Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 648 Teach bad sister-in-law, bridal chamber

Chapter 648 Teach bad sister-in-law, bridal chamber

Xiao Qi was a little dissatisfied, "What do you care about him?"

Chang Wenling said, "Brother Ye and I have known each other for so many years, we are like brothers and sisters and friends, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Qi patted Chang Wenling's back as if to appease him, "Okay, okay, it's rare to come out, don't think about these unhappy things."

Chang Wenling also felt that she should be happy to come out so rarely, but she felt a little uneasy.

Ye Chu returned to the palace and said goodbye to Jun Moqing.

Jun Moqing asked, "Where are you going this time?"

Ye Chu said quietly: "There is a monk who has been with me for many years. He said that the time has come, but I still don't believe it. Now I believe it."

Jun Moqing heard Ye Chu talk about this matter, and understood what he meant.

"If you decide, I won't persuade you."

"I have a chance to see you again."

After Ye Chu finished speaking, he turned and left the palace.

Feng Qingyan looked at Ye Chu's leaving back, feeling a little sympathetic to this long-lost person.

She took Jun Moqing's arm and said, "Brother Qing, your brother is a bit miserable."

Jun Moqing couldn't deny it, "Well, it's really a bit miserable."

Tao Miner's wedding is on the 22nd of this month.

Feng Wuyou was a little excited. On the one hand, Tao Min'er was finally married, and on the other hand, there was another banquet.

Xiao Jinyan had just ascended the throne not long ago, so she didn't have time to go, so she had to go alone, and she didn't mind.

On the day of the wedding, when Feng Wuyou and Xu Qingqing came, Tao Min'er was already dressed in the red wedding dress.

Tao Min'er's appearance is not particularly outstanding, but it is attractive.

Today's dress is very exquisite, and the appearance is also beautiful.

Feng Wuyou asked curiously: "Are you nervous?"

Tao Miner smiled and said, "Of course I'm nervous, but I'm looking forward to it."

In fact, she had been looking forward to this day for a long time, and wished she could marry Song Tanhua right away.

Xu Qingqing smiled and said, "Look, you can't wait to marry Song Tanhua."

Tao Min'er was a little embarrassed, "Aren't you in a hurry to marry Jun Wuxian?"

Xu Qingqing also wanted to marry Jun Wuxian as soon as possible at that time, but the new house needed time, and her face also needed time.

"It's all the same, it's better to marry the man you love sooner rather than later, hehe."

Tao Min'er agreed with Xu Qingqing's words, "It's true."

Xu Qingqing looked at Feng Wuyou, and asked curiously: "Empress, what do you think?"

Feng Wuyou smiled and said: "I'm different from you, I'm not in a hurry."

In fact, she was not ready at the beginning, Xiao Jinyan asked her to sleep with her~
Xu Qingqing thought for a while and said, "That's right, you and the emperor have always been together, unlike Min'er and I, who can only be together when we get married. It's really different."

When the bridal sedan chair arrived, Mrs. Wang hugged her daughter and was reluctant to let go.

Tao Min'er was very happy in her heart, but seeing Wang crying so sadly, she couldn't be too happy.

Mrs. Wang wiped away her tears, took the red hijab of dragon and phoenix from the hand of the maid, and covered her head.

Then Xi Po helped her out.

Song Tanhua was wearing a bright red wedding dress today, watching Tao Min'er being pulled out by Xi Po and then handed over to him.

Feng Wuyou watched Tao Min'er get into the sedan chair, and then left Tao's house.

"It's a pity that I can't eat the banquet over there~"

Xu Qingqing was a little speechless, "Empress, why are you always thinking about eating? Isn't the harem busy?"

Feng Wuyou said with a grin: "I am the only woman in the harem, and it is lively when there is no east palace."

Xu Qingqing snorted twice, "I can tell, the empress is here to show off, and you are the only woman in the emperor."

Feng Wuyou said: "Isn't my elder brother only a woman like you, what's there to show off?"

Xu Qingqing curled her lips, "Don't mention your elder brother, just mentioning him will make you angry."

"What's wrong? Did my elder brother bully you?" Feng Wuyou couldn't believe it, "My elder brother doesn't look like someone who would bully women."

"Who said that? You will be bullied!" Xu Qingqing whispered a few words in Feng Wuyou's ear.

Feng Wuyou sympathized with the same illness, "I have experienced it too deeply, men are all virtuous."

Xu Qingqing nodded vigorously, "That's right."

Feng Wuyou suddenly suggested: "Then you and him take a break."

Xu Qingqing looked at Feng Wuyou suspiciously, "Schedule? How do you do this?"

Feng Wuyou moved closer to her ear and said a few words.

Xu Qingqing opened her eyes wide, "Can it still be like this?"

Feng Wuyou smiled triumphantly, "Of course, I do it often."

Xu Qingqing was overwhelmed with admiration.

That night, Xu Qingqing looked at Jun Wuxian who came out of the bath, thinking about what Feng Wuyou said today.

Jun Wuxian threw off the quilt and lay down, stretched out his long arm to hold her in his arms, that hand was a little restless.

Xu Qingqing grabbed that hand and said, "I have something to say."

Jun Wuxian lowered his head and kissed her lips, then buried her neck, "Say it."

Xu Qingqing said: "I want to take a rest."

Jun Wuxian paused, raised his head and looked at her suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Xu Qingqing explained: "That's right, rest today."

"You have nothing to do tomorrow, and it's the same when you rest tomorrow." Jun Wuxian said and lowered his head to kiss her.

Xu Qingqing felt a little hot, "Ah Xian..."

Jun Wuxian didn't raise his head, "Qingqing, I have nothing to do tomorrow, so I will rest later tonight."

Xu Qingqing couldn't help admiring, "You have so much energy."

Jun Wuxian smiled lightly, "Where, it's not as good as the book you read, all night long, if I don't die of exhaustion, I have to..."

When it comes to the script, Xu Qingqing is a little embarrassed, the script that Jun Wuxian took away back then, but he read it by himself.

For example, one whole night, or three days and three nights without being able to get out of bed.

He said, is that still human?

Feng Wuyou said, just read it in the notebook, don't take it seriously!
After Xu Qingqing experienced it herself, she realized that if it really stayed all night, she would definitely be injured.

As for where it was injured, it goes without saying.

wedding night

Song Tanhua is an official appointed by the imperial court, and most of the people who came to drink the wedding today are colleagues.

After drinking for a while and getting a little drunk, those people were willing to let him into the bridal chamber.

He staggered into the bridal chamber, and saw Tao Min'er sitting on the bed with her red hijab uncovered.

He leaned on the door frame and walked in, walked in front of her in a nonchalant footstep, picked up his wedding name and raised the red hijab.

Tao Min'er looked up at Song Qing with a shy look on her face.

Song Qing put down her happy address, stared at Tao Min'er for a while, and then sat down beside her. This was the first time they sat so close.


Tao Min'er smelled a strong smell of alcohol, and reminded her in a low voice, "Drink a cup of wine."

Only then did Song Qing realize, "I almost forgot."

As he spoke, he got up and fetched two glasses of wine, one of which was handed to her.

After drinking the cup of wine, Tao Min'er raised her head to look at Song Qing, feeling nervous and shy.

"I'll undress you."

Song Qing nodded, "OK."

Tao Min'er reached out to his waist, untied his belt, and was about to undo his belt when Song Qing hugged him and fell on the bed.

Song Qing looked down at Tao Min'er, probably because of drinking, at this time he was a little different from his usual gentleness and politeness, and was very eager.

It's just that it's not very good at taking off a woman's clothes for the first time.

If you are too anxious, you will not be able to solve it.

Finally, with the help of Tao Min'er, he took off his coat.

 Good night spicy!

  strong new book
(End of this chapter)

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