Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 314 Snowy Night Is Getting Old

Chapter 314 Snowy Night Is Getting Old
"it is good."

Ning Fengzhi glanced at Xue Qinghe who was hesitant to speak, as if he was guessing what he would say later.

The two walked side by side, and returned to the quaint, low-key and classy private room.

Not long after taking the seat, Xue Qinghe began to speak impatiently, even when his butt was still warm.

"Teacher, do you think that the father is old and confused? Just a mere Tang Yuehua, so he made him lose his mind and gave this order to me."

Obviously, it was not his intention that Xue Qinghe made peace with Shrek Academy on behalf of the Tiandou imperial family just now, but was forced by Xue Ye's order.

At this time, Xue Qinghe's expression was indifferent, without anger and prestige, and an aggressive aura of being in a high position suddenly exuded, which was completely different from the spring-like demeanor just now.

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, without being affected at all, and said, "Qinghe, although Xue Ye is old, she can still last for several years. With him around, you won't be able to touch Tang Yuehua."

Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe, in this small room, casually talked about the topic that once leaked, they would be exterminated by the nine clans.

"Teacher, I can't wait any longer!" Xue Qinghe's tone carried a faint murderous intent.

If it were in the past, Ning Fengzhi would definitely persuade Xue Qinghe to put the overall situation first, with the Wuhun Palace staring at him, and the Star Luo Empire frantically jumping back and forth.

At this time, if you are going to do something inside, isn't that an opportunity for others to take advantage of?
However, now Ning Fengzhi said that you can play with the affairs of the Heaven Dou imperial family however you want, and it has nothing to do with me, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

The Blood Pope has his eyes on me, and there is less than a year left to decide whether the entire Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is dead or alive.

I don't even have the mood to take care of your Tiandou Imperial Infighting right now, just play as you like.

"Qinghe, are you sure? After all, this kind of thing is not trivial." Ning Fengzhi said lightly.

"Teacher, don't worry, Qinghe has his own way." A gloomy light flashed across Xue Qinghe's face, and his eyes were full of coldness.

The so-called prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Qinghe has handled the country's government affairs for Xue Ye more than once, and reviewed those chilling and shocking memorials more than once.

These memorials told him that the current Tiandou Empire was dying of illness, not only the lives of the common people were constantly being squeezed, but those high-ranking nobles who were dead and without status had already extended their hands to the newly promoted minor nobles.

If things go on like this, the Tiandou Empire will fall apart sooner or later, even within a few decades, the great country will be on the verge of extinction.

He is pure and clear, and does not allow this kind of thing to happen, so he needs rights, the supreme right.

Only in this way can he overcome obstacles from top to bottom and redistribute the interests of the Heaven Dou Empire.

And to be cleared out, the first ones to bear the brunt are those high-ranking nobles who spend extravagantly, eat nothing, and are useless.

Those new nobles, big and small, are his best allies, Xue Qinghe.

After all, a cake is only so big, if you want to get more, you can only grab it from someone else!

Ning Fengzhi looked at the confident Xue Qinghe, his face moved slightly, and said: "It seems that you have already obtained the support of the military."

Xue Qinghe smiled slightly, and said: "That's right, [-]% of the imperial guards in the imperial city are already in my hands, as long as the two leaders Gu Dai and Chenkong support me, [-]% of the imperial guards will listen to me. dispatched."

"In addition, the army under the hands of General Ge Long and my eldest brother, 40% of the country's military strength, is in the hands of this palace!"

"With your prestige, Qinghe, and the support of those new nobles and the military, there is already a [-]% chance that you will succeed in forcing Xue Ye to abdicate and become emperor."

Ning Fengzhi took a deep look at Xue Qinghe, and said meaningfully.

"A mere [-]% is not enough. What I want is more than [-]%. After all, the Heaven Dou Empire cannot withstand too much turmoil. The four kingdoms and one principality are not fuel-efficient lamps. I still need to have the strength to deal with them. Prepare for emergencies."

"Besides, the most important Tiandou Royal Enshrining Group is the diehard loyalty of my good father. Unless the father personally decrees the Zen seat, otherwise they cannot be loyal to me."

As soon as the words fell, Xue Qinghe stared straight at Ning Fengzhi, his eyes were full of burning heat.

"Qinghe, it turns out that you not only want Uncle Gu and Uncle Jian's disciples to support you, but also the entire Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to stand by your side." Ning Fengzhi said lightly.

"The Royal Consecration Group, as the background of the Heaven Dou imperial family, has two Contras of level 89, three Contras of level 87, and more than 75 soul saints of level 20 and above."

"To subdue these high-ranking soul masters, only Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo can do it, otherwise, even if this palace succeeds in the transformation, the Heaven Dou Empire will be hurt." Xue Qinghe said seriously.

"Qinghe, if the teacher helps you, what can the teacher get?" Ning Fengzhi said lightly.

"The position of national teacher, and a principality!" Xue Qinghe gritted his teeth and said with determination.


Ning Fengzhi was taken aback, he was also frightened by Xue Qinghe's generosity.

One must know that the Heaven Dou Empire consists of ten provinces, each of which is controlled by four kingdoms and one principality.

In other words, as long as Xue Qinghe gets the royal tribute group, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will own one-tenth of the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire!
"In troubled times, heavy codes should be used. If you want to fight against the outside world, you must first secure the inside!" Xue Qinghe said in a deep voice, with a look of determination in his eyes.

Ning Fengzhi nodded secretly, the student Xue Qinghe did have the image of a wise king, in terms of ability and ability, his ability to govern the country was several times better than Xue Ye's, and he treated his subordinates with both kindness and majesty, with extraordinary means.

It is true that Xue Qinghe is capable, but it is a pity that Xue Ye refuses to delegate power, and this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is, that person from Wuhundian will survive for a day, and he has the final say on who will be the emperor of your Heaven Dou Empire.

You push up an emperor today, and before he can sit still, he will come up and wring the emperor's head off.

Ning Fengzhi actually made a decision in his heart long ago, and he also guessed what Qian Chongling would ask him to do in the future.

"How long do you need?"

When Ning Fengzhi said this, Xue Qinghe was immediately overjoyed. He said: "There is a kind of hidden poison in the Wuhun Palace, and my father has been taking it for more than a year, at most three to four years. Immortals cannot be saved!"

"Be careful to make the Ten Thousand Years Ship, until Xue Ye dies, you must not relax." Ning Fengzhi said in a deep tone.

"Teacher, Qinghe knows!" Xue Qinghe smiled.

"Okay, then the teacher will replace the wine with tea, and wish you an early enthronement in advance."

"Thank you teacher! With the help of the teacher, there is no reason for Qinghe to fail."

Xue Qinghe and Ning Fengzhi looked at each other with a smile, raised their teacups in respect, and then drank it down in one gulp.

Dividing line.
The All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, in the Tiandou City division, has already been going on to the second day, not counting the day of the opening ceremony.

At present, all the advanced soul master academies have also completed the first round of qualifiers.

The so-called qualifiers are not knockout matches, but need to play one game with each team, and the five teams with the most victories in the end will get the qualifying places.

In the Tiandou division, there are a total of 28 teams, which means that the Wuhundian team needs to play 27 games.

Platinum Bishop Salas was still drawing lots today. This little old man with a goatee smiled and pulled out a few notes from the "lottery box".

"Shrek Academy vs. Weevil Academy."

"Wuhundian Academy vs Thunder Academy."

"Tianshui Academy vs. Canghui Academy."

After the second day's competition order was announced, Shrek Academy was full of surprises.

Surprisingly, their opponent was the Elephant Academy.

The Elephant Armor Academy was established by the Elephant Armor Sect, which is known as the strongest defensive sect. Four of them have soul power above level 40, three have soul power around 38, and Hu Yanli, the captain of the Elephant Armor Academy, is even 46. level soul sect.

The Elephant Armor Sect's ancestral martial spirit is called Diamond Mammoth, and it is a top-level martial spirit with extremely high defensive power.

The characteristics are mainly reflected in strength and defense. For martial spirits of the same level, almost no soul master can break through their defenses.

For Shrek Academy, which wanted to maintain its strength, it would be a tough battle against Weevil Academy.

Fortunately, the opponent of Wuhundian Academy is Thunder Academy.

Thunder Academy was founded by the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect, and its captain, Yu Tianxin, is a level 47 Soul Sect with the top martial soul Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus.

The rest of the team members are also configured with three soul sects and three soul masters. In Yu Dashi's eyes, even the Wuhundian team may have to spend a lot of effort on this lineup.

After all, the longer the fight, the harder the fight, and the harder the fight, the more information will be exposed.

The more detailed the information he Yu Dashi collected, the more likely his dear apprentice Tang San would lead the Shrek team to win.

On the other side, in the Heaven Dou Temple, the Galaxy Fleet also learned that their opponent tomorrow is the Thunder Academy team.

So, after a difficult election, Uchiha Itachi broke out of the siege and won the right to play in this game.

A piece of blue paper, under the reflection of the light, some fonts can be vaguely seen. The information of the Thunder Academy team is as follows
Captain: Yu Tianxin, Martial Soul: Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, Soul Power: Level 46.

Vice Captain: Lei Dong, Martial Soul: Thunder Spider, Soul Power: Level 43.

Team member: Lei Mie, Martial Soul: Thunder Wolf, Soul Power: Level 42.

Team member: Lei Jiutian, martial soul: Lei Ying, soul power: level 42.

Team member: Lei Jiuzhong, Martial Spirit: Lei Umbrella, Soul Power: Level 39.

Team member: Xiao Yunju, Martial Soul: Thunder Rosary, Soul Power: Level 38.

Team member: Lu Chen, Martial Soul: Thundering Double Blades, Soul Power: Level 38.

Dividing line.
The next day, the third day of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition officially started.

The VIPs watching the game in today's VIP stand are almost the same as the first day's opening ceremony, except that there are two more VIPs in the first row today, and both of them are Titled Douluo.

The extra two people, one of them is one of the two Titled Douluo of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Bone Douluo Gu Rong.

The other person was even weirder. According to visual estimation, this person's height was at least [-] meters. His big eyes were like copper bells, and there seemed to be a special light on his dark skin.

This person is the title Douluo of the Elephant Armor Sect, Tianxiang Douluo, Hu Yanzhen.

However, the audience on the field did not focus on Hu Yanzhen who looked like a mountain of meat, nor did they focus on the Shrek team in the green school uniform.

He didn't even look at the seven black-clothed men with a guarantee of more than two meters in the Elephant Academy, but set his sights on the Galaxy Fleet and Thunder Team.

After all, a match between a big guy who picks his feet and a big guy who picks his feet is not as good as a match between seven beautiful beauties.

With the appearance of Galaxy Fleet and Thunder, the surrounding audience began to cheer. It was obvious that the popularity of the two teams was very high.

Ning Fengzhi, who was sitting in the VIP seat, was not in the mood to watch the Shrek team's match right now.

He was a little curious and guessed in his heart how many people from the Galaxy Fleet would take action this time.

After all, Thunder Academy is not a weak team. It is unrealistic to play seven against one.

At the same time, Uchiha Itachi, who was the thug in this match, also used his pair of Sharingan in the state of three-god jade to scrutinize the seven members of the Thunder Academy team.

"Yu Tianxin and others are exactly the same as those described in the information, there is no difference." Uchiha Itachi secretly said in his heart.

When Uchiha Itachi was looking at the Thunder Academy team, the members of the Thunder Academy team were also looking at the seven young ladies on the opposite side.

Bing Lianxue, who was shot in the first game of the Galaxy Fleet, this seemingly beautiful girl brought a deadly threat to many academies.

The other members of the Galaxy Fleet, no matter what, must be at the level of high-level soul sects. Their Thunder Academy team has no chance of winning at all.

However, as one of the top three sects, the descendant of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, Yu Tianxin's pride prevented him from making the choice to surrender and avoid the battle.

At this moment, the referee shouted loudly: "Both players, salute."

Led by Lu Lingqi and Yu Tianxin, a total of [-] contestants from both sides bowed down to salute each other at the same time, and the atmosphere in the field became tense almost instantly.

"The second match of the second round of the qualifiers officially begins."

After the referee's voice fell, the seven people headed by Yu Tianxin instantly showed their martial souls!

A cloud of dazzling blue light suddenly lit up from the center of Yu Tianxin's eyebrows, and then the blue light spread instantly, falling from the center of his eyebrows into his whole body.

Strips of blue-purple shocks erupted like small snakes, swimming around his body, and there was a blue lightning mark on his forehead.

There was a cracking sound from Lei Dong's body, and eight thunder lights shot out from behind at the same time, forming a shape like a spider's long legs.

The other five team members either held Thunder Blades or had Thunder Wings on their backs, and blue-purple lightning flashed all over their bodies.

The seven members of the Thunder Academy were ready to go, just standing there gave off an indescribable pressure.

This is the so-called thunder. Thunder is the power of nature. Anyone who faces natural disasters will have a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

And the lightning attribute martial soul also has this kind of power, although it is not enough for a single person to deter.

However, if a group of soul masters with thunder attribute martial souls release their martial souls at the same time, it will give the opponent a feeling of facing the might of the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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