Chapter 313
What is Tang San's Blue Silver Grass afraid of?Ice and fire!
It's just that the Tianshui and Fenghuo teams are mainly ice and fire system soul masters, directly restraining Tang San to death.

"If you don't let Xiaosan go, can you defeat Tianshui and Fenghuo? No, not only Xiaosan can't go up, Xuanwei can't go up either, their spirits are all the same."

"If you use the Moon Shadow Demon Tiger, you should be able to defeat Tianshui and Fenghuo, but Zhu Zhuqing doesn't cooperate at all."

Yu Dashi scratched his flat head with a sad face, racking his brains to think about how to fight against these two teams.


Just then, a familiar voice sounded from behind them.

Ning Fengzhi, who was still dressed in white, stood behind them and waved to them.


Ning Rongrong excitedly ran over and threw herself into his father's arms.

"Okay, okay, Rongrong, Dad still has something to do today."

Ning Fengzhi turned his head to look at Tang San and said, "Tang San, let's have a chat alone."

"it is good."

Hearing that Ning Fengzhi wanted to find him alone, Tang San was stunned for a moment, but immediately agreed.

Ning Fengzhi led Tang San all the way to an antique teahouse.

The scale of the tea house does not seem very large, only three floors, and the decoration is antique.

At this time, there were only two or three guests in the teahouse, which seemed very clean.

The two came to the innermost private seat on the second floor, pushed open the folding screen, and Ning Fengzhi led Tang San in.

There was only one person in the room, and he had stood up from his seat when he heard the sound of the two coming.

This person looks about 27 or [-] years old. Although he is not as handsome as Oscar, he has a straight nose and a square mouth. He is dressed in a clean blue cloth robe, giving people a very refreshing feeling. His slender black hair is tied with a blue cloth belt. Tied, hanging neatly behind the head.

Although his clothes are very ordinary, but there is a special temperament, seeing this person, Tang San can't help feeling somewhat familiar.

But he can be sure that this is the first time he has seen this person.

"Uncle Ning, you are here."

The young man respectfully bowed to Ning Fengzhi,
Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, and said: "Qinghe, how many times have I told you, there is no need to do this."

The young man smiled and said: "How can I do that? You are an elder and also Qinghe's teacher. If my father knows that I am disrespectful to you, I am afraid I will break my leg."

The young man's gaze shifted to Tang San, and said: "Uncle Ning, this should be the soul of the Shrek team, Tang San."

Tang San said lightly: "Don't dare to be that."

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said: "Let me introduce you. Xiaosan, this is His Royal Highness Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire."

Tang San was startled, it turned out that the reason why he thought this young man looked familiar was because this young man was somewhat similar to Xue Ye, Xue Xing, Xue Haizang, and Xue Beng.

However, the relationship between the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire and their Shrek Academy is not so wonderful, what is the purpose of this crown prince?
"So it's His Royal Highness, Tang San is being polite." Bowing slightly, Tang San said neither humble nor overbearing.

Xue Qinghe smiled and said, "If Uncle Ning hadn't told me, I would have found it hard to believe that you are only 14 years old."

This wave of praise from Xue Qinghe directly blows Tang San into the sky, the trace of hostility that just appeared in his heart disappeared in an instant.

Ning Fengzhi said at the side: "Okay, let's sit down and talk first. The green tea here tastes quite good, and I think Tang San is very suitable for you."

The three sat down as guest and host, and Xue Qinghe personally poured fragrant tea for Ning Fengzhi and Tang San.

You don't need to drink it, just smelling the smell, you already have a refreshing feeling.

Coupled with the antique decoration in this room, it is easy to make people feel comfortable physically and mentally.

Tang San said: "Brother Xue, I heard from Uncle Ning before that you know something about my father's retreat back then."

Xue Qinghe nodded, and said: "I don't know much, but before that, let me ask, how much do you know about Haotianzong?"

Tang Sandao: "In the past, the Haotian School ranked first among the seven major sects in the mainland, and the title of the suzerain or heir of the sect was Haotian!"

Xue Qinghe didn't give a shit either, and said straight to the point: "About 15 years ago, before you were born, Spirit Hall seemed to be looking for something, and this thing seemed to be in your father's hands."

"This thing is very important to Wuhundian. Not only the four platinum bishops participated in it, but even the pope and the two personal guards of the pope were dispatched."

"Not long after, the Hall of Spirits seems to have found the whereabouts of your father, but the only father with a cultivation level of Contra killed the Pope of the Hall of Spirits and many experts after a big battle, and even the two titled Douluo They were all seriously injured, and his father's whereabouts are unknown."

Hearing this, Tang San couldn't help asking: "What about my mother?"

Xue Qinghe took a deep breath and said: "In my news, there is nothing about your mother. Half a month later, Wuhundian announced an extremely shocking news to the entire continent."

"Uncle Ning will be clearer about this news, let Uncle Ning tell you."

Ning Fengzhi interjected: "The Hall of Spirits announced that Tang Hao, the descendant of the Haotian School, was bewitched by a human-shaped soul beast, and had sex with him, giving birth to a half-human, half-animal monster."

"The Pope of Wuhundian couldn't bear Tang Hao's betrayal of the human race, so he brought people to persuade him to change his ways, but he didn't want Tang Hao to unite with human-shaped soul beasts, pretend to agree, and then secretly kill him! The Pope of Wuhundian and several elders died!"

Tang San nodded silently while listening, his fists gradually clenched unconsciously.

Tang Hao still told Tang San that his mother was the 10-year-old soul beast Blue Silver Emperor.

Tang Hao was still worried that Tang San would fall into evil, so he decided to start from the root cause.

So Tang San guessed that the thing Wuhundian was looking for should be his mother.

After all, a 10-year-old soul beast represents a 10-year-old soul bone and a 10-year-old soul ring. Anyone who sees it will be greedy.

The 10-year-old Blue Silver Emperor soul bone rewarded by the champion of this soul master competition is obviously a relic of his own mother.

In other words, his own mother died at the hands of Wuhundian!

Although he has no relationship with his mother in this life, his body was given by his mother in this life after all.

The blood of her and her father also flows in her body, and the hatred between her parents is irreconcilable!

Thinking of this, Tang San's eyes uncontrollably showed a threatening coldness.

What's wrong with liking soul beasts? Do you like soul beasts eat your Wuhundian rice?

The pope of the Wuhun Temple can't beat his papa Haotian Douluo, but he can't beat him, so he still uses this kind of public opinion to attack them?

What betrayed the human race, what turned evil back to the right, Wuhundian turned black and white, confused the public, isn't it just greedy for his mother's body?

I, Tang San, am ashamed to be with such a brazen and shameless person who dares to act and dare not act!

An old fox like Ning Fengzhi naturally noticed the change in Tang San's expression, but unfortunately, Ning Fengzhi wanted to tell Tang San something.

This sentence is: blessings come without pairs, misfortunes never come singly!

Ning Fengzhi cleared his throat and continued: "Little San, don't think that this is the end of the matter, what happened next will surprise you even more!"

Baba and Mama are so miserable, this already makes me feel bad, what could be worse than this?
Tang San was stunned.

Ning Fengzhi's expression remained the same, and he said calmly: "Wuhundian used the Haotian Religion to lead out the rebellious and unscrupulous people, and they killed the Haotianzong in one fell swoop."

"In this battle, I don't know how many titled Douluo were dispatched by the Spirit Hall. I only know that when Uncle Jian went to support the Clear Sky School, the entire Clear Sky School had been razed to the ground, leaving no dogs or dogs behind!"

Hearing this, Tang San's face changed drastically, he never thought that Spirit Hall would be so frenzied.

There are thousands of lives in the Haotianzong, isn't it not as good as the pope of the Wuhun Temple?
"And, things are still going on!"

Ning Fengzhi's words made Tang San's mouth twitch involuntarily.

Can't you just finish it?
One thing, divided into three times, do you think it is not enough to pierce my heart?
As everyone knows, you already have the means to kill yourself!

"While killing the Clear Sky School, the Spirit Hall dispatched a large number of high-ranking soul masters to surround the Po, Yu, Strength, Sensitivity families affiliated with the Clear Sky School!"

"Among them, the two major families of Li and Min were all slaughtered, and the two major families of Po and Yu surrendered to the Spirit Hall!"

Ning Fengzhi said with a solemn expression.

Hearing this, Tang San was completely stunned here, Wuhundian was so cruel!
Siege and kill my own father and mother, and make my mother die!
Slaughtering the whole family of Haotianzong, thousands of lives of Haotianzong disappeared, the white bones are shocking!

To implicate innocent people, to encircle and suppress the affiliated sects of Haotianzong, regardless of the age, to kill them all.

He even used his soul bone relic as a reward for the champion of the soul master competition.

This kind of behavior is a heinous crime, too numerous to write down, just like an evil heretic, everyone can get it and punish him! ! !
As for the Po Clan and Yu Clan who surrendered to the Spirit Hall, Tang San said that sooner or later they would be killed.

Note, one day is a bad person, a lifetime
Bah, I was wrong.

One day is a subordinate of Haotian School, and one day will be for the rest of his life!

People who live as members of the Haotian School must die on the way of charge, surrender does not exist.

Whether it's early or late, it depends on whether the two families, Po and Yu, are aware of current affairs or not.

Tang San has always had the idea of ​​forming another Tang Sect in this world.

After the Haotian School was destroyed, the only two families who had the hope of being his help were the Po and Yu families.

If these two families could be persuaded to surrender, then Tang San was going to keep the two families for a while longer.

When the Tang Sect grows stronger in the future, he will continue to brand these two traitor families.

If he couldn't persuade him to surrender, then Tang San could only say that when he fully grown up, these two traitor families would be wiped out immediately.

The old fox Ning Fengzhi continued: "This incident happened more than ten years ago. Even if we continue to investigate, I'm afraid there will be no results."

"Thank you Uncle Ning and Brother Xue."

Tang San first thanked Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe, and then said: "To know these things is already very important to me."

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly and said: "That's true, basically no one in the younger generation knows what happened back then."

Xue Qinghe also said: "Brother Tang, you don't have to be polite, it's just a little effort."

After a slight pause, Xue Qinghe continued: "Actually, there is one more thing to do when I meet Brother Tang this time."

Tang San said calmly: "Brother Xue, please tell me."

"I am deeply sorry for Qin Ming's death for what happened at Huangdou Academy. This time, I apologize to everyone in Shrek Academy on behalf of the ignorant third and fourth brothers."

"Qinghe has already proposed to Emperor Father that Qin Ming be posthumously made a Viscount, and the former Shrek Academy (Suotuo City) be a fiefdom for Qin Ming. Let's talk about it."

Xue Qinghe was sincere and said in a regretful tone.

Tang San:"."

Qin Ming will die if he dies, but for Xiao Wu being insulted, you just apologize?

I, Tang San, really want to slap you hard, and then express that I reject your reconciliation, but Tang San can't do that.

The facts are all in front of my eyes, Wuhundian and myself have the hatred of killing our mother and forcing our father, the hatred of exterminating our family and slaughtering our clan, this hatred is irreconcilable!

But Huangdou Academy had humiliated Shrek, not only causing Qin Ming to die, but also making Xiao Wu kowtow to apologize. Tang San once swore that one day, with enough strength, he would seek justice for Xiao Wu.

It's just that the Wuhun Palace is powerful, even if Tang San is not afraid, he can't make enemies for no reason!

What's more, this new enemy is an empire with millions of troops!

Now, the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire personally stepped down the steps for Tang San, and his attitude was sufficient.

If Tang San still doesn't accept the reconciliation, he will completely offend the Heaven Dou Empire to the end.

One Spirit Hall is not enough, adding a Heaven Dou Empire, unless Tang San is crazy, he will not do such a thing.

Tang San squeezed out a smile, and said: "Brother Xue has already said that, so let's pretend that it never happened."

"Brother Tang really has a real temperament."

After finishing their business, the three chatted while drinking tea.

Tang San discovered that this Xue Qinghe was not only very talkative, but also knowledgeable, and his conversation gave people a feeling of calmness.

During the chat, he never mentioned solicitation, Tang San observed carefully that this person was very open-minded, completely different from the Prince Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing he had seen.

"Brother Tang, why don't we have lunch together." Xue Qinghe suggested.

Tang San shook his head, said: "No, I'd better go back to the academy."

Xue Qinghe smiled slightly, took out a gold medal from his bosom, and handed it over. The gold medal was simple in style, but contained a special energy flow, and a sky character was engraved on it.

"Since that's the case, I won't keep you anymore for my brother. You have this sign. If you need anything in the future, you can bring it to the palace to find me."

Looking at the gold medal in front of him, Tang San hesitated, Ning Fengzhi next to him smiled and said: "Qinghe has no other meaning, just take it. This medal is just Qinghe's personal symbol, and has no other purpose."

Hearing what Ning Fengzhi said, Tang San couldn't refuse, so he picked up the heavy gold medal and put it in his 24 bridges of bright moonlit nights.

Xue Qinghe and Ning Fengzhi personally sent Tang San to the door of the teahouse, Tang San bid farewell to the two, and went back to Shrek Academy.

"Teacher, let's go back to the teahouse."

Seeing Tang San's back gradually moving away, the smile on Xue Qinghe's face suddenly subsided, and his expression was incomparably indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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