Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 310 Shrek Academy's Highlight Moment

Chapter 310 Shrek Academy's Highlight Moment
Maybe the system explained it by itself because Tang Xuanwei has been more obedient recently.

"I don't need to explain why they travel to this world."

Tang Xuanwei nodded. This point really doesn't need a systematic explanation.

There are many ways to travel, only you can't think of it, and you can't do it without it.

"They just passed through half a year ago, but they lost their memory, and they happened to be picked up by the Hall of Spirits again, so they joined the Hall of Spirits as a matter of course."

"However, recently they have regained their memory. After finishing the Soul Master Competition, they will start to find a way to go back to their original world."

After listening to the system's "explanation", Tang Xuanwei suddenly realized, and said, "So that's the case, what is their current level of soul power? Or is there another way of cultivation?"

"Because they have crossed over, they are all assimilated by the rules of the world, and they have passed the soul master system. They are currently at level 52 soul power."

Level 52 soul king?

Tang Xuanwei calculated in her heart. According to the original book, the three members of the golden generation of Wuhundian all have soul power above level 3, and the six members of Lu Lingqi are also at level 52.

In the original book, Sanjiao alone can single out the golden generation of Wuhun Temple, and with her Tang Xuanwei, it is almost equivalent to the fact that the two of them can fight six golden generations.

Then add the advanced version of Zhu Zhuqing, the golden generation, who is no longer considered by Tang Xuanwei.

Finally, as soon as the seven-in-one fusion skill is released, the Galaxy Fleet is also exposed to the water. Who is the opponent of the two Haotian avatars!
With such a calculation, Tang Xuanwei's high-hanging heart immediately relaxed.

At the same time, the master of ceremonies on the side of the VIP platform said loudly: "Next, I would like to invite His Majesty the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire to announce the opening of this competition."

Sitting upright in the center of the first row of the VIP seats, His Majesty the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, wearing a red-gold robe, slowly stood up amid thunderous applause.

A deep and resonant voice spread throughout the audience through the loudspeaker soul guide device, "I, Emperor Xue Ye of the Heaven Dou Empire, on behalf of the Heaven Dou Empire and also on behalf of the organizer of this competition, announce that the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition Open now."

The applause was thunderous again, and the cheers came one after another.

After a while, after waiting for the applause to subside, Emperor Xue Ye continued: "Here, I hope that all the soul masters participating in this competition can give full play to their strength and get good results."

For this kind of large-scale competition, the opening ceremony is basically long and smelly. Even Douluo Dalu, a different world, cannot escape this law.

Emperor Xue Ye sat back in his original position, and the voice of the master of ceremonies sounded again, "Next, I invite the master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, Mr. Ning Fengzhi, to give a speech for this competition."

As Ning Fengzhi got up, the applause broke out again.

Ning Fengzhi pressed both hands, and started to speak again.
After a long chatter and no nutrition, the master of ceremonies asked Ning Fengzhi a question.

The master of ceremonies said: "Sect Master Ning, you are the most powerful support-type soul master. On behalf of the audience who watched the battle this time, I would like to ask you, among the 28 teams participating in the Tiandou City Regional Qualifiers, which one do you like the most?" What about sticks?"

Ning Fengzhi carefully glanced at the boss beside him, and then said: "This question, Ning can only say two words!"

The master of ceremonies continued to ask: "Excuse me, is it two words? Is it the name of a certain college?"


Under the gazes of the audience, Ning Fengzhi said two things that made them look dumbfounded.

The master of ceremonies forced a smile and said to the audience: "Unfortunately, Sect Master Ning didn't get his favorite team out of it."

"Next, I invite the Lord of the Heaven Dou City Wuhun Temple, the Platinum Bishop of the Wuhun Temple, Mr. Salas, to draw lots for the first round of qualifiers."

"After the lottery is over, the Heaven Dou Royal Academy vice team will compete with their opponents in the first round of lottery. This will also be the only match today."

Platinum Bishop Salas stood up slowly, walked to the master of ceremonies under the leadership of the court maid, and began to draw lots.

"In the first round of the preliminaries, Canghui College will play against Purple Star College."

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Wuhundian Academy will face off against Black Beast Academy."

"In the first round of the preliminaries, Oakland College played against the Flame and Radiance College."

"In the first round of the preliminaries, Tiandou Royal Academy will face Shrek Academy."

Hearing Shrek Academy's battle against Huangdou Academy, Oscar's expression became a little strange, and he muttered to himself: "It can't be such a coincidence, can it?"

"Hehe, it seems that the gods want us to avenge this arrow!" Tang San said with a fierce look in his eyes.

Ma Hongjun also laughed wildly, "It's better to be a coincidence than to come early, let them see what strength is today!"

Dai Mubai even rattled his fist bones, and said murderously: "When I fell asleep, someone just sent me a pillow. If I don't repay them well, I'm sorry for their enthusiasm."

"1 minute, we only need 1 minute, and we must directly defeat them within 1 minute, so as to wash away our shame!"

"In this match, you, me, Zhuqing, and Fatty will play according to this lineup."

"This way, in this way, in the end like that, that's all!"

An invisible chilling air quietly spread around Tang San and Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu kowtowed, Qin Ming died, and the scene where they were forced out of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy will never be erased from their minds .

Although there were many voices of doubt on the field, after Salas swore the honor of the Spirit Hall, no one dared to continue to say a word.

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Emperor Dou Academy will play against Shrek Academy. The match will start in half an hour. Other participating academies can go to the rest area to rest first."

Half an hour later, the battle between the Shrek team and the Huangdou deputy team began!

When Tang San showed his spirit ring, some people in the VIP seat had already started to regret, regretting not directly pressing Tang San to death.

Now the strength of the Shrek team is no less than that of the Huangdou main team.

The next battle was over as soon as it started.

Tang San took the lead in launching the Blue Silver Prison, controlling all Huangdou's deputy team.

Then, Dai Mubai's White Tiger Meteor Shower turned those they smashed on their backs.

In the end, Jing Ling, Huang Yuan, and Ma Hongjun attacked directly, causing the members of Huangdou's deputy team to be on the verge of death on the spot.

And Zhu Zhuqing, who was fishing, looked at his teammates, Tang San and the others with a shocked expression.

In less than a minute, the seven members of Huangdou's deputy team were already lying on the floor, dying of breath.

But the Shrek team was unscathed!
Tang San glanced coldly at the auditorium, as if telling the audience with his eyes, who is the strong one.

The seven Shrek members used their tyrannical strength to block all insults to them.

Contempt and disdain, these expressions have long since disappeared, leaving only shock and disbelief.

At the beginning of this game, whether it was the audience or some guests, they thought it was a game without any suspense.

Facts also proved that this was indeed a massacre on the ground, but unfortunately the team that was massacred was not Shrek Academy.

It was the second team of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, which was placed with high hopes, symbolizing the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire.

At this time, the [-] spectators in the entire Great Soul Arena were silent. If they thought the Shrek team uniforms were ridiculous before, then the shit green team uniforms now became the Shrek team's unique uniform. Performance.

"Referee, I want to complain! They are not playing at all, but killing people. They violated the rules of the game. I want to sentence them to lose."

He shouted at the referee angrily.

The members of Huangdou's deputy team were all sluggish and dripping with blood. This scene undoubtedly angered the leading teacher of Tiandou Royal Academy.

The referee had come to his senses at this time, and his stern eyes immediately looked at the players of Shrek Academy.

Tang San smiled faintly, and said: "Respected referee, I just ask you one question, are they dead?"

The referee was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the seven people from the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy who had fallen to the ground. Indeed, although these seven people were seriously injured, they were still breathing, so they probably couldn't die.

Tang San pointed to Jiangzhu behind him, and said: "Our auxiliary system soul master, her ability is healing, and this healing ability is enough to spread the entire competition stage."

"She used the ability to heal from the beginning, but instead of healing us, she gave it to them. If we really want to kill people, will we heal the opponent?"

"So, they don't need us to treat them, Senior Sister Jiangzhu, please stop."

"In addition, if the referee has no problems, please announce the result of the game as soon as possible."

Tang San deliberately used his soul power to diffuse his voice, ensuring that everyone present could hear it.

The referee looked at this side and then at that side, not knowing how to make a decision for a while.

At this moment, two more referees ran up, and after the three lowered their heads to discuss for a while, the referee on the stage before announced loudly.

"The first match of the first round of the qualifiers, Shrek Academy won."

boom! !

There was a huge discussion in the auditorium in an instant, and there were voices of doubt, praise, and even horror.

The second team of the dignified Heaven Dou Royal Academy was defeated by a little-known team of soul masters in just one minute. The shock it brought to people was too great.

Asking your own soul master to heal the opponent from the very beginning, this kind of behavior is undoubtedly slapping the face of the Tiandou Empire, you must know that it was Huangdou's deputy team that was beaten to death by the Shrek team.

At this moment, Xue Xing already wanted to crush that bastard Qin Ming to ashes, but Xue Ye was thinking more.

The Shrek team undoubtedly slapped the Heaven Dou Empire in the face, but there is another team that will continue to slap him in the face!
That is, the Galaxy Fleet of Wuhundian!

Driving away wolves and tigers, sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, this is Xue Ye's current thinking.

However, with such a loud slap on the face, Xue Ye was in no mood to stay any longer, he snorted coldly and walked away.

The three education committee members of Huangdou College had similar faces, extremely ugly.

It is true that Shrek Academy does have bad conduct, but it does have strength.

This openly took advantage of the loopholes in the rules, and directly hit Huangdou's deputy team and lost the ability to participate in the follow-up competition, and they couldn't stop it.

Flender, Yu Dashi and others under the platform also showed satisfied smiles when they saw the Shrek team win a big victory.

Flender was already imagining how many manufacturers would come to him to negotiate advertising fees after this game.

Yu Dashi was thinking that Tang San, who he trained by himself, led the Shrek team all the way to the championship, so Yu Dashi, as Tang San's teacher, would definitely become famous and get rid of the reputation of trash.

Of course, besides Zhu Zhuqing, the Shrek team was also enjoying the cheers and applause from the audience.

"Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, what on earth are you thinking? Why do you have to strike so hard?" Zhu Zhuqing asked with a pale face, puzzled.

"Ah? Revenge? Is there any problem with this? Don't tell me you forgot what happened in Huangdou Academy?" Ma Hongjun glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, looking a little confused.

"That's right, it's not a gentleman not to avenge this revenge, and I, Dai Mubai, are not easy to provoke."

Tang San's words were even more direct, the same sentence he often said, "I will never let anyone hurt Xiao Wu."

Zhu Zhuqing took a deep look at Tang San, smiled lightly and said: "I understand, let your sister come up to fight in the future matches."

If you, Tang San, hadn't pinched Bai Yan's head, Xue Haizang wouldn't be furious and start targeting Qin Ming.

In other words, Xiao Wu was humiliated, Qin Ming died, and you, Tang San, cannot escape the responsibility.

It's just that you, Tang San, haven't realized your fault yet, insisting that all this is the fault of Huangdou Academy.

It's really interesting, you Tang San are so good at playing, then I, Zhu Zhuqing, will not accompany you.

"What do you mean?" Tang San frowned slightly, he didn't realize Zhu Zhuqing's inner thoughts at all.

"It's nothing, if you want to hide your strength, Xiao Wu's and Tang Xuanwei's fourth soul ring is not ten thousand years old, so it's more suitable for hiding." After speaking, Zhu Zhuqing was about to turn around and leave.

At this moment, a discordant voice came from the VIP seat: "Hey, have you paid off the money owed by Shrek Academy to our Wuhun Bank?"

The one who said this was naturally Saras who was secretly instructed by Black Feather Douluo.

Black Feather Douluo, Qian Zhongling's other vest.

Salas's voice was not loud, but everyone in the audience heard it clearly.

In an instant, the cheers and cheers of the audience stopped, and the audience all looked at the platinum bishop.

As the leader of the Shrek team, Tang San stepped forward without being humble and said, "Your Excellency, the loan from the Wuhun Bank has been fully repaid by us at Shrek Academy!"

Salas shrugged his shoulders and said, "Hasn't your liar academy been wiped out? When will you get the money back? How will you pay it back?"

Dai Mubai said: "Your Excellency, our Shrek Academy is not some liar academy!"

Salas smiled slightly and said, "Isn't it the Liar Academy? I remember clearly that you lied to the registration fees of the students."

Feeling that something was not right, Flender, the principal of Shrek Academy, had already run over from the rest area.

Flender quickly explained: "Your Excellency, those students who signed up did not pass the registration requirements, so we did not refund the registration fee. We are not liars!"

"Oh? Then tell me, what are the registration requirements for your academy?"

(End of this chapter)

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