Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 645 Mr. Lu was captured by Wei and announced something important

Chapter 645 Mr. Lu was captured by Wei and announced something important

Song Tanhua's warm eyes glanced at the candied haws in front of him, and then at Tao Min'er, only to see her bulging cheeks and a smile on her face.

Eating the same bunch of candied haws on the street is indeed a test of worldly vision.

Song Tanhua hesitated for a while, opened his mouth and bit the top candied haws into his mouth, his cheeks puffed up immediately.

Tao Min'er couldn't help laughing when she saw it, "How does it taste?"

Song Tanhua chewed a few mouthfuls slowly, and said, "It's very sweet...and sour."

Tao Min'er said: "The princess said that falling in love is like eating candied haws."

Song Tanhua, who had never been in love before, did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

"is it?"

Tao Min'er nodded, and said, "It's like eating ice cream."

Song Tanhua was lucky enough to eat ice cream, but she still doesn't understand the relationship between falling in love and the taste of ice cream?
Tao Min'er knew that he didn't understand, and said with a smile: "The wedding is coming soon, you must be very busy, let's go back."

Song Tanhua nodded, "Okay."

Lu Zhaoyan knew that Wei Chi was avoiding him, but he couldn't figure out why Wei Chi was avoiding him.

He didn't seem to have the habit of talking nonsense when he was drunk, instead he would just sleep soundly.

In order to catch Wei Chi and ask him clearly, Lu Zhaoyan stayed in the East Palace all day today.

Of course, Xiao Jinyan would not let go of free labor, and let Lu Zhaoyan do all the things that could be saved.

It was not the first time that Lu Zhaoyan was used as free labor by Xiao Jinyan, and he felt it necessary to make a small request.

He raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, and said with a smile, "Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyan raised his eyes and glanced at him, "What's the matter?"

Lu Zhaoyan thought for a while, and said bravely: "Your Highness, I have been working here for a day, and I have a small request."

"..." Xiao Jin said, "Let's listen."

Lu Zhaoyan said: "Your Highness, I haven't seen the guard for a while..."

Xiao Jinyan said thoughtfully: "So I missed Wei Chi, I asked him to come over."

Lu Zhaoyan hurriedly explained, "No, Your Highness, it's not that I want to guard the bodyguard, but that I had a little misunderstanding with the bodyguard some time ago."

He looked at Xiao Jinyan expectantly, "Does Your Highness understand?"

Xiao Jinyan raised his eyebrows, "Understood, I will make arrangements for you."

Lu Zhaoyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Then thank you, Your Highness."

Xiao Jin said: "Lord Lu, you are being polite."

After Lu Zhaoyan finished his work, Xiao Jinyan asked him to go to Meiyuan, and he went without saying a word.

The Plum Garden is not far from the study, just a short walk away.

Xiao Jinyan called Qin Xiao over, "You let Wei Chi go to the Plum Garden."

"Your subordinate obeys." Qin Xiao went to look for Wei Chi without stopping.

Just as Wei Chi came back from the outside, he was stopped by Qin Xiao who was coming towards him, "Brother, master asked you to go to the plum garden."

"Okay, I'll go right away." The guard rushed to the plum garden without stopping.

When he arrived at the plum garden, he felt a little puzzled, what did His Highness want to come to the plum garden by himself?
Just when Wei Chi was wondering, he suddenly found out that there was someone else in Meiyuan, and that person obviously had no good intentions, and approached here sneakily.

Fortunately, he knows martial arts and can hear subtle noises that ordinary people can't hear.

Just as the man approached, Wei Chi suddenly grabbed the man's shoulder, held the man's arm with his hand, and then twisted behind him, pushing him against the wall.

The whole set of movements is done in one go, fast, precise and ruthless.

Just the next second, I heard a scream, "Ah!!! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!!!"

Wei Chi gasped inwardly, the voice was so familiar.

He looked down at the man who was pushed against the wall, it was very dark and his face could not be seen.

He tentatively called out: "You are??!"

Lu Zhaoyan, a civil servant, would say something in pain for a long time, "It's me, it's me, Brother Wei, it's me."

Wei Chi will hear clearly now, "Lord Lu?"

After reacting, he hurriedly let go of Lu Zhaoyan.

Lu Zhaoyan trembled from the pain, his legs softened and he couldn't stop sliding down.

Seeing this, Wei Chi quickly supported his arms and lifted him up.

Although Lu Zhaoyan looked thin, he was actually a bit sensual.

"You are a civil servant, what kind of sneak attack are you doing? This is all right, this hand will not be healed in ten days."

Lu Zhaoyan looked wronged, "How could I sneak attack?"

Wei Chi said: "It's not a sneak attack, you sneaked close to me? I don't think you are a bad person."

Lu Zhaoyan cried out, "It hurts!!!" He explained: "It's such a cold day, and it's snowing again. If I don't walk slowly, what if I slip and fall?"

Wei Chi was speechless after hearing that, indeed, for a weak person like Lu Zhaoyan, a fall would be terrible.

He asked with some concern: "Is your hand okay?"

Lu Zhaoyan clutched his arm, gritted his teeth in pain, "Don't you know your own strength?"

Wei Chi said with some guilt: "I didn't do it on purpose, I asked the imperial doctor to show you?"

Lu Zhaoyan snorted twice in pain, "Help me back first, it hurts me to death."

Wei Chi is guilty, how dare he say no?
"Okay." He said and helped Lu Zhaoyan back to his residence.

Then he sent someone to ask for an imperial doctor.

After the imperial doctor came to check, Wei Chi couldn't wait to ask, "Is Master Lu's hand okay, imperial doctor?"

The imperial doctor sighed, "Lord Lu won't be able to hold a pen for a while, so it's best to rest and heal."

After hearing this, Wei Chi felt guilty again, and sent the imperial doctor away. When he returned to the bed, he touched Lu Zhaoyan's nearly useless hand, and asked cautiously.

"Master Lu, what do you think we should do?"

"What do you think?" Lu Zhaoyan snorted twice, "It hurts so much."

Wei Chi scratched his head, not knowing what to do, he suddenly raised his head, "Why did Lord Lu go to Plum Garden?"

Lu Zhaoyan replied confidently, "His Royal Highness wants me to go."

"I was also asked by the master to go." Wei Chi obviously lacked confidence and had a guilty conscience.

Lu Zhaoyan stared at Wei Chi for a while, "Why have you avoided me all this time? How did I offend you?"

Wei Chi smiled guiltyly, "Master Lu, what are you talking about? I'm not avoiding you. I've been very busy recently, so I didn't even see Master Lu coming to the East Palace."

Lu Zhaoyan snorted and continued to pretend!
Lu Zhaoyan asked: "I was drunk that night, did I vomit on you?"

Wei Chi nodded, "...Yeah, what's the matter?"

Lu Zhaoyan said: "Then you are too stingy, I didn't spit on you on purpose, if you didn't pour me wine, would I be drunk?"

Wei Chi also said dissatisfied: "That's not because you lied to me."

Lu Zhaoyan asked back: "What did I lie to you? Did I lie to you of money? Didn't I?"

Wei Chi snorted: "You know it yourself."

Lu Zhaoyan was bluffed by this sentence, not to mention, he really felt a little guilty, because he didn't lie to Wei Chi about the marriage, but he didn't tell the truth.

"...What do I have in mind?"

Wei Chi stood straight, staring at Lu Zhaoyan without blinking, as if he wanted to stare him out of a hole.

Keep pretending! ! !
Lu Zhaoyan couldn't stand being stared at, and sighed helplessly, "Forget it, didn't I just tell you the truth? Why are you so angry?"

"It has a lot to do with it." Wei Chi was depressed for a long, long time thinking that he thought he was not good enough in the past few years.

Lu Zhaoyan explained: "I don't tell you the truth because I don't want to burden you. If I tell you that there is a possibility, you will focus on it. Over time, you will become curious and interested. Then Hopeless."

"Then do you know how I've lived and thought these past few years? Forget it, you don't understand, and you continue to lie to me." Wei Chi paced back and forth angrily.

Seeing that Wei Chi was so angry, Lu Zhaoyan had no choice but to admit his mistake first, "My fault, my fault, I shouldn't have told you the truth back then."

Wei Chi felt a little better after hearing this, but when he thought of the name on the hexagram, his face was filled with gloom.

Seeing him bow his head in silence, Lu Zhaoyan asked, "What's wrong? Are you still angry?"

Wei Chi raised his head to look at Lu Zhaoyan, only to see that he was looking at him with those red eyes, which looked like a bunny.

Just now he was in so much pain that he cried, and he blamed him for treating Lu Zhaoyan as a villain just now, and he knew exactly how hard he used it.

"I am not angry."

Lu Zhaoyan smiled and said: "It's good not to be angry, and it's not worthwhile to get sick from anger."

Wei Chi: "..."

Lu Zhaoyan asked curiously: "By the way, you know now, what do you think?"

Wei Chi looked at Lu Zhaoyan in a daze, "What idea?"

Lu Zhaoyan blinked his eyes twice and pointedly said: "That's the idea."

Wei Chi was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses. He hesitated, "How would I know? How would I know what to think?"

Lu Zhaoyan smiled and comforted: "It's okay, take your time."

Wei Chi stared at him suspiciously, "You don't seem to mind at all?"

Lu Zhaoyan didn't understand, so, "Why should I care? I'm talking about you, you are the one who should care."

Wei Chi was momentarily at a loss for words, as if so, but...

Lu Zhaoyan said: "Okay, I was injured because of you, you have to help me tonight."

Wei Chi asked, "What can you help me with?"

Lu Zhaoyan said confidently, "Bather, my hand is injured, I can't take off my clothes, I can't take a bath, I have to have a strong help, right?"

It hurts me so much, who do you serve?
Wei Chi felt guilty and didn't have the nerve to refuse.


In fact, this is not the first time that Wei Chi served Lu Zhaoyan to take a bath. Last time when Lu Zhaoyan was drunk, he was also the one who served him.

it's actually really easy.

Only this time, Wei Chi found something different from last time, what is the difference?
The first one is that Lu Zhaoyan was drunk last time, but not this time.

The second is that last time Lu Zhaoyan was not injured, but this time he was.

The third one is that last time he didn't respond to how he played with Lu Zhaoyan, but this time he lightly touched his arm, and it hurt so much that he called his father and mother...

Weak scholar is talking about people like Lu Zhaoyan.

Wei Chi, a rough guy who knows kung fu, really can't serve this delicate body.

However, for Lu Zhaoyan's injury, he couldn't absolve himself of the blame.

You can only be patient and come carefully.

This year's New Year's Eve is the happiest one for Feng Wuyou, because both father and mother are there.

She spent New Year's Eve with her mother for the first time.

"Mom, shall we set off fireworks together?"

Feng Wuyou is only 20 years old. She has lived in the modern age, but she is actually no different from older children.

Feng Qingyan was naturally very happy to set off fireworks with Xiao Jiu, "Okay."

Feng Wuyou took out the fairy wand that she took out from the space in advance, and asked Xiao Jinyan to light it.

Only then happily handed it to Feng Qingyan, "Mother, this is a fairy stick."

Feng Qingyan held a fairy wand in one hand, looked at her daughter with a smile, "Xiao Jiu, this dazzle is so beautiful."

Feng Wuyou also held a fairy wand in one hand, looking at Feng Qingyan with a smile.

At this time, Taotao and Susu each held a lighted fairy stick, jumping and jumping happily.

Xiao Jinyan looked at Xiaojiu and a pair of children, seeing their happy appearance, and felt satisfied like never before.

Feng Wuyou looked at his father with one arm around his mother's shoulder and the other hand holding a fairy stick, he was in the shape of a heart.

"It would be great if there was a camera, and the pictures could be saved."

Xiao Jinyan asked curiously after hearing the words: "What is a camera?"

Feng Wuyou smiled and asked: "Is the picture I drew very realistic?"

Xiao Jinyan nodded.

Feng Wuyou continued: "Then the photos taken by the camera are more realistic than my paintings, just like the real thing."

Xiao Jinyan felt that Xiao Jiu's paintings were realistic enough, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, "So powerful?"

"Of course, there are many, many things you don't know. It's the modern era of peace, and there are many things that you can't even imagine, such as people can fly in the sky without light work, and the same means of transportation as horse-drawn carriages."

What Feng Wuyou said vividly made Xiao Jinyan very curious about what kind of world Xiao Jiu lived in in the modern age?
If you have a chance, you must go and have a look.

Taotao suddenly raised her head to look at Feng Wuyou, and said in a childish voice: "Mother Concubine, what is flying in the sky?"

Feng Wuyou explained: "It's a plane. It's a very big plane. It can take more than one person. The speed is very fast. Where the carriage takes a month or two, the plane can arrive in a few hours."

When Taotao heard this, she immediately said, "I want a plane."

Feng Wuyou laughed out loud, "The plane is not cheap."

Xiao Jinyan became even more curious when he heard that it could carry more than 100 people, which was faster and more convenient than a horse-drawn carriage.

"Is it expensive?"

Feng Wuyou said: "Of course, but if you have a private jet, it's smaller, so it's not that expensive."

Xiao Jinyan wanted to imagine it himself, but he couldn't because he had never seen it before.

"Hearing what you said, I would like to know what the plane looks like."

Feng Wuyou saw through Xiao Jinyan's thoughts at a glance, "I think you want to buy it."

Xiao Jinyan didn't deny it either, "If there is one, I would naturally want to buy it."

Feng Wuyou said: "However, it is much more convenient to have an airplane. Of course, modern times not only have airplanes, but also bullet trains, which are also much, much faster than horse-drawn carriages."

Xiao Jinyan asked like a curious baby, "Is it as big as a carriage?"

Feng Wuyou said: "It's much bigger than a horse-drawn carriage. It's not a problem to carry hundreds of people. The transportation is very convenient. It takes half a month without a horse-drawn carriage. Just a few hours is enough."

Ever since Feng Wuyou mentioned this, Xiao Jinyan would often ask her about modern things.

At this time, in Fengyi Palace

The emperor pulled the queen, wanting to have a heart-to-heart talk with her.

"Queen, this time I want to tell you something solemnly."

 The new book has been released, so you can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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