Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 644 Only after marriage do you realize that men are all the same, so is there any advice fro

Chapter 644 Only after marriage did I realize that men are all the same. Is there any expert advice?
Jun Wuxian caressed Xu Qingqing's fair cheeks with his slender fingers. In fact, it didn't matter to him whether there were scars or not, but she was really pretty in her red wedding dress today.

Before that, he had fantasized about how she would look in her wedding dress many times, but she was not as good-looking as she is now.

It wasn't the first time Xu Qingqing and Jun Wuxian were lying on the bed in such a posture, and that time they were also doing intimate things like this, and it was all to the point, and he didn't do anything too outrageous.

But thinking of what happened next, her face turned red.

"You're trying to make me happy, aren't you?"

Jun Wuxian chuckled, "Of course it's the truth, I don't bother to say it against my will."

Xu Qingqing was very happy, the waiting these days was not in vain.

"How much wine did you drink today?"

"Not much, it won't affect the wedding ceremony in the wedding room." Jun Wuxian said as he went to undo her red girdle inlaid with pearls.

Xu Qingqing was ashamed and nervous when she heard the words, but also had some expectations.

She likes Jun Wuxian, likes his kisses, and even more likes the different feelings he brings to her.

Jun Wuxian called out in a low voice, "Qingqing."

Xu Qingqing looked up at the man who was close at hand, "Huh? What's the matter?"

Jun Wuxian lowered his head and kissed her on the lips, "Are you afraid?"

Xu Qingqing didn't know whether to shake her head or nod, because she was afraid but not afraid.

"A Xian."

"Don't be afraid." Jun Wuxian said softly, bowing his head and continuing to kiss her.

At first Xu Qingqing was still a little nervous, but then Jun Wuxian calmed down that nervousness, and she was faintly looking forward to it.

Xu Qingqing was a little tired and sleepy, but the man beside her was full of energy and was playing with her hand, not intending to put her to sleep.

Jun Wuxian whispered next to her ear, "Qingqing."

Nestling in his arms, Xu Qingqing raised her head to look at that handsome face, "What's wrong?"

Jun Wuxian looked at the white and slender arm in front of him, and said softly, "Your Shougongsha is gone."

Xu Qingqing was stunned for a moment, followed his gaze, and saw that her arms were white and slender without any blemishes.

She looked up at Jun Wuxian suspiciously, "When did you notice Shou Gongsha?"

Not every woman knows how to order Shougongsha, and Shougongsha is so big, and he doesn't pay attention to it, how did he find that she has it and doesn't?

Jun Wuxian said: "I discovered it three years ago."

Xu Qingqing was taken aback again, "Three years ago? Three years ago, we were not even friends. How did you see that?"

She seemed to think of something, and suddenly opened her eyes wide, "You peeked at me taking a shower, right? You must have peeked, otherwise how would you know? Didn't see it, you still have a habit of voyeurism, don't you peek too Did another woman take a bath?"

Looking at her like this, Jun Wuxian couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at? You don't really peek at other women taking a bath? I didn't expect you to be this kind of person." Xu Qingqing glared at him angrily.

Jun Wuxian suppressed a smile and hugged her back into his arms, "You were so gentle before, could it be an act?"

Before Xu Qingqing spoke in a soft voice, he would blush, and he would blush when he spoke. At that time, he felt that Xu Qingqing seemed to be a different person.

This Xu Qingqing is the real Xu Qingqing.

Xu Qingqing snorted, "Where am I pretending? I've been like this all the time, don't change the subject, tell me quickly, did you peek at others taking a bath?"

Jun Wuxian explained: "I didn't watch other people take a bath. When I came to find you that time, you happened to be taking a bath. I saw it by accident, but I just took a look and left."

"That's about the same." Xu Qingqing felt better, "Now that we're married, I don't care if you peek."

Jun Wuxian asked hoarsely, "Qingqing, have you rested?"

Xu Qingqing raised her head in doubt, and was kissed by Jun Wuxian, and only later did she understand the meaning of the words.

Jun Moqing and Feng Qingyan returned to the East Palace and went to the side hall where Jun Moqing lived.

Feng Qingyan took Jun Moqing's arm and sat down on the couch, "The children are all married now."

Jun Moqing nodded, "Well, that child Wuxian, I thought..."

Feng Qingyan asked curiously: "What do you think?"

Jun Moqing said: "I thought he liked men, that's why he hasn't married at the age of 30."

Feng Qingyan: "..." You can really say it.

"He's so old, you didn't mention it?"

Jun Moqing said, "Do I still need to mention the matter of marrying a wife?"

Feng Qingyan knew Jun Moqing too well, "You yourself are pure-hearted and ascetic, won't your son follow you and follow you? If you don't tell me, he thinks it's normal to be pure-hearted and ascetic."

Jun Moqing: "...Is this also learning from me? It's not kung fu."

"Then did you mention it?"


Jun Moqing feels that no one needs to be reminded about marrying a wife.

"I didn't have anyone to remind me, why don't I just marry a wife?"

Feng Qingyan couldn't help rolling her eyes, "It's not that I'm pestering you, you're still single."

Jun Moqing: " seems possible~"

Feng Qingyan said: "You still have the nerve to say?"

Jun Moqing thought for a while, and said, "That means I like you."

Feng Qingyan frowned happily when she heard the words, "It's not too bad, I've been chasing you for so long, even if it's a piece of wood, I should be emotional."

Jun Moqing looked down at her, "Well, I'm really emotional."

Feng Qingyan sensed something was wrong, looked down, and found that a hand was pulling her belt, who else could it be except Jun Moqing?
"What are you doing?"

Jun Moqing looked up at her, "Didn't you just say that?"

Feng Qingyan: "..." What did you say?I do not know how?
She held the restless hand, "Fortunately, that child Wuxian is married, and you are not competent at all as a father."

"Well, you're right." Jun Moqing switched hands.

Feng Qingyan looked down at the other hand pulling her belt again: "..."

If Jun Moqing had to have this awareness before, why did she chase after it for so long?
In the past, Jun Moqing was really abstinent, as if nothing in the world of mortals had anything to do with him.

She can't even flirt~

Feng Wuyou was exhausted today, lying on the couch without moving.

Xiao Jinyan came over, saw her swollen belly, and reached out to touch it through the clothes, "It's a bit like a belly of three or four months."

"Really?" Feng Wuyou raised her head and glanced at her stomach, it was bulging, and it did look a bit like it.

She joked with a smile: "If you have another pair of sons, what do you think?"

Xiao Jin said: "Of course, but you will suffer."

Feng Wuyou smiled and said: "I'm just joking, how could it be so easy to conceive the two sons?"

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "That's right, a pair of dragon and phoenix twins is already a very happy thing, I don't want extravagant things."

Feng Wuyou rubbed her stomach and said, "I have to go to bed quickly to digest my stomach. Tomorrow, Min'er's engagement banquet will make room for my stomach."

Xiao Jinyan: "..." I really can't forget to eat at any time.

The engagement banquet is relatively simple, without complicated things and processes.

Feng Wuyou followed Xiao Jinyan to Tao Mansion early in the morning.

The Tao family has never been a royal family in this life, and now not only came, but also a matchmaker for their daughter.

A lot of people came to see the excitement, and one of the reasons was that Tao Miner was a big girl, but it was shocking that Song Tanhua fell in love with her.

Tao Min'er woke up early this morning, sitting in front of the dressing table and being dressed by Ding Xiang.

Ding Xiang looked at her young lady, obviously happier than last time.

"Miss has changed a lot."

"Really?" Tao Min'er looked in the mirror.

Ding Xiang said: "The servant girl thought that the lady would not come out after entering the palace, but she did not expect to come out."

"I didn't expect that either." Tao Min'er thought about the situation when she entered the palace back then, she could enter the palace with expectations.

It was only after entering the palace that she realized that it was far different than she had imagined.

Fortunately, she learned a lot from the princess.

One of the sentences is that timely stop loss is the most important thing.

It would be a waste of time for her to stay in the palace. It would be better to leave the palace to have a better way of life and a better way out.

Simply her decision is not wrong.

"It's no wonder His Highness is so dedicated to the Crown Princess. If I were a man, I would like her too."

When Feng Wuyou came here, she just heard this sentence, and she walked over with a smile, "Why don't I bring you into the harem?"

Tao Min'er raised her head in surprise, "Crown Princess, you are here."

"I'm afraid His Highness's 40-meter sword will swing at me without hesitation."

Tao Min'er, who has read so many story books, naturally knows what Feng Wuyou means by the harem.

Feng Wuyou rubbed her chin, "What you said seems to make sense."

"Am I late?"

Feng Wuyou and Tao Min'er heard the words and looked towards the door, only to see Xu Qingqing walking in step by step with her waist supported, her legs still shaking a little.

Tao Miner deliberately asked, "Hey, what's going on?"

Xu Qingqing knew that Tao Min'er asked on purpose. It was a joke. They read so many story books together. They had already changed from a simple little white flower to a little yellow flower.
I understand even if I don’t understand.

"What else? You'll understand after you get married."

"You can't escape." Finally, Xu Qingqing added another sentence.

Tao Min'er blushed, "I'm not married yet."

Xu Qingqing said: "Hurry up, soon you will experience the feeling of not being able to sleep at night and waking up in the morning."

Feng Wuyou smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, it seems that you have a deep understanding."

Xu Qingqing blushed and said, "You still talk about me, don't you have a deeper understanding?"

Feng Wuyou raised her chin, "What do you know? Your Highness listens to me now. If I say sleep, he will definitely not stop me, and immediately fall asleep."

If it was before, Xu Qingqing might have believed it, but now that she is married, it is not so easy to deceive.

"Really? Your Highness is so easy to talk to?"

Feng Wuyou smiled triumphantly, "Of course."

He fell asleep naturally when he was too tired, and no matter how much Xiao Jinyan tossed about, it would not help.

Tao Min'er also remained skeptical.

Feng Wuyou asked: "Where's my elder brother?"

Xu Qingqing said: "I'm chatting with His Highness outside."

Then the two began to look at Tao Min'er again.

"By the way, are you ready for your wedding dress?"

Tao Min'er said: "It's already being prepared, and it can be done before getting married."

Feng Wuyou felt a little emotional, "In a short while, when we get together again, it will be a gathering of young women, saying goodbye to young girls."

Xu Qingqing also sighed, "Yes, we can talk about topics that young women should talk about."

Tao Min'er was curious and puzzled, "What should young women talk about?"

Xu Qingqing said: "Of course it's a topic that adults should talk about."

Feng Wuyou said: "I think it might be a topic that Bao Mama should talk about."

Xu Qingqing and Tao Min'er looked at Feng Wuyou together, and suddenly realized that after they get married, they can have a baby.

As a wealthy businessman, the Tao family had many relatives and friends. Even for the engagement banquet, several tables were set up.

Feng Wuyou boasted while eating the vegetables: "The Tao family is really rich, look at this dish, look at this soup..."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the dishes in front of him, "Didn't you eat all of them yesterday?"

Feng Wuyou chuckled, "It's not important, the important thing is that I ate them again."

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

Song Tanhua has been busy working on the dowry these few days, so he is free today.

After getting engaged, she was about to ask Tao Miner to go to Qinyuan to admire the plum blossoms, but Tao Miner spoke first.

Tao Min'er blushed and asked, "How about going to Qinyuan to appreciate plums tomorrow?"

Song Tanhua said, "That's exactly what I mean."

Tao Min'er laughed happily upon hearing this, "Aren't you busy tomorrow?"

Song Tanhua said: "The little emperor's grandson is very smart, and the princess doesn't want the little emperor's grandson to study every day. It's almost the end of the year. His Highness is sympathetic to me and has granted a long vacation."

He still needs to prepare for the wedding, and the holiday lasts until the third day after the wedding.

Tao Min'er said: "That's good."

Today is the first meaningful date between Tao Miner and Song Tanhua.

Tao Min'er dressed up specially, and when she went out, she was a little surprised to see Song Tanhua standing at the door.

"I thought we'd meet at the gate of Qinyuan."

Song Tanhua said warmly: "How can there be any reason for you to go alone?"

Tao Min'er felt a little strange, Song Tanhua was not so proactive and thoughtful before.

Song Tanhua is a scholar. Although he is not pedantic, he is also a literati, not a romantic person.

Asking to appreciate plums, come to pick her up early, like a domineering president in a storybook, or a gentleman man.

Tao Min'er got into the carriage with doubts.

It's not far from Qinyuan, and it didn't take long for the carriage to arrive.

Song Tanhua got off the carriage first, then stood aside, reaching out to help her.

Tao Min'er naturally put her hand on his, and got off the carriage.

After two consecutive days of snowfall, Qinyuan was shrouded in white snow, and the red plum blossoms were in full bloom in response to the snow.

Tao Min'er had never seen such a beautiful Aoxue Hongmei, as if she heard the sound of flowers blooming.

Song Tanhua stood beside her, admiring the red plums in the snow. Normally, he would definitely recite two poems.

Now, he doesn't have the nature of reciting poems, but simply accompanies Tao Miner to admire the plum blossoms.

When they came out, their cheeks were already red from the cold.

On the side of the street, there was an old man carrying candied haws on his shoulders, and yelled as he walked, "Candied haws, you don't need money if you don't want to be sweet!"

Song Tanhua heard the reputation and looked over, saw the bunches of red candied haws, looked down at Tao Miner, "You wait here for a while, I'll come as soon as I go."

Tao Min'er nodded, "Okay."

She watched Song Tanhua walk across the street and stopped in front of selling candied haws.

When he came back, he had a bunch of candied haws in his hand.

"Give you."

Tao Min'er looked at the candied haws in front of her, happily took it, handed it to her mouth and bit one, then handed it to him, puffed her cheeks and said, "You eat one too."

 Good night spicy!

  Babes, post on Monday is hot!
(End of this chapter)

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