Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 628 Can't survive at 1 o'clock in the evening, take the opportunity to consummate

Chapter 628 Can't live later, take the opportunity to consummate the house?

She remembered that Ouyang Jingyuan was a high-level Gu master, and he was very talented. When he was in Xingmiao, he could easily help Xiao Jinyan solve Gu.

In fact, as early as in Nanzhao Kingdom, Feng Wuyou knew that Ouyang Jingyuan was a Gu master, and often saw him playing with some bugs, and would put them away when he saw her, saying that he was afraid of scaring her.

She was only six years old at the time, and thought Gu worms were very scary things, so she never thought about watching them.

For Feng Wuyou's request, Ouyang Jingyuan agreed almost without thinking, "Okay, I'll go take a look with you."

Feng Wuyou was a little happy, even after ten years of separation, they were still the same as before, and their relationship had not changed.

"Thank you, brother Ayuan."

Susu was having a good time playing, when she saw Feng Wuyou was about to leave, she stopped playing, stepped forward and grabbed Feng Wuyou's sleeve, her pink face was full of doubts.

"Ma Ma, Ni is going to Nali?"

Feng Wuyou squatted down in front of her daughter, and explained in a gentle voice: "Mom is going to your little uncle Wang's place, and she will be back later, you can wash up and rest early, and tomorrow morning, mother will ask someone to make wontons for you, okay?"

Hearing the wontons, Susu felt a bit greedy, wishing that they would arrive in the next second tomorrow.

"Wo also wants to have a little milk bag."

Small milk buns are actually custard buns for children. When Chunxi made them, one was very small, and the small mouth of Susu could be eaten in two bites, so they were called small milk buns.

Feng Wuyou smiled and nodded: "No problem."

Susu held Feng Wuyou's face in her two fleshy hands, and just took a bite, "Crab Crab Ma Ma."

Ouyang Jingyuan looked at the scene in front of her, she was very warm, who could imagine that after ten years of separation, she was not only married but also had a pair of children.

From the first time he saw Susu, he found that he looked very similar to Xiao Jiu, and it also reminded him of Xiao Jiu, who was as cute and likable as Su Su when he was a child.

Everyone likes to eat, and can't refuse food.

After Feng Wuyou comforted her daughter, she looked at Taotao again, "Taotao, you should go to bed early too, so that you will be able to study tomorrow, you know?"

Taotao nodded obediently, "I know it's hot, my concubine."

Feng Wuyou looked at the two little babies, they were smart and sensible.

"So nice."

Taotao took Susu by the hand and said goodnight to Feng Wuyou, then went to wash up with the nanny.

Only then did Feng Wuyou look up at Ouyang Jingyuan in satisfaction, "Brother Ayuan, let's go."

Ouyang Jingyuan: "OK."

At this time, Qian Chengdian

Wanxin prepared food and wine and waited for Xiao Jinyu.

"Master, the lord is at Concubine Han's place right now. I'm afraid I don't have time to come here. The food will be cold any longer. Why don't you eat dinner first?" the maid carefully reminded.

Wan Xin raised her eyes to look at the window, it was already dark outside, she was a little unwilling, "Wait a little longer."

The maid didn't say anything, she waited on the side in a well-behaved manner.

When Xiao Jinyu opened the curtain and came in, she saw Wanxin sitting at the table, glanced at the food in front of her, and knew that she hadn't had dinner yet.

He came after Ah Yan had fallen asleep.

I have seen Wan Wan as a gentle and gentle woman before, and I have never seen her act excessively.

When the situation forced her to marry into Qian Chengdian, he ignored her.

After being reminded by the prince brother yesterday, he became suspicious of Wanxin.

If she really harmed Ah Yan, even with Grandma Huang's backing, he would not let her go.

Wanxin saw Xiao Jinyu coming, and stood up joyfully to meet him, "My lord, you're here."

Xiao Jinyu nodded, with a strange and indifferent tone: "Well, I kept you waiting for a long time."

Wanxin heard his indifferent tone, without showing any expression on her face, she said softly: "What did the prince say, Concubine Han is in a bad condition, the prince is very anxious, but the concubine can't help the prince. It's my concubine who is incompetent."

Xiao Jinyu glanced at the food on the table, walked over and sat down on the stool.

Ever since concubine Han Fang fell ill, Xiao Jinyu lost her appetite, and couldn't eat after a few mouthfuls each time.

Wan Xin moved lightly to Xiao Jinyu, lifted the lid of the soup pot, took a small bowl, scooped some soup and put it in front of Xiao Jinyu.

"The concubine looks at the prince's weight loss, and the concubine feels very distressed. There is ginseng in this chicken soup, which can nourish the body."

Xiao Jinyu ate very little today, he was already hungry, but he had no appetite at all.

He looked down at the young chicken soup, which tasted very fragrant.

"You have a heart, but I don't have any appetite right now."

Wanxin looked at Xiao Jinyu who was thinner, and persuaded in a warm voice: "I know that the prince is worried about Concubine Han, but the prince should also be concerned about his body. You have lost a lot of weight. If Concubine Han sees that the prince is hurt because of her My own body will definitely be sad."

Seeing that Xiao Jinyu was indifferent, Wanxin continued to persuade: "If the prince falls, what will Concubine Han do? She is still waiting for the prince."

Xiao Jinyu froze for a moment when he heard the words, thinking of Ah Yan who was getting thinner on the bed, he couldn't chat with her properly these days.

Every time he said a lot, it took Ah Yan a long time to reply, just to say a word, exhausting all her strength.

He picked up the small bowl in front of him and looked up at Wanxin, only to see that she took another bowl, scooped up some soup, and then drank it in small sips.

Only then did he feel relieved, picked up the celadon spoon, scooped up a spoonful of chicken soup and put it into his mouth. The chicken soup was rich and could taste the flavor of ginseng.

Wan Xin put down the bowl in her hand, picked up the chopsticks and served Xiao Jinyu with vegetables, "My lord, try this venison."

Xiao Jinyu said lightly: "This king likes to pick up his own food."

Wanxin put down the chopsticks in her hand, "It's the concubine who overstepped."

Xiao Jinyu put down the bowl in his hand, picked up the rice bowl, picked up the chopsticks to order food, and ate some with the rice.

Wan Xin looked at Xiao Jinyu's way of eating with a bit of casualness. Since he came back from the battlefield, he found that he has become more and more masculine.

Xiao Jinyu took two mouthfuls of rice, raised his head and looked at Wan Xin, "Side Concubine Wan."

Wan Xin asked softly: "My lord, what's the matter? Is the food not to your liking?"

Xiao Jinyu put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, and raised his head to look at Wanxin again. He had very little contact with Wanxin and didn't know much about it.

"No, this king feels that you have been wronged since you married into Qiancheng Palace."

Wanxin put down the chopsticks in her hand, stood up slowly and came to Xiao Jinyu's side, "My lord, I have said before that if I marry my lord, I will be my lord's man. If my lord feels that my concubine has been wronged, can I stay tonight?"

When Wanxin walked over, Xiao Jinyu smelled a fragrance, and he also smelled the same fragrance when he was with Ah Yan, which made his mouth dry and his body hot.

He raised his head to look at the people around him, and seemed to see Ah Yan in a trance, smiling at him.

Wan Xin put her hands on Xiao Jinyu's shoulders. Men's shoulders are firmer and wider than women's, which makes people feel very secure.

"Would you like to stay?"

Xiao Jinyu seemed to be bewitched, and stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the waist of the person in front of him, and brought the person into his arms with force.

"Hmm..." Wanxin lay in Xiao Jinyu's arms, feeling Xiao Jinyu's eagerness to pull on her belt, feeling a little anticipation in her heart.

As long as he consummates the house with Xiao Jinyu, he has no reason to drive her away.

After successfully conceiving a child, Xiao Jinyu will definitely focus on her.

Xiao Jinyu buried her neck, and his big hand came to her waist, with a bit of distress in his voice, "Ayan, you have lost a lot of weight..."

Wan Xin was immersed in the strange emotions brought by the man, she suddenly opened her eyes with a cry of Ah Yan, and looked down at the man buried in front of her, who was clearly hugging her, but she was calling another woman's name .

"Ayan..." Xiao Jinyu hugged her horizontally, strode to the bedside, put her down on the bed, and couldn't wait to pull her clothes.

Wan Xin called nervously: "My lord..."


Xiao Jinyu's hand was on the belt of his bellyband, when he suddenly heard the sound of a prince, he regained consciousness a little bit, he frowned, shook his head, and looked at the people under him.

When he saw the face below him clearly, he froze for a moment, "You are not Ah Yan."

Xiao Jinyu's vision was suddenly blurred, he hurriedly supported the bed, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw Ah Yan looking at him with vaguely seductive eyes.

Seeing that Xiao Jinyu seemed to have recognized her, Wanxin reached out to pull his girdle without being shy, but failed to untie it after pulling for a while.

Xiao Jinyu felt very hot, and when that soft hand stretched out, it seemed to be on fire...

When Feng Wuyou brought Ouyang Jingyuan to Qiancheng Hall, he didn't see Xiao Jinyu.

She asked Ping'er, the maidservant who had been serving Concubine Han, "Where did King Yu go?"

Ping'er replied: "Go back to the princess, the prince has gone to Concubine Wan."

A look of doubt flashed in Feng Wuyou's eyes, didn't Xiao Jinyu never go to Concubine Wan's place?How did you go today?

She is not easy to ask.

Xiao Jinyu wants to go, she can't stop her, can she?

It is also possible to go only when there is something to do.

Swinging Ping'er back, she led Ouyang Jingyuan into Concubine Han's room.

Inside the house, a faint incense is burning, and the whistling wind outside the house can be heard quietly.

Concubine Han on the bed had fallen into a coma at this time, because of severe blood deficiency, her face was as pale as white paper, and she had lost a lot of weight.

She raised her head and looked at Ouyang Jingyuan, "Brother Ayuan, she is Concubine Han, with severe blood deficiency, and has been relying on medicine to continue her life."

"Let me see." Ouyang Jingyuan walked to the bed, looked down at the person on the bed, and found that the woman on the bed had cool and delicate features, but she was not as delicate and delicate as a woman.

As an outsider, he hesitated, "Xiao Jiu, can you lift the quilt?"

Feng Wuyou immediately understood Ouyang Jingyuan's thoughts, "I'll do it."

In Feng Wuyou's eyes, Concubine Han is a patient, and she and Ouyang Jingyuan are like doctors. When saving someone, even taking off each other's clothes is normal.

Feng Wuyou lifted the quilt, revealing Concubine Han's thin body, with the thin cloth sticking to her body, her bones could be seen protruding, she had already become emaciated like this in just ten days.

"Do you want to take off your clothes?" she asked.

"No need." Ouyang Jingyuan looked at Concubine Han on the bed, and found that her figure was not as short as a woman's, but as slender as a man's.

He calmed down and began to examine her body.

As a Gu master, it is easy to detect Gu worms.

But after a while, Ouyang Jingyuan discovered that Concubine Han had a blood gu in her body.

"There is indeed a blood gu in her body, and it has been in her body for at least three months."

"Three months? So long?" Feng Wuyou was so surprised, no wonder she couldn't check the reason, no matter how powerful the Gu worm was, the doctor would not be able to find out.

This is the power of Gu insects, if they are used to harm people, people will not notice it.

"Well, it may be longer. If it is a day later, it will be useless to dispel the Gu." Ouyang Jingyuan knows blood Gu too well, and one day later will be fatal.

Hearing this, Feng Wuyou walked to the door immediately, and told Ping'er, "Go and call King Yu over, and tell me that there is a way to cure Concubine Han."

"I'm going now, servant girl." Ping'er had been serving Concubine Han, and when she learned that Concubine Han was rescued, she immediately ran out.

Feng Wuyou returned to the bed and asked, "Brother Ayuan, do you need to prepare anything?"

Ouyang Jingyuan said: "I came here in a hurry this time, and I didn't bring much. I need to make some temporary preparations, so I won't waste much time."

Feng Wuyou breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

Ouyang Jingyuan took out a bamboo tube and a wooden box from his sleeve pocket, these things were carried with him.

At this time, the lights in the house were dim, and there was an ambiguous atmosphere everywhere.

Xiao Jinyu pushed away the woman who was holding her, "Don't touch me."

As soon as he pushed it away, he also fell on the bed.

Seeing this, Wanxin entangled him again without giving up, wrapping her white arms around his neck, "My lord, I will help you, so it won't hurt to help you."

Xiao Jinyu frowned fiercely, he didn't hear what Wanxin said, but the scent from the tip of his nose became stronger and stronger, making his mouth dry and wanting to hug the person in his arms.

The only consciousness left in his heart was to push the woman in his arms away.

"Jinyu, I'm your Ayan, feel for it, am I your Ayan?"

When Xiao Jinyu heard the word Ah Yan, he pushed away for a moment, "Ah Yan?"

When he faced Ah Yan, he had no resistance at all.

The other party was Ah Yan, who instinctively wanted to get close to her, and hugged her tightly as usual.

Wanxin noticed Xiao Jinyu's actions, felt that he was hugging her, and that hand began to move around.

I was a little happy in my heart, glad that I could finally consummate the house with Xiao Jinyu.

It's just that she is still dissatisfied in her heart, she wants to use another person's name to consummate the marriage with Xiao Jinyu.

Thinking that in Xiao Jinyu's eyes, he was in love with his beloved Concubine Han at this moment, the jealousy in his heart couldn't be concealed.

However, Concubine Han can't live for two days. When Concubine Han dies, Xiao Jinyu will forget her.

From now on, Xiao Jinyu will be the only woman by her side, and she will be in love with each other for a long time, and it is fine to have feelings through children. Anyway, no one can compete with her for Xiao Jinyu anymore.

The queen likes Xiao Jinyu so much, if she can have a son and a half daughter, she can be a concubine.

The reason why I can't wait to consummate the house with Xiao Jinyu is because I am afraid that if Concubine Han dies, Xiao Jinyu will be devastated, sad and heartless.

During the period, I won't consummate the room with her, and it will be difficult then.

At this time, consummation is the most suitable.

If Xiao Jinyu hadn't suddenly gone to Mobei, she might have consummated the house with Xiao Jinyu a long time ago, and she might even have children.

Wan Xin's hand came to Xiao Jinyu's waist again, pulling on the girdle, not knowing whether it was in a hurry or something, but she couldn't pull it off.

She can feel Xiao Jinyu...



 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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