Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 315 When you see these eyes, the game is over

Chapter 315 When you see these eyes, the game is over
The familiar move of the Galaxy Fleet immediately made the field boil again.

I saw that, except Uchiha Itachi, the rest of the team members walked towards the edge of the ring neatly.

But this scene undoubtedly angered Team Thunder.

As one of the four elemental colleges, Thunder Academy is one of the most powerful teams in the soul master competition. When have they been treated like this before?

Anger gradually grew in Yu Tianxin's heart, he frowned and looked at Itachi Uchiha.

In his line of sight, Uchiha's eyes suddenly turned ominous blood red.

On the blood-red pupils, three hook jades are spinning rapidly like a windmill, finally forming a strange pattern.

Like a big windmill?
Yu Tianxin was slightly taken aback, but quickly adjusted, and asked in a cold tone: "What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything else, just as you think." Uchiha Itachi said lightly.

"You mean, just like Bing Lianxue beat Black Beast Academy, you want to beat seven of us alone?"

"How can the Black Beast Academy be compared to our Thunder Academy, which was founded by the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect!"

Yutian asked furiously.

"I didn't see any difference." Uchiha Itachi was still so indifferent.

"Damn!!! I must make you regret it!"

Yu Tianxin let out a stern whistle, while the electricity of the snake surged, his body soared into the air, and rushed straight to Uchiha Itachi.

"Thunder Dragon Claw!"

The blue-purple Thunder Dragon Claw formed in the air in the blink of an eye, and grabbed Itachi Uchiha fiercely.

However, to Yutian's surprise, Uchiha Itachi didn't dodge or evade, and abruptly ate the Thunder Dragon Claw.


It wasn't the sharp blade tearing the flesh, but the sound of sharp claws cutting through the clothes suddenly appeared.

Uchiha Itachi's Akatsuki uniform with a black background and a red cirrus cloud was instantly torn!

quack quack!
In Yu Tianxin's creepy eyes, Uchiha Itachi's body turned into a large group of pitch-black crows, flying out of the damaged uniform, screaming upwards.

"Brother, what are you looking for?"

While Yu Tianxin was looking for Uchiha Itachi's whereabouts, a voice that was extremely familiar to him suddenly came from somewhere.

This place seems to be
In his belly!
Yu Tianxin's pupils suddenly dilated, looking down mechanically
I saw his belly swelled up rapidly, as if he was pregnant in October, his belly was round, and a face without facial features gradually appeared on his belly.

In Yutian's terrified and horrified sight, the face without facial features gradually became clear.

But it's his cousin, Yu Tianheng of the blue and electric twin stars!
"Help me!!"

"Ah!!! Help!!!"

With the clarity of Yu Tianheng's face, Yu Tianxin's pupils dilated instantly, and a great sense of fear grew in his heart, making him roar like crazy.

real world
"What are the Galaxy Fleet and the Thunder Academy team doing? Why aren't they fighting yet?"

"That's right, what happened?"

"Are they fighting through ideas?"

"Referee, quickly let them start the game."

The melon-eating crowd in the auditorium put forward their own protests one after another.

The referee didn't dare to waste time, and immediately shouted: "Galaxy Fleet, Thunder Academy team, please start the game as soon as possible!"

Before the words were finished, a cry for help uttered from the thunder academy's team was terrified to the extreme.

"Ah!!! Help!!!" X7
The next moment, the thundering team, which was originally aggressive and flashing with lightning, suddenly died down. Everyone was sweating profusely, their faces were pale and they were breathing heavily.

In the eyes of these people who eat melons, the shock brought by this scene is not ordinary.

When Bing Lianxue beat the Black Beast team before, they could still understand it.

Anyway, this Bing Lianxue is very strong and fierce, with fierce breasts.

But what happened to Uchiha Itachi's fight against Thunder Academy?

Even though neither side has started fighting yet, why did the members of the Thunder Academy seem to have seen a ghost.

This is?Game over?

Hasn't the game started yet?

At the VIP table, apart from Qian Chongling, Ning Fengzhi and the others who were also eating melons were also shocked by this scene.

"What kind of soul skill is this?"

Emperor Xue Ye, who is both disheveled and likes to put on a show, asked a question from the bottom of his heart.

Although he is the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, his strength.
Not to mention!

All in all, if it wasn't for the blessing of being an emperor, Xue Ye wouldn't be qualified to sit in the same row with Ning Fengzhi and the others.

Not to mention, he doesn't have a place in the first or second row, maybe he can kneel?

"Your Majesty, this Uchiha one-on-one player should be using an illusion-type soul skill."

"This kind of soul skill is very rare. Generally, only special martial souls can attach this kind of soul skill. It can make the enemy fall into an illusion. As long as the enemy cannot break free from the illusion, then they will lose all resistance. As it is now."

While Ning Fengzhi was popularizing the science of Emperor Xue Ye, the other bigwigs who were good at cooking and liked to put on a show at the VIP table all showed thoughtful expressions.

It's not that they haven't seen illusion martial arts and soul skills before, but they are definitely not as powerful and weird as this Uchiha Yidashichi.

At the same time, the opponents of the three soul masters and four soul masters were drawn into the illusion at the same time, and Uchiha Itachi still seemed to be able to do a job with ease.

Let alone an illusion soul master of this level, they have never heard of it.

"When did this happen?"

Yu Tianxin forcibly cheered up, staring at Uchiha Itachi without blinking.

"When you see my eyes, the game is over!"

Uchiha Itachi closed his eyes, then opened them again, and what appeared was a pair of Sharingan with three gouyu.

"What's the name of this soul skill?"

Lei Jiutian, who broke his own wing, bared his teeth in pain.

"Illusion: Bubble!"

Uchiha Itachi said lightly.

Yu Tianxin took a deep look at Itachi Uchiha, then turned to the referee and said, "We admit defeat!"

The referee was also stunned for a while before making a decision and announcing: "This game, the Galaxy Fleet wins!"

As soon as the voice fell, the cheers and cheers on the field resounded again.

However, Yu Dashi, who came to spy on the Galaxy Fleet, had a very ugly face.

"Just now, that Uchiha Itachi didn't seem to show his soul ring?"

"Could it be that such a powerful illusion is actually her own soul skill?"

Feeling that his IQ was rubbed against the floor, Yu Dashi returned to the Shrek team's competition area indignantly.

(End of this chapter)

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