Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 649 Want to draft?The difference between son and daughter

Chapter 649 Want to draft?The difference between son and daughter
Tao Min'er first fell in love with Song Qing because of this face, and now looking at this face, she was a little red from drinking, and the corners of her eyes were red.

Song Qing leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, finally reaching her lips, "Min'er."

Tao Min'er shyly called out, "Husband."

Song Qing smiled for a while, "Min'er knows how to be shy now?"

Tao Min'er's cheeks were as red as apples, and she wanted to refute, but Song Qing didn't give her a chance.

Tao Min'er always thought that Song Qing was a frail scholar, until today she realized that he only looked like a frail scholar on the surface, but in fact he was not frail at all.

At the same time, I also realized what Xu Qingqing said that day.

Tao Min'er didn't know when she fell asleep, she only knew that when she woke up, it was bright daylight.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Song Qing looking down at her, "Are you awake?"

Thinking of last night, Tao Min'er blushed a little, "Yeah."

Song Qing asked again: "Are you hungry?"

Tao Min'er nodded, "I'm hungry."

Song Qing is also a little hungry now, "Then get up and have breakfast together."

"Yes." Tao Min'er sat up and wanted to change Song Qing's clothes, but Song Qing refused.

He took out his clothes and draped them over her shoulders, "It's cold, put on your clothes quickly, don't catch the cold."

Tao Min'er was a little moved.

When Song Qing bent down to get the clothes, she caught a glimpse of a smear of red on the bed sheet, but she had actually seen it last night.

He had heard the rumors about Tao Min'er and Xu Qingqing after leaving the palace, so he didn't take it to heart.

Seeing that blush, I remembered a word that is scary.

When she got dressed, Song Qing also got dressed.

The maids have already prepared breakfast.

Tao Min'er ate the food in the bowl, raised her head to look at Song Qing, feeling a bit like a dream, she really married Song Qing as she wished.

Song Qing has no concubines by her side, she is the only official wife.

Song Qing found Tao Min'er staring at him while serving food, and he asked, "What's wrong?"

Tao Min'er expressed her true feelings, "I feel like I'm dreaming."

Song Qing didn't expect that she would say that, and said with a light smile, "Really?"

Tao Min'er nodded, and asked hesitantly, "Has your husband ever thought about taking a concubine?"

Song Qing shook her head, "No."

Tao Min'er was overjoyed when she heard that, she didn't know what would happen in the future, she would cherish the present.

The princess said that no one can guarantee the future, not even herself, let alone others?

Song Qing saw Tao Min'er's worry, and he said seriously: "What the emperor can do, I can do too."

Tao Min'er was a little surprised when she heard the words, "I envy the relationship between the emperor and the empress. I am naturally delighted that my husband can do it."

Song Qing put a piece of meat into her bowl, "Eat it, the food will be cold later."

Tao Min'er happily put a piece of meat into his bowl, "My husband will eat it too."

This matter, above the court

"The emperor has been on the throne for three years. In order to consolidate the country and the country, and have a continuous succession of children, it should be drafted vigorously to fill the harem."

Xiao Jinyan heard the speech officials admonishing for a draft draft today, and he was so angry that he almost turned off the speech officials.

Feng Wuyou was waiting for Xiao Jinyan to come back from morning court to have breakfast together, but Xiao Jinyan didn't come back for a long time.

She was very hungry again, looking at the delicious food, she couldn't help but ate one.

Xiao Jinyan strode in angrily, and when he saw Xiao Jiu, his anger subsided a little.

Seeing Xiao Jinyan's return, Feng Wuyou retracted the hand that had just been put into the plate.

"Your Majesty, be hungry, come and have breakfast, it's all just out of the pot."

"Okay." Xiao Jinyan didn't mention the official's proposal for a draft draft, picked up a spoon to scoop up the hot porridge and put it into his mouth to eat.

Feng Wuyou picked up a piece of red bean roll and put it into the bowl in front of Xiao Jinyan, "Your Majesty, eat red bean roll."

Xiao Jinyan picked up Xiaojiu's favorite meat bun, "You eat it too."

Feng Wuyou took a bite of the meat bun and asked, "Is the emperor unhappy today?"

Xiao Jinyan shook his head, "No, it's just that the speech officials in the court are a little bit broken."

Feng Wuyou said: "Your Majesty, it's good to hear with one ear and hear with the other. Don't get angry and ruin your body. Most of the diseases are caused by anger. The most important thing is to be happy."

Xiao Jinyan responded: "Well, happiness is the most important thing, if they say it again tomorrow..."

Feng Wuyou took out a pair of earplugs and handed them to Xiao Jinyan, "Your Majesty, this is for you."

Xiao Jinyan looked curiously at the thing in Xiao Jiu's hand, and asked suspiciously, "What is this?"

Feng Wuyou explained: "These are anti-noise earplugs, which can block some noise. If the emperor doesn't want to listen to the words of the officials, he can wear these."

"Xiao Jiu is still thoughtful." Xiao Jinyan put away the earplugs.

After breakfast, Xiao Jinyan went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Feng Wuyou fell asleep, and when she woke up, she found Xiao Jinyan had returned.

She rubbed her eyes, "Isn't the emperor busy?"

"I just finished my work and came to see you."

Xiao Jinyan hugged her into his arms. The weather was hot, and she was wearing thin clothes. He was too busy these days, and he had been a vegetarian for a long time.

This will cause my wife to be bad, and it is inevitable that she will be a little bit uncontrollable.

His slender fingers lifted her chin, lowered his head and kissed her.

Tao Tao ran all the way in, "Mother's queen..." In the end, she saw father, mother and queen kissing on the couch.

He couldn't help but widen his eyes, thinking about it.

Xiao Jinyan's devotion to the kiss was interrupted by a mother's mother, and he looked at the door with a gloomy expression, only to see Taotao standing there.

"As a prince, what's the point of shouting?"

Feng Wuyou tugged at Xiao Jinyan's sleeve, "Why are you so fierce?"

Xiao Jinyan felt a little guilty, "I am teaching him how to become a mature and stable prince."

Feng Wuyou said: "He is only six years old..."

Taotao felt a little wronged, who knew that the father and the emperor in the blue sky also guarded the queen mother?

"Father, my son is here to visit the queen mother."

Feng Wuyou waved to Taotao, "Taotao, what's the matter? Come in and tell me."

Taotao raised her leg and was about to go in when Xiao Jinyan asked her three times: "Did you finish your homework? Finished your calligraphy? Have you practiced martial arts?"

Taotao retracted her outstretched legs, "I've finished my homework, now I'm going to practice calligraphy and martial arts."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and ran away, father is so fierce!
Seeing his son leaving, Xiao Jinyan withdrew his gaze and planned to continue, but found that Xiao Jiu was staring at him without blinking.

"Xiao Jiu, what's the matter?"

Feng Wuyou said: "Taotao is already very good, homework, calligraphy and martial arts, she hasn't failed in a day, why are you so fierce to him?"

Xiao Jinyan coaxed: "Understood, I will be gentler in the future."

After finally coaxing Xiao Jiu, he was about to continue, but a crisp and soft voice came from the door.

"My stepmother, I want to eat strawberry ice cream."

Xiao Jinyan: "..." One or two~

After Susu came in, she found that her father was also there, so she ran over happily and threw herself into his arms.


Xiao Jinyan looked down at the face that resembled Xiaojiu, reluctant to kill her.

"Susu, find Chunxi what you want to eat."

Susu raised her face and said, "Didn't Aunt Chunxi have a baby?"

 Good night spicy!

(End of this chapter)

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