Chapter 309

Six days later, the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, Heaven Dou City.

The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the opening ceremony of the Heaven Dou Empire Division, held a grand opening ceremony in Heaven Dou City.

As the biggest event in the soul master world, it naturally attracted more than just the attention of soul masters.

From the Heaven Dou royal family, nobles, down to commoners, every resident of Heaven Dou City regards the opening ceremony of each Soul Master Competition as the grandest festival.

The opening ceremony of the preliminaries for the Heaven Dou City Division will be held in the Great Soul Arena of Heaven Dou City.

The ticket price for its opening ceremony was as expensive as the central spirit arena in Heaven Dou City, but even so, the tickets were sold out a month ago.

As the main arena of the Tiandou Division, the Tiandou Great Soul Arena has stopped all soul fighting competitions a month ago and is undergoing internal renovations.

Combining all the sub-arenas in the big spirit fighting arena with the main fighting spirit center into one, forming an incomparably huge competition venue. The remodeled big fighting spirit arena can accommodate [-] spectators watching at the same time.

Although the tickets are quite expensive, the cost of the Great Soul Arena is not uncommon.

In the early morning, before the sun had risen from the east, the remodeled Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena had already welcomed a dense crowd of spectators.

These audiences came so early, so naturally it wasn't because they came early that they could get in early.

Their purpose was to see the participating young soul masters up close on the first day of the opening ceremony.

After all, which girl does not cherish spring, which girl does not admire, these young soul masters who can participate in the competition are all young talents under the age of 25.

If you are lucky and can climb a high branch, it will be a beautiful thing to shine on the lintel, raise your eyebrows, and gain both fame and fortune.

What's more, there are many nobles among them, and the purpose of these nobles is naturally to recruit soul masters.

Nobles have always enjoyed recruiting soul masters, not to mention that the soul master competition itself is the cradle of talents, and talents who can participate are the best.

If possible, these nobles would like to find a son-in-law for their daughter.

Of course, they don't want those who welcome the return of Dragon King Douluo after the three-year period has come.

At this time, with the Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena as the center, almost one-third of the Heaven Dou City was empty for thousands of people.

A few days ago, all the hotels in Tiandou City, no matter how big or small, were fully booked, and the temporary population in Tiandou City almost increased by half.

For this competition, Heaven Dou City mobilized a total of [-] city defense troops to maintain order, thus avoiding riots as much as possible.

With the arrival of one team after another, the enthusiasm of the audience at the gate of the arena was ignited to the extreme.

However, when a team wearing shit-green school uniforms arrived, the atmosphere on the field suddenly fell silent, and everyone thought they had come to the wrong place.

On the back of everyone in this team, a few distinctive characters were stabbed with red silk thread: Sincerely recruiting title advertisements.

There is a line of small words under these big words, please talk to Mr. Flander, the head of Shrek Academy, for the advertising fee.

"What kind of college is that? My God, did they just crawl out of the latrine?"

"Laughing to death, the green monster pattern on their chest is so cute, and the ears are like trumpets."

"Look, look, what kind of advertisements are they recruiting behind their backs? Is there really such a high-level soul master academy? Such a high-level soul master academy elite competition can also participate in the continent? .”

"Keep your voice down, people say you are also a soul master. However, it is estimated that it is just for a formality. Look, there is a fat man in there, who looks like a ball."

This team is obviously the Shrek team.

It's conceivable how weird this kind of school uniform is, even Tang San, who is famous for his double standards, can't justify himself. He didn't see that Tang San and the others lowered their heads, and didn't want to see anyone at all.

The regular members of the Shrek team plus three substitutes, a total of 11 people, everyone lowered their heads, thinking silently as they walked.

However, before they entered, the atmosphere on the field was ignited again.

This time, not ridicule, but amazement!

"My God, which team are they from? Why are they dressed differently? Don't they have team uniforms?"

"You don't care if they have team uniforms or not, I just see how beautiful they are! Especially the girl with tear lines and strange pupils, I feel like I'm in love!"

"I think the most beautiful one is that girl with twin ponytails and black-red Gothic outfit with different-colored pupils. Papa, I'm going to go up and ask what team they belong to. I think I'm in love with her."

"I'm in love too, that girl in armor is probably my one!"

"No, I'm upstairs, aren't you a woman?"

What attracted the attention of many old gentlemen and rotten girls was naturally the Galaxy Fleet led by Qian Zhongling, but the time difference between the Galaxy Fleet and Shrek Squadron was only a few minutes.

Qian Zhongling didn't pay much attention to the enthusiasm of these old gentlemen and rotten girls, he opened the soul power cover and directly blocked these guys outside.

However, this sudden burst of atmosphere must have caught the attention of the Shrek team.

"Chen Shuang?"

"Lu Lingqi?"

"Uchiha? Tokisaki Kurumi?"

Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Tang Xuanwei three people, all of a sudden there was an almost sound, and the three of them opened their eyes wide, with expressions of seeing a ghost.

It's just that there are a lot of spectators at the gate of the fighting spirit field, and there are also many participating teams entering the arena.

Without waiting for Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Tang Xuanwei to take a closer look, an uncoordinated voice came from behind them.

"You guys who came here for a cutscene, don't get in the way, go in early, start fighting early, and go home early."

The members of the Shrek team were already furious. When they heard this voice, they immediately looked behind viciously.

This is a team wearing pale gold uniforms. On the left chest of the pale gold uniforms is the word Tiandou embroidered, and on the back is the pattern of seven silver stars, which is the symbol of the Heaven Dou Empire.

All of them are heroic and valiant, and they all look like they are in their 20s.

The person who told the Shrek team to go home as soon as possible is the captain of the second Huangdou team, and he seems to be in his early twenties.

"Tian Dou Second Team?"

Seeing the mark on this team's uniform, Tang San's eyes immediately turned red, with a cold gleam in his eyes, like a mad dog that would pounce on it in the next second.

The scene where Xiao Wu was forced to kowtow, and the scene where Qin Ming committed suicide seemed to be right in front of him.

"Go home?"

Dai Mubai, who was full of anger, immediately raised his fist, ready to let the captain of Huangdou Second Team know why Hua is so popular!

"Little San, Dai Mubai, you all stop!"

In the absence of Tang Dahammer, the only person who dared to call Tang San directly as Xiaosan, and would not gain the way to death, was Yu Dashi.

"Little talk is just a bluff, Xiao San, you have to remember that a dog that bites won't bark! Let's go in!"

Under Yu Dashi's mouthful escape, Tang San and Dai Mubai restrained their anger, and a group of people squeezed into the Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena.

It's a pity that Qian Chongling didn't notice this scene, otherwise, with his character of fearing that the world will not be chaotic, he must be eager for them to fight.

After the Galaxy Fleet entered the Great Soul Arena, they were not directly led into the arena with other teams by the staff, but went to the VIP room to rest first.

From the perspective of the VIP room, you can intuitively see the transformed Great Soul Arena.

Around the huge and open square, there are countless shouting and cheering spectators.

Right in front of the central venue is a rostrum with a golden background, and behind the rostrum is the revamped VIP area.

The wide field is more than 150 meters in diameter, and the colleges entered in front have already arranged a neat formation in the center of the field.

When entering each college, there will be a special master of ceremonies on the rostrum to introduce.

"Next, we are going to enter the team from the Four Elements Academy. They are the Tianshui team from Tianshui Academy, the Fenghuo team from Kamikaze Blazing Academy, and the Thunder Academy."

As soon as the master of ceremonies finished speaking, the four teams lined up in a column and entered the competition venue side by side.

From left to right, on the far left is the Tianshui Academy team, which is all female, wearing aqua blue uniforms, followed by the Fenghuo team, which was merged with Kamikaze Blazing Fire Academy, and their school uniforms are blue-red.

As for the remaining two teams, the khaki team is from the Elephant Academy, and the other is naturally from the Thunder Academy.

With the appearance of the Tianshui Girls Group, there is no doubt that the cheers on the field reached their peak in an instant.

As for men, they like to watch beautiful women the most. If it is a pinch between beautiful women and beautiful women, it will be very wonderful, wonderful beyond words.

"The next entry is the participating teams from Shrek Academy. Shrek Academy, formerly known as Lanba Academy, changed its name to Shrek a year ago, and a total of eleven students participated."

"Look, how distinctive their strange costumes are. Their registration slogan is, champions without opponents. It's a very thoughtful slogan. I hope they can have a good performance."

Listening to the words of the master of ceremonies on the stage, the audience in the stands burst into laughter, booing one after another.

Everyone in Shrek Academy could only hold their breath, wearing the masks they used to wear in the Soto City Soul Arena, and walked to the arena step by step with their heads down.

After the master of ceremonies introduced several teams that entered the arena, it was the turn of the Galaxy Fleet to enter the arena.

"It just so happens that our last team has a registration slogan similar to that of the Shrek Academy team. Their slogan is: I hope you can have fun!"

"Let us welcome the Wuhundian Galaxy Fleet who has already booked the qualifying places for the Tiandou division qualifiers!"

Before the words were finished, strong cheers rang out on the field again, and with the entry of the Galaxy Fleet, the cheers were even more deafening.

Not to mention anything else, the appearance of the seven members of the Galaxy Fleet is better than that of the Tianshui girl group, and they directly get the G-spot of these gentlemen and rotten girls.

After Lu Lingqi brought the Galaxy Fleet into the arena, all the participating teams arrived.

At this time, Tang San and Tang Xuanwei had different expressions, and they were both a little absent-minded. Tang Xuanwei didn't even hear the master of ceremonies introducing the host and guests of the opening ceremony.

Tang San has been carefully observing the surrounding situation, when his eyes fell on the VIP table, he unexpectedly saw several acquaintances.

Some of them are the Prince Xue Xing who drove them away at Tiandou Royal Academy back then, the three education committee members of Tiandou Royal Academy, and a bishop in white with a red robe behind him. They are all sitting in the second row of the VIP seats position.

In the first row of the VIP seats, there were only four people.

One of them was wearing a golden-red robe and a crown of golden diamonds shining on his head. His appearance was somewhat similar to that of Prince Xue Xing, but he was a little older. It seemed that this man was the Heaven Dou Emperor Xue Ye that the master of ceremonies was talking about.

Beside Xue Ye was a man wearing a white robe and the purple gold crown of the Seven Treasures that symbolized his status. He was obviously Ning Fengzhi, the suzerain of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

Beside Ning Fengzhi was a handsome young man in black with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, who looked a bit cynical.

The last one was a grey-clothed old man with white beard and hair, a strong figure and full of energy.

"According to the master of ceremonies, this young man in black should be the Black Feather Douluo of the Spirit Hall and the leader of this Galaxy Fleet. The old man in gray is Kuangxi Douluo."

At this time, the so-called Spirit Hall elder also noticed Tang San's gaze, and he showed a bright smile.

On the other hand, Tang Xuanwei was communicating with the system cautiously, fearing that she would be struck by lightning, burning heart, whip, or candle if she was not careful.
"Boss of the system, if I'm not mistaken, are those Uchiha Itachi and Tokisaki Kurumi? And who are the others?"

Tang Xuanwei said that if he couldn't recognize the Uchiha clan's pink eyes and Tosaki Kurumi's iconic appearance, he could commit suicide.

"That's right, these people are Lu Lingqi, Uchiha Itachi, Tokisaki Kurumi, Shao Shiming, Ice Emperor, Snow Emperor, and Chen Shuang." The system said lightly.

"Boss of the system, is there a possibility that the plot has changed?" Tang Xuanwei asked timidly.

If nothing goes wrong, Ice Empress and Snow Empress must be the two overlords of the Far North. Although they are both beast-level, they have already turned into human forms, so the threat is not very great.

Lu Lingqi, Uchiha Itachi, Tokisaki Kurumi, and Shao Shiming must be from other worlds. There is no doubt about this. Tang Xuanwei is currently unable to judge how threatening they are.

However, she is confident in her three cuts.

After all, the Doulu Continent is the "strongest" one in the heavens and myriad worlds, even if the Taoist ancestor came, it would not be easy to use, let alone four of them.

You know, Zhuge Liannu can directly shoot Xiao Huohuo to death, and Gu Chensha and No. [-] can't break free from the entanglement of the blue silver grass.

What she cared most about was Chen Shuang, who had a temperament similar to hers. Not surprisingly, this guy should be a time traveler.

Tang Xuanwei thought so in her heart.

"The plot hasn't changed. Chen Shuang is an aborigine, Bibi Dongfa's younger daughter, and the rest are from other worlds, but they are here for sightseeing." The system said lightly.

Hehehe, sightseeing?What you said makes sense!
Although Tang Xuanwei wanted to complain about the system, she didn't dare at all, unless she wanted to try a certain sentence again.

The title of this sentence is: wear clear but not rebel, XX sets of electric drills.

(End of this chapter)

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