Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 624 A man does not flick his tears easily, the newcomer enters the bridal chamber

Xiao Jinyu asked: "What will happen?"

Feng Wuyou said: "A person cannot live without blood."

Zhaohan side concubine's current situation, blood deficiency has been aggravating, even if it is taken daily tonic, it is too late.

Xiao Jinyu was in a hurry, "How could this be? Ah Yan has always been in good health, so how could he be blood deficient?"

Feng Wuyou said: "The most important thing now is to find out the cause of the blood deficiency. But if it's not a physical reason, then it's an external factor. You can check the people in the palace to see if there is anyone who is against Concubine Han."

Although Feng Wuyou was a salted fish in the past, she still knew something about the internal struggles in the palace, whether it was due to physical reasons or external reasons.

Xiao Jinyu immediately understood, without the cynicism of the past, "Sister-in-law, I understand, someone dares to harm Ah Yan."

Feng Wuyou ordered again: "Keep taking the medicine and don't stop."

Xiao Jinyu nodded, "I wrote it down."

As soon as Feng Wuyou left, Xiao Jinyu called his subordinates, "Keep an eye on the people in the mansion, and immediately arrest anyone suspicious."

"This subordinate obeys the order." Yang Wu immediately went to do it after receiving the order.

Xiao Jinyu came out, he walked over slowly, squatted down in front of the imperial concubine chair, looked at Concubine Han in the sun, she was sleeping soundly at the moment, her bloodless cheeks were so white that they were almost transparent under the sun.

In the past, Ah Yan was just cooler and quieter, why is he sick and lifeless every day like now?

Xiao Jinyu was distressed and sad, he suddenly remembered that after returning from the battlefield, Ah Yan's spirit was not as good as before, and he always slept too much.

Although Ah Yan was quiet in the past, he didn't sleep too much and waited for him to come back every day.

Could it be that someone took advantage of his absence to attack Ah Yan?

Xiao Jinyu's eyes suddenly sank, who on earth hated Ah Yan so much and insisted on putting her to death?
After drying enough, Xiao Jinyu carried Ah Yan to his dormitory, and after making arrangements, he came out of the dormitory.

As soon as he came out, he saw Wanxin standing at the door. At this moment, he was irritable and easily irritable, and his tone was naturally not much better.

"How did you come?"

Wan Xin blessed Fushen, and raised her delicate face to look at Xiao Jinyu, "My lord, I personally cooked some meals today, and I want to have lunch with my lord."

Xiao Jinyu refused without thinking, "I'm not free."

Wan Xin was originally a delicate person, and immediately noticed that Xiao Jinyu was in a bad mood.

"Does your lord have something important to go out to deal with?"

Xiao Jinyu said with a sad face: "Concubine Han is not feeling well, and the cause has not been found out, and she is worrying about this matter."

Wan Xin took a step forward, took Xiao Jinyu's arm, and comforted in a gentle voice: "Prince, don't worry, Concubine Han Fang has been in good health, and she will definitely recover soon."

Xiao Jinyu found that Wanxin was holding his arm, frowned, and pulled out his arm directly, "Wanxin, men and women are different."

Wan Xin's hands were in mid-air, her face was a little ugly, she was already married to Xiao Jinyu, he said there was a difference between men and women?
"My lord, my concubine is already married to you. I was born as a man of my lord and died as my ghost. Why is there a difference between a man and a woman?"

Xiao Jinyu said very seriously: "Wanxin, I told you that I only want to marry Ah Yan. I married you because of the emperor's grandmother. You are still innocent. After two days, the king and father will make it clear that you will return Continue to serve in front of Grandma Huang, and you can marry someone else in the future."

Wanxin heard that it was like a bolt from the blue, her legs were a little soft, which caused her to take two steps on her hind legs, married in and sent back, what did she take for her?

"My lord, this concubine is already married to you, and now you want to send this concubine back. How will this make this concubine behave in the future? How can I hold my head up in the palace?"

Wanxin cried as she spoke, "The concubine is just a weak woman, so if the prince says no, he will not? Is the concubine guilty of the seven rules? The prince wants to be a concubine like this?"

With such a pitiful appearance, no one can bear to see her.

Xiao Jinyu is no exception. He knows how important a woman's reputation is. If Wanxin is sent back, someone will gossip.

"It's a waste of time for you to stay in Qiancheng Palace. Why don't you go back to Grandma Huang's place. With her in charge, she can also point out a good marriage for you."

"My lord, the concubine who marries you is your woman. If you don't want the concubine, then the concubine will have to die, and don't marry anyone else." Wan Xin said as she looked at Xiao Jinyu with tears in her eyes, feeling extremely wronged.

Xiao Jinyu didn't want to waste Wanxin's time. Spending it in the Qiancheng Palace would be equivalent to being a widow for a lifetime.

Seeing Wan's heart like this, he didn't know what to do for a while.

After what Wanxin said, Xiao Jinyu's plan to send her away was shelved again.

He can't take care of Wanxin now, Ah Yan's matter has not been resolved yet.

She will be fine.

"This king knows that you are a good girl. For your own lifelong happiness, you should carefully consider whether you should stay in the Qiancheng Palace as a widow for the rest of your life, or go back to Grandma Huang and choose a lover."

After Xiao Jinyu said this, he strode away.

Standing in the corridor, Wanxin looked at Xiao Jinyu who was striding away, holding a plain handkerchief tightly in her hand, her eyes were full of unwillingness.

Xiao Jinyu made it very clear that even if she married in, Xiao Jinyu would not touch her.

However, she has already married in, and if she is allowed to go back, wouldn't she be drowned by spitting?

She wouldn't put herself in that situation.

As long as Concubine Han is gone, she will not believe that Xiao Jinyu will have no feeling for her at all.

Xiao Jinyu spent a whole day, but did not find the reason for Ah Yan's blood deficiency. A Yan's diet has been in charge of by a special person, and they are all old people in the Qiancheng Palace.

Ah Yan usually doesn't like to talk, and he doesn't treat his servants so harshly, so he won't form any grudges.

It's even harder to investigate.

For dinner, Concubine Han only ate half a bowl and then she didn't eat. Xiao Jinyu wanted to coax her to eat more, but seeing that she was not in good spirits, she couldn't bear to embarrass her, so she gave up.

"Ah Yan, I'll take you to take a bath."

Concubine Han nodded, "Okay."

Don't look at Concubine Han's slender figure, but she is very soft in her arms, as if she has no bones.

Xiao Jinyu was very distressed. During this period of time, she lost a lot of weight, and she didn't have any flesh on her waist and abdomen.

"Ah Yan, you've lost weight." There was an indescribable distress in the words.

Concubine Han looked up at Xiao Jinyu, "Are you disgusted?"

Xiao Jinyu said: "Why would I dislike it? It's too late for me to feel distressed. It's all my fault. I didn't protect you well. When I got married, I swore that I would protect you for the rest of my life."

Concubine Han didn't expect that he would take the fault on herself, "It's not your fault either."

"Ayan, don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen to you." Xiao Jinyu paused here, stared at her for a while, and said: "When you are done, I will send Wanxin away , and then make you a regular, this time even the Heavenly King Lao Tzu is here, and he can't stop me."

"Actually, the main concubine and the side concubine are not important. The important thing is that your heart is with me, and that's enough."

In the past few years with Xiao Jinyu, she still knows what he is like, and she also knows that his heart is with her.

Wanxin married in together, but Xiao Jinyu never consummated the marriage with her, which is already commendable.

"That's not okay, how can the person I like be a side concubine all the time?" Xiao Jinyu hugged her into his arms. She was also thin before, but now she can clearly feel that her bones are a bit painful.

"You can rest easy and recuperate. I will take care of these things. After I finish these things, I will take you out to live. You are the hostess, and you will take care of the whole family, okay?"

Xiao Jinyu said that tears fell from the corners of his eyes unconsciously, and he hurriedly raised his hand to wipe them away.

Concubine Han smiled lightly: "You want to exhaust me to death?"

Xiao Jinyu smiled and said: "How can I be willing? I will help you take care of it. Is this okay?"

Concubine Han gave a "hmm".

Xiao Jinyu bathed her while feeling distressed.

When resting, Xiao Jinyu also hugged her tightly, but she didn't feel sleepy at all.

Today is Qin Xiao and Chunxi's big wedding day, and Xiao Jinyan and Feng Wuyou are the officiant.

Early in the morning, Chunxi was bathed and put on the bright red wedding dress by the nanny.

Feng Wuyou held the hijab of the dragon and the phoenix, and watched Chunxi put on the wedding dress, her eyes were full of joy, it was not the first time that she was so excited because she was about to have a feast.

After Chunxi put on her wedding dress, she walked slowly to Feng Wuyou, her nose suddenly felt sour, and she cried, "Master."

Feng Wuyou was about to cover Chunxi with a red hijab, when she saw her crying, she was a little surprised, "Today is a happy day, why are you crying? Could it be because you regretted it? Then what about Qin Xiao?"

Chunxi was still crying one second, and laughed the next second, and said coquettishly, "Master, how could the servant regret it? The servant just doesn't want to part with the master."

Feng Wuyou smiled and said: "Aren't they all in the East Palace? We can still see each other every day."

Chunxi said shyly, "That's different."

Outside the door, gongs and drums blared, and firecrackers blared.

Wearing a wedding dress, Qin Xiao led the welcoming team to the gate of Hehuan Palace in an orderly manner.

Mammy stepped forward to remind, "The auspicious time has come, and it's time for the bride to get on the sedan chair."

Feng Wuyou knew the groom was coming when he heard the sound of firecrackers, and joked: "If Qin Xiao saw you like this, he would definitely be fascinated."

Chunxi blushed with embarrassment when she heard the words, then knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Feng Wuyou.

Feng Wuyoujian put the red hijab on Chunxi's head, covering her shy face at the same time.

Mammy stepped forward to help Chunxi onto the sedan chair.

Qin Xiao's eyes kept staring at Chun Xi who was wearing a new wedding gown, even though he couldn't see her face, he still couldn't take his eyes off her.

A few days before they got married, the two couldn't meet each other. Now that they met, they naturally wanted to see more.

Qin Xiao and Chunxi's ostentation was very beautiful among the servants, and I don't know how many people secretly envied them.

As the officiant, Feng Wuyou and Xiao Jinyan were already sitting on the high hall, watching the two newlyweds walk in slowly, and under the reminder of the master of ceremonies, they bowed to heaven and earth first, then to the high hall, and the husband and wife bowed to each other.

The process was lively and smooth. Amid the commotion, Qin Xiao led Chunxi into the bridal chamber.

After the couple entered the bridal chamber, Feng Wuyou began to eat.

Xiao Jinyan saw it, and shook his head helplessly, never forgetting to eat.

Feng Wuyou ate the chicken legs, and said to Xiao Jin: "Your Highness, next month I will be able to eat my elder brother's wedding wine, I am happy just thinking about it."

Xiao Jinyan's eyes were full of doting, "You know how to eat."

Feng Wuyou said, "Your Highness doesn't understand, the fun of eating is that you can eat many, many dishes."

Xiao Jinyan was noncommittal.

Qin Xiao had just sent Chunxi into the bridal chamber, before he had time to say a few words, he was dragged out by his brothers for a drink.

They were brothers who were born and died, Qin Xiao was happy, and he didn't have any scruples about drinking.

After a few rounds, Qin Xiao became a little drunk.

Seeing that his brothers could no longer stand, Wei Chi knew that they were almost done drinking. Seeing that they were still toasting, he yelled at the top of his voice.

"Enough is enough. Qin Xiao is going to enter the bridal chamber tonight. The so-called spring festival is worth a thousand gold. Brothers can't ruin his good deeds."

"Brother Wei is right. If you faint from drinking, how can Brother Qin enter the bridal chamber? Right, brothers?"

"That can only make Brother Qin cheaper."

Qin Xiao always wanted to go back to the room early, but the brothers were all happy tonight, and their emotions were high, so it was hard to refuse him when they asked him to drink.

Fortunately, Wei Chi spoke for him.

Qin Xiao patted him on the shoulder gratefully, "Thank you brother, next time you get married, I will help you too."

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he couldn't wait to walk into the room.

Wei Chi held the wine glass in his hand, thinking of Lu Zhaoyan's words, he, who was smiling just now, would now look sad.

He didn't have this chance.

Wei Chi raised the wine glass in his hand and drank it in one gulp. When he put it down, he saw that Lu Zhaoyan at the next table was also drinking, and the sadness just now deepened again.

If Lu Zhaoyan had said it earlier, he wouldn't think that he couldn't do it for so long and almost fell into depression.

The more Wei Chi thought about it, the more unhappy he became. He glanced at the jug on the table, picked it up and walked over.

"Lord Lu."

Lu Zhaoyan raised his head, saw Wei Chi, and greeted with a smile, "Brother Wei."

Wei Chi raised the jug in his hand and filled the wine glass in Lu Zhaoyan's hand. That posture made Lu Zhaoyan a little scared.

"Brother Wei, what are you?"

"Drink." Wei Chi felt unhappy, and wanted Guan Lu Zhaoyan to drink to relieve his anger.

Thinking of Brother Wei's strange behavior a few days ago, Lu Zhaoyan is still angry?

After he raised his glass in doubt and drank it in one gulp, he showed it to him with the mouth of the glass down, indicating that he had finished drinking.

Who knows, Wei Chi poured him another full glass, "Continue to drink."

Lu Zhaoyan: "..." This is to seek revenge, right?

Lu Zhaoyan was poured three glasses of wine by Wei Chi. Seeing Wei Chi raise the flagon to pour wine for him again, he finally couldn't help it, and pressed Wei Chi's hand.

"Brother Wei, if you drink any more, you'll get drunk."

"Drunk, I'll carry it back for you." Wei Chi is a martial artist, Lu Zhaoyan is a weak scholar, how can he stop him?

A full glass of wine, and looking at Wei Chi's posture, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop drinking.

Qin Xiao came all the way to the door of the room, and couldn't wait to push the door open. Seeing the beautiful girl sitting on the bed, he walked in with sloppy steps, turned around and closed the door tightly, fearing that the gang of brothers would come and make trouble in the bridal chamber.

Chunxi couldn't help but feel a little nervous when she heard the door opening, and even more shy. Hearing the steady footsteps walking towards this side step by step, her heart pounded like a deer.

Just when Chunxi was nervous and shy, Qin Xiao took off the red hijab with a scale, and let her see Qin Xiao in wedding dress.

Qin Xiao is a martial artist, tall and straight, his skin color is neither white nor dark, but he looks very handsome.

Just by taking a look, Chunxi's face turned red, probably thinking of what would happen next.

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