Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 312 You Are Surrounded By Me Alone

Chapter 312 You Are Surrounded By Me Alone

Although Team Tianshui and Team Fenghuo also had a match today, their opponents were not very strong.

Therefore, Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu from Team Tianshui, and Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wu from Team Fenghuo all came to the auditorium to observe the battle of the Galaxy Fleet.

This plan of Tianshui Academy and Fenghuo Team will inevitably make Flender and Liu Erlong who went to investigate the reality of their academy return without success.

At this time, the seven members of the Black Beast Academy looked at the seven beautiful young ladies opposite them as if facing a formidable enemy.

Although, the seven members of the Galaxy Fleet are all beautiful and delicious beauties.

It's a pity, in the eyes of the Black Beast team, this is the seven cannibal tigress.

After all, the scene of Huangdou No. [-] team being beaten into fools yesterday is still vivid in my memory.

If it weren't for the generous rewards of this Soul Master Competition, and the fact that the Heaven Dou Royal Family asked them to test the strength of the Galaxy Fleet last night, the Black Beasts would have avoided the battle long ago.

Of course, this was not a probing for nothing. The Heaven Dou Empire promised to give each of them [-] gold soul coins after the fight.

A Bin, the captain of the Black Beast Academy, expressed the hope that these beautiful young ladies across the street would be more gentle and not let them go back lying down.

The referee standing on the edge of the field shouted: "You have 1 minute to activate your martial arts, and the official competition will start in 1 minute."

Facing the Galaxy Fleet, the Black Beasts naturally had all their main players out this time, and they didn't dare to push it too hard.

Under the leadership of the captain A Bin, the vice captain Jin Lin, as well as the team members Chi Zhongwu, Ye Feng, etc., all released their martial souls.

The soul rings of the seven people are all yellow, yellow and purple.

Martial souls are more diverse.

The martial soul of A Bin, the leader of the Black Beast team, is a black spear, the martial soul of vice-captain Jin Lin is a golden hedgehog, the martial soul of team member Chi Zhongwu is a black snake, and Ye Feng's martial soul is called Tianluo Shuangshi.

That's right, their spirits are exactly the same as that of the castrated Bu Le.

There is strong attack, there is defense, and there is control. This is a well-equipped soul master team.

In the soul fighting arena, their records should be good, but in the soul master competition, if a team doesn't even have a soul sect, they should still be passers-by.

On the other side, the Galaxy Fleet made a scene that stunned all the audience present.

On the side of the Galaxy Fleet, except for a young girl in a light green suit, the other six retreated back neatly at the same time, until they reached the edge of the playing field.

At this scene, even the seven members of the Black Beast Academy were stunned. Did they all suspect that this was a new tactic?

However, the next scene made them understand what the Galaxy Fleet was planning.

Looking at the seven big brothers on the opposite side, Bing Lianxue showed a smile like a little devil, and said lightly: "Bingbi Emperor Scorpion, possessed!"

After the Wuhun possessed her body, tiny ice-blue scales appeared on Bing Lianxue's fair skin, and there was an ice-blue scorpion tail on her buttocks.

At the same time, a bone-chilling coercion emanated from Bing Lianxue's body.

At this moment, all the audience in the auditorium felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, and their muscles tensed up.

"This kind of coercion is unmistakable, it must be a super martial soul!"

Yu Dashi looked at Bing Lianxue's Wuhun, although he couldn't believe it, he still made an accurate judgment.

The martial soul fusion skill of the golden iron triangle is the golden holy dragon. This kind of coercion that belongs to the super martial soul is actually no stranger to Yu Dashi.

However, what makes Yu Dashi unbelievable is that Bing Lianxue's soul ring-Zi Zi Zi He Hei!

Yu Dashi rubbed his eyes several times, thinking he was hallucinating, but unfortunately, Bing Lianxue's soul ring was still three purple and two black.

And unlike Tang San's fourth ten-thousand-year spirit ring, Bing Lianxue's fourth ten-thousand-year spirit ring was obviously less than 1 years old.

Even her third soul ring is extremely dark in color, probably around 7000 years old.

"How did this happen?" Yu Dashi was puzzled.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun who came to investigate the information also fell into deep self-doubt, can a soul master absorb such a long-term soul ring?

As for Tang San, with the Purple Demon Eyes, he can see more clearly than Yu Dashi, and his face is even uglier.

With this kind of configuration, can he win the soul king?
Even if he could win, what about the remaining six who didn't show their soul rings and martial souls?
No matter how bad these six people were, it was impossible for them to go anywhere. Take Chen Shuang as an example, who in the Shrek team could defeat Chen Shuang?
This question, Tang San can only put a question mark.

When Emperor Xueye at the VIP seat saw Bing Lianxue's soul power and soul ring, his expression was as if he had eaten a cake. He suspected that he worked so hard to get up from the dragon bed just to be stimulated?

Grass is a plant that people spray out of their mouths when they are in a bad mood.

And Ning Fengzhi still had a smile on his face, completely calm and calm, as if Bing Lianxue's martial spirit and spirit ring didn't surprise him at all.

It's nothing, I'm used to it, the big boss is sitting next to me, it's just a soul king, it's no big deal.

Of course, the most pitiful ones on the field were Abin and others from Black Beast Academy.

These people's martial souls are at most high-level martial souls. How can they withstand the pressure of a super martial soul? It's not bad to be able to exert [-]% of their original strength.

With the addition of the coercion of the two ten thousand year spirit rings, how much of the remaining [-]% can be exerted?

He has already been discouraged before he started fighting, which is the current state of the Black Beast Academy.

However, this is Bing Lianxue's first battle, how could she end it so easily!

"Ice Field!"

Bing Lianxue's little devil-like smile reappeared.

As soon as the words fell, a circle of transparent ice mist suddenly appeared around her, covering the entire competition platform with ice.

And her figure disappeared into the ice mist, and she didn't know where she went.

At this moment, the entire auditorium, including Abin and others from the Black Beast Academy, felt a burst of cold, and their clothes were frozen with a layer of frost.

"What's going on here? My soul power has been weakened!!!"

Feeling that the soul power in his body was reduced by 40%, Abin gritted his teeth and cursed angrily.

This is Bing Lianxue's innate talent field, the ice field.

As a result, the speed of all enemies in the field will be reduced by 30%, and the hit rate will be reduced by 30%. Those whose soul power is higher than Bing Lianxue's will be reduced by 20%, and those who are lower than Bing Lianxue will be reduced by 40%.

"You are surrounded by me alone! You are not allowed to surrender, I want to hit seven!"

An ethereal voice came from within the ice mist. I heard the voice, but I couldn't see the person.

"It turned out to be a field!"

Tang San and Yu Dashi were taken aback.

In the classics of Wuhundian, Yu Dashi knew a lot of information about the domain.

To put it simply in one sentence, those who can own the domain are the strongest among the strong.

Then, the faces of the master and apprentice became even uglier.

At the same time, the battle between Bing Lianxue and Black Beast Academy also began.

"Second soul skill: Fist of the Ice Emperor!"

Bing Lianxue, who was hiding her figure in the icy fog, suddenly appeared in the Black Beast team, behind Abin, and punched Abin's back directly with both hands clenched.

This punch was full of power and force, and the air was continuously shaken by the bombardment, sending out a sharp whistling.

Abin was so scared that his face turned pale, and he wanted to turn around to resist, but it was too late.

This blow hit his back directly, denting Abin's back.

Abin spat out a mouthful of blood, flew upside down outside the arena, and fell heavily on the ground under the arena.

After one blow, Bing Lianxue's figure disappeared into the ice mist again.

This scene caused the expressions of the remaining members of the Black Beast team to change drastically.

Seeing that their captain was instantly killed by one move, and the remaining six, their psychological defenses collapsed immediately.

Ye Feng even directly displayed a defensive soul skill, and the two heavenly hoods were folded together to form two big hoods to envelop the six of them.

The vice-captain with the strongest defense, Jin Lin, is like a big golden hedgehog after being possessed by a martial soul, and the spikes all over his body serve as a second barrier to protect them.

And the other four teammates who had defensive soul abilities also used them, looking like they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Hey, do you think it's useful to shrink into a ball? It's exactly what I want!"

"The third soul skill: Extreme Ice Burial!"

Just above their heads, Bing Lianxue showed her real body again, raised her palms, and a huge ball of blue light violently bombarded down, halfway up, it turned into broken ice, covering them , Instantly submerged six teammates in it.

Bang bang bang.
With bursts of loud noises and screams, the battle was soon over. The six members of the Black Beast Academy were all instantly killed by Bing Lianxue face to face.

In less than a minute, this battle was over.

Seeing the seven members of the Black Beast Academy fall to the ground and howl, the audience on the field were all stunned.

Although, Bing Lianxue is the soul king, and the seven members of the Black Beast Academy are all soul masters, this is a one-on-seven battle.

However, the result was so cruel. The Black Beast Academy hadn't persisted for even a minute before being killed in seconds. Not to mention fighting back, they couldn't even delay for a while.

This match was even more shocking than yesterday's 1-minute bloodbath of the Shrek team. Shrek Academy had all members involved, while the Galaxy Fleet had only one person!
Just when these audiences were dumbfounded and their eyes were wide open.

I saw the purple-haired girl in the Wuhun Galaxy Fleet wearing a priest's uniform and a veil, walking forward quickly, walking up to the injured team member of the Black Beast Academy, and stretching out her right hand.

In the white right palm, a bright green light suddenly appeared, and in the green light was a tiny vine looming.

"The fourth soul skill: Creation and regeneration!"

In the clear and gentle voice, the bright green light enveloped the seven members of the Black Beast Academy.

In the next second, the injuries in the seven people's bodies quickly recovered, and they stood up one by one, with ruddy complexions and high spirits.

"Why? Why do you want to treat us?" Abin frowned, puzzled.

He had personally seen how Bing Lianxue attacked them just now, but now Bing Lianxue's teammates came up to treat them.

"The original intention of the Soul Master Competition is actually to allow many colleges to exchange ideas and exchange ideas, to stimulate the fighting spirit of the students, so that each other can work harder in cultivation."

"Although injuries are inevitable, you can only blame yourself for not being good at learning. If you really want to fight to the death and live and die, then you can go directly to life and death."

Lu Lingqi, the interim captain of the Galaxy Fleet, took a few steps forward and said loudly.

Hearing these words, not only Abin, Ahu and others, but also other audiences on the field nodded secretly, thinking that Lu Lingqi's words were very reasonable.

However, these words fell into the ears of Yu Dashi and Tang San, so it was not the same thing.

Isn't this, it is obvious that your Shrek Academy is not only an academy of liars, but also a group of small-minded villains.

Abin took a deep look at the members of the Galaxy Fleet, and said sincerely: "Thank you!"

Lu Lingqi shook her head with a smile, and waved her hands nonchalantly, indicating that you are welcome.

Abin looked at the referee and said, "We lost, please announce the result of the game!"

The referee nodded and announced the result of the match.

The faces of Yu Dashi, Tang San and others in the auditorium were gloomy and terrifying. Their wishful thinking this time was a miscalculation.

Except for Chen Shuang, who is relatively familiar, Bing Lianxue only released two soul skills, one is the Fist of the Ice Emperor, and the other is Burial of Extreme Ice.

In addition, an unknown girl used healing soul skills to create regeneration.

I don't know the rest!
Yuda blew his beard and stared with moisture, but still helplessly led Tang San and others out of the auditorium,

Yu Dashi and his group waited outside for a while, and then Flender and Liu Erlong appeared.

"Flender, Erlong, how is the situation on your side?" Yu Dashi asked.

Flender also had a gloomy face, frowning and said: "The opponents of Tianshui Academy are not strong, but they still have four soul masters and three soul masters. Moreover, these three soul masters are all substitutes! "

Hearing this, Dai Mubai took a deep breath: "That is to say, the Tianshui team is expected to have all members of the Soul Sect team!"

Yu Dashi's zombie face also twitched slightly, but he didn't speak, but looked at Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong nodded and said: "Team Fenghuo's situation is similar to that of Tianshui Academy. Four soul sects and three soul masters also appeared."

"With Huo Wushuang from Blazing Academy as the main attacker, he directly tore through the opponent's defense in just 3 minutes"

Yu Dashi frowned and asked, "How much is Huo Wushuang's soul power?"

Liu Erlong took a deep breath, and said, "Level 49 Soul Sect, Martial Soul: One-horned Fiery Dragon, with yellow and purple soul rings."

As soon as these words came out, all the members of the Shrek team fell silent for an instant.

This year's soul master competition has just begun, and a soul king, a level 49 soul sect, has already appeared.

Moreover, the Fenghuo team is a combined team from Blazing Fire Academy and Shenfeng Academy, and Huo Wushuang can have this level of soul power.

Then Huo Wu and Feng Xiaotian would be Soul Sects at level 48 or even Soul Kings at least!
In the same way, Shui Binger, the captain of the Tianshui team, is also at this level.

Their Shrek team really has hope, can they beat the Fenghuo team and Tianshui team?
(End of this chapter)

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