Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 619 Master Guoshi actually used a beauty trap?

Chapter 619 Master Guoshi actually used a beauty trap?
As soon as Feng Qingyan's hand touched the teacup, she saw Feng Wuyou running towards her. She raised her head and saw Feng Wuyou looking at her with a smile on her face.

She took the teacup to her lips and took a few sips to moisten her throat, mainly because she was too thirsty.

Feng Wuyou was not in a hurry when she saw her. She was also very thirsty when she just recovered her memory, so she waited patiently.

Jun Moqing sat down on the couch, picked up another teacup, glanced at Feng Qingyan, raised the teacup and took two sips of tea.

Seeing her father sitting there drinking tea calmly, Feng Wuyou couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. The first two times before, her father went to take a bath immediately. Could it be because he was too excited, so he didn't rush to take a bath?

After Feng Qingyan finished drinking the tea in the teacup, she found that Feng Wuyou was still staring at her. She put down the teacup in her hand, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Seeing her putting down the teacup, Feng Wuyou didn't speak, her reaction was flat, but she remembered how excited Xiao Jinyan was when she recovered her memory.

When she regained her memory, she was also very excited.

"Mother, why don't you speak?"

Feng Qingyan looked at the expectant Feng Wuyou, glanced at Jun Moqing, and coughed twice: "I don't have amnesia."

Feng Wuyou was stunned for a moment, then asked: "What do you mean?"

Feng Qingyan knew that Feng Wuyou would be disappointed if she told the truth, but she couldn't hide this matter. At first, she only cooperated with him with the attitude of making Jun Moqing give up.

Now that the results are out, Jun Moqing and Feng Wuyou should give up.

She explained: "Jun Moqing helped me restore my memory just now, but I don't have amnesia, so his method has no effect."

Feng Wuyou has always believed that there is nothing impossible for her father to do, but Feng Qingyan said that she has no amnesia, and her father's method has no effect, so she didn't react for a while.

She was stunned for a while, then looked at her father, "Father, what's going on?"

Jun Moqing put down the teacup, looked up at her daughter, "Your mother's situation is a bit special, so she didn't recover her memory."

Jun Moqing discovered something was wrong halfway through helping Feng Qingyan restore her memory, and after the questioning was over, he found that his method had no effect on her at all.

Feng Qingyan turned her head to look at Jun Moqing when she heard the words, she thought that Jun Moqing should give up after going through this time, but she still thought that she lost her memory...

Feng Wuyou felt a little lost, but recovered quickly.

She looked at Feng Qingyan, and comforted her in a gentle voice: "Mother, don't worry, Dad is very powerful, and there must be a way to help you recover your memory."

Feng Qingyan felt that it was necessary to make one thing clear, if she didn't take this opportunity to make it clear, it would be difficult to leave.

"I said I don't have amnesia, you don't believe me, now that the facts are in front of you, don't you think you have identified the wrong person?"

Hearing this, Jun Moqing stared at Feng Qingyan without blinking: "I won't admit my mistake."

Feng Wuyou echoed: "I believe in father, I won't admit my mistake."


Feng Qingyan looked at the two people in front of her, no wonder it was the father and the daughter who spoke in the same tone.

"It's fine if you don't believe me, I should go back."

Jun Moqing stood up, "I'll see you off."

Feng Qingyan is not a hypocritical person either, "Okay."

Jun Moqing and Feng Qingyan walked out of the guest room one after another, Feng Wuyou looked at the back of the two leaving, feeling a little sad.

Dad is so powerful, he couldn't restore his mother's memory, so it's possible that he can't restore it?
Xiao Jinyan could see her thoughts, and comforted him: "Trust your father, there will be a way."

Feng Wuyou raised her head and looked at Xiao Jinyan, "I believe in my father's strength and ability, but I didn't expect that we all recovered our memories, but my mother couldn't. Thinking that my father is so powerful, he can be pinched and counted, why can't he alone? On the trail of mother?"

Xiao Jinyan was also a little puzzled. The national teacher was so worried. He witnessed it with his own eyes. Xiaojiu’s mother had been missing for so many years, but the national teacher could not find her. of.

"It may be caused by some reason. Your father is so powerful, so he will definitely be able to solve the reason. By then, your mother will also recover her memory."

Feng Wuyou nodded, "I hope so, my father finally found my mother, and we can't be separated again."

Xiao Jinyan hugged her into his arms and comforted her gently: "We will definitely not be separated again."

When Jun Wuxian came, Jun Moqing and Feng Qingyan had already left the palace.

Seeing Jun Wuxian, Feng Wuyou called out enthusiastically, "Brother."

Jun Wuxian walked over with a smile on his face, "I heard from Xue Huai that my mother has been found."

"I found it..."

Before Feng Wuyou finished speaking, Jun Wuxian couldn't wait to say: "Then I'll go and have a look."

After Jun Wuxian finished speaking, he walked towards the guest room, but was stopped by Feng Wuyou: "Father has already let mother out of the palace."

Jun Wuxian was a little puzzled, "Why did you leave the palace?"

Feng Wuyou told Jun Wuxian what happened just now.

"That's the way it is, but I trust my father, and I won't mistake my daughter-in-law."

Jun Wuxian said: "I also believe in father, but now, father should want to quickly find a way to restore mother's memory."

Feng Wuyou stared at Jun Wuxian for a while, knowing that he has been busy with his marriage recently, she smiled and asked: "Brother, the wedding is getting closer, how do you feel?"

Jun Wuxian thought for a while, and when he came back from Nanzhao Kingdom, seeing the wedding day approaching, he was looking forward to it, looking forward to Qingqing wearing her wedding dress.


In fact, aside from Jun Wuxian, Feng Wuyou must be very happy when he sees his brows and eyes smiling when he mentions marriage.

"I see it."

"By the way, how is Qingqing these days?"

"I haven't seen her for some days." Jun Moqing went to look for Xu Qingqing yesterday, but was blocked from the door.

She said that it is not good to meet before marriage, and see you on the day of marriage.

Feng Wuyou asked: "Is she busy?"

Jun Wuxian said: "Probably, but I heard that it is not good to meet before marriage, although I don't care about these, I still respect their ideas."

Feng Wuyou has also heard about the marriage of a man and a woman. Before marriage, the man and woman do not meet each other, and all the details are discussed by the elders of both parties.

At this time, the carriage had already parked firmly at the entrance of the inn.

Feng Qingyan glanced at Jun Moqing, "I'm going down."

As soon as the words fell, Jun Moqing held her hand, raised her cold eyes and looked at her, "Do you want to leave?"

Feng Qingyan glanced down at the hand holding her. His hand was very clean, with slender knuckles. When he grabbed her, he used a lot of force. As long as he didn't struggle, he wouldn't feel how hard he was using it. force.

When she met those cold eyes, she was startled, but still told the truth.

"I'm going to get out of here sooner or later."

Jun Moqing knew that she was not joking. It was precisely because she knew her that she knew that she would leave, and very soon.

He looked at her fixedly, "Are you willing?"

Feng Qingyan was startled again, she was really reluctant to send such a beauty to her door, but she couldn't help it, she couldn't pry the corner of the wall, right?
If Jun Moqing just needs a continuation, she can still accept it in terms of appearance.

It's just that they came to find a wife, and they came to her because they confessed to a mistake. That's completely different.

Thinking of Xiao Jiu's craftsmanship, he would not be able to eat after leaving, and he was really reluctant.

Feng Qingyan looked at Jun Moqing with that look, she didn't notice it before, it's no big deal to stare at the handsome guy, it's someone else.

Staring at Jun Moqing, the feeling is completely different, the more I look at it, the more I can't look away.

Looking back, those beautiful men I saw before can no longer be called beautiful men, and they are far from the one in front of me.

"What's there to be reluctant about? We're just acquainted with each other, at best we're acquainted."

Jun Moqing clenched her hand tightly, and with a little force, they narrowed the distance between them.

It was broad daylight at this time, and as the distance got closer, the breath also entangled together.

The faint fragrance of bamboo leaves surrounds the tip of the nose, which is very nice.

"Say it again." Jun Moqing's voice was cold and somewhat indifferent. Although she was over 40 years old, her voice was not thick and deep, but clear and pleasant like rain hitting plantains.

Feng Qingyan looked at Jun Moqing at close range, he was really young, there were no fine lines around his eyes, his skin was as fair as jade, without any blemishes.

She also often looks in the mirror. Although she is 38 years old, she looks very young, but if you look carefully, you can still find the traces of time.

Now that the two faces are so close, they will find that Jun Moqing is younger than her.

Seeing such a handsome face, she secretly swallowed her saliva, no one could resist being stared at by such a handsome man.

After a stalemate for a while, Feng Qingyan really couldn't stand it anymore.

"You, let me go first."

Jun Moqing didn't let her go, but instead drew closer to each other.

Let Feng Qingyan have the illusion that Jun Moqing wants to kiss her, the distance between them is only two centimeters, as long as they move forward a little, they can touch each other's lips.

Feng Qingyan felt that Jun Moqing was using a beauty trick, but he himself didn't know it.

Still staring at her with those eyes, does he not know how beautiful his eyes are?

After a long time, Jun Moqing said, "I won't let go."

Feng Qingyan was a little helpless, thought for a while, and persuaded: "It doesn't matter if you take the wrong road, at worst, turn around and go again. If you recognize the wrong home, the problem will be serious, and the problem cannot be solved by turning."

Jun Moqing: "I'm not that stupid."

Feng Qingyan: "..." Yes, you are the only one who is smart enough to hold on to the woman's hand~

But she didn't want to say these words in person, it's not that she didn't dare, but that she said it out, and it gave people the feeling that it wasn't him who was playing the hooligan, but her~
She glanced at the hand holding her and said, "Are you going to hold my hand all the time? You have to follow me when you go?"

Jun Moqing didn't answer Feng Qingyan's question, but stared at that face for a long time before asking: "Why did you become stupid?"

Feng Qingyan didn't realize the meaning of his words, she subconsciously expressed doubts, "Huh?"

Jun Moqing said: "You used to be very smart."

Feng Qingyan knew that Jun Moqing was not praising her, but his wife.

Jun Moqing said again: "Now that you have become so stupid, what should you do in the future?"

Feng Qingyan: "..." Why does it make her feel like she's in her seventies?

Jun Moqing was a little helpless.

Naturally, he didn't want to let go, but he couldn't keep following her if he didn't let go. It's not impossible to follow her, but he was afraid that she would be unhappy.

If you let go and she leaves, it may not be so easy to find her.

Feng Qingyan suddenly turned cold, "If you don't let go, don't blame me for being rude."

"I won't fight with you." Jun Moqing said quietly, so he grabbed Feng Qingyan's hands~
Feng Qingyan watched her two hands being easily grasped by Jun Moqing. The so-called strong person was Jun Moqing, who was calm and effortless.

She said in a hooligan tone: "If it weren't for the three views not allowing it, I would definitely make you regret messing with me."

Jun Moqing rarely showed a different look in his eyes, "What's the use of talking without practice?"

Feng Qingyan looked at Jun Moqing, and had the illusion that I was waiting for you to make me regret it.

"You are like this, does your daughter know?"

Jun Moqing raised her eyebrows slightly, "Xiao Jiu will support me unconditionally."

Feng Qingyan thought of Feng Wuyou, so she trusted her father, so she naturally supported him.

She lost her temper after being tortured, "What exactly do you want?"

"For dinner, I asked Xiaojiu to cook boiled fish, ants climbing trees, roasted pork with mountain noodles, stir-fried beef..."

Jun Moqing said a long list of dish names, all of which are not available here, "I will pick you up then."

Feng Qingyan listened to the unfamiliar dish names, but only thought of Xiao Jiu's cooking skills, even if she had never eaten it, she could still imagine that it was full of color, flavor and taste.

She nodded instinctively, "Okay..."

Only then did Jun Moqing let go of her hand, and said softly, "I'll pick you up later."

Feng Qingyan nodded, and after getting off the carriage, she looked back at the carriage behind her, the door was not closed, she could feel Jun Moqing's gaze.

From this angle, Jun Moqing was able to see Feng Qingyan, saw her looking back at herself, and then saw her go straight into the inn.

He retracted his gaze, and after a while, he took out a mirror from the space and took a picture of himself for a while.

He wondered if he was not as handsome as before, when Feng Er liked his face very much.

Now she is indifferent, does she not like this face?

After taking a photo for a while, but there was no picture, so I put the mirror back into the space.

Maybe it's because you're getting older and your aesthetics have changed?

Jun Moqing thought about it all the way, but didn't understand it. When she returned to the East Palace, she saw Xiao Jiu and walked over.

Feng Wuyou has been waiting for her father to come back, she will come back now, she can't wait to meet her.

"Father, what's the matter? Mother, does she still think she is not your daughter-in-law?"

Jun Moqing said: "Someone has tampered with her memory. I haven't thought of a solution yet. As for her, of course I don't believe it."

Feng Wuyou guessed: "Could it be that someone deliberately moved mother's memory? Afraid that mother will remember the past and won't leave father?"

"It's possible." Jun Moqing thought for a while, and asked her daughter, "Does your mother dislike me now?"

Feng Wuyou looked her father up and down suspiciously, "Why would father think so?"

Jun Moqing thought for a while before telling her about her doubts.

"Your mother used to be very smart. If you say you like it, you have to hold on tightly, otherwise you will lose the chance. Your mother is very cold to me now."

Feng Wuyou seemed to have heard something serious, and couldn't help gossiping: "Father, according to what you said, it was your mother who chased you first?"

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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