Chapter 640
Speaking of elder brother, Feng Wuyou only knew about their love history through Xu Qingqing, and it has been four years since they met.

In the second year since she wore it back, Jun Wuxian and Xu Qingqing got to know each other, and the meeting scene was also very comical.

The process of getting along is also very interesting.

She always thought that her elder brother was a very steady man, but she didn't expect to have a black belly and a poisonous tongue.

Getting along for four years is a bit like falling in love with each other for a long time.

The eldest brother realized that Xu Qingqing liked him, starting from stealing a kiss.

Although the eldest brother didn't say anything on the surface, he moved quickly and accurately, and came back on Qixi Festival to express his heart.

Song Tanhua is far behind...

Song Tanhua came back from the palace, freshened up, and then went to Fujiang Restaurant.

I booked a private room in advance, and the waiter in the shop prepared it early, and refreshments were prepared on the table.

Song Tanhua was getting a little hungry now, seeing the cakes on the table, she ate a piece of pastry first to fill her stomach.

About half an hour later, the plate of pastries in front of me was half eaten, and Tao Min'er did not come to the appointment.

Song Tanhua drank tea for a while, and another half an hour passed.

He looked out, the sun was setting when he came, and it was already dark by now.

"Ji Yuan, are you sure you delivered the letter to Miss Tao?"

Ji Yuandao: "Master, I didn't see Miss Tao, but I saw Master Tao, and handed the letter to Master Tao, saying it was for Miss Tao."

Song Tanhua pondered for a moment, wondering if Tao Min'er hadn't read the letter, or...he thought of what the Crown Princess said, that Miss Tao would go to the appointment when she saw the letter.

Song Tanhua waited for another half an hour before leaving Fujiang Restaurant.

Ji Yuan followed behind, watching his master wait for an hour and a half, wondering why Miss Tao didn't come to the appointment?
The next day, Tao Min'er was woken up by Ding Xiang early in the morning to freshen up.

Tao Min'er was a little sleepy, looking at herself in the mirror, thinking that today's engagement is a sure thing.

She thought of Song Tanhua again. She had read so many scripts, but she had never practiced them.

Ding Xiang noticed that Tao Min'er was absent-minded, and asked in a low voice, "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Tao Min'er raised her head to look at Ding Xiang. Ding Xiang was sold into the Tao Mansion when she was six years old, she was the same age as her, and grew up with her.

"I'm worried about..."

Ding Xiang asked: "What are you worried about, Miss?"

"I don't like Young Master Chen. After getting married..." Tao Min'er paused at this point, maybe because she was unwilling, or maybe because getting along after getting married was different from what she imagined.

There is a difference between liking and disliking.

Ding Xiang finally understood, "Miss, don't you want to be engaged to Mr. Chen?"

Tao Min'er was silent for a while, nodded, and then said: "Forget it, let's take a step and see, maybe it's not as bad as I thought."

Song Tanhua came to Tao Mansion in a carriage and saw the Tao Mansion decorated with lanterns and festoons, as if there was a happy event.

Ji Yuan turned his head to look at Song Tanhua, "Master, Tao Mansion seems to be having a happy event."

Song Tanhua stared at the red lantern for a long time. Wouldn't it be inappropriate to visit Tao's house for a wedding?
Just when Song Tanhua was hesitating, he heard Ji Yuan ask: "Master, do you want to visit?"

He pursed his lips, "Go and see."

"Okay." Ji Yuan parked the carriage under a tree beside him.

Song Tanhua raised his head and looked at Tao Mansion, this was the first time he came here.

Ji Yuan stepped forward to inquire.

Knowing that it was Song Tanhua, Tao Fu immediately went in and informed Master Tao.

Song Tanhua didn't wait long, and saw Master Tao come out in a hurry, saluting with a smile on his face, "Song Tanhua suddenly came to the humble house, making the humble house flourish."

Song Tanhua said: "Master Tao, you are too polite."

Father Tao didn't know what was going on with Song Tanhua, the most important thing was to invite people in first.

"Song Tanhua, please."

Song Tanhua nodded and followed Master Tao into the room.

He sat down under the warm hospitality of Master Tao, and then the maid served hot tea.

Father Tao smiled and said, "Song Tanhua came here by coincidence. Today is the day of my daughter's engagement. If Song Tanhua doesn't mind, why don't you stay and have dinner together?"

Song Tanhua paused as he picked up the teacup. Master Tao only has one daughter, so Tao Miner is the one who is engaged?
"Tao Miner is engaged today? With whom?"

Father Tao froze for a moment.

Song Tanhua also realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, and immediately changed her words: "I didn't expect that today is the day of Ling Qianjin's engagement, and I didn't even prepare a congratulatory gift."

Master Tao said cheerfully: "Song Tanhua is too polite. Song Tanhua has already given enough face by being able to come. The congratulatory gift is not important. My daughter is engaged to Mr. Chen."

"I met Ms. Tao once, so of course I have to prepare a congratulatory gift. I'm the one who was too abrupt, so the younger generation will leave first."

Song Tanhua got up and walked out after speaking.

Father Tao looked at Song Tanhua suspiciously and said, "It's fine to stay and drink."

After Song Tanhua came out, he turned his head and glanced at Tao Mansion. He never imagined that Tao Min'er was going to get engaged in just a few days.

No wonder I didn't come to the appointment yesterday, probably because I was afraid of misunderstanding.

Ji Yuan asked suspiciously: "Master, are you planning to go back now?"

Song Tanhua said: "Go and choose a congratulatory gift."

At this time, the Chen family came with a bride price.

Song Tanhua looked from a distance and recognized the Chen family at a glance.

After watching them enter the Tao Mansion, he turned his gaze away and got into the carriage.

After wandering around for a while, Song Tanhua didn't know what girls like, and he couldn't be casual.

He pushed open the door, looked at Ji Yuan who was sitting in front, and asked, "Ji Yuan, what do you think girls like as gifts?"

Ji Yuan thought for a while and said, "Don't all girls like rouge and gouache? Gold and silver jewelry."

Song Tanhua thought it was too vulgar to give these things away, so he glanced at the shop and told Ji Yuan to stop, he got off the carriage and walked into Baohuatang.

He walked around Baohuatang, saw a pair of porcelain dolls, and bought them.

"Give it away."

The boss immediately understood, "Is it for a girl? The wrapping paper should be better looking."

After it was over, the boss put a pink flower on the outside of the package.

Song Tanhua saw the beauty of the flowers, paid the money, and walked out with her things.

After coming out, Song Tanhua handed the porcelain doll in his hand to Ji Yuan, "You send it there for me."

Holding the congratulatory gift, Ji Yuan raised his head in doubt, "Master, isn't he going?"

Song Tanhua said: "No."

Ji Yuan didn't understand why he bothered to choose a congratulatory gift, yet he didn't go...

Master's mind is hard to guess.

Ji Yuan went to Tao Mansion with the congratulatory gift.

Song Tanhua went back home.

When passing the arch bridge, I heard someone shouting: "Come on, someone is diving."

Song Tanhua lifted the curtain and looked out, only to see a lot of people around the bridgehead.

He stopped the carriage and got out of it. When he reached the crowd, he had already been rescued.

It is a woman who is about eight years old, and the woman's belly has been pregnant for about seven months.

After the woman was rescued, she was out of breath crying, "Young Master Chen betrayed me."

Song Tanhua was stunned when he heard the word Chen Gongzi, which Chen Gongzi could it be?He took two steps forward and knelt down in front of the woman.

"Which Mr. Chen are you talking about?"

"Of course it's the rice merchant Chen's family. They agreed to marry me, but they got engaged to another woman. How can I live?"

Song Tanhua was shocked on the spot when he heard the words.

"Isn't Mr. Chen playing with others? If you make a big girl's belly, just throw it away. It's like a pig or a dog."

"No, I heard that Mr. Chen is engaged to the daughter of the Tao family. The Tao family is very rich."

"What's the difference with Chen Shimei? You don't even want your own children."

Song Tanhua listened to everyone's discussion and swearing, he stood up and turned to get on the carriage.

"Go to Tao Mansion."

"Yes, master." The groom drove the carriage and turned around to Tao Mansion.

At this time, Tao Mansion was very lively.

Tao Min'er was sitting next to Mr. Chen. She was wearing red clothes, with delicate makeup, and she was more delicate than usual.

Mr. Chen boasted: "Min'er, you look really good today."

Tao Min'er raised her head and glanced at Mr. Chen, smiled, then looked away.

The housekeeper walked in cheerfully, and said with a smile, "Miss, someone is here to give you a gift."

Tao Min'er froze for a moment. She didn't tell anyone about her engagement, nor did she tell the Crown Princess and Xu Qingqing. Who could it be?
"who is it?"

The butler walked in with someone.

Tao Min'er immediately recognized the man behind the butler as Ji Yuan who was next to Song Tanhua. How could he come?

Ji Yuan has met Tao Min'er several times. He stepped forward and handed over the gift with both hands: "Miss Tao, this is an engagement gift from my master to Miss Tao."

Tao Min'er couldn't believe it, "Song Tanhua gave it to me? How did he know that I'm engaged today?"

Father Tao saw it, and said with a smile: "Song Tanhua came to the house today and learned that you are going to be engaged. He said that he had met for a while, so he should prepare a congratulatory gift."

Mr. Chen smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes: "So Miss Tao still knows Song Tanhua?"

"En." Tao Min'er looked at Ji Yuan again, and looked at the congratulatory gift in front of her. She stretched out her hand to take it, a little heavy, and there was a pink flower pinned on it, which was very beautiful.

Song Tanhua actually gave her a congratulatory gift?
She was so excited, but after the excitement passed, she felt a little lost again, "Go back and tell Song Tanhua, thank him for the gift."

"I will." Ji Yuan said and withdrew.

Tao Min'er held the gift, and couldn't wait to take it apart to see what Song Tanhua would give her?
But in front of everyone, I had to endure it.

Mr. Chen looked at the congratulatory gift in Tao Min'er's hand, and said with a smile, "Min'er won't open it and have a look? I'm a little curious about what congratulatory gift Song Tanhua will give?"

Tao Min'er hesitated for a while, then refused, "There are so many people here, we will tear it down later."

As he spoke, he handed the gift to Lilac who was beside him, and she took it into the boudoir.

Mr. Chen's face darkened a bit, then he smiled again and said, "You and Song Tanhua have a good relationship?"

Tao Min'er replied with two words, "General."

Mr. Chen laughed again, "Min'er is being modest. Being able to get acquainted with Song Tanhua shows that Min'er is very powerful."

Tao Min'er: "..." What's so amazing?

The butler strode in again and reported, "Master, Song Tanhua is here."

Tao Min'er froze when she heard the words, why did Song Tanhua come again?
Father Tao smiled and got up to greet him. Song Tanhua had already walked in before he reached the door.

"Song Tanhua came just in time, how about sitting down and drinking two glasses of wedding wine?"

Song Tanhua looked at Tao Min'er, saw Mr. Chen sitting beside her, he looked away and nodded.

Let the daughter get engaged, can master Tao know the character of the other party? "

Tao Min'er clenched her handkerchief nervously, why did Song Tanhua ask such a question?
Father Tao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Mr. Chen is well educated, and his character is naturally not a problem."

"Really?" Song Tanhua looked at Mr. Chen, his voice sank a bit: "Mr. Chen, can you hide something from Miss Tao?"

Mr. Chen stood up and saluted, "Song Tanhua laughed. Chen fell in love with Miss Tao at first sight, and now he is engaged to her. How could he lie to her?"

Father Tao found that Song Tanhua was a little different from the previous ones, so he asked suspiciously, "Song Tanhua, who are you?"

Song Tanhua said: "I was going back home in a hurry. When I passed the arch bridge, I met a pair of eight-year-old women who committed suicide by jumping into the river. The women were about seven months old."

Chen Gongzi's face changed when he heard that.

Song Tanhua glanced at Mr. Chen, and continued: "The woman said she was abandoned by Mr. Chen, so she turned around and got engaged to Miss Tao."

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the main hall.

Father Tao came to his senses and asked coldly, "Mr. Chen, what's going on?"

Mr. Chen hurriedly explained: "Uncle, this must be a misunderstanding. I'm afraid Song Tanhua misheard."

Song Tanhua said: "If Mr. Chen thinks that I have framed you, you can call someone over to confront him."

Mr. Chen was stunned for a moment.

Father Chen glared at his son, then smiled and comforted him: "Master Tao, it was that woman who pestered my son and resorted to tricks to get the child, and wanted the son to marry into Chen's mansion with his mother's honor. Don't worry, Master Tao, let the daughter marry me. Entering Chen's house will definitely not make her feel wronged."

Mr. Chen nodded vigorously, "My father is right, she was pestering me, and I clearly refused, and she still used various methods."

Tao Min'er, who had been silent all this time, stood up suddenly, looked at the Chen family father and son, "I don't want to make an appointment for this marriage."

Mr. Chen was a little anxious, he grabbed Tao Min'er's hand, and said, "Min'er, how can you say this on a happy day? I really like you."

Father Tao trembled angrily, "Your Chen family lied to the Tao family first, because you thought my Tao family was being fooled? Butler, drive them out."

The housekeeper brought several nurses and drove the Chen family father and son out.

Father Tao pointed to the betrothal package on the ground and said, "There is still a betrothal gift, throw it out together."

Before the Chen family could speak, they saw the betrothal gifts being thrown out one by one.

At the gate of Tao Mansion, there were many people watching the excitement.

The Chen family's father and son came with a dowry gift, and went back in a state of embarrassment, following the conversation after dinner.

After the Chen family's father and son left, Father Tao said guiltily: "It's not good for the father. I didn't value the other party's character and urged you to get engaged with Mr. Chen. It's not good for the father."

Mrs. Wang was also very angry, "You still have the nerve to say, if you didn't keep urging, how could you get engaged so soon? It almost hurt Min'er's life's happiness."

Tao Min'er walked up to Song Tanhua and blessed her body, "Thank you Song Tanhua for coming to tell me. If it wasn't for Song Tanhua, I wouldn't know Mr. Chen's true face."

Song Tanhua said warmly: "We have known each other for a while, so naturally we can't just sit and watch you being deceived. I did what I should do, no thanks."

Tao Min'er pursed her lips, but still asked, "Why didn't Song Tanhua come to the appointment that day?"

Song Tanhua was taken aback when he heard the words, and his tone was full of doubts: "I wrote a letter to Miss Tao the day before yesterday, explaining why I didn't come to the appointment."

 Good night spicy!

(End of this chapter)

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