Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 625 I was a little nervous for the first time, and discovered a great secret after being dru

Chapter 625 I was a little nervous for the first time, and discovered a great secret after being drunk

Qin Xiao looked at Chunxi in her wedding gown, her makeup was more refined than usual, and Xiaojiabiyu, who was born in the first place, added a bit of glamour.

He stared blankly for a long time, "Chunxi, I finally married you home."

Chunxi raised her blushing face and moved away after just a glance. She found that Qin Xiao looked very good in the wedding dress.

Qin Xiao usually doesn't smile, but now there is a smile between his brows and eyes. He used to think he was a little silly, but he thinks it looks good.

Because Chunxi was shy, she didn't say a word.

Qin Xiao was very excited but he didn't forget to drink the wine. He turned around and came to the table. There was a jug and two wine glasses on the table.

He picked up the jug and filled the two wine glasses, then came to the bed with the two wine glasses, and handed one to Chunxi, "Chunxi, let's have a cup of wine."

"Yeah." Chunxi took the wine glass in his hand shyly. When drinking the wine, the two were very close to each other. After drinking, they looked at each other in a tacit understanding.

One is nervous and the other is shy.

Qin Xiao took the wine glass from Chun Xi's hand and put it on the side cabinet with his wine glass. When he looked at Chun Xi again, he found that she lowered her head slightly, her red face was hidden in the shadows.

"Let's sleep."

Chunxi nodded shyly, "I'll help you undress."

Qin Xiao has never been waited on by anyone, and now that Chunxi wants to help him undress, he stood up instinctively, "I'll do it myself."

As he spoke, he began to undo his girdle with his hands, with a bit of urgency.

Wedding clothes are more complicated than regular clothes, and it is not as fast to take off as regular clothes, but it is not difficult for Qin Xiao.

Chunxi watched Qin Xiao standing in front of her, taking off the clothes one by one, with quick movements, as if in a hurry.

After a while, all that was left was the white shirt inside.

Only then did Chunxi realize that she had been staring at Qin Xiao undressing.

After Qin Xiao finished taking off, he raised his head to look at Chunxi, and found that she was staring at him, looking at the wedding dress on her body, which was red, which matched her complexion very well.

However, the wedding dress in winter was heavy and complicated, and she might not be able to take it off as a weak woman.

"I'll help you take it off."

Qin Xiao has followed Xiao Jinyan for so many years, and under the influence of subtle influences, his style of acting is very similar, both of them are action-oriented.

While speaking, his hand has already reached out to untie her girdle.

Chunxi was too ashamed, but she didn't stop her.

When taking a bath today, the old mother in the palace talked about how to scout her husband and the things between husband and wife.

She was supposed to undress Qin Xiao, but it turned out to be the other way around.

Thinking of what was about to happen, Chun Xi's face was even redder than before.

Qin Xiao undressed Chunxi, not as casually as he did for himself, but with a bit of care and anticipation.

The woman in front of him is the person he wants to marry, his wife, and even the person who will be with him for the rest of his life.

Entering the bridal chamber, which man is not excited?
Qin Xiao is a normal man, and he never even touches his hands when they meet, it's not that he doesn't want to.

Now that they are married, holding hands, no amount of intimacy is acceptable.

Qin Xiao carefully took off her clothes one by one until only the red bellyband was left.

Chunxi's skin is very fair, under the weak light, it is still dazzlingly white.

Qin Xiao suddenly felt a little thirsty, swallowed with difficulty, bent down to pick up Chunxi, and laid her flat on the big red bed.

Looking at Chun Xi's red face like an apple, he couldn't help but want to take a bite. Qin Xiao did bite it, but it was just red lips...

Feng Wuyou hasn't had a meal for a long time, she ate a lot at today's wedding banquet, and ended up getting full.

When going back, it was Xiao Jinyan who carried her back. Although Feng Wuyou could eat, but she didn't gain weight or gain weight, Xiao Jinyan could easily hug her.

In the East Palace, no one knows how much His Highness loves the Crown Princess.

Back in the bedroom, Feng Wuyou was lying on the bed, touching her belly, and looked at Xiao Jinyan with a smile, "Your Highness, look at the belly of my concubine, does it look like she is pregnant?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at her bulging belly, and suddenly remembered the year she was pregnant, when he came back overnight, he saw her pregnant belly.

The belly at that time was bigger and rounder than the belly at this time.

He stretched out his slender fingers to caress her swollen belly. The belly after eating is not as hard as a pregnant belly, but soft. The skin is fair and delicate, and it feels very good.

He raised his head and looked at Feng Wuyou, as the officiant today, he was not dressed as casually as usual, and because he was a princess, he dressed dignifiedly.

Feng Wuyou noticed that Xiao Jinyan had been staring at her, and asked suspiciously, "Your Highness, what's wrong?"

Xiao Jinyan smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing."

"I'm exhausted, this concubine has to quickly take off this outfit, and this golden step, hairpin, hairpin, and neck are so sore."

While Feng Wuyou was muttering, her hands had already stretched out to her sides, and she took off the golden step shaker, her head lightened a lot in an instant.

Feng Wuyou usually wears simple clothes, even if she is simple, she still has to look like a princess.

Xiao Jinyan still understands her temperament very well, and likes to dress comfortably, so she might be exhausted today.

"I will help you."

Feng Wuyou was naturally happy when someone served her, "Okay."

Xiao Jinyan picked her up horizontally, came to the dressing table, put her on the chair, and with some unskilled fingers, took off the hairpin and hairpin from her temples.

He was busy on weekdays, and he had never helped Xiao Jiu remove her makeup. When the long black hair came down, he discovered the joy in it.

Slender fingers caressed the hair on her shoulders, and boasted: "Xiao Jiu's hair is smoother than silk and satin, so it's hard to put it down."

Feng Wuyou raised her head, looked at the two people in the mirror, her gaze fell on Xiao Jinyan, and she saw him playing with her hair.

"It's the same feeling when the concubine touches His Highness's hair."

He had seen Xiao Jiu's ability to blow rainbow farts before, so he smiled helplessly.

After removing makeup, Xiao Jinyan's hand came to her waist, first untied her girdle, and then her clothes.

He has done this action countless times, but the sense of anticipation has never diminished.

After taking off her fine clothes, Xiao Jinyan was afraid of leaving her cold, so he picked her up again and brought her to the bedside.

Feng Wuyou raised her head to look at Xiao Jinyan, and suddenly thought of her father and mother, "It's been a few days since my father and mother left, I don't know if it's going well or not?"

"Father is not an ordinary person, we should believe in his ability." Xiao Jinyan comforted her while taking off the last dress on her body.

Feng Wuyou naturally also knew about her father's abilities, but there were no absolutes in the world, so she was still a little worried.

But soon, Feng Wuyou had no time to think about these things, she found that Xiao Jinyan's energy was a little strong these two days~

After the wedding banquet, Lu Zhaoyan supported the wall for a long time before walking out a few steps. It was the first time that his legs were weak from drinking.

At this time, he was drunk and a little unconscious. When he found someone beside him, he instinctively reached out to help him, but he fell into a wall, but it didn't hurt.

Wei Chi has been standing beside Lu Zhaoyan, just to see him make a fool of himself.

Today is the brother's big day, and he also drank a lot of wine, but compared with Lu Zhaoyan, he is much better.

Lu Zhaoyan is not an alcoholic, he was completely drunk by Wei Chi tonight.

Seeing Lu Zhaoyan looking like he was about to fall, Wei Chi kindly supported him. Seeing Lu Zhaoyan's flushed face, he regretted forcing him to drink so much just now.

"Can you still go?"

Lu Zhaoyan still had self-knowledge and shook his head.

Wei Chi sighed, bent down and picked up Lu Zhaoyan directly, and strode out.

Lu Zhaoyan already drank too much, and he would be carried by Wei Chi on his shoulders, with his upper body hanging upside down on Wei Chi's body. He was so uncomfortable that he felt like vomiting.

He was just a frail scholar, he struggled a few times to think about it, but Wei Chi's big hand firmly pressed him on his shoulder.

"Lord Lu, we'll be there soon." Wei Chi said, walking very fast with the wind blowing under his feet.

Lu Zhaoyan on his shoulders didn't feel so good. The bumps caused his stomach to churn badly.

After Wei Chi carried Lu Zhaoyan back to his residence, he put it down, "Lord Lu, we're here."

Before the words fell, there was only a "wow".

Wei Chi vomited when he saw Lu Zhaoyan laying on top of him, and didn't even give him a chance to react.

Lu Zhaoyan endured to the limit and couldn't bear it anymore.

After vomiting, the stomach felt a lot better, but the person was still not awake, and his body was leaning back. When he was about to fall, Wei Chi pulled him back to stabilize him.

Looking at Lu Zhaoyan who was so drunk, he regretted forcing Lu Zhaoyan to drink because of his momentary depression.

As a result, when he was drunk, not only did he carry it, but he also had to clean up the filth.

Lu Zhaoyan has a maid serving her, but the maid is too weak, how can she move Lu Zhaoyan, who is more than 1.8 meters tall?
In the end, it was Wei Chi who took off Lu Zhaoyan's clothes. Although Lu Zhaoyan was a scholar, he was not thin at all. On the contrary, there was flesh in his clothes, but it was not tendon flesh, but soft flesh, white and white...

"I can't tell, you still have flesh on your body, so soft..." I deliberately tried the feeling~

But she is well-proportioned and looks good in clothes.

Wei Chi picked up Lu Zhaoyan and went straight to the bathtub, and put him in, without any hesitation.

While Lu Zhaoyan was taking a bath, he took off his outer robe and threw it outside because the smell was too bad.

When he looked back, he found that Lu Zhaoyan, who was sitting upright, slid into the bathtub even with the lead.

Wei Chi was startled, ran over quickly, and picked him up.

He sniffed Lu Zhaoyan's breath, but fortunately he was still panting.

"Scared me to death..." Killed Qin Tianjian's supervision certificate, he will die tomorrow~

After a drowning incident, Wei Chi never dared to be negligent, and he had to be careful when bathing him.

"It's all because of your words, which have caused me to have a shadow in my heart." Wei Chi couldn't help complaining.

He felt that it was Lu Zhaoyan who counted him a marriage, and he didn't tell him the truth, which caused the shadow.

After taking a bath, Wei Chi packed up Lu Zhaoyan and put him on the bed. Seeing him still struggling, he hummed, as if he was in pain.

Wei Chi sighed, and told the maid at the door, "You serve Master Lu well, I'm going back."

Said strode out.

But before the door could go out, the palace lady caught up again, "Master Wei, Mr. Lu fell off the bed."

Hearing this, Wei Chi paused, turned around and ran back. When he stepped on the threshold, he saw Lu Zhaoyan sprawled on the ground, and the quilt on his body barely covered the important parts.

No wonder the maid came to call him, which girl would be embarrassed to see it?
Wei Chi strode over helplessly, bent down to pick up the person on the ground, and put him back on the bed.

The maid brought warm water and wiped Lu Zhaoyan's cheeks seriously.

Wei Chi was watching from the side. Lu Zhaoyan is also 26 years old this year, and he is notoriously handsome.

Thinking of his soft flesh, no wonder he can't lift his shoulders or his hands.

After the maid finished wiping, she saw Wei Chi. He was wearing very thin clothes. In such a cold day, he could easily catch the cold.

She asked cautiously: "Does Master Wei want to take a bath?"

Wei Chi couldn't wait to go back just now because he wanted to take a bath, his body was sticky and uncomfortable.

Lu Zhaoyan was drunk, and he couldn't leave for the time being, so he ordered: "Prepare some hot water."

"Here." The maid went out with the water basin.

Not long after, the maid came in to remind, "Master Wei, the hot water is ready."

Wei Chi glanced at Lu Zhaoyan on the bed, then turned and walked out.

When I came back from the bath, it was dead of night.

Lu Zhaoyan on the bed didn't stop, he was still humming, Wei Chi walked over curiously, leaned over, trying to hear what he was humming clearly?
"Don't drink, don't drink, my stomach will burst if I drink again...Brother Wei, can't I be wrong?"

Wei Chi: "..." It seems that you are really being aggressive, and you can't do it like this next time.

Wei Chi was about to sit up straight when he heard Lu Zhaoyan hum again, "My, my pillow...where is the pillow?"

Wei Chi glanced at the pillow under Lu Zhaoyan's head, and found that Lu Zhaoyan had been looking for the pillow. He pulled the pillow out kindly, and saw something falling out from under the pillow.

He bent down to pick it up, it was a purse, he opened it curiously, and found a note in the purse.

He subconsciously took a look at Lu Zhaoyan who was still looking for a pillow. It shouldn't matter if he took a look, right?
Just take a look.

After making up his mind, Wei Chi took out the note from his purse, opened it slowly, and found a paragraph written on the note.

After reading it, I found that this is not an ordinary note, but a hangup.

There are two names on it, one of which is him.

Although Wei Chi is a martial artist, it doesn't mean he doesn't understand anything.

He vaguely guessed the meaning above, and then looked at Lu Zhaoyan on the bed, his eyes showed disbelief: "So you know it all, you already knew it..."

How could he have forgotten that Lu Zhaoyan could tell fortunes and marriages, so how could he not know?

Wei Chi stood up abruptly and was about to leave, but found that he was still holding the purse and the note in his hand. He went back to the bed, stuffed the note into the purse, and put it back under the pillow.

After doing all this, Wei Chi left.

The next day, the East Palace still had a festive atmosphere.

Feng Wuyou and Xiao Jinyan sat on the throne.

Qin Xiao brought his newly married daughter-in-law to offer tea to the two masters.

When serving tea, Feng Wuyou looked at Chun Xi, after marrying a woman, her hair was tied up, her face was shy, and she was a little more charming than before.

After offering tea, Xiao Jinyan and Feng Wuyou gave red envelopes to the two newcomers.


Xiao Jin said: "Get up."

"Thank you, master." Only then did Qin Xiao support Chunxi to get up.

Liu Ximai refused to come in, "Your Highness, Mr. Lu is here."

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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