Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 320 Yu Dashi's Epiphany

Chapter 320 Yu Dashi's Epiphany
"It seems that you are very lucky, little San. If it wasn't for His Majesty Heiyu just passing by, you would have been in trouble now." Flender said with some surprise.

"We should have won yesterday's competition without a fight. Canghui Academy must be disqualified for this kind of thing?"

Tang San's face was still a little pale, and it took him a lot of strength to say these words.

"Wuhundian didn't announce this matter, it just informed yesterday that the competition will be postponed for two days, and the trial will be held on the third day."

When Liu Erlong said these words, his originally pretty face suddenly twisted into a ball.

"In other words, Wuhundian has counted the time. It's too despicable for us to fight Canghui Academy first." Yu Dashi said indignantly.

If Qian Chongling heard this, he would probably scold Yu Dashi.

A dog biting Lu Dongbin does not know a good heart.

You Shrek Academy, if you don't play Canghui Academy, you Yu Dashi have a chance to explore the so-called seven-in-one fusion technique?

Without this thing, Tang San's Haotian real body would not be able to get out.

Without Haotian's real body, how could Tang San have the confidence to fight the Galaxy Fleet?

I, Qian Zhongling, who is so upright, kind, and generous, was called despicable by you, Yu Dashi.

Yu Dashi, won't your conscience hurt?

"Teacher, I feel that Wuhundian's move is in my favor. Canghui Academy is indeed a very good opponent."

Who is Tang San?That is a pure and modest gentleman!
Tang San, the doorman of Notting City back then, was very kind and prepared to send him to God without money, isn't that kind enough?
Now, Shi Nian entertained Tang San so warmly, Tang San should reciprocate due to emotion and reason.

Otherwise, wouldn't it ruin Tang San's reputation as pure and pure?

It's not worth it!
So, if you don't accept this gift from Canghui Academy, you have to accept it!
The next day, on the field in the Tiandou Division.

At present, there is less than half an hour before the start of the match, and the teams from all the colleges are already waiting in the rest area.

This includes the Galactic Fleet, who didn't play in the first round and didn't get their turn until the third round.

The first match was between the Shrek Academy team and the Canghui Academy team.

Half an hour passed in a flash, and the Shrek team and the Canghui team walked out of the rest area at the same time, and walked to the competition field.

Tang San had a taste of goose intestines and tofu brains, plus his driving skills. There is no need to say anything about his hatred for Canghui Academy.

If it wasn't for the inability to kill people in the Soul Master Competition, Tang San would have shot and killed all these people from Canghui Academy with the Zhuge Godly Crossbow.

"I can't kill people, but I can make your life worse than death!"

Tang San's eyes showed a fierce light, and he said fiercely in his heart.

Canghui Academy's heart is also very heavy now, its teacher attempted to kill someone, and was caught.

If there is no accident, this soul master competition is over for Canghui Academy.

The current game should be their last game.

Although Shi Nian was vicious and vicious outside, he treated students like them pretty well. If they weren't too weak, Shi Nian would not have done such sneaky things.

Therefore, Canghui Academy also hated Shrek Academy, the two sides can be regarded as enemies, and they are extremely jealous when they meet each other.

On the competition platform, the personnel from both sides have already entered the arena, and the competition on the five competition platforms started at the same time under the announcement of the referee.

What is the audience's favorite thing to watch?
As the so-called layman watching the fun, at the beginning of the game, the process of all the soul masters releasing their martial souls together is undoubtedly the most dazzling.

The appearance of each soul ring, the different effects produced by different martial souls, and the dazzling brilliance will fully mobilize the emotions of the audience every time.

Dai Mubai, Tang San, Xiao Wu, the three soul sects, plus Ma Hongjun and other four soul masters, the Shrek Academy team completely suppressed their opponents in terms of soul power levels from the very beginning of the match.

Among the seven people in Canghui Academy, only their captain is a soul sect with strength above level 30, and the others are only above level [-].

And even one soul ring is not the best match, and the three soul rings are all yellow.

The seven people from Canghui Academy looked very cautious. When the referee announced the release of the martial spirit, the seven people quickly gathered together. Their captain stood at the front, forming a strange formation.

Except for the captain, the other six people formed a hexagon, watching the seven people from Shrek Academy vigilantly.

"Huh? What are they thinking? Have they given up on themselves?"

Tang San frowned, feeling a little puzzled.

Logically speaking, this is Canghui Academy's last battle, and there is no need to hide their strength or anything.

Then, this lineup that seems to be inferior to other soul master academies is Canghui Academy's trump card.

With the idea that it is better to be careful, Tang San shouted in a low voice: "Concentrate!"

The other six members of the Shrek team gathered around Tang San without the slightest hesitation.

At this moment, Canghui Academy, which hadn't waited for the Shrek team to launch an attack, seemed to have given up covering up.

The waist and back suddenly stretched out, and the steps of the feet moved slightly, and they had already retreated one meter, just entering the hexagonal formation formed by the other six people.

While he retreated, the other six people took a step at the same time, and the originally dense hexagon suddenly expanded in a circle.

The strange thing is that although their formation has expanded, the hexagon they form is not half scattered.

The distance between the steps of the six people was exactly the same, and the retreating position of the captain of the Canghui Academy happened to be the center of the formation.

Obviously, this is a formation that has been practiced for many years.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in Shrek Academy clearly saw that seven members of Canghui Academy raised their right hands at the same time.

Appearing in the palms of the right hands of the seven members of the Canghui Academy team are each a gemstone.

The moment the seven gems appeared at the same time, a dense layer of colorful light suddenly appeared from their bodies, completely covering the bodies of the seven people.

"Take the trick!"

The Canghui Academy team shouted loudly, and seven colorful lights shot up into the sky almost at the same time!

With the Wuhun of the captain of Canghui Academy as the center, it instantly condensed into a huge pillar of seven-colored light.

The beam of light broke through the air and spread 30 meters away in an instant, completely enveloping the seven people forming the formation.

Suddenly, only the dazzling and huge brilliance remained on the field, and the seven members of the Canghui Academy team disappeared at the same time.

"what happened?"

At the VIP table, Emperor Xue Ye was taken aback, and murmured: "This, is this a seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill?"

"No, this is a seven-in-one fusion technique, not a seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique."

Qian Zhongling said lightly.

"Your Majesty Heiyu, is there any difference between the two?" Emperor Xue Ye asked cautiously.

"Xue Ye, don't you understand?" Qian Zhongling said, casting a glance at Xue Ye.


Emperor Xue Ye froze for a moment, he really didn't understand the difference between the two.

Qian Zhongling smiled, and said: "Then in other words, you can understand, seven-in-one soul skill fusion skill and seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill."

"So that's why Canghui Academy uses soul skill fusion, not martial soul fusion!" Emperor Xue Ye suddenly realized.

On the arena, the colorful light magnified in an instant, completely covering the entire arena in an instant.

The arena is round, and the seven-color beam of light is also round. At this moment, the soaring colorful light almost illuminates the entire arena.

Blurred brilliance filled with a strange atmosphere.

The seven members of the Shrek Academy team have been completely enveloped, or swallowed.

Although the result of the competition has not yet appeared, the huge fluctuations in soul power have changed the views of all soul masters on this competition.

That is, Shrek Academy is in danger!
On the spectating platform of the participating colleges, Flender and Liu Erlong had already stood up, Liu Erlong was better, but Flender anxiously wanted to rush out.

"Flender, calm down." Yu Dashi grabbed Flender's arm vigorously.

"Calm down? How do you want me to calm down? It's a seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill. Even you can't control the three-in-one martial soul fusion skill, let alone Canghui Academy. Once they lose control, they will definitely die!" Flender said angrily.

What do you mean I can't even control the trinity martial soul fusion technique?
I can't, then you come!

Yu Dashi scolded Flender severely in his heart, curled his lips and said, "What do you think is the seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique? Even with six soul masters and one soul sect, the seven-in-one martial art is Martial soul fusion skills can go head-to-head with our Trinity!"

"If Canghui Academy really knows the seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique, Shi Nian would not need to assassinate the participating students from other academies at all. Because in the entire soul master competition, no academies are their opponents!"

"The Canghui Academy only uses the seven-in-one fusion technique. One is the fusion of seven people's martial souls, and the other is the fusion of soul skills. The difference is huge!"

Flender was stunned for a moment and asked, "Then, can Xiao San and the others stop it?"

Yu Dashi chuckled, and said: "If it's other types of seven-in-one fusion skills, Xiao San and the others can't resist it, but this one of the control system? Ha ha"

Although Yu Dashi didn't elaborate, Flender still understood what Yu Dashi meant.

Sure enough, just after Yu Dashi had finished talking about the situation on the field, the situation took a turn for the worse.

Tang San's body suddenly moved, his figure jumped up in the colorful light, he kicked six times in a row, but he kicked his teammates.

At the same time, purple light flashed in Tang San's eyes, passing from seven directions respectively, and seven screams sounded almost simultaneously.

This purple light is exactly the Purple Demon Eye that has a restraining effect on spiritual soul skills. Although Tang San didn't look down at Qiushuilu, it was more than enough to break through this Seven Asura illusion.

At the same time, when Tang San's body fell from the air, he patted his chest lightly.

Immediately, a strand of blood trickled down the corner of his mouth.

The colorful light converged, and everything around became clear again, and the huge colorful beam of light just disappeared out of thin air.

And originally there were fourteen people in the ring, but now there was only one standing, and that was Tang San.

The six members of the Shrek team vomited blood and fell to the ground, while the seven members of the Canghui Academy also covered their heads and rolled all over the ground.

And Tang San, although his face was pale and his footsteps were flimsy, he still stood on the field, as if announcing that the Shrek team was the winner.

"Team Shrek wins!"

The referee called a few soul masters, and gave Canghui Academy a little inspection, and found that it was just a backlash from mental strength and a splitting headache, and it would be fine after a few days of rest.

The students of Canghui Academy had no major problems, so the referee naturally declared Shrek Academy the winner.

It's a pity that the referee didn't notice the flashing killing intent in Tang San's eyes.

Canghui Academy's seven-in-one fusion skill is indeed good, but compared with the soul skill nightmare of that year, there is still a certain gap.

With the Purple Demon Eyes, he has a very high degree of confidence in breaking the illusion.

However, just winning this match is not what Tang San wants, what he wants is to at least turn Canghui Academy's students into useless people, otherwise they have to be mentally retarded.

It's a pity that Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes hadn't reached this strength so far, so the students of Canghui Academy were lucky to escape the catastrophe.

It can only be said that in the original book, the time was indeed what they deserved, but Canghui Academy was really unlucky.

Outside the Star Dou Great Forest, he was severely beaten up, and it was even worse in the Soul Master Competition. The seven team members became idiots directly.

Eliminating all evil and exterminating them is not a problem for ordinary people.

It's a pity that the person who did this was a pure, sincere and kind-hearted gentleman who was like a holy mother. It would be impossible for him to do such a thing.

As the Holy Mother, you should try to influence them, how could you directly kill them?

In the rest area of ​​Shrek Academy, Tang San began to tell how he broke Canghui Academy's Seven Shura Illusion, of course it was all fabricated.

Yu Dashi nodded and said, "Little San, you did a great job this time, and I have some good news for you!"

"What good news?"

Hearing what Yu Dashi said, Tang San's eyes lit up immediately, the latest incident made him upset and irritable.

There is good news, so happy, that is a very wonderful thing.

"That means I have already figured out how to deal with the Galaxy Fleet!" Yu Dashi stood with his hands behind his back and said with his head raised.

As soon as this remark came out, not only Tang San, but even Liu Erlong stared at Yu Dashi, expecting what Yu Dashi would say next.

"The seven-in-one fusion skill of Canghui Academy gave me an epiphany! They can have the seven-in-one fusion skill, there's no reason you little monsters can't!"

Yu Dashi turned around, turned his back to all living beings, and said lightly.

Everyone in Shrek Academy didn't think it was wrong to say this.

After all, Yu Dashi is a theoretical Dashi in the world of soul masters, and if he can make a seven-in-one fusion skill in just a few years, there is no reason why Yu Dashi can't do it.

Not only did they believe that Yudashi could be rectified, but they also believed that the seven-in-one formed by Yudashi was stronger than that of the past.

"Hahaha, in this way, Wuhundian is stealing a lot of money, and giving our Shrek team a powerful hole card for nothing!" Yu Dashi's fan, Liu Erlong laughed wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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