Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 324 Trash, shut up

Chapter 324 Trash, shut up (add 4000 words)
"Yue'er, come to the main battle, Xue Wu, let's start."

Shui Bing'er gave orders to Shui Yue'er and Xue Wu successively.

"it is good!"


Shui Yue'er and Xue Wu agreed.

Under the dumbfounded eyes of the Shrek team again, Xue Wu just danced on the spot.

Her black hair fluttered, and she danced lightly. The four soul rings on her body shone alternately, and circles of blue halo spread out as she danced.

As she danced, a dark cloud unexpectedly appeared right above the central main ring, which happened to completely cover the range of the ring.

Immediately afterwards, bean-sized raindrops began to fall from the sky, turning into a large water curtain and pouring down.

In just a short while, the seven members of the Shrek team became soaked. Of course, the Tianshui Academy team couldn't get any rain at all because of the protective cover.

"Although I don't understand what they are doing, I have an ominous premonition, what should we do, Xiaosan?"

Ask Tang San when he is undecided, this is the time Yinhu and Dai Mubai who can only play against the wind and waves against the wind.

You ask me what to do, first the protective cover cannot be broken, what can we do?
Tang San scolded Dai Mubai furiously in his heart, but said on his mouth: "The formations all have formation eyes, if you find the formation eyes, the formation will not only break without attack, but the opponent will suffer heavy damage in an instant."

When Ma Hongjun heard it, he was immediately happy, and he said: "Sangua, then tell me where the formation is located?"

Tang San cast a glance at Ma Hongjun, cursing secretly in his heart: "This kid is really a pig! I really want to know where the formation is, why are you talking nonsense now?"

"Except for Zhuzhu, everyone else has used their strongest soul skills to attack the protective shield and help me find the eye of the formation!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang San immediately resorted to "Brother Entangling".

The black and blue blue and silver vines roared out, and the target was Xue Wu who was still dancing.

It's a pity that the "Mother Entanglement", which is always in danger, has encountered a nemesis this time. When it just touched the ice-blue protective cover, "Mother Entanglement" was frozen.

At the same time, Ma Hongjun's phoenix line of fire also sprayed towards this position by no coincidence.

"Come on!"

Blue Silver Grass enjoyed a wave of extreme travel between ice and fire, and directly turned into a black and unknown object.

Tang San:"."

"It's time to end!"

Shui Bing'er's frosty words pulled Tang San out of his stupor.

"No, it's a martial soul fusion technique."

Tang San saw Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu holding hands, double C positions pinching, immediately shouted.

The blue-haired Shui Bing'er and the black-haired Xue Wu instantly merged into one, and their bodies disappeared at the same time.

Turning into a dazzling blue-white beam of light and rushing into the dark clouds in the sky, their martial soul fusion skills officially exploded.


Tang San shouted.

Although Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu's martial soul fusion skills were successfully used, the protective shield was removed by Shui Yue'er.

But Tang San understood that this protective cover that made them helpless could be used again anytime and anywhere.

Since it is impossible to take the initiative to attack, it can only be passively defended.

Lan Yincao suddenly pulled back, Dai Mubai, Huang Yuan, Ma Hongjun, Jing Ling, Xiao Wu, five people were pulled back by him at the same time, and quickly came among the crowd.

Tang San couldn't care about other things at this time, he pulled Jiangzhu to the crowd, and surrounded Jiangzhu in the center with the other five people.

"Healing scepter, full power. Quick."

Jiang Zhu understood immediately, and inserted the healing scepter directly in front of her.

The rain in the sky changed, the icy rain turned into snowflakes and danced in the air, but each piece of snow was as sharp as a sharp blade, drifting down in the rotation, turning into a vortex of ice and snow, and swept towards everyone in Shrek Academy .

Feeling the deadly threat, the omnipotent "mother entanglement" was launched again, this time entangled six people including himself, tightly entangled without a single gap.

The fourth soul skill, Blue Silver Prison was activated, a total of seven layers of Blue Silver Prison crazily surged up from the ground, turning into seven barriers.

In the end, Tang San used his remaining spirit power to impose a spider web restraint on the outermost periphery of the Blue Silver Prison. Among all his four spirit abilities, the spider web restraint was undoubtedly the toughest one.

What the audience saw was the snow dancing tornado, but what the Shrek team members heard was the tooth-piercing sound of cutting and rubbing.

The Blue Silver Grass is indeed tough, especially the Blue Silver Grass bound by spider webs, which is even more resilient.

Tang San relied on all his soul power to output all the protection of the seven people on his side, but no matter how tough the blue silver grass was, it was only a blade of grass transformed into a vine.

The martial soul fusion skills performed by a level 49 soul sect and a level 52 soul king are by no means inferior to the soul skills performed by a soul emperor.

Amid the tooth-piercing screeching sound, the sticky and tenacious cobweb shackles began to show signs of breaking. Under the snow flakes, which were sharper than sharp blades, the outermost layer of defense was instantly shredded.

Next, what the ice and snow will erode is Tang San's ten thousand year spirit ring skill Blue Silver Prison.

However, what happened next was not as Tang San expected.

I saw that the snowflakes cut by the tornado in mid-air began to gather together, and the loud and clear phoenix cry sounded from the blue tornado.

In mid-air, snowflakes condense and gradually take shape.

A huge blue phoenix with a body length of seven meters appeared out of thin air.

This ice phoenix looks very clear, like a solid body, with bright eyes and slender tail, it looks so moving.

The dazzling blue phoenix descended from the sky, without a trace of fireworks, turned into an ice-blue glare, and floated down.

"Feather falls!"

Keeping in mind Shuiyuewu's instructions, Shui Bing'er, who is the main body of the martial soul fusion technique, did not hesitate to use the ultimate move of ice and snow on everyone in the Shrek team.

Ice blue feathers extend down from the wings of the ice phoenix. Each feather is made of ice blue cold air, and the length of each feather reaches nearly two meters.

Ice-blue feathers descended from the sky, and with a sharp and icy air, they smashed down on the Shrek team members on the ground.


Under the dense feathers like raindrops, the so-called blue and silver cage was broken in an instant, and a large number of wounds appeared on the members of Shrek Academy, but before the blood flowed from the wounds, they were sealed by ice .

This kind of torture, let alone a rogue rabbit, even Tang San, who had eaten his intestines and brains, couldn't bear it.

The screams began to rise and fall from the Shrek team! ! !

However, this heart-wrenching scream disappeared after only a few seconds under the shooting of Lingyu, which contained ice-cold air.

Some of the dense ice feathers like raindrops passed over the bodies of the Shrek team, and some directly bombarded the ground, forming ice crystals.

Gradually, there were more and more ice crystals, and the icy air permeated the arena, and the huge area of ​​the entire Tiandou Great Spirit Arena was covered with a thin layer of frost.

The chills made the expressions of the audience stiff, but they still didn't blink their eyes, staring at the seven figures frozen in ice on the field.

In other words, staring at the ice sculpture, you can still see a human figure.

But more spectators looked at Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu who had released their martial soul fusion skills and appeared on the field with bright eyes.

The reason, of course, is that the two girls were exhausted and out of breath, and then the panda jumped up and down.
From the time the referee announced the start of the match to when the Shrek team was wiped out, the entire process took less than a minute!

With their strength and dominance, coupled with the misery of Shrek Academy, the Tianshui Academy team showed their incomparably tyrannical fighting power.

Although Liu Erlong and Flender haven't come back yet, Shrek Academy still has teachers, that is, those dragon soul emperors.

Under their narration, Yu Dashi learned about the injuries of Tang San and others who were currently frozen in ice.

Among them, Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai were the most seriously injured. Their bodies were densely packed with wounds. These wounds were deep, but the wounds were as thin as a cicada's wing. Simply put, they hurt a lot, but they couldn't kill anyone.

Also enjoying this kind of treatment are Jing Ling and Huang Yuan. Of course, Tang San and Xiao Wu, who are male and female pig feet, can't escape, it's just that there are not so many wounds.

As for why, it must be because the little bastard kept a hand
"Referee, I want to complain. They are not playing at all, but killing people. They violated the rules of the game, and I request that they be sentenced to lose."

Yu Xiaogang ran up from the rest area and roared angrily at the referee.

The unheard-of seven-star sword array, the soul king with super martial arts, and the fusion of martial arts.

You are all sure to be able to advance, how good it is to keep this kind of hole card in the finals and fight against Wuhundian.

When you played against other teams, not to mention martial soul fusion skills, you didn't even have a full main force.

When he was fighting our Shrek Academy, Yu Dashi called him a good guy!

All three hole cards were used at once!

As if one hanging was not enough, another way to continue hanging.

I just want to tell them Shrek Academy, our Tianshui team has several ways to hang you up and fight!
Damn Tianshui team, you just wait for me, when it comes to the finals, all of us Shrek Seven Monsters will show up, we must look good on you!

"What kind of shit is this shit, I'll just ask you, are they dead?" Shui Yue'er asked fiercely with her hands on her hips.

Yu Dashi: "."

When he came up earlier, the Dragon King of Shrek Academy told Yu Dashi that although the little monsters were seriously injured, they were even close to the gate of hell.

However, they still breathed a sigh of relief, and did not die directly.

"Although in our martial soul fusion technique, they experienced the feeling of being cut into pieces by an ice blade, but because of the temperature of the ice blade, the wound was frozen to prevent the wound from getting worse."

"Finally, we have a healing soul master on our side, and we are hesitant to treat them because we don't want to kill them."

"If we really want to kill people, will we treat our opponents? It seems that they don't need our treatment, Hairou, stop."

Shui Bing'er's neither salty nor bland words seemed to be light and light, but in fact, her soul power had been activated, and everyone on the field could hear it.

This scene is strikingly similar!
Because of their own school uniforms and resentment towards Huangdou Academy, the Shrek team severely injured the Huangdou deputy team in the first round of the qualifiers, and their injuries were so serious that they were on the verge of death. They also treated the opponent while fighting. Humiliate Huang Dou's deputy team.

After this battle, Huang Dou's deputy team had no choice but to give up the soul master competition because their injuries were so severe that they couldn't heal after several days of treatment.

Now, the extremely rampant and mighty Shrek team was pressed and rubbed on the floor by others in the same way.

The Shrek team can't accept this result?

It can only be said that Shrek Academy is worthy of being a little bastard, this famous double standard set after set.

The senior officials of the Heaven Dou Empire at the VIP seats were all smiling at this moment.

They neither sentenced Tianshui Academy to be eliminated, nor Shrek Academy to win, they just looked like they were watching a good show.

After all, the strength shown by the Tianshui team is too strong, enough to become a stumbling block for the Huangdou home team to win the championship.

Seeing that the boss at the VIP table neither objected nor agreed, Yu Dashi seemed to have noticed something.

"You're young, you have sharp teeth, haven't your adults taught you how to treat your elders?"

After Yu Dashi said this, he made a look at the two soul emperors of Shrek Academy, Li Yusong and Lu Qibin, and motioned them to come up to support the scene.

The two dragon suits, the soul emperors, were also very arrogant, one step at a time, one soul ring, and after walking up, they released all the aura of the soul emperor.

This scene is completely overpowering!
"Hehe, this is the younger one, and the older one?" Shui Binger curled her lips and said disdainfully.

Yu Dashi was silent, but seeing his arrogant appearance, his meaning was self-evident.

"Grandma, there are a few old turtles who are bullying your well-behaved and lovely granddaughter."

Shui Bing'er showed a sly smile and shouted behind her.

Yu Dashi glanced at Shui Bing'er indifferently, and thought: "Grandma? Even if you call your grandpa out, it's useless!"

According to the usual practice, once Yu Dashi wants to fill a cup, he will be slapped in the face, and this time is no exception.

"Crack! Crack!"

Just after Shui Bing'er finished shouting, an ice-blue palm appeared out of thin air, and slapped Yu Dashi twice across the face in an instant with lightning speed.

After the frosty hand slapped Yu Dashi's face, it gradually dissipated into the air.

At the same time, a cold and ethereal voice sounded.

"It's a lot of age, and it's still a 29-level great soul master. Such a useless person, I really don't know where he came from, saying that he is a theoretical master in the world of soul masters?"

Yu Dashi's eyes instantly turned red when he heard the words!

waste?How long has Yu Dashi not heard these two words?
Ever since he formed the Golden Iron Triangle with Flender and Liu Erlong, and his trinity martial soul fusion skill could rival Title Douluo, no one in the world dared to call him a waste in front of him again!

Full of anger, Yu Dashi looked for his reputation, and then Yu Dashi stopped!
I saw a middle-aged beautiful woman in a sky blue palace dress, walking up from the rest area step by step.

One step at a time, one soul ring at a time, after nine steps, two yellows, two purples, four blacks and one red, nine soul rings descended from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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