Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 639 To test Song Tanhua's sweetheart, Song Tanhua treats guests and apologizes

Chapter 639 To test Song Tanhua's sweetheart, Song Tanhua treats guests and apologizes

Song Tanhua only knew that Tao Miner would definitely go back if he couldn't wait for her, but he didn't expect her to wait so long.

"Crown princess, I have no such intention."

Feng Wuyou also knew that Song Tanhua was not someone who released pigeons at random, and she said this deliberately to let him know that Tao Miner had waited for a long time and misunderstood.

"Then you find a chance to tell her clearly, the girl has been waiting for you for an hour and a half, and if you don't go and tell her the reason, you will definitely feel a little sad."

Song Tanhua cupped his fists and bowed, "Thank you for reminding the princess, I will take the initiative to explain to Miss Tao."

After Song Tanhua left, Feng Wuyou sighed, Song Tanhua didn't know what she thought about Tao Min'er?What if Luo Hua intends to flow ruthlessly?
Xiao Jinyan came back and saw Xiao Jiu standing on the porch. In such a cold day, she wished she could sit still on the couch with the heater in her arms. Why did she suddenly stand here and blow the air?
"What are you dazed for?"

Hearing the sound, Feng Wuyou turned her head and saw Xiao Jinyan coming slowly. He was wearing a black court dress and a black fox fur outside. His gray hair made his face solemn and dignified.

"Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyu walked up to her, looked down at the person in front of her, stroked her slap-sized face with her slender fingers, her cheeks felt a little cold.

"Why are you standing here blowing the wind? Go in, your face is blushing."

Feng Wuyou smiled and walked in holding Xiao Jinyan's arm, Chunxi had already raised the curtain in advance.

"His Royal Highness's hands are so warm."

Xiao Jinyan looked down at Xiao Jiu, since she was a child, her mouth has always been sweet.

After entering, Feng Wuyou took off her embroidered shoes and sat cross-legged on the couch, pulled up the mink blanket to cover her legs, and then wrapped her feet.

Xiao Jinyan untied the fox fur, Chunxi stepped forward to take the fox fur and hung it on the hanger, he lifted the clothes and sat down on the couch.

After hanging up the fox fur, Chunxi brewed two cups of hot tea, put one in front of Xiao Jinyan and the other in front of Feng Wuyou, and then withdrew.

Feng Wuyou picked up the teacup and brought it to her lips to take a few sips. After drinking the hot tea, her body became warmer, so she spoke.

"The concubine met Song Tanhua just now, so she stood in the corridor and asked a few words."

"Ask about Taotao's homework?" Xiao Jinyan picked up the cup of tea, held it to his lips, and took a sip. The tea was a little hot.

"No, how old is Taotao? She can write and read the Four Books and Five Classics, which is already very good. The concubine is asking about Tao Miner."

Feng Wuyou told Xiao Jinyan what happened that day.

Xiao Jinyan laughed softly: "You are such a lazy person, why do you still become a matchmaker?"

Feng Wuyou said: "The concubine and Xu Qingqing are both settled, but Tao Min'er hasn't been settled yet. She stayed in the palace for a few years before going out. She was a little old and her parents were worried. There is also pressure, if you can’t bear the pressure and marry casually, if it’s good, the husband and wife treat each other like guests, if it’s not, it’s a mess, and if you meet a domestic violence man, you will die.”

Feng Wuyou sighed at this point, "In modern times, 20-year-olds are still studying in college, 30-year-olds, and 40-year-olds are married. Although they will also be urged to marry, but compared to here, they are a little more tolerant."

Xiao Jinyan paused as he drank tea, and felt that Xiao Jiu was also somewhat responsible for what he said?
For the other princes, neither Xu Qingqing nor Tao Min'er had the chance to leave the palace.

"Do you think Song Tanhua is interested in Tao Miner?"

Feng Wuyou said: "The concubine doesn't know, so it's not good to ask directly. If you like this matter, it's better for the person to say. I'm afraid Liu Shui has no intentions, and I'm also afraid that Liu Shui intends to miss it."

Xiao Jinyan asked softly, "Do you want me to help you?"

Feng Wuyou said with a grin: "Your Highness wants to help, so naturally it is the best, so how does Your Highness plan to help?"

Xiao Jinyan raised his eyes and glanced at Xiao Jiu, with a curious look on his face, "Naturally, it is to marry him."

Feng Wuyou was taken aback for a moment, but then reacted, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "Your Highness is smart, if Song Tanhua is interested in Tao Miner, he will definitely refuse."

Xiao Jin said: "Well, Song Tanhua's character is not bad, he is not a person who climbs the dragon and attaches himself to the phoenix. If he doesn't want to, he will definitely refuse."

When choosing a master for Taotao, Xiao Jinyan and the emperor had to choose for a long time before choosing Tanhua.

Feng Wuyou lost her mind to solve this matter, she suddenly asked with a smile: "Your Highness, how about we have hot pot for lunch?"

"..." Xiao Jin said, "Hot pot for lunch?"

Feng Wuyou saw Xiao Jinyan's expression and knew that he was afraid of spicy food.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, the concubine asked Chunxi to prepare Yuanyang hot pot, half of which is spicy soup and half of which is clear soup."

It was the first time Xiao Jinyan heard of Yuanyang hot pot, "So amazing?"

Feng Wuyou chuckled twice, "Of course, my concubine asked Chunxi to stew a chicken, and use the chicken soup as the bottom of the pot for you. It is nutritious and not spicy, and the babies can eat it too."

Xiao Jinyan knew that Xiao Jiu would not lie to him, so he nodded and agreed, "Then we will have hot pot for lunch."

Seeing that Xiao Jinyan agreed, Feng Wuyou couldn't wait to call Chunxi to prepare.

Chunxi waited outside, and immediately went to work when she heard it.

In the past few years, Chunxi has prepared hot pot countless times, and made everything by hand.

Vegetables, fish and meat are available in Xiyun Pavilion, and they are all freshly picked, especially fresh.

The hen is also slaughtered now, and some wolfberry stew is put in.

When lunch arrived, Chunxi ordered the maid to put the ingredients on the table one by one, and there was a mandarin duck pot in the middle of the round table.

Xiao Jinyan looked at the mandarin duck pot, which had the same pattern as Tai Chi, as Xiao Jiu said, half of it was spicy soup and half of clear soup.

When it was time for dinner, Taotao and Susu walked in hand in hand, seeing Xiao Jinyan and Feng Wuyou, they first called out, "Father, mother and concubine."

In her own home, Feng Wuyou suggested that the two babies be rude, which would destroy the family atmosphere.

Feng Wuyou smiled and said: "My dears, we have hot pot today, and we have your favorite meatballs."

Susu ran all the way over, climbed up to the chair and sat down neatly, looking expectantly at Feng Wuyou, "Ma Ma, I want meatballs."

"Okay." Feng Wuyou picked up the spoon and scooped the meatballs and fish balls into the bowl in front of Susu.

Taotao also climbed into the chair and sat down now, and turned to look at Xiao Jinyan, "Father, I also want fish balls and meatballs."

"Yeah." Xiao Jinyan picked up a spoon and scooped some meatballs and fishballs for his son.

Susu ate a fish ball and a meatball, and boasted in a childish voice: "Ma Ma, the fish balls are good, and the meat balls are also good."

Feng Wuyou could see through her daughter's thoughts at a glance, boasting that it was delicious meant she wanted to eat a lot, she ate slowly, so she had to keep it for her.

Chunxi made a lot of meatballs and fish balls, and put them in ice cubes for easy storage in winter.

"Then you eat more."

"The nest is much worse." Susu happily lowered her head and scooped up another one and put it in her mouth to eat. After eating half of it, she raised her head to look at Feng Wuyou again, "Mama, Xiaoguopuo hasn't tasted it yet."

Feng Wuyou found that Susu was always thinking about Chu Lingfeng, and would never forget him if there was something delicious.

As an enlightened mother, it is natural to respect her daughter's decision.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Susu thought for a while and said, "Wo wants to give Xiaoguopuoci."

"Okay." Feng Wuyou ordered: "Chunxi, take a soup bowl, put some meatballs in it, and give it to Chu Shizi."

"My maidservant knows." Chunxi took a very thick bowl, which has a good thermal insulation effect. She filled some fish balls, meatballs, vegetables and mutton, then covered the lid, turned and walked out.

Chu Lingfeng ate alone, and the lunch was very rich. In the past two years, he has grown a lot, and his figure has become stronger than before, and he is no longer as thin as a bamboo pole.

He was having lunch when he saw Chunxi coming, he looked at Chunxi suspiciously.

"This is what the little princess asked the servants to give to Chu Shizi to taste."

As Chunxi said, he lifted the soup lid. This is non-spicy chicken soup, and Chu Shizi does not eat spicy food.

Chu Lingfeng saw a soup bowl full of meatballs, and Susu never forgot him when he ate anything.

He raised his head to look at Chunxi, "Auntie Chunxi, please tell the little princess, I like it very much."

"Okay, Chu Shizi continues to eat, and this servant will go back and tell the little princess." Chun Xi walked out with a smile.

Chu Lingfeng looked down at the meatballs in front of him. It smelled very fragrant, like chicken soup. He picked up a chopstick and put a fishball into the bowl. When it was cold, he put it into his mouth and took a bite. It was delicious.

After Chunxi came back, she deliberately mentioned what Chu Lingfeng said to Susu, "Young Princess, Prince Chu said he likes to eat."

Susu said happily: "Wo also likes this time."

Chunxi smiled and stepped aside.

Feng Wuyou enjoyed eating spicy food very much, she wiped her nose while looking at Xiao Jinyan, "Your Highness, what do you think of the taste?"

Xiao Jinyan picked up a fish ball and looked it over for a few moments. It was the first time he had eaten a fish ball, and Xiao Jiu had never disappointed him.

"It tastes good, and the fish balls are delicious."

Feng Wuyou was quite proud, "Of course, this fish ball is made by hand with pure fish meat, without any additives, it tastes fresh and tender, and the texture is also delicious."

Xiao Jinyan used to wonder why Xiao Jiu always said strange things, but now he knows that they are all modern things and modern words.

It also made him curious, what does modern times look like?How is it different from here?

Song Tanhua just came back from the palace today. He got out of the carriage, glanced at the opposite side subconsciously, and remembered what the princess said today. It has been four days since the invitation to drink tea.

He got off the carriage and walked into Tanhua Mansion, and when he entered the study, Ji Yuan prepared charcoal fire and hot tea.

After thinking about it, I still wrote a letter.

After finishing writing, he folded the letter, put it in an envelope, and sealed it with wax. Then he called to Ji Yuan, "Give the letter to Ms. Tao in the Tao House, do you understand?"

The letter was not long, and he explained clearly why he didn't go to the appointment that day, and offered to treat guests to dinner tomorrow as an apology.

"This subordinate knows." Ji Yuan took the letter and went out.

About Miss Tao's family, Ji Yuan has heard a little about it, and knows which Tao's family it is.

When he came to Tao Mansion, Ji Yuan took the letter and walked in with his servants, he looked around Tao Mansion, the houses of rich people were bigger than those in Tanhua Mansion.

The servant stepped forward and reported, "Master, this man said he was looking for a young lady."

Father Tao was discussing the matter of engagement with the Chen family, so he didn't have the time to be an official, so he asked casually, "What's the matter?"

Ji Yuan said politely: "Master Tao, this letter is from my master to Miss Tao."

Father Tao frowned when he heard the letter, "Give it to me, I will give it to my daughter later."

Ji Yuan nodded in good agreement, and put his hands on the letter.

Father Tao took the letter and glanced at the envelope. There was no signature on it, so he put it away.

After discussing the engagement, the Chen family went back.

Tomorrow's engagement, Father Tao's brows and eyes were full of smiles. Thinking of the letter, he took it out and glanced at it. After thinking about it, if this was a love letter, his daughter would be engaged, and it couldn't be messed up because of someone else.

Father Tao thought for a while and put the letter away.

Tao Min'er suddenly felt a little depressed today. Tomorrow is the day of engagement, and Mr. Chen is also a well-known person. She is not dissatisfied, but she is just a little depressed.

Ding Xiang was a little worried, "Miss, did you not sleep well last night? Go to bed early today, and the day after tomorrow will be the engagement day."

"En." Tao Min'er replied, and then went to wash and rest.

Early the next morning, Tao Mansion was busy with work.

Tao Min'er was in a low mood yesterday, but today she was a little absent-minded.

Ding Xiang called her several times but didn't hear her, even when Mrs. Wang came, so did she.

Song Tanhua watched Taotao write, and found that Taotao had made great progress, she was smarter and worked harder than her peers, and her handwriting was not at all like that of a three-year-old child.

He had long heard that the prince was very smart when he was a child, and when he looked at Taotao, he said that the tiger father had no sons, and that the prince's son was naturally a dragon among dragons.

During the break, Qin Xiao walked in, "Song Tanhua, His Highness asked you to go to the study, I need you if I need something."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Song Tanhua put down the book in his hand, stood up and walked out slowly.

All the way to the study, after Qin Xiao pushed open the door, he bowed in, stepped forward to salute, "May your Highness be safe and secure."

Xiao Jinyan looked up at Song Tanhua, "Get up."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Song Tanhua stood up straight, waiting for the prince to ask questions.

Xiao Jinyan stared at Song Tanhua for a while and said: "Song Tanhua has both ability and political integrity, and has not yet married a wife. My cousin has admired Song Tanhua for a long time. I wonder if Song Tanhua has any ideas?"

This is not the first time Song Tanhua has encountered this matter, he made a deep bow, "Thank you for the princess's kindness, I have my own plans for marrying a wife, and I hope Your Highness will make it happen."

"Really?" Xiao Jinyan picked up the teacup and looked up at Song Tanhua, "Then does Song Tanhua have a sweetheart?"

Song Tanhua paused when he heard the words, pursed his lips and said, "Weichen really has a sweetheart."

Xiao Jinyan asked, "Who is it?"

Song Tanhua was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect His Highness to be so curious about his private affairs~
"Your Highness, if you say it, it may be bad for others' reputation."

Xiao Jinyan smiled lightly, "What's the matter, Song Tanhua is not too young, if you fall in love with someone, I can propose a marriage for you."

Song Tanhua lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "Thank you for your love, Your Majesty, I haven't confirmed this yet."

Xiao Jin said: "Then wait for Song Tanhua to make a decision, and then I will propose a marriage for you."

Song Tanhua said: "Thank you, Your Highness."

In the evening, Xiao Jinyan relayed Song Tanhua's words to Xiao Jiu.

Feng Wuyou grabbed Xiao Jinyan's arm excitedly, "Your Highness, do you think Song Tanhua's sweetheart is Tao Min'er?"

Xiao Jin said, "I'm not sure either."

Feng Wuyou thought for a while, "From Song Tanhua's tone, do you intend to have a showdown?"

Xiao Jinyan saw that Xiao Jiu was still thinking about other men, and was a little displeased, "Song Tanhua is a grown man, if he can't get married, he can only be blamed for his incompetence."

Feng Wuyou agreed, "That's right, if Song Tanhua was like my elder brother, it would have been done a long time ago."

 Good night spicy!Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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