Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 618 Because He Actually Cried, Restoring His Memory

Chapter 618 Because He Actually Cried, Restoring His Memory
Susu picked up a warm meat bun, looked at Dabai behind him, "Huhu, this bun."

Dabai's strong body is lying on the ground, and every time he eats, he looks forward to being fed by Susu.

Hearing Susu call it, he immediately raised his huge head, opened his mouth wide and waited for Susu to feed him.

Feng Qingyan was eating crystal steamed buns when she saw a huge white tiger head with its mouth wide open, showing sharp fangs, looking like it was going to eat people.

Just when she was about to make a move, she found that Jun Moqing and the others sitting there were indifferent, as if they were used to it.

Then, she saw Susu holding a meat bun and throwing it into Baihu's mouth. Baihu immediately closed his mouth and ate with relish.

Jun Moqing saw that she was not moving her chopsticks, "What's wrong?"

Feng Qingyan turned her head to look at Jun Moqing, pointed at the white tiger and asked suspiciously: "You raised this white tiger?"

Jun Moqing looked at Baihu, "No, Xiao Jiu brought it back to Susu as a pet."

"Susu is so small, why do you treat the white tiger as a pet?" Feng Qingyan looked at Susu again, and saw that she picked up another meat bun and threw it into the white tiger's mouth, but the white tiger was very cooperative and did not make a sound.

Feng Wuyou explained while eating the crystal bag: "Baihu was more than one month old when he brought it back, and Susu was only three months old at that time, they grew up together."

Feng Qingyan was surprised but also somewhat puzzled, "You are so courageous, Susu is only three months old, and you dare to give her a one-month-old tiger to play with, aren't you afraid that the white tiger will hurt Susu?"

"Mother, don't worry, the white tiger is spiritual and will not harm its master." Feng Wuyou is very sure about this, not all beasts are pets for Susu.

Feng Qingyan suddenly realized, "So it's like this, no wonder it looks docile."

When she came here last night, she didn't notice such a big white tiger, nor did she feel the breath of the beast.

Jun Moqing said: "You haven't seen that Xiao Jiu raised a tiger and lion when he was a child, it's much more ferocious than a white tiger."

It was the first time for Feng Qingyan to hear the tigon, and curiosity appeared in her eyes, "Tiger? What kind of beast? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Jun Moqing said: "After breakfast, I'll take you to have a look."

"Okay." Feng Qingyan looked at the meals on the table again, and she took turns eating the meals she hadn't eaten before, and found that they were really delicious.

Reconfirmed that the decision to stay last night was the right one.

Seeing her eating, Jun Moqing reminded, "Eat slowly."

"Yeah." Feng Qingyan said, but her eating speed was not slow. She was not a dignified and elegant daughter of a boudoir, so she ate with small bites and chewed slowly, and it would feel a little awkward on her body.

Jun Moqing saw that she was still eating a small steamed bun, and looked at Xiao Jiu, who was eating like her mother. He took a spoonful of porridge and put it into his mouth.

After breakfast, Jun Moqing brought Feng Qingyan to the yard.

Taotao and Susu followed behind with Dabai and Xuetuan.

In the yard, the tigon had just finished breakfast and was lying leisurely on the stone.

Iroha rested on its huge head, pecking at her own feathers leisurely.

When she came to the yard, Susu ran towards the tiger and lion with two short legs.


Hearing the familiar voice, the tiger and lion raised its huge head, and when it saw Susu, it quietly stood up and walked towards this side.

Because of its large size, its range of activities is not as large as that of Dabaixuetuan, and it can only move around in open spaces, otherwise it will easily overwhelm the flowers, plants and trees.

After Susu ran over, the tiger and lion beast lowered its head and rubbed Susu's arm.

Susu touched the tiger-lion's nose happily, "Hoo hoo, get down."

Hearing the words, the tiger, lion and beast immediately lay obediently on the ground.

Feng Qingyan saw it, she was so surprised that she was speechless, such a big beast was so obedient, it was so ferocious, but it was so obedient.

Jun Moqing brought Feng Qingyan to the tigon, pointed at the tigon and said to her, "That is the tigon, very spiritual."

Feng Qingyan thought that the tigon might be a beast similar to the tiger and lion, and now she saw the tigon, which was much bigger and more ferocious than she imagined.

But at this time, the tiger and lion restrained its wildness, and cooperated with Susu to lie on the ground.

Susu has always wanted to climb up to the tigon, wanted to ride the tigon, but failed to climb up several times, because the two short legs were too short.

Taotao also ran over to help, but she was the same age as her younger sister, so she couldn't help even if she wanted to hug her.

At this time, Dabai walked to Susu on all fours that saw it, and looked up at the tiger and lion beast, which were both wild beasts, and would be afraid of beasts that were more powerful than themselves.

It took two steps forward, and lay down next to the tiger-lion.

The big bell-like eyes of the tiger and lion glanced at Dabai, but did not stop it from moving.

Seeing Dabai, Susu threw herself on Dabai's body happily, "Hoohoo." She climbed up Dabai's back nimbly with her hands and feet, then stood up, lay on the tiger and lion beast, and continued to climb up.

Seeing Susu climb up, Taotao also climbed up.

Seeing such a harmonious scene, Feng Qingyan couldn't help boasting: "Taotao and Susu are so smart, Dabai is also smart, and knows how to help them."

When Jun Moqing saw Susu, she would think of Xiaojiu when she was a child, and nodded in agreement, "Xiaojiu was also like this when she was a child."

Feng Qingyan found that Jun Moqing would always mention Xiao Jiu, thinking that Jun Moqing said that her mother left when Xiao Jiu was two months old, so Jun Moqing brought up Xiao Jiu, so she also I know Xiao Jiu very well.

"It can be seen that Xiao Jiu is very smart."

Jun Moqing said: "That's nature, our genes can't produce stupid children."

Feng Qingyan: "..." So narcissistic~

She stared at Jun Moqing for a while, with such excellent genes, it's no wonder he is so narcissistic.

Jun Moqing looked back at Feng Qingyan, "Let's go."

Feng Qingyan looked at him suspiciously, "Huh?"

Jun Moqing explained: "I'll help you restore your memory."

It was only then that Feng Qingyan realized that Jun Moqing had indeed said that she would help her recover her memory, although she did not lose her memory... but Jun Moqing wanted to try, so let him try, just to make him give up.

"……it is good."

Jun Moqing turned around and went to her room with Feng Qingyan. The room was not far away, and she arrived after walking for a while.

He pushed open the door and walked in first.

Feng Qingyan also walked in, and as soon as she came in, she smelled the faint fragrance of bamboo leaves, which smelled very good.

Xue Huai brought two cups of hot tea and put them on the table, then withdrew and closed the door before leaving.

Feng Wuyou saw Feng Qingyan follow Jun Moqing into the room, she stepped forward to stop Xue Huai, "Have my father and mother already started?"

Feng Wuyou added that she had already experienced it three times, and she believed [-]% in the old man's skills.

It's just that now she is very much looking forward to her mother's appearance after regaining her memory.

Xue Huai shook his head, "I don't know."

Feng Wuyou curled her lips, "Didn't you come out of the house? How could you not know?"

Xue Huai said: "I came out after delivering the tea."

"Okay." Feng Wuyou took a few glances at Jun Moqing's guest room. Although she had experienced it, she was so dazed that she didn't know anything.

Xue Huai asked, "Do you need refreshments?"

Feng Wuyou thought for a while, it took a while to recover the memory, as Xiao Jinyan knew last time.

"You look ready."

"Okay." Xue Huai turned around and retreated.

When he reappeared, he had two plates of snacks and a cup of tea in his hands, and he even brought a chair.

Feng Wuyou sat on a chair, ate cakes, drank tea, and waited for her father and mother to come out.

Xiao Jinyan couldn't accompany Xiaojiu because of his busy schedule, otherwise at this time, he would definitely wait with her.

Inside the house, the incense is lit, and the faint fragrance permeates the whole house, which makes people relax.

Feng Qingyan sat on the couch, watching Jun Moqing approach, she asked: "It started?"

Jun Moqing sat down on the couch, picked up the teacup and handed it to her: "Drink some tea first."

Seeing that he was not in a hurry, Feng Qingyan became anxious instead. She took the teacup in his hand and brought it to her lips to sip two sips of the tea.

She glanced sideways at Jun Moqing, and saw that he was holding a teacup, drinking tea slowly, clearly remembering that she had recovered her memory, so she was not in a hurry anymore.

I don't know what she was thinking in her heart, and she didn't ask, anyway, her cooperation was just to make him give up.

After figuring it out, he also began to drink tea slowly.

After Feng Wuyou finished eating two plates of pastries, she saw that there was no movement at the closed door, so she was not in a hurry, Xiao Jinyan said that the meeting had just begun.

Xue Huai brought a new cup of tea and two father's pastries and put them in front of Feng Wuyou, then quietly retreated with the empty saucer and tea cup.

Feng Wuyou was not surprised when she lowered her head and saw the two plates of pastries, and knew that Xue Huai made them without asking.

While waiting, she suddenly thought of her elder brother Jun Wuxian, her mother had found her, and she didn't see her elder brother visiting in the palace, did her father forget to inform her elder brother?
She called out: "Xue Huai.

As soon as the words fell, Xue Huai quickly appeared in front of Feng Wuyou.

Feng Wuyou ordered: "Go and inform my eldest brother, and tell him that mother has been found."

"I'll go right away." Xue Huai quickly left the palace after taking the order.

Feng Wuyou picked up the teacup and took two sips of tea, and realized that she hadn't seen third brother for a few days, and she didn't know what he was busy with recently, and he always disappeared suddenly, and he disappeared in the afternoon when he had an appointment.

If she didn't know that he is very good at martial arts, she would have worried that he was kidnapped because he was too beautiful.

In fact, she was really angry with what Ye Suhan did to Xiao Jinyan, but the incident happened because of her, and Ye Suhan was just like her own brother, in order to save her, she was seriously injured twice and almost died twice Gone.

Maybe it's because of some guilt, Tong Yan Wuji didn't understand anything when he was a child, because he promised him to be his princess after a few stutters, which made him think about it for so many years.

After she disappeared, Ye Suhan even abandoned the prince just to find her.

Feng Wuyou thought about it and fell asleep leaning on the chair.

I don't know if she remembered something about her and Ye Suhan when they were young. She dreamed that Ye Suhan climbed up a tree in order to pick fruits for her, but fell from the tree because of the slippery conditions and broke his leg.

When she was five years old, she wanted to eat pastries outside, Ye Suhan took her out of the palace without saying a word, but was targeted by the bad guys.

That time, Ye Suhan was almost beaten to death.

In a daze, she dreamed of Wutan again, who had the same face as Ye Suhan, but their personalities were vastly different.

Wu Tan vomited blood, and those indifferent eyes stared at her without blinking...

"Xiao Jiu, wake up."

Feng Wuyou heard someone calling her, she desperately opened her eyes, and saw a familiar handsome face, with twinkling phoenix eyes looking at her worriedly.

"Jin Yan."

Xiao Jinyan asked worriedly: "Why are you still crying when you fell asleep?"

Hearing this, Feng Wuyou raised her hand and wiped it, and found that her cheeks were full of tears. It turned out that she was crying in her dream.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Xiao Jinyan became even more worried. He held her hand and asked again, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Feng Wuyou nodded, "I dreamed about my childhood, and even dreamed that Wutan died."

Xiao Jinyan was startled when he heard this.

Feng Wuyou immediately said again: "I know that dreams are fake, but I just wonder why Wutan dreamed? I don't know if he has returned to Daxia?"

Xiao Jinyan didn't know how to answer for a while, Xiao Jiu didn't know that Ye Suhan was Wu Tan, but he knew.

It's just that he didn't know how to tell Xiao Jiu, and Ye Suhan didn't admit that he was Wu Tan.

Moreover, after Ye Suhan came to Daxia, his whereabouts were erratic, and he disappeared frequently, and he didn't know why.

Usually when she had nightmares, Xiao Jinyan would comfort her that the dreams were all fake, but now she didn't speak.

"Your Highness, why don't you speak?"

Xiao Jinyan comforted him: "You also know that dreams are all fake, so don't worry too much. As for Wu Tan, he is an adult, so don't worry about him."

Feng Wuyou nodded, but thinking of that dream, she still couldn't calm down.

Seeing that she was still thinking about what happened in the nightmare, Xiao Jinyan glanced at the closed door and asked, "How long has the mother-in-law been in?"

Feng Wuyou counted the time in her heart for a while, "It's been a while, the time should come out soon."

Xiao Jinyan nodded, and sat aside, intending to wait with her.

Only this time, when the time came, the closed door didn't mean to open.

Feng Wuyou couldn't help feeling a little anxious, so she simply stood up and went to the door, squinted on the door and looked inside, "Why don't you come out?"

Xiao Jinyan took a few steps forward and stood beside her, comforting in a gentle voice: "Don't worry, my father-in-law is so powerful, there must be no problem."

With Xiao Jinyan's reassurance, Feng Wuyou felt much more at ease.

"It's true, my father is so powerful, my mother will definitely be able to restore her memory, and then our family of four will not have to be separated."

At this moment, the door opened from inside, Feng Wuyou saw her father, her voice was a little excited: "Father, has mother recovered her memory?"

Before Jun Moqing could speak, Feng Wuyou pushed open the door on the other side and ran in.

Seeing that her daughter was so impatient, Jun Moqing also turned and walked in.

Xiao Jinyan then followed.

In the room, the incense was half burned.

When Feng Wuyou came in, she saw Feng Qingyan sitting on the couch, and thought of the last time when she recovered her memory, she lay on the bed for a long time without reacting, and took a rest before reacting.

She ran over happily, "Mom, how do you feel?"

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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