Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 627 After being hit hard, there is a way to save Concubine Han

Chapter 627 After being hit hard, there is a way to save Concubine Han
The name Susu is immediately recognizable as a baby name. With such an intimate title, it is easy for people to think it is Xiao Jinyan's princess.

Ouyang Leyuan frowned, how can a woman treat a tiger as a pet?You can tell that she is a shrew at a glance, how could Xiao Jinyan like such a woman?
Is it because of a political marriage?
In the royal family, political marriage is nothing more than normal.

Certainly so.

Ouyang Leyuan thought about it, and felt that she still had a chance.

Dabai looked up at Xiao Jinyan, but did not approach them.

Xiao Jinyan withdrew his gaze and led the two of them to continue walking, after several twists and turns, they came to the bedroom.

Along the way, Qi Qifu, a court lady and eunuch, saluted.

Since Feng Wuyou became the crown princess, the number of maids and eunuchs serving her has been increased from the original six to sixteen.

Feng Wuyou was engrossed in reading medical books, when suddenly she heard the maid say: "Master, the Crown Prince has come down."

She raised her head to look at the door, and saw a black figure walking in.

The maid walked out with small steps.

Feng Wuyou didn't get up to salute, because Xiao Jinyan said that in her bedroom, there is no need to salute when there is no one around.

"Your Highness, aren't you busy today?"

"It's very busy, I brought two guests." Xiao Jinyan said and looked towards the door.

Ouyang Jingyuan and Ouyang Leyuan walked in one after the other.

Feng Wuyou followed Xiao Jinyan's line of sight to the door, and saw Ouyang Jingyuan at first sight. He had seen it in Xingmiao before, so he recognized him immediately.

I didn't expect to see each other again after a few months of separation, and I couldn't help being a little excited.

She put down the medical book in her hand and began to wear embroidered shoes.

Ouyang Jingyuan saw the woman on the couch, she was wearing pink clothes, pink and delicate, completely different from the last time we met, she was dressed extravagantly this time.

At the beginning, she didn't lie to him, she was Xiao Jinyan's princess.

Ouyang Leyuan then walked in, saw the woman on the couch, she felt very familiar, after thinking about it, she suddenly opened her eyes wide, "Are you that miracle doctor?"

Seeing that Ouyang Leyuan had also come, Feng Wuyou's excitement was halved, but she never forgot what kind of thoughts this princess had towards Xiao Jinyan.

Xiao Jin said: "She is the princess of the palace. In order to find the palace, she disguised herself as a man to rejuvenate the Miao people."

Ouyang Leyuan was shocked for a long time. At the beginning, she didn't expect that the miracle doctor was a woman disguised as a man, let alone that she was a princess. She was so scheming, no wonder she didn't realize it.

When Feng Wuyou was in Xing Miao, he didn't know that he was Feng Wuyou, this would restore his memory, and at the same time he would remember Ouyang Jingyuan.

She looked at Ouyang Jingyuan. She hadn't seen him for ten years, and she had changed a lot.

Xiao Jinyan looked down at Xiao Jiu, and saw her staring at Ouyang Jingyuan without blinking. He glanced at Ouyang Jingyuan again, and found that he was also staring at Xiao Jiu, his eyes darkened.

Ouyang Jingyuan smiled and said, "Long time no see, you seem to be doing well."

Feng Wuyou frowned, "Brother A Yuan, long time no see."

Ouyang Jingyuan hadn't heard someone call him that for a long time, but now that he heard it, he was startled, as if he couldn't believe it.

"You call me brother Ayuan?"

Feng Wuyou took a few steps forward, came to Xiao Jinyan's side, looked at Ouyang Jingyuan with a smile, "Yes, I've been calling you that way all the time."

Ouyang Jingyuan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized, his eyes showed surprise: "Are you Xiaojiu?"

Feng Wuyou nodded, "Well, I've already remembered everything."

"I didn't expect you to be Xiao Jiu. They all said you were missing." Ouyang Jingyuan was so excited that he didn't know what to say, "It's a blessing to have returned safely."

He glanced at Xiao Jinyan again, "I didn't expect that you would marry Xiao Jinyan in the end."

Feng Wuyou looked up at Xiao Jinyan, who just lowered his eyes, and the two eyes met, the former was happy, the latter was lucky.

Ouyang Leyuan reacted from the shock, and really didn't want to admit that Feng Wuyou's women's clothing was more stunning than men's.

It's just good looking, nothing special.

She raised her head and asked Ouyang Jingyuan, "Brother, do you know her?"

Ouyang Jingyuan nodded, "Well, I met when I went to Nanzhao Kingdom, and she is Princess Jiuyou."

Princess Jiuyou?

When Ouyang Jingyuan came back from Nanzhao Kingdom, Ouyang Leyuan pulled Ouyang Jingyuan to talk about his time in Nanzhao Kingdom out of curiosity.

Among them, Princess Jiuyou was mentioned.

Princess Jiuyou is the daughter of Master Guoshi.

Ouyang Leyuan stared at Feng Wuyou for a long time, she was Princess Jiuyou, more noble than the princess of the royal family.

For a moment, I was shocked and speechless.

Xiao Jinyan is the prince of Daxia, and Ouyang Leyuan is his savior, so he should treat them well.

He ordered the lady-in-waiting to bring some pastries and a pot of good tea.

Feng Wuyou chatted with Ouyang Jingyuan for a long time, she still hasn't forgotten Ouyang Jingyuan's illness.

"Brother Ayuan, how is your health recently? Are you sick?"

Ouyang Jingyuan's heart warmed when he heard the words, but she didn't expect that she still remembered his illness.

"I've been taking the medicine, and I've never been sick. It's just that sometimes I'm very tired. I get enough sleep at night, but I still want to sleep during the day."

Feng Wuyou knows Ouyang Jingyuan's body better than anyone else, and when he thinks that he will live soon, he will feel very sad.

"I'll check your pulse later."

Ouyang Jingyuan responded, "Okay."

Ouyang Leyuan drank tea and glanced at Xiao Jinyan who was facing him. He is now the prince, that is, the future prince, the 72nd concubine of the Sixth Court of Sangong, so she still has hope.

You can't be a princess, but it's not bad to be a side concubine.

The important thing is to be by his side.

Since meeting Xiao Jinyan, Ouyang Leyuan looked at the men around her again, no matter in appearance or temperament, they were all inferior to Xiao Jinyan.

If you want to marry, you still have to marry a man like Xiao Jinyan, so that this life will not be in vain.

"His Royal Highness, I'm new to Daxia, and I'm not familiar with this place yet, how about you accompany me around?"

Xiao Jin said: "Princess wants to go out to play, I will ask Cheng Wang to accompany you later, I still have a lot of business to do."

Ouyang Leyuan was a little dissatisfied, "Are you so busy? Can't you be busy later?"

Xiao Jinyan explained: "Father has just recovered from a serious illness, and all the affairs of the court are handled by the Palace. The official duties are heavy and urgent, and there is no delay."

Ouyang Jingyuan looked at his sister, he still knew what she was thinking.

"Le Yuan, don't make trouble for no reason."

Ouyang Leyuan replied unconvinced: "How can I make trouble for no reason?"

Ouyang Jingyuan ignored Ouyang Leyuan. He looked at Xiao Jinyan and said apologetically, "His Royal Highness has heavy official duties, so you don't need to accompany him personally."

Xiao Jin said: "I'm sorry."

After Xiao Jinyan left, Feng Wuyou took Ouyang Jingyuan's pulse.

Ouyang Jingyuan waited quietly.

Feng Wuyou's brows were a little dignified, Ouyang Jingyuan's body did not miraculously improve, but was maintained by medicine.

"I'll make some more medicine for you when I'm done with this job."

The cause of Concubine Han's illness has never been found. She looked through medical books today, just to see if there is a cure.

So there is no time to dispense the medicine for the time being, and it is not a short-term matter for her to make another prescription.

Ouyang Jingyuan said warmly: "Don't worry, you still have some medicine from last time."

Ouyang Leyuan felt unwilling, looked at Feng Wuyou who was sitting opposite, and asked tentatively: "There should be many women around His Royal Highness, right?"

As soon as Feng Wuyou picked up the teacup, she heard Ouyang Leyuan's words and raised her eyes to look at her, "There were many women before, but now there are not many women."

Ouyang Leyuan's eyes were full of doubts: "What do you mean?"

Feng Wuyou raised the teacup, drank two sips of tea, and said quietly: "This is a matter in the palace, there is no need to explain it to you in detail, right?"

Ouyang Leyuan frowned in dissatisfaction. It is impossible for the prince to be alone with the princess, there must be other women.

Xiao Jinyan came back after finishing the work at hand, and saw Ouyang Leyuan and Ouyang Jingyuan still in Hehuan Hall.

"My palace has prepared a sumptuous dinner, and the prince and princess will have dinner together later."

Seeing Xiao Jinyan's return, Ouyang Leyuan stood up happily, "Okay, this is my first time in Daxia, and I just happened to try Daxia's delicacies."

Ouyang Jingyuan said: "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders."

A milky and sweet voice suddenly came from outside the door, "Father, the nest is back."

Susu held the door with both hands, straddled the threshold with her short legs, ran in, and threw herself into Xiao Jinyan's arms.

"Father, meat is the second choice for dinner."

Xiao Jinyan squatted down in front of his daughter, and blushing all the way, he said softly: "Okay, let someone prepare Sixi meatballs for you for dinner, how about it?"

Susu held Xiao Jinyan's handsome face, and just took a sip on the cheek, "Father Wang is the hottest."

When Ouyang Leyuan saw a three-year-old doll, her eyes were full of disbelief and shock.

"You already have a daughter?" This was something she didn't expect.

"Father, mother and concubine."

Taotao held the door, and ran in neatly with short short legs. Seeing his younger sister snuggling in his father's arms, he threw himself into the arms of his mother and concubine.

"Mother and concubine, Wo recited the Three Character Classic today."

Feng Wuyou looked at her son and boasted: "Tao Tao is very powerful."

Ouyang Leyuan opened her eyes wide again. Not only did she have a daughter, she even had a son, and the two dolls look alike.

Even Ouyang Jingyuan was surprised when he saw the two dolls who looked exactly the same. Seeing that the two dolls were about three years old, it meant that Xiao Jiu had been married to Xiao Jinyan for several years.

They have no news at all.

Xiao Jinyan picked up Susu, looked at Ouyang Leyuan and Ouyang Jingyuan, "They are Taotao and Susu, the children of the palace and the princess."

Ouyang Leyuan received too much information today, she couldn't digest it for a while, and she was still surprised when she realized it.

But for a man like Xiao Jinyan, it's normal for him to get married early, and it's normal for him to have sons and daughters.

Ouyang Jingyuan looked at the family of four in front of him, very warm and harmonious, he smiled and said: "Twins are rare, it's too late to say congratulations."

Feng Wuyou hugged her son and said with a smile: "It's not too late."

At dinner, six people gathered around a table.

Ouyang Leyuan took a look at Taotao and Susu, the two little guys were holding chopsticks, picking up vegetables for themselves like adults.

The more I thought about it, the more depressed I became.

He came to Daxia full of hope, and it turned out that Xiao Jinyan not only had a princess, but also a pair of sons and daughters.

Even if she marries Xiao Jinyan now, it will be difficult for her to catch up with this speed.

The dishes were a little far away, and Susu couldn't catch them, so she immediately yelled in a childish voice: "Mama, I want meaty meat."

"I'll pick it up for you, Ma Ma." Feng Wuyou reached into the plate with her chopsticks, picked up a Sixi ball and put it into the bowl in front of Susu, knowing that her daughter liked it, she immediately picked up another one and put it in.

Susu grinned and said, "Crab crab Mama."

Feng Wuyou asked her son, "Do you want Taotao?"

Taotao nodded vigorously, "Concubine Mu, the nest should be the second."

"Okay." Feng Wuyou also picked up two Sixi balls for his son.

"Crab and Crab Mother Concubine." Taotao thanked her, put Sixi balls in the bowl into her mouth and started to eat.

Xiao Jinyan picked up two for Feng Wuyou with his chopsticks. Fortunately, he made two more dishes of Sixi meatballs, otherwise they would not be enough to eat.

Feng Wuyou frowned at Xiao Jinyan, and started to eat the Sixi meatballs.

Seeing this, Ouyang Leyuan was so depressed that she really couldn't bear the scene of serving food.

When Xiao Jinyu came, he saw a table of people eating, and he looked at Feng Wuyou, "Sister-in-law, go and see Ah Yan."

Hearing this, Feng Wuyou raised her head and looked at Xiao Jinyu, "Concubine Han is still awake?"

Xiao Jinyu said anxiously: "Wake up, she can't eat, sister-in-law, go and have a look."

Feng Wuyou glanced at the food on the table, and followed Xiao Jinyu out cruelly.

Before leaving, he warned: "Keep my portion of the meal, I'll eat it when I come back."

Concubine Han's body is so weak now, it's normal not to be able to eat, it's just that she's weaker if she doesn't eat.

Feng Wuyou had no choice but to use acupuncture to make Concubine Han have some appetite, and let her appetite drive her desire to eat.

Xiao Jinyu didn't even eat dinner, and waited until the acupuncture was over, and tried to feed her with a rice bowl. Seeing that she had eaten, she was a little relieved.

"Ayan, you have lost a lot of weight, you must eat more, you know?"

Feng Wuyou looked at Xiao Jinyu's distraught look, and she thought of the flamboyant and lively Xiao Jinyu from before.

She still prefers Xiao Jinyu from before.

Back in the East Palace, Feng Wuyou sighed again and again after eating.

Ouyang Jingyuan was playing with Taotao and Susu, and when she heard her sighing, he asked, "Did you encounter a problem?"

Feng Wuyou nodded, "That's right, King Yu's concubine Han suddenly suffered from blood deficiency, but the cause can't be found out, her body would lose blood every day, and she took a lot of medicines to supplement her, but there was nothing she could do about it."

Ouyang Jingyuan asked: "Even you don't know the reason?"

Feng Wuyou said: "If I knew, I wouldn't be looking through medical books here and sighing."

Ouyang Jingyuan pondered for a moment, and said, "Could it be because of being infected with a blood gu?"

Feng Wuyou seemed to remember something when she heard the words, she put down the medical book and came to Ouyang Jingyuan, "Blood Gu, what harm does it do to the person who has the Gu?"

Ouyang Jingyuan explained: "The blood gu is planted on a human body, and it will absorb human blood to nourish itself every day. The later it gets, the greater the appetite. If you don't remove the gu in time, you will only die."

Feng Wuyou said: "I haven't been able to find out the reason. According to what you said, it is very likely that he was planted with a blood gu."

She suddenly pressed Ouyang Jingyuan's shoulder and said, "Follow me to see Concubine Han, if it's a blood gu, you should be able to tell."

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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