Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 647 Meeting old friends, enthronement ceremony

Chapter 647 Meeting old friends, enthronement ceremony

The queen felt that the dog emperor had misunderstood, and she explained: "Your majesty, this concubine did not intend to leave the palace."

The emperor asked uncertainly: "Really?"

The queen said: "Of course it is true. If the concubine really wanted to leave, she would have left long ago, and would not have waited until now. Last time, the concubine had no choice but to go out to clean herself because the emperor went too far."

The emperor thought that there was indeed his reason for the queen's departure, but he was the emperor, so he didn't give him any face, so he just left!

"What did Ye Chu do here?"

The queen said: "I haven't seen you for three years, just to see my concubine."

The emperor asked again: "How old were you when you met him?"

The queen looked at the emperor suspiciously, "Eight years old, what's wrong?"

"Then he said we have known each other for more than forty years, so this is also called forty years?" The emperor snorted. He had met Ling'er when she was six years old, two years earlier than Ye Chu.

"..." Queen: "In a few years, it will be 40 years, and it will be soon."

The emperor was in a better mood now. He stared sideways at the queen for a long time, and suddenly remembered how the queen looked when she was six years old, wearing a red dress, the most eye-catching among all the daughters.

It's not because she wears red, but because of her pair of phoenix eyes, which are bright and full of vigor.

He stood among the princes, watching the red figure from a distance, chasing and playing with her daughter.

Seeing the emperor staring at her silently, the queen called out, "Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

The emperor withdrew his thoughts, smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing."

Jun Moqing was sitting in the house drinking tea, chatting with Feng Qingyan.

The two have been separated for 20 years, Jun Moqing has a temper and talks less, and Feng Qingyan doesn't talk too much, but in front of Jun Moqing, they talk a lot.

Xue Huai came in, lowered his eyebrows and nodded, "Master, Young Master Ye is here."

Jun Moqing raised her head when she heard the words, and saw Ye Chu walking in slowly wearing a moon-white gown, wearing a black fox fur.

"Master Ye, long time no see."

"Master National Teacher, long time no see." Ye Chu sat down, glanced at the woman beside Jun Moqing, and asked, "Is she your wife?"

When Ye Chu met Jun Moqing, he had only a few-month-old daughter by his side, and his wife suddenly disappeared.

Jun Mo introduced: "Well, my wife Feng Qingyan."

Feng Qingyan greeted generously, "Master Ye, hello."

When Ye Chu first saw Shen Chuwei, he thought he was very similar to Xiao Jiu, but now that it is confirmed to be Xiao Jiu, he still finds it inconceivable.

"Xiao Jiu is very similar to you."

He looked at Jun Moqing again, "Congratulations, the family is reunited."

"Thank you." Jun Moqing lifted the teapot and poured a cup of hot tea in front of Ye Chu, "Are you here to visit Chang Wenling?"

"Well, I just saw it." Ye Chu picked up the teacup in front of him and brought it to his lips, taking a sip.

Jun Moqing asked: "Are you planning to keep doing this?"

Ye Chu paused while drinking tea, thinking of Chang Wenling, he said: "If I don't see her really happy, I can't let go of my heart."

Feng Qingyan ate melon seeds, which were given to her by her daughter, and she couldn't stop eating them.

She discovers a secret.

"You like queens?"

Ye Chu looked at Feng Qingyan without denying it, "Well, what's the problem?"

"The queen is the emperor's woman?" Feng Qingyan wanted to say, aren't you thinking about a married woman?
Ye Chu said indifferently: "So what? If she is unhappy and regrets it, I can take her away."

Feng Qingyan said: "The emperor and the empress have been husband and wife for more than 20 years, if they regret it, they would have regretted it long ago."

Ye Chu paused when he heard the words, and continued: "Life is impermanent, what if you regret it later?"

"You are too infatuated." Feng Qingyan looked at Jun Moqing, "I can't be so infatuated. If you didn't respond back then, I might not be able to hold on."

Jun Moqing stopped drinking tea, raised her head to look at Feng Qingyan, and heard her say again, "Fortunately, you are enlightened."

He was silent for a while, then spit out three words, "Thank you."

Feng Qingyan laughed out loud, "How can you say thank you?"

Jun Moqing asked seriously: "Then what should I say?"

Feng Qingyan cleared her throat and said: "You should say that we are a couple destined by heaven, so many women want to be your wife, but they all failed. Only I have moved your heart and guarded myself like a jade for me. So many years."

After hearing the words, Jun Moqing said this sentence again with great awareness, "We are a couple destined by heaven, so so many women want to be my wife, but they all failed, only you have moved my heart , and defended you like a jade for so many years."

Feng Qingyan: "..."

Ye Chu looked at the two in front of him. He used to wonder who Jun Moqing's wife was and what kind of person she was, who could steal Jun Moqing's heart.

Seeing her now, he found that only a woman like Feng Qingyan could be tempted by a cold-hearted person like Jun Moqing.

Seeing that Feng Qingyan didn't speak, Jun Moqing asked again: "Do you want to say it again?"

Feng Qingyan sighed helplessly, "Drink your tea."

"Okay." Jun Moqing raised the teacup to his lips and took two sips.

Jun Moqing looked at Ye Chu again, "How about drinking together tonight?"

Ye Chu nodded, "Okay."

Xiao Jinyan learned that Ye Chu was coming, and couldn't wait to see him.

It has been three years since the last time.

He hadn't recovered his memory before, but now that he recovered his memory, he knew that it was Ye Chu who taught him Kung Fu and was also his master when he was in Nanzhao Kingdom.

Xiao Jinyan came to the study and saw a man in a moon-white gown standing in front of the desk. He stepped forward to salute, "Master."

Ye Chu turned around and looked over, saw Xiao Jinyan, and realized that after three years of absence, he had become much calmer again.

"I heard you recovered your memory?"

Xiao Jin said: "Yes, Master, Master Guoshi helped me recover."

Ye Chu was not surprised, "Only he can do it."

Xiao Jinyan asked: "When did Master come back? Why is there no news at all?"

Ye Chu said, "I just returned to the capital today."

Xiao Jinyan asked: "How long does Master plan to stay this time?"

Ye Chu: "The first month is over."

Xiao Jinyan thought for a while, but still asked out the doubts in his heart, "I remember my master said three years ago that it was my mother who asked me to come to Nanzhao Kingdom to teach me martial arts."

Ye Chu said: "Well, if she doesn't tell me, I won't accept apprentices either."

Xiao Jinyan clasped his fists again and saluted after hearing the words, "Thank you, Master."

Ye Chu looked at Xiao Jinyan, he never thought of accepting apprentices, if it wasn't for Ling'er, he would not have gone far to Nanzhao Kingdom.

However, Xiao Jinyan does have the talent to practice martial arts, and he actually earned it.

For dinner, Ye Chu ate with them.

Like Jun Moqing, Ye Chu rarely drank alcohol, but today they had three drinks.

Xiao Jinyan also drank two glasses with him.

Feng Wuyou was happily discussing with Feng Qingyan what to have for breakfast tomorrow morning.

"Mom hasn't eaten red bean rolls yet, do you want to try them?"

Feng Qingyan nodded vigorously, "Okay, get some fried dough sticks, fried dough sticks are delicious."

Feng Wuyou was also greedy for deep-fried dough sticks, licked her lips and asked, "Do you want to eat the pot stickers?"

Feng Qingyan had never heard of pot stickers, so she was curious, "What are pot stickers?"

Feng Wuyou explained: "It's a bit like dumplings, but it's better fried than dumplings."

Feng Qingyan imagined it for a while, and decided to trust her daughter's taste, "Then try it, I haven't eaten it yet."

Susu suddenly came over, and said in a childish voice, "I want the next big meat bun."

Feng Wuyou looked at Susu's cute face, and readily agreed, "Okay."

In fact, Donggong makes meat buns every now and then, because Susu likes to eat, Dabai likes to eat, and Xuetuan likes to eat.

Since the tiger and lion came, they have to make a lot of meat buns. Its appetite is scary, and the key is to love meat buns~
Susu raised her two little hands, and drew circles with her strokes, "Mama, I have to do a lot."

Feng Wuyou smiled and said: "Mom knows, Dabai loves to eat, Xuetuan loves to eat, and tigers, lions and beasts love to eat."

Susu patted her small chest and said, "There's still a nest, too."

Feng Wuyou nodded vigorously, "Yeah, mom is in a hurry, and Chunxi also remembers."

Susu hugged Feng Wuyou's arm, smiling with crooked eyebrows, "Mama loves me too."

Feng Wuyou boasted without hesitation: "Susu has a really good memory."

Susu said proudly: "Father said that the nest is like Ma Ma, and Ma Ma has a good memory."

Feng Wuyou couldn't help laughing out loud, Xiao Jinyan said that his daughter is also greedy in disguise, right?
Ye Chu temporarily lived in the palace.

Time passed quickly, and soon on the fifth day of the lunar new year, the emperor announced his abdication, becoming the Supreme Emperor, and the crown prince Xiao Jinyan succeeded him.

The emperor had been vaccinated beforehand, and since he fell ill, he has been making excuses for his poor health.

Naturally, the civil and military officials would not say a word, and believed that the prince was a wise king.

Xiao Jinyan's succession ceremony will be on the eighth day of the first lunar month.

The Ministry of Rituals has been intensively preparing for the succession ceremony early.

In addition to the Ministry of Rites, even the Shangyi Bureau was rushing to make dragon robes and phoenix robes overnight.

The night before the enthronement ceremony, Shen Chuwei looked at Fengpao, and couldn't believe that he would be the queen tomorrow.

Xiao Jinyan came over, stood beside her, looked down at her, "What's wrong?"

Feng Wuyou looked up at Xiao Jinyan, still in disbelief, "You are the emperor, and I am the empress."

Xiao Jinyan was very happy, "Well, tomorrow you will be my queen."

Feng Wuyou thought for a while and asked again: "Will it be difficult to be a queen? Will all civil and military officials want to draft a lot of talent?"

Xiao Jinyan stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms, and comforted her in a gentle voice: "What are you afraid of, I'm here."

Feng Wuyou chuckled, "I'm not afraid, I have backing."

Xiao Jinyan laughed when he heard the words, "Yes, Master Guoshi is a strong backer."

Feng Wuyou yawned, "Jin Yan, I'm going to bed, and I'll wake up at five o'clock tomorrow."

Xiao Jinyan also felt that he should rest early tonight, the enthronement ceremony is more troublesome than getting married.

Tonight, Xiao Jinyan just hugged her to rest and did not do anything else.

At the fifth watch, Feng Wuyou was called up when she didn't sleep well, she squinted her eyes and let a group of nuns take a bath and change clothes.

Today is the longest day that Feng Wuyou has ever lived, and the process is too complicated.

This is not the point, the point is that she is hungry.

In front of civil and military officials, she couldn't steal food, she was so hungry that her head was heavy and her eyes were dim.

Just receiving congratulations from civil and military officials is a long process.

She turned her head to look at Xiao Jinyan. He was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe and a crown on his head. His aura was completely different from that of the prince.

She still remembered when he said that his wish was to be a wise king.

National affairs, worry about fatigue.

She sighed, it's better to eat salted fish, she doesn't have to think about anything except eating and sleeping.

After the ceremony was completed, Feng Wuyou slumped on the couch, "I can't do it anymore, I'm so tired."

Xiao Jinyan poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to her, "Come on, drink some hot tea first, Chunxi has already gone to prepare lunch."

Feng Wuyou sat up with difficulty, took the teacup in his hand and passed it to his lips to take a few sips to moisten his throat.

Chunxi was very fast, and within a short while, he brought hot meals and placed them on the table one by one.

Feng Wuyou put down the teacup, couldn't wait to sit at the table, picked up the chopsticks, put the braised pork in his mouth, and put it in his mouth, as if he had eaten a delicacy in the world.

Xiao Jinyan brought her food and reminded: "Eat slowly."

Feng Wuyou spoke with confidence, "You don't understand, it's cool to eat when you're hungry."

Xiao Jinyan: "...When you are not hungry, you are not slow to eat."

Feng Wuyou said while eating braised pork, "It's all the same."

As he spoke, he put a piece of meat into Xiao Jinyan's bowl, "Your Majesty, you can eat too."

The first time she heard her calling the emperor, Xiao Jinyan was still a little unaccustomed, so he smiled and called: "My queen."

Feng Wuyou took time out of her busy schedule to raise her head over, smiling with crooked eyebrows, "The concubine is here."

Since Xiao Jinyan ascended the throne, the two moved out of the East Palace, one lived in Fengyi Palace and the other lived in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Feng Wuyou was a little worried, "What about my chicken coop, small vegetable garden, and my fish pond?"

Fengyi Palace is far away from the East Palace, and it is not so convenient to go back and forth.

Xiao Jinyan saw the reluctance in her eyes, and comforted him: "Let them guard for you, you just eat."

What can Feng Wuyou say?They cannot be moved to Fengyi Palace.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Empress Dowager took Susu out of the palace to live in Lingnan.

Bring Susu, mainly when you want Susu, you can’t see it.

When Susu left, she took Dabai with her.

If possible, Susu would like to take the tiger, lion and beast with her.

These days, Ye Chu also knew that the emperor abdicated for Ling'er.

When they left the palace, Ye Chu personally saw them off.

Chang Wenling had a smile on her face, and she knew that she was in a good mood just by looking at it.

"Brother Ye, I'm going out to play."

Ye Chu stared at her for a long time, "Well, have fun."

Chang Wenling waved to him happily, "Brother Ye, goodbye."

"En." Standing on the city wall, Ye Chu watched the luxurious carriage go further and further until he couldn't see it.

Ling'er's vision is not bad, after waiting for 30 years, she finally doesn't have to be trapped in the palace.

It's just that that person is not him, it's still the one she chose when she was young.

"For 30 years, I worry about you being bullied every year, and hope that you can ask me to take you away."

"Now, I really want to let go."

in the carriage

Leaving the palace, without the shackles of the queen's status, I feel extremely relaxed.

Chang Wenling lifted the curtain and kept looking out.

When Xiao Qi saw it, he was a little dissatisfied. He put his arms around her shoulders and brought her into his arms.

"Look at what?"

Chang Wenling raised his head to look at the dog emperor, no, he is already too emperor.

"I feel something is wrong with Big Brother Ye."

 Good night, babies!

(End of this chapter)

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