Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 646 The dog emperor lost his mind?Express your heart!

Chapter 646 The dog emperor lost his mind?Express your heart!

The queen was too sleepy, and seeing the dog emperor in high spirits and looking serious, she was not allowed to sleep because she was not sleepy?
She can't be bothered to watch the age.

"What does the emperor want to say, my concubine is listening."

The emperor looked very serious, and was a little dissatisfied when he saw the empress being so perfunctory.

"Come into my arms first."

The queen couldn't help but roll her eyes. I don't know what to do at night?
She propped up her lazy body and moved to the dog emperor's side.

After moving to his side, she raised her head to look at the dog emperor, "Your majesty, are you okay watching?"

The emperor stretched out his arms, clasped the queen's shoulders, and brought her into his arms.

Queen: "..." Did the dog emperor take medicine again today?

Only then did the emperor call out in satisfaction, "Ling'er."

The empress simply shrank her body into the emperor's arms, pulling the quilt up by the way.

I found that every time the dog emperor called her Ling'er, his tone was different from when he called the queen. I don't know if it was her illusion, but I always felt that calling Ling'er had an imperceptible tenderness.

"The concubine is here."

The emperor looked down at the person in his arms, and said slowly: "When the first month is out, I will take you to Lingnan for a short stay."

The climate in Lingnan is much warmer than that in the capital, and it is a good place to avoid the cold.

The queen raised her head to look at the dog emperor again, "Going to Lingnan? Is the emperor free? Don't be a scammer again."

The emperor paused when he heard the words, and suddenly remembered that many years ago, he said he wanted to take Ling'er to live in Lingnan, but he couldn't because he was too busy.

Ling'er was angry and ignored him for three days.

It took him a long time to coax her well, and he promised to take her to stay for a while if he had the chance.

It's just that as the king of a country, there are so many things to do every day, how can I have so much free time.

A promise, so many years late.

"This time it's true, because on the eighth day of the first lunar month, I plan to abdicate and let Yan'er inherit the throne."

The queen was stunned for a long time when she heard the words, "Is the emperor really planning to abdicate?"

The emperor said seriously: "The imperial edict has been drawn up, how can it be fake?"

The queen still couldn't believe it, "Are you really abdicating?"

Then wouldn't she be able to scold the dog emperor in the future?

After so many years of scolding, the dog emperor is used to scolding, but he is really not used to suddenly changing his mouth.

The emperor said: "Well, really, didn't you always want to go out for a walk? Let's go for a walk while we are still in good health."

Only then did the queen really believe it, and when she thought of the emperor taking her out to play, she couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

"The courtiers and concubines naturally support the emperor's decision, but I'm afraid those ministers might have something to say."

The emperor said: "At that time, if I say I'm unwell, they can't do anything about it. Besides, the prince's ability is obvious to all of them, and he will definitely be better than blue."

The queen nodded, "The prince's ability is indeed good."

After the emperor made the announcement, he stared at her seriously again, "Ling'er, do you have something to say to me?"

The queen blinked her eyes and asked suspiciously, "What does the emperor want to hear?"

The emperor was a little dissatisfied, "You have nothing to say?"

The queen thought for a while and said, "The concubine is very happy."

The emperor asked: "What else?"

The queen thought for a while and said: "The concubine is very happy."

Emperor: "..." That's it?
The emperor couldn't help asking: "Ling'er doesn't think I'm the same as before?"

The queen looked the dog emperor up and down, "How could it be the same? The emperor is over 40 years old this year. When the concubine married the emperor, the emperor was only 19 years old. He had no crow's feet, a strong body, bright eyes, and a heroic posture when riding a horse..."

"Although the emperor's body is in good condition, he is still fatter than before."

The emperor's face darkened, "..."

The queen felt that what she said was very euphemistic. Thinking back to the beginning, what the dog emperor said was ugly.

The emperor was silent for a long time before he asked, "Ling'er thinks I'm getting old?"

The queen comforted me: "Your Majesty, we are all grandparents now, aren't we old? Didn't you also despise me, a girl who is not as good as a teenager? How about a girl who is not as good as a teenage girl?"

The emperor expressed doubts, "Did I say that? Impossible, how could I compare others with you?"

"The emperor said that the courtiers and concubines heard it clearly."

The queen cleared her throat, and told the dog emperor exactly what the dog emperor said that day.

"Does the emperor still remember?"

The emperor thought about it carefully, and finally remembered, he hugged the queen into his arms again, and explained in a coaxing tone: "Ling'er, you misunderstood me, I didn't mean that."

The queen looked at the dog emperor with a half-smile, "What does the emperor mean?"

The emperor explained: "I mean, time flies so fast. I was only 15 years old when I married you. You were still a naive girl. You spent so many years with me, from a girl to an old woman. Except for the years The traces left on the face also prove that it is not easy to love and support each other until now."

The queen expressed doubts, "Are you sure what you meant when you said those words? The concubine is stupid, but it doesn't mean she is stupid."

The emperor continued to explain: "If I dislike that your lips are not as delicate as a teenager, how can I kiss you every time I get close to you? If I dislike you for gaining weight, how can I hug you every time to sleep? I despise your crow's feet, why do you stare at your eyes every time?"

"If I really despise you, how can I not be able to control you? I haven't checked other people's brands for several years, and I will come to your Fengyi Palace whenever I have time."

The queen was stunned for a long time when she heard the words, and it seemed that it was true after hearing what the emperor said.

That day the dog emperor said that she had crow's feet and her skin was not delicate, but that hand kept touching her face.

Said that her lips were not as delicate as those of a teenager, and then bowed his head and kissed her after speaking.

Did she blame the dog emperor by mistake?
"The concubine will take what you say is true."

The emperor couldn't help but raise his voice, "What should be considered true? It is true!"

The queen put her arms around Emperor Dog's waist, "The concubine knows, the emperor doesn't dislike the concubine, it's the concubine who thinks too much."

Only then did the agitated Emperor Dog calm down.

After saying this, the emperor and the queen rested.

But the emperor always felt wrong. He abdicated and took her out to play. Shouldn't it be a very shocking and exciting thing?

Why is Ling'er so calm?No surprises at all?

The emperor turned his head to look at the person next to the pillow, and found that Ling'er was already asleep. Why was it different from what he imagined?
It wasn't until the second day that he realized that something was wrong.

New Year's Day
Taotaosusu came to pay New Year's greetings in new clothes early in the morning, and the queen took the two babies to play for a while.

As a result, after playing snowball fights for a while, she was tired and had to admit the fact that she was old.

The two little guys are very energetic and never get tired.

Susu ran over, took the Queen's hand, and walked into the snow, "Grandma Huang, let's play together!"

Seeing Susu's blushing face, the queen smiled and said, "Grandma Huang can't play anymore."

Susu thought for a while, and then said: "Then Grandma Huang, take a break and play again?"

The Queen smiled and nodded, "Of course."

Only then did Susu let go of the Queen's hand, and turned around to play with Guoguo Xiaoguoguo.

The queen looked at the three people in the snow, time passed really quickly, Taotao and Susu were both over three years old.


The queen suddenly heard a familiar voice, raised her head and saw Ye Chu walking slowly, she stood up slowly, with surprise in her eyes.

"Brother Ye, are you back?"

Ye Chu stopped in front of the queen, looked at her with downcast eyes, trying to find out how she had changed in the past three years.

"Well, I haven't seen you for three years, and you are still the same as before."

The queen laughed when she heard this, "Brother Ye is the same, but he looks younger after three years of not seeing each other."

Ye Chu laughed after hearing the words, and after laughing for a while, "How are you doing?"

The queen said with a relaxed tone, "I'm fine, where's Brother Ye?"

"I'm fine, too." Ye Chu paused, "How is he treating you?"

The queen knew who he was referring to in Ye Chu's mouth. She had heard this sentence several times. Almost every once in a while, Ye Chu would come to ask her, "How is he treating you?"

She knew that Ye Chu was worried that Xiao Qi would treat her badly, that she would be wronged, and that she would cry.

Over the years, Ye Chu has been afraid that Xiao Qi will betray her.

"Brother Ye, he treats me very well, don't worry."

Ye Chu paused when he heard the words, "Really? He didn't make you wronged?"

The queen said: "Of course, he has always treated me well, but because of his status, he did many things as a last resort. I used to be too simple, thinking that as long as I really like it, even the emperor can do the same. "

"It's just that after I stayed in this deep palace for so many years, I realized that many things are beyond my control, and I can't do it according to my own temperament. The palace trapped him, and it also trapped me."

Ye Chu said: "As long as you are willing, you can't be trapped."

The queen smiled and said: "There is no one who is willing or not, the heart is trapped, even if you leave, it is useless."

When the emperor came, he happened to see the queen talking and laughing with a strange man.

When he took a closer look, he found that the man was the man who lived in Fuyao three years ago.

It's been three years, and he still comes to pester Ling'er.

Ling'er smiled so happily, could she also have feelings for him?
No wonder she wasn't surprised, surprised, or shocked last night.

Rather calm.

Did he know that Ye Chu would come to find her?
I'm already a grandma, and I'm still...

The emperor strode over with a gloomy expression, "Empress."

When the queen saw the emperor coming, she stepped forward and blessed her body, "Your Majesty."

The emperor hugged the queen and brought her into his arms. Then he looked at Ye Chu, raised his eyebrows and said, "Young Master Ye, this is the imperial palace, not Fuyao Residence. You can come and go as you please."

Ye Chu said indifferently: "This is indeed not Fuyao Residence. Ling'er is like a master there and doesn't need to be bound by rules. The palace is different, with all kinds of etiquette and rules, hands and feet are tied."

The emperor frowned, "What's the matter with Mr. Ye?"

Ye Chu looked at the queen, "Of course I came to visit Ling'er."

The emperor's face darkened a bit, he came to see the empress so blatantly, and he even said Ling'er, did you call Ling'er?

With his arms, he took the queen into his arms again, raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Chu, as if to prove that the queen was his, don't even think about it.

"Ling'er has me, don't worry about Mr. Ye."

The queen raised her head and looked at the dog emperor, are you trying to strangle me to death?
The emperor ignored the accusation in the empress' eyes, and still raised his eyebrows to look at his love rival in front of him.

Ye Chu said, "Ling'er and I have known each other for more than forty years, and we have been thinking about it for more than forty years. It has become a habit."

Shock flashed across the emperor's eyes when he heard this, the man in front of him actually knew Ling'er earlier than him?
More than forty years?

He and Ling'er have not known each other for so long.

The queen tugged at the sleeve of the dog emperor, and said: "Your majesty, I haven't seen you and Brother Ye for three years, and today is a rare time to see you."

The emperor said: "The empress is right. I haven't seen my old friend for three years. It's true that I should reminisce about the old days. However, the empress is my empress. It is unreasonable to meet a man alone. I also know that Mr. Ye is the empress's friend. It is natural not to see you for three years." I have a lot to say, I happen to be free and stay with the Queen."

Queen: "..."

Ye Chu: "..."

Finally, the emperor ordered people to prepare food and wine, and the three sat at a table.

For a moment, the three of them stared at each other.

Susu ran over, pointed at the chicken legs on the plate, and said, "Grandpa Huang, I want chicken legs second."

"Okay, Grandpa Huang will pick it up for you now." The emperor picked up the chopsticks, picked up the chicken leg and handed it to Susu.

Susu happily took the chicken leg, smiled and frowned, "Thank you, Grandpa Huang."

After speaking, I couldn't wait to bring the chicken leg to my mouth and took a big bite.

The queen looked at Susu's cute appearance, happy and proud, this is her granddaughter.

"Brother Ye, do you remember Susu? When you left, she was only three months old. Isn't she cute?"

Ye Chu lowered her eyes to look at Susu, she looked very cute and pleasing, thinking that three years ago, she was only three months old, and she was so old in a blink of an eye.

"It's really cute."

Susu bit the chicken leg, looked up at Ye Chu, tilted her head and thought for a while, "Who are you?"

The queen has always regarded Ye Chu as her elder brother, so her seniority is naturally the same as hers.

"Susu, you have to call him uncle."

Susu called out: "Uncle."

The pronunciation of the word "uncle" is not accurate, and the voice is very childish, which makes people listen to it and like it very much.

After Susu shouted, she ran out with the chicken legs.

Since the emperor came, the empress and Ye Chu were not as comfortable talking as before.

I'm afraid to say it, the emperor misunderstood.

When Ye Chu left, the queen actually had a lot to say.

For example, Brother Ye has been single for so long, it's time to think about personal issues.

Another example, Brother Ye, have you seen Susu and Taotao?Cute, right?You also hurry to find a wife, so that you can have a pair of lovely children.

Fengyi Palace
The emperor paced back and forth in the bedroom.

The queen sat on the couch drinking hot tea to warm herself up, watching the dog emperor walk back and forth for a long time.

"Your Majesty, sit down and have a cup of hot tea."

The emperor stopped, turned his head to look at the queen on the couch, took a few more steps angrily, and finally sat down on the couch with his clothes folded, and took a few sips of tea from his mouth.

After taking two sips of hot tea, I calmed down my displeasure.


The queen looked up at the dog emperor, "Your Majesty, my concubine is here."

The emperor held back for a long time and said, "Do you still want to leave the palace?"

Queen: "Why does the emperor ask such a question?"

The dog emperor has a brain twitch again?
"You did it last time. It's hard to find me! You don't know me..." The emperor took a breath and said slowly, "I'm about to abdicate, and you still want to leave the palace?"

 Good night spicy!

  The new book has been released, please recommend tickets and five-star praise!


(End of this chapter)

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