at Feng Wuyou, feeling very kind, with such good cooking skills, if only her daughter would be so nice, she would come here every day to eat and drink.

Deciding to come to Cengfan today is the wisest decision.

Jun Moqing also said that if you stay overnight tonight, you can have a delicious meal tomorrow.

Jun Moqing took a sip of tea, looked at Feng Qingyan, "Let's go."

Feng Qingyan didn't realize it for a while, could it be that she was going to send her back to the inn?

Isn't it said that if you stay overnight, you can eat delicious meals?

Jun Moqing glanced at her bulging stomach, "Xiashi."

Feng Qingyan followed his gaze and looked at her belly, which was bulging, like a belly in the third month of pregnancy. Thinking of the way she ate just now, she looked like someone who had never seen the world, and kept eating with her head down~~

"……it is good."

Jun Moqing led Feng Qingyan out of the restaurant.

Feng Wuyou looked at the back of her parents leaving, and her mother could recover her memory tomorrow, so she looked forward to her mother's appearance after recovering her memory.

Just when Feng Wuyou was thinking about her mother recovering her memory, Xiao Jinyan's extremely pleasant voice came from her ear, "Xiao Jiu, I'm going to the study, and try to go back to my room early tonight."

She raised her head to look at Xiao Jinyan, and saw the look of anticipation in his eyes.

During the period when his father was convalescing, Xiao Jinyan was very busy. He came out to review memorials and manage state affairs.

I'm so busy, I still miss eating her~
There are always a few days in a month that a man really needs...

After dinner, the two little guys rested under the service of the maid.

Feng Wuyou also returned to the room, and after taking a bath, she got into the bed, half asleep and half awake, feeling a big stove approaching beside her, she was already afraid of the cold, and her body would involuntarily lean against the stove.

Xiao Jinyan looked at the person in his arms, and woke her up with a gentle voice, "Xiao Jiu."

Once Feng Wuyou fell asleep, it was not easy to be woken up, and finally she was woken up by Xiao Jinyan's kiss. When she opened her eyes and saw Xiao Jinyan's handsome face, she rubbed her eyes.

"came back."

"En." Xiao Jinyan took out a piece of jade and put it in her palm, "Look at this."

Feng Wuyou opened her eyes, stared at the jade in her hand for a while, and recognized at a glance that it was the jade hidden in the dark compartment by Xiao Jinyan, and it was also given to Xiao Jinyan by herself.

The villains like matchsticks on the top are Xiao Jinyan and her respectively.

The reason why she can use modern painting methods is all due to her having a modern father.

The reason why there is a happy birthday is also because of the modern dad.

She finished painting the jade stone with herself and Xiao Jinyan, and said with a smile: "I got this jade stone from my father. Because it looks good, I want to give it to you."

Xiao Jinyan has been hiding it in the dark compartment. At first, he didn't understand why he kept two things persistently, but he didn't understand until he recovered his memory.

Even if you forget a person, there will be a memory deep in your heart.

"You liked me back then too, right?"

Feng Wuyou didn't deny it either, "I like it, but the liking at that time was pure liking."

Even if Xiao Jiu didn't explain, Xiao Jinyan understood, and it was precisely because of understanding that he was more persistent and cherished.

After the sensationalism was over, Xiao Jinyan stretched out his arms to hug her, and couldn't help but bowed his head to kiss her.

Feng Wuyou gasped and said, "I have to get up early tomorrow."

Xiao Jinyan was reluctant to move away, and said four words in a low voice, "I have a sense of proportion."

Feng Wuyou and Xiao Jinyan have been married for several years anyway, and the propriety of his mouth will be out of control in the future.

"When did you have a sense of proportion?"

Xiao Jinyan kissed the corner of her lips, "That's because you are so attractive."

Feng Wuyou snorted: "Don't make excuses for your own **."

"What you said makes sense." Xiao Jinyan said with his mouth, but his actions were another matter.

The next day, Feng Wuyou was woken up by Xiao Jinyan. She opened her eyes and saw a satisfied face, and what she said was only the word measure...

Xiao Jinyan smiled flatteringly, "Xiao Jiu, help you change your clothes for my husband."

Feng Wuyou snorted angrily: "I don't believe you anymore."

Xiao Jinyan immediately explained: "I was so happy last night."

"..." Feng Wuyou: "Which time are you not because you are happy?"

"The reason for being happy is different every time. I was sure you liked me last night, so I couldn't control it."


Feng Wuyou got up early because she wanted to cook the meals herself.

It took an hour and a half to make ten snacks, with Chunxi's help.

On the table

After the meal was set, the two little guys sat down first.

Jun Moqing led Feng Qingyan in, and before she came in, she could smell the fragrance.

Feng Qingyan came over, glanced at the various meals on the table, she almost salivated, it was almost a meal she had never seen before.

Jun Moqing reminded: "Sit down and eat first, after breakfast, I'll help you restore your memory."

Feng Qingyan didn't look forward to recovering her memory at first, because she knew she wasn't.

But now, she wished that she had really lost her memory...

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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