Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 311 Shrek is equal to a liar

Chapter 311 Shrek is equal to a liar

"Our Shrek Academy's enrollment requirements, students must be above the 21st level of soul power, and must be under the age of 13."

"The graduation requirement is to reach the fortieth level of soul sect strength before the age of 20."

As soon as Flender finished speaking, the audience on the field, and even the other academy teams that hadn't left, suddenly realized.

The enrollment requirements are not low, and the graduation requirements are not difficult.

In this way, it is reasonable that Shrek Academy can cultivate talents like Tang San.

In the first round of the soul master contest preliminaries, Shrek Academy faced off against Huangdou's vice team. This battle of less than one minute undoubtedly completely revealed Shrek's reputation.

However, this was not what Salas wanted. The task given to him by Qian Zhongling was to nail the word Shrek on the pillar of shame.

Salas sneered, and said, "How many people have you enrolled in Shrek Academy, and how many people have graduated?"

Flender: "."

"Can't answer, or dare not answer? No problem, I will speak for you!"

"Before the Shrek Seven Monsters, a total of 62 students were accepted, but only 14 graduated in the end. Some of them did not reach the requirement of soul power level 20 before the age of 40, and some of them died while hunting soul beasts. .”

"The other academies present, such as Kamikaze, Chihuo, and Tianshui Academy, have taught many students who have reached the 20st level before the age of 41."

"And what about you? If you can become a great soul master before the age of 12, your innate soul power must be at the seventh level or above. A total of 62 people of this kind of genius entered your academy, but only 14 people graduated?"

"Come on, help me answer this question. These 48 innate soul powers with seventh or even eighth levels did not reach the graduation standard before the age of 20. Are they all rubbish?"

Flender: "."

Flender, dare he say it?
Students with innate soul power of seven or eight levels, who are already at the genius level, he dare not say that these students are all useless.

Otherwise, he would offend all the soul masters in the world.

You know, many soul masters don't have the seventh level of innate soul power, this level is trash, so what is it that has not reached this level?
It belongs to the fighters among hot chickens who are not even as good as trash.

"Still can't answer?"

"Then the last question, I heard that there is a graduate of your Shrek Academy, who is now the youngest elder in the Spirit Hall, second only to the Pope in authority!"

"Then here comes the problem. His Majesty Heiyu is the youngest elder of the Spirit Hall, and his authority is second only to the Pope!"

Hearing what Salas said, Qian Chongling opened his sleepy eyes, frowned and said, "What's the matter? I'm from Shrek Academy?"

"But this seat is not only not from your academy, nor is it a fellow elder from the Spirit Hall!"

"Flender, you'd better explain it to me, otherwise"

Qian Chongling looked at Flender meaningfully, with a mocking look on his face.

Flender remained silent. Shrek Academy has only been established for about 20 years. Even if the earliest batch of 12-year-old students entered the school, these students were only 32 years old.

32-year-old Title Douluo?

If there is such an awesome criticism, then the Shrek Academy in Soto City will not be too poor to uncover the blame.

Could it be that, Flender wants to say, because Yu Dashi has a papal decree in his hand, so Yu Dashi is the elder of the Wuhun Temple?
Don't be ridiculous, Yu Dashi is only level 29, if you ask Yu Dashi to come out, Flender's face will be beaten more loudly, the kind that will be swollen directly.

However, just because Flender's face was not so thick, he escaped unharmed.

Because the papal decree in Yu Dashi's hand was given to him by Tang Dahammer, this papal decree has long been invalidated.

Regarding the renewal of the Pope's decree, except for Wuhundian and the new Shangsanzong, everyone else including Tang Dahui thought it was just an update of the previous three sects, and the Pope's decree was not changed.

After all, Ning Fengzhi, Yu Yuanzhen, and Xue Peng wouldn't be idle, saying everywhere that the Pope's decree had been changed and the previous one was invalidated.

"Can't you explain it?"

"How about this, maybe my recent memory is not very good, I will ask Sect Master Ning?"

"After all, Sect Master Ning is also the honorary elder of the Spirit Hall. Maybe he will know if there is an elder from Shrek Academy in the Hall of Spirits?"

Qian Chongling turned around and looked at Ning Fengzhi with a half-smile.

Ning Fengzhi saw the evil star Qian Chongling looking at him with a smile, stood up quickly, and said solemnly: "I, Ning Fengzhi, swear in the name of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School that there are no elders from Shrek Academy in the Spirit Hall !"

"Shrek Academy's actions are fraudulent and have damaged the reputation of Spirit Hall. I, Ning Fengzhi, express my strong condemnation and dissatisfaction with it, and demand that this behavior stop immediately, and apologize to Spirit Hall."

Seeing Qian Chongling return to his seat, Ning Fengzhi heaved a sigh of relief, as if he had heard Ruzi Kejiaye's words.

As soon as Ning Fengzhi finished speaking, the whispering voices in the entire field disappeared immediately.

The way these audience looked at Shrek Academy changed again, from disdain and contempt at the beginning, to shock and surprise, and finally to disdain and contempt again.

The next moment, the audience burst into laughter, followed by ridicule after sentence from the auditorium and rest area.


"Shrek Academy? It really matches their school uniforms, it's all shit."

"I'm dying of laughter, pulling the tiger's skin of the Wuhun Palace, bluffing and deceiving everywhere, and now I was exposed on the spot."

"Hahaha, let me tell you, Shrek Academy should be renamed Liar Academy, it's really deceiving."

"A college that only accepts students under the age of 12 and has not been established for more than 20 years has cultivated a titled Elder Douluo of the Wuhun Temple. This is the funniest joke I have heard this year."

"After accepting so many high-quality students, only 14 of them graduated. It's a waste of talents. If these students came to our academy, our academy would have taken off long ago."

"Spicy chicken is hot chicken. This is the first time I heard that students died because of hunting souls? Is your soul sage practice fake? You can't beat 4000-year-old soul beasts?"

Shrek Academy, which was supposed to wash away its shame in this qualifier, was hit by Qian Chongling and Ning Fengzhi one after another within a few minutes of being happy.

Although Ning Fengzhi was coerced, the process is not important, only the result is important.

Although Shrek Academy has proved its strength, the shame has not been washed away.

On the contrary, the four big characters of Liar Academy have been engraved on their bodies, and they can't be washed off even if they want to wash them off.

Qian Chongling looked at Shrek Academy who left in a fit of anger, and couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

Jie Jie Jie!

The scorching sun was setting in the west, the silver moon was hanging high, everything was silent, only the chirping of insects resounded through the sky.

It seems to be expressing their dissatisfaction, but it also seems to be conveying their awe to the land.

After finishing the first match, the entire Shrek team had already returned to Shrek Academy.

They didn't choose to spend the night in Tiandou City, after all, the distance between Shrek Academy and Tiandou City is very close.

In the principal's office of Shrek Academy, Tang San and the others didn't look very well, the atmosphere was very heavy and oppressive.

"It's too deceiving!" Dai Mubai roared angrily, and smashed his fist on the table, making a dull sound.

"That's right, just because he is a Title Douluo, he insulted our academy like this." Ma Hongjun cursed with a dark face.

"Fatty, Boss Dai, this matter is not the most important thing right now. The most urgent thing is to analyze which teams have the strength to compete for the championship through battles." Oscar said.

"Yes, as long as we can win all the way, these rumors will be self-defeating."

Chicken soup master Tang San started his chicken soup journey again.

"Xiao San is right. Tomorrow there will be a match between the Wuhundian team. Although the Black Beast team shouldn't be very strong, you can see some of their background."

"Therefore, I ask you all to be present tomorrow morning!"

Yu Dashi stood with his hands behind his back, as if he was already thinking, after analyzing the weakness of the Wuhundian team, Tang San led the Shrek team to defeat it in one fell swoop.

His jade was so wet, he became famous all over the world in an instant, and his reputation will last forever.

The name of trash?Hehe, when the time comes, the one who gets the big wet will win the world, who would dare to say that he is a waste.

"Well, Dashi, I have something to say." Ning Rongrong timidly raised her little hand and asked Yu Dashi.

"What's the matter, just say it, there is nothing that my theory Da Shi Yu Xiao Gang can't solve."

At this moment, Yu Dashi seems to have completed the achievement of becoming famous all over the world and becoming famous forever. He is full of spirit and giving advice.

"Zhuqing said that she won't be playing until the final, and now she's going to the Rouge Building to find Kuangxi Douluo." Ning Rongrong said in a low voice.

Yu Dashi, Tang San, Dai Mubai and others: "."

On the other side, in the Spirit Temple of Heaven Dou City, an inextricable battle is unfolding right now!

"Scissors, rock, paper!"

"Scissors, rock, paper!"

"Scissors, rock, paper!"

This fierce, unpredictable, and difficult battle finally came to an end after one and a half hours.

"Hahaha! I won!"

Bing Lianxue looked at the fist that she threw out, killing the scissors of the other six people in seconds, and let out a cry from the heart.

"Cut! I lost!"

Tokisaki Kurumi curled his lips, and said a little unconvinced.

"It's okay, tomorrow's opponent shouldn't be very strong. Anyway, after Bing Lianxue's appearance this time, she won't have her part in the next boxing game."

Lu Lingqi smiled lightly and said softly.

The order of the Galactic Fleet's appearance is determined by finger-guessing.

But the person who wins once will be excluded, and the next time, the boxing games will be the games of the remaining six people.

By analogy, wait until all seven players are on the stage, and then start from the beginning.

At the same time, in the hotel where Tianshui Academy and Fenghuo Team lived.

The three titles of Shuiyuewu, Fengaotian, and Huodushou are currently the leaders of the two teams.

"As for Team Tianshui and Team Fenghuo, you two teams must hide your own strength before encountering Team Shrek."

"In the early stage of the Fenghuo team, Huo Wushuang played alone, and the rest of the team just let a few soul masters play."

"Team Tianshui is the same, Seven Star Sword Formation and Wuhun fusion skills are not allowed!"

As the three major titles, Shuiyuewu said with the highest cultivation base and the highest status.

"Why is that?" Huo Wu asked puzzled.

Although Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wushuang didn't ask any questions, their eyes already said everything.

"Let me tell you some stories about the Shrek team and Emperor Dou Academy"

Shuiyuewu told all about what happened at the Great Soul Arena in Suotuo City, and the friction between Shrek Academy and Emperor Dou Academy.
"My God, how can there be such a person?"

"Co-authors, are they the only ones who can hurt others? Are they not allowed to fight back?"

"Damn it, that Tang San is really nothing!"

"If you have the ability to go to the main team of Huangdou, or go to the three Contra education committees of Huangdou Academy, and beat the deputy team of Huangdou to death, what kind of skill is it?"

"Hey, you're overthinking, this Liar Academy, what else can it do besides bullying the weak and fearing the strong? Seek revenge from Contra, even if you lend them a few guts, they won't dare to go."

"Ah bah, a bunch of spicy chickens."

As soon as Shuiyuewu finished telling the story, the young girls of Team Tianshui still scolded them more reservedly. The male members of Blazing Fire Academy and Shenfeng Academy didn't think much about it, and they immediately breathed out their fragrance.

"For a group of people whose eyes are higher than the top, who are arrogant, and who are famous and double-standard, what I ask of you is to beat me hard!"

"Wake up this group of people and let them be themselves."

"Do you understand, can it be done!" Shuiyuewu said lightly.

"Understood! It can be done!" The members of Team Tianshui and Team Fenghuo shouted loudly.

Dividing line.
The second day of the soul master contest preliminaries was no less grand than the opening ceremony on the first day, and it was still crowded with people.

At the VIP table, Ning Fengzhi, Black Feather Douluo (Qian Chongling), Kuangxi Douluo, and Xue Ye who came despite not wanting to come.

Yesterday her second team was beaten to pieces, Xue Ye actually didn't want to watch the next day's game at all, but today there is the game of Wuhundian Galaxy Fleet.

In order to find out the reality of this team, Xue Ye could only struggle to get up from his warm dragon bed, breaking the seal of the quilt.

Of course, there are not a few people who hold the same idea as Emperor Xue Ye and want to inquire about the strength of the Galaxy Fleet.

For example, those teams that think they have the hope of winning the championship, Tianshui Academy, Fenghuo team and so on.

Under the eyes of everyone, Lu Lingqi led a few friends to the other side of the arena step by step.

At the same time, the captain of the Black Beast Academy also took his team members onto the field.

"The strength of the Black Beast Academy should be about the same as that of the second Huangdou team. All members are at the level of soul masters. Let's see how much strength this Black Beast Academy can force out of the Wuhundian team."

Yu Dashi, Tang San and others sitting in the auditorium, the master and apprentice brightened up, ready to study the team's weaknesses.

Because the Galaxy Fleet played with all members and no substitutes, this is a great opportunity to observe their strength.

(End of this chapter)

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