Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 321 Sweeping the Army

Chapter 321 Sweeping Thousands of Armies (additional 4000 words)
Due to the little confusion caused by the year, the No. 11 round of the competition was divided into two days.

The match between the Shrek team and the Canghui Academy team was the first day, while the match between the Galaxy Fleet and the Weevil Academy was the second day.

The next day, the No.11 overtime match was held as scheduled.

The auditorium was still densely packed with people eating melons, and a large number of girls and teenagers among them changed their costumes into those of Tokisaki Kurumi and Uchiha Itachi in the Galactic Fleet.

"Hmph, what's the use of dressing like this, so fancy?"

The 10-year-old Rabbit Xiaowu glanced at these fans of the Galaxy Fleet and said angrily.

"Yeah, I really don't know what their aesthetics are like. Are those clothes nice?"

As a loyal Sanwu fan, Tang Xuanwei naturally spoke for her third sister-in-law.

"The game is about to start, everyone pay attention, and try to analyze the strength of the players of the Galaxy Fleet this time."

Yu Dashi's words drew the attention of everyone in the Shrek team to the ring.

At this time, the seven members of the Elephant Armor Academy began to board the central competition platform, and the entire competition platform was trembling with their steps.

The seven contestants from the Elephant Armor Academy were all dressed in black. The sides of the top of their heads were shaved, leaving only a tuft of hair combed into a ponytail in the middle. Their skin was so dark that it was not much different from their black clothes.

Among these seven people, the shortest one was probably over two meters tall, and the tallest one was even over two meters five. What was even more frightening was their weight.

I'm afraid that the lightest one weighs more than three hundred catties, and the tallest one weighs at least five hundred catties.

The seven members of the Elephant Academy stood in a row, like seven hills, blocking the figure of the Galaxy Fleet.

Standing in the middle was a burly man, Hu Yanli, the captain of the Elephant Armor Academy team.

"Team of Elephant Armor Academy, captain, Hu Yanli, level 46 defense department, Battle Soul Sect!"

Hu Yanli took a step forward, clasped his fists, and looked directly at Lu Lingqi, the vice-captain of the Galaxy Fleet.

"Galaxy Fleet, Vice Captain, Lu Lingqi, Level 52 Assault Department Soul King!"

Lu Lingqi also took a step forward, clasping her fists as a signal.

"Both players, salute." The referee shouted loudly.

Led by Lu Lingqi and Hu Yanli, a total of [-] players from both sides bowed to each other to salute at the same time.

The atmosphere in the field became tense almost instantly.

"The No. 11 round of extension of the qualifiers has officially begun."

The five games that were held at the same time announced their start almost at the same time, and at that moment, seventy students from ten academies in the five games opened their soul rings at the same moment.

Suddenly, the entire Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena became dazzling, and the cheers of the audience also erupted at this moment.

Standing in front of the Galaxy Fleet, the seven direct descendants of the Elephant Armored Sect threw off their shirts at the same time, revealing their fat bodies.

The body, which was already extremely majestic, swelled again amidst the roar of the martial spirit possessing the body.

Some loose fat was stretched out quickly, turning into exaggerated and terrifying muscles. A layer of dark yellow horny layer emerged on the surface of the skin, shining with a metallic luster.

What makes them even more inhuman is that their noses are also extending and lengthening at the same time, and at the same time, their upper lip is turned up, and their two fangs have grown a full foot.

Seven people raised their right feet at the same time and stomped heavily on the ring!

The loud bang not only attracted the attention of the audience, but also made everyone worry about whether the competition stage could withstand their violent power.

Among the seven people, the three in the middle all have four soul rings, two yellow and two purple, while the four next to them have three soul rings, two yellow and one purple.

Then, the Galaxy Fleet still looked the same, except for Lu Lingqi, the remaining six people all ran to the edge of the ring.

Bing Lianxue and Tokisaki Kurumi took out the melon seeds directly from the soul tool and began to chew them.

At the same time, Lu Lingqi also summoned her martial soul.

A black and red magic circle appeared in the void, and Lu Lingqi's white right hand was seen poking into it.

She took out a silver white halberd, about two meters long, with a platinum dragon pattern engraved on its body, and a cold light emanating from the blade. She took it out of the magic circle.

Purple, purple, black, and black, five soul rings that exceeded the configuration, fell from the sky one by one, once again blinding Yu Dashi's aluminum-titanium alloy dead fish eyes.

Even if he doesn't want to admit it in his heart, Yu Dashi has to admit that his so-called soul ring absorption limit has been broken many times.

"Galaxy Fleet, how did you manage to increase the age of the soul ring? It seems that it is time to find a time to meet her."

Yu Dashi didn't believe at all that a soul master could directly absorb the ten-thousand-year soul ring, and the soul shock was not something a soul master could bear.

The word soul shock was Yu Dashi's apprentice. After Tang San absorbed the fourth ten thousand year spirit ring, he told Yu Dashi when he discovered it.

Therefore, Yu Dashi also added this knowledge point to his theory!
After all, the three cuts are his Yu Dashi's, there is no difference.

Through the factor of soul shock, Yu Dashi has already judged that Wuhundian must have a method to increase the lifespan of the spirit ring.

This kind of secret method that benefits the entire soul master world, the Wuhun Temple should not be exclusive to this secret method, but should be contributed to make the future of the soul master world even brighter.

For the future of the entire soul master world, it is my duty to let Bibidong contribute this secret technique.

Even if one Yu Dashi fails, there are still thousands of Yu Dashi.

Although there are tens of millions of people, my jade is also gone!
"Bang bang bang!"

A loud noise on the ring stage brought Yu Dashi back from his thoughts.

I saw that the first spirit rings on the seven members of the Elephant Armor team on the ring were shining at the same time, and they took a step with their right feet at the same time.

Under the effect of the first soul ring, the original dark yellow horniness on the seven meat mountains became a layer of crystal color, and each of them seemed to be covered with a layer of enamel.

"Bang bang bang!"

The seven moved forward from the center step by step, occupying almost half of the diameter of the entire circular playing field.

Although their steps are slow, in the process of advancing, every time they take a step forward, their aura will increase a little bit, and the surging aura makes people feel palpitating.

"The momentum is good, but it's useless!"

Seeing several strong men from the Elephant Armor Academy approaching step by step, Lu Lingqi smiled lightly, and instead of retreating, she appeared in front of the leftmost person of the Elephant Armor team in a flickering figure.


Lu Lingqi slammed the Fang Tian painting halberd in her hand at that person, and there was a roar of air being torn apart in the void, and the silver-white Fang Tian painting halberd had already hit the person's chest.


With a muffled sound, the No. 1 Weevil student in the Weevil Team was hit by Fang Tian's halberd, and he flew upside down for several meters before landing on the other side of the ring.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Lingqi's second blow landed on the back of another elephant armored student, and that elephant armored student was directly hit into the air, drawing a beautiful parabola, and hit the previous student's body by coincidence. body.

The two burly men lay on their backs and clutched their chests, but they didn't hurt anything.

"So strong!"

"Is this a girl? Not a humanoid Tyrannosaurus?"

"Strong and beautiful, papa, I'm in love!"

In the auditorium, the melon-eaters watching the battle all stared wide-eyed, with disbelief on their faces.

It was the first time they saw that the defense that the Elephant Armor Academy was so proud of was smashed like paper.

Even Tang San, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu and the others parted their mouths slightly, their eyes twitched, in shock.

Although there are expectations about the strength of the Galaxy Fleet, the Elephant Armor Academy is a strong man with a big shoulder and a round waist, and Lu Lingqi looks like a proud and graceful girl on the outside.

The difference between the two sides is too great, and the contrast is too strong, making it difficult to calm down.

However, Dai Mubai was relatively calm, after all Lu Lingqi was the one who hung him up and beat him, and he knew that the weapon in Lu Lingqi's hand weighed tens of thousands of catties.

A proper natural female god of war is guaranteed.

The seven people from the Elephant Armor Academy were also shocked, making their courage disappear in an instant.

Their Martial Soul Diamond Mammoth has the strongest defensive power in the world, but Lu Lingqi's simple flick knocked two of the students of the Elephant Armor Academy into the air, which is really unimaginable.

"All use defensive soul skills!"

"The fourth soul skill: Diamond King Kong!"

Hu Yanli, the captain of the Elephant Armor Academy team, made a choice in an instant, and he immediately used defensive soul skills.

In the case of using the fourth soul ability, a crystal-colored light shone instantly on his body, and a crystal-colored shield slowly emerged from his body, and then enveloped all five of them.

At the same time, the other four people also used defensive soul skills one after another. Inside the crystal-colored shield, platinum-colored, gold-colored, silver-colored, and bronze-colored shields appeared one after another.

Five shields, the big shield protects the small shield, and the shields are mutual.

In this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of Lu Lingqi's mouth, and she whispered: "Second Soul Skill: Breaking the Army!"

As soon as the words fell, the second purple soul ring on Fang Tian's painted halberd shone brightly, and a blood-red streamer flowed on the silver-white halberd blade.

Holding up Fang Tian's painted halberd with her slender arms, Lu Lingqi threw Fang Tian's painted halberd towards the five-color protective shield in a javelin-throwing posture.


Lu Lingqi's throwing speed was too fast, almost beyond the range of visual capture, and Fang Tian's painted halberd hit the crystal-colored protective shield fiercely.

With a bang, the crystal-colored shield collapsed in an instant!

However, after Fang Tian's painted halberd smashed through the first shield, it hit the platinum shield on the second floor unabated.

The second platinum shield also collapsed in an instant. Lu Lingqi's attack power was too terrifying!

This is not over yet, Fang Tian's painted halberd was unstoppable and smashed all the remaining three layers of protective shields!


The five-layer protective cover was instantly smashed by the unparalleled attack power of Fang Tian's painting halberd. The impact generated after the protective cover was broken even made the five members of the Elephant Armor Academy team spray blood on the ground, and they were already injured by the shock.

"Surrender, the Elephant Armor Sect is an affiliated sect of the Wuhun Palace. We are originally of the same origin, just click here."

Lu Lingqi's figure had appeared in front of Hu Yanli at some point, and she held Fang Tian's painted halberd in her hand, and its unstoppable tip was facing Hu Yanli's eyebrows.

Surrender is fine, no problem.

But sister, can you take the murder weapon off my head?
Kind of weird and scary!

Although he was complaining in his heart, Hu Yanli was not slow in speaking, he quickly said: "The Elephant Academy surrenders!"

As soon as the words fell, Hu Yanli found that the feeling like a cold light on his back disappeared instantly.

However, Lu Lingqi had already put away the Fang Tian painting halberd in her hand, and walked briskly with her long legs towards the audience step by step.

"In the 11th round of the qualifiers, the Wuhundian Galaxy Fleet won!"

At this moment, the voice of the referee also sounded.

At the VIP table, Tianxiang Hu Yanzhen, the suzerain of the Elephant Armor Sect, saw that the Elephant Armor Academy was defeated again, this time he did not lose his temper.

First of all, the Galaxy Fleet is the team of his boss Wuhundian, and it is normal to win against the Elephant Armor Academy.

Secondly, the Elephant Academy team was rubbed on the ground by Shrek team, Tianshui team, and Fenghuo team successively. Hu Yanzhen is used to it now.

Anyway, everyone who can fight has played once, and the only remaining team that can fight against Weevil Academy is Thunder Academy.

In other words, whether the Weevil Academy can qualify in the qualifiers depends on whether they can beat the Thunder Academy.

Ning Fengzhi's face was already full of smiles at this moment, he said that after making a decision, he felt comfortable in his heart.

Big brother's thighs are so thick!It's so comfortable to hold!
Emperor Xue Ye even lay flat. Anyway, he could see that in the qualifiers of the Tiandou Division, no team could fight against the full-strength Galaxy Fleet.

I didn't see that everyone was beating seven people on the opposite side alone. If the entire team of seven people fight together, others don't have to play.

The moment the game ended, the audience was completely excited.

At the beginning, only a few people shouted the name of the Galactic Fleet, but it was like igniting the fuse, and more and more people shouted.

When the seven members of the Galaxy Fleet walked off the competition stage, there was already a wave of shouting for the Galaxy Fleet in the entire stands.

After all, most of the audience were not soul masters, and all they saw was Lu Lingqi's gestures, suppressing the Elephant Academy, which was several times her size.

And she was a delicate little girl who beat up seven burly men.

After the match ended, everyone from Shrek Academy also came out, but they were different from the other excited spectators.

Their faces are a bit ugly, the strength of the Galaxy Fleet is still unfathomable!
Bing Lianxue, Itachi Uchiha, and Lu Lingqi who appeared on the stage are all soul powers of the soul king level, and the configuration of the soul ring is very outrageous.

Even Tang San, who always likes to give out chicken soup, doubts whether the Shrek team's all-main lineup can defeat the seven members of the Galaxy Fleet.

After all, Tang San didn't believe it at all, when they saw that their teammates couldn't beat them, the rest of the Galaxy Fleet would watch the show over there.

(End of this chapter)

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