Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 325 Title Ice Luan

Chapter 325 Titled Ice Luan (additional 4000 words)
"Title Douluo!"

The corners of Yu Dashi, Li Yusong and Lu Qibin's mouths started to twitch again
Is this stabbing the Titled Douluo Nest?In a qualifying match, their Shrek Academy has been targeted by two Title Douluo!

Shuiyuewu moved lightly with her lotus steps, and with a tricky smile on her lips, she slowly walked onto the arena.

"Principal of Tianshui Academy, Shuiyuewu, level 95 titled Douluo, titled Bingluan."

"Looking at my nine spirit rings, I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language!"

Shuiyuewu crossed her arms and looked at Yu Dashi and the two Soul Emperor suits with a half-smile.

"We really don't know, this is His Majesty's granddaughter."

Li Yusong and Lu Qibin begged for mercy very sincerely.

"Oh, what do you mean, if she is not my granddaughter, then I will let you bully me?" Shuiyuewu smiled lightly.

"Your Majesty, we are not like this, we."

Li Yusong and Lu Qibin had bitter faces, and hesitated to speak.

The opponent is a Titled Douluo, still at level 95, if they don't answer well, it is probably the rhythm of dying on the spot.

"Who did you call sharp-tongued just now? Are you worthy of being called an elder?"

Shuiyuewu ignored these two dragon suits, and turned her gaze to Yu Dashi.

In the original book, facing the weakest Dugu Bo, Yu Dashi was so cowardly that he pulled Flender away from Huangdou Academy.

Now facing a title of level 95, how he can perform is actually easy to guess.

It's nothing more than two wars, stuttering, and can't even utter a complete sentence.

"No fun."

Shuiyuewu looked at Yu Dashi who was trembling in front of her eyes, and the color of disgust flashed in her bright eyes.

Shuiyuewu shook her head, put away the ice crystal blue phoenix of Wuhun, and her slender and graceful body suddenly turned, creating a fragrant wind.

It's a pity that Yu Dashi didn't have the chance to appreciate the beautiful scenery. He only saw the sole of a blue high-heeled shoe gradually enlarged in his sight.


A dull impact sounded, and Yu Dashi flew upside down as if struck by lightning. If there were no accidents, Yu Dashi would smash on the wall, the kind that couldn't even be buckled.

"Little Gang!"

At this moment, an eager exclamation came.

Before Yu Dashi could react, he fell into a soft embrace.

"Second Dragon? Flender? Are you back?"

Yu Dashi reluctantly opened one eye, and looked at Liu Erlong and Flender with some surprise.

what's the situation?
Team Shrek fought Team Tianshui, and in less than a minute, Team Shrek was defeated across the board.

On the other side, did the Galaxy Fleet also solve the Wind and Fire team within 1 minute?

"Team Wind and Fire has abstained."

Flender seemed to see what Yu Dashi wanted to ask, so he spoke directly.

Abstain?Abstain from your uncle!
When Yu Dashi heard the words, the resentment in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

"Xiao Gang, that woman beat you, right? You wait for me, and I will avenge you!"

The panda is quite big, but his brain is not working well, and his mind is full of Yu Dashi's Liu Erlong. She saw the high-heeled shoe prints on Yu Dashi's face, and then looked at the beautiful woman in blue on the field.

Out of a woman's seventh sense, she immediately predicted that it was this woman who hit Yu Dashi.

As for whether it was Yu Dashi who tried to molested and was kicked by someone, Liu Erlong would not consider such a thing at all.

After all, her cousin is unparalleled in charm, so there is no need to do such a thing!

"Martial soul possession, fire dragon avatar!"

Liu Erlong let out a roar, and the flames flashed all over her body instantly, her seventh spirit ring instantly lit up, her skin was already covered in scales, and a terrifying dragon chant echoed in the air.

The crimson palm covered with scales, like a red dragon's claw, grabbed Shuiyuewu's head with a piercing sound.

"Second Dragon, come back!"

Yu Dashi saw Liu Erlong rushing forward recklessly, and shouted involuntarily.


Before the words fell, what Yu Dashi was worried about happened.

Liu Erlong, who was originally aggressive, had already been held in the head by Shui Yuewu, and he smashed to the ground abruptly.

Blood oozes faintly from the gaps in the crimson scales, even more so from the corner of Liu Erlong's mouth.

A pair of eyes were filled with anger, staring at Shuiyuewu, as if he was going to pounce on Shuiyuewu in the next second.

"It looks good, but unfortunately I don't like it!"

Shui Yuewu glanced at Liu Erlong coldly, and said lightly.

"I won't let anyone who hurts Xiaogang go!"

Liu Erlong glared at Shuiyuewu, as if he wanted to fight Shuiyuewu desperately.

"Beating him will dirty my hands. It's interesting to beat you, a soul sage!"

Shui Yuewu sneered, raised her right hand, and slapped Liu Erlong directly on the face.

"Clap clap clap!"

A crisp slap sound echoed here.

Everyone's eyes widened and they looked at Shuiyuewu in surprise. After a while, they still haven't recovered.

Title Douluo slapped someone on the spot!And it's a beauty named Douluo who slaps another beauty!

This kind of scene, which is rarely seen in ten thousand years, must be a feast for the eyes.


Liu Erlong let out a miserable howl, the corners of her mouth had already overflowed with blood, her face was swollen to the extreme, her lips had also been ruptured, and the blood remained along the corners of her mouth, dripping on the ground.

"How dare you hit me, I'll kill you!"

Liu Erlong roared like crazy.

"Kill me? Yu Yuanzhen of the Landian Tyrannosaurus family, he dare not say that!"

Shuiyuewu smiled disdainfully, her wrists fluttered, and she slapped her with a vicious slap.

This time, she didn't use all her strength, but still sent Liu Erlong flying, hit the wall fiercely, spat out a few bloody teeth, and fell to the ground in embarrassment, unable to get up.

After beating the female dragon violently, Shuiyuewu felt refreshed, and thought to herself: "No wonder Teacher Qian liked to press other people's heads back then. This beating is really sour!"

At this moment, Emperor Xue Ye, who was eating melons at the VIP table and wanted to sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight, saw a Titled Douluo suddenly appearing from Tianshui Academy.

Conscious that he couldn't continue to eat melons, he could only say this: "This matter is indeed a problem of Shrek Academy, but you have taught these people a lesson, Your Majesty Bingluan, can you give me a face and just expose it?"

"After all, the soul master competition still needs to continue, and teams from other colleges also need to use this venue to compete in the afternoon."

"As a citizen of the Heaven Dou Empire, Yue Wu naturally obeys His Majesty's order. I will take these children from Tianshui Academy back to rest first. They may be frightened today." Shui Yuewu said lightly.

"Your Majesty Bingluan, please go ahead!" Emperor Xue Ye nodded to Shui Yuewu.

Shuiyuewu was also unambiguous, and directly led the members of Tianshui Academy, and left here in a big way.

After Shuiyuewu left, Xue Ye turned her head and said to Flender of Shrek Academy: "I have one more thing to warn you, that Soul Sage and the seven students are all seriously injured, don't find them sooner." Let a few soul masters from the healing department heal, if there are any problems, it has nothing to do with Tianshui College."

As soon as the words fell, the referee on the court was very discerning and immediately announced the result of the game.

"Tianshui Academy vs. Shrek Academy, Tianshui Academy won!"

At the same time, there was thunderous applause in the competition, and of course the applause was for Team Tianshui.

When the Tianshui team left, they were arrogant, and when the Shrek team left, they were basically carried out.

Under the low and dark night, the starry sky is dotted with dots, and the air is hot and dull, which makes people feel restless.

This is the current mood of everyone in Shrek Academy.

"Second Dragon Girl, are you okay?"

"Ma Hongjun, hold on tighter!"

"Tang San, Xiao Wu, you and your injuries seem to be okay, pretend I didn't ask."

In the treatment room of Shrek Academy, there were nine people lying in disorder, and the strong scent of medicine filled the air.

Being both a father and a mother, Flender was so busy that he didn't know who to take care of first.

"Dean, my teacher Erlong and Da Shi's injuries are fine, I'll continue to feed them sausages for treatment."

Oscar glanced at Liu Erlong who was lying on the bed, and asked meaningfully.

"Alright, Oscar, I'll thank you tonight." Flender said without turning his head.

"I have a big sausage!!!"

After getting Flender's instruction, Oscar made two big greasy sausages, and stuffed the two sausages into the mouths of Yu Dashi and Liu Erlong with lightning speed.

"Aren't you usually a bunch of scumbags? Don't you still have to eat my sausage to reduce swelling?"

Looking at the big sausage in Liu Erlong's bright red mouth, Oscar smiled like a little devil deep in his heart.

"Dean, my father is here!"

At this moment, Ning Rongrong, who was sent by Flender to ask Ning Fengzhi to come over to treat Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai and others, her voice came from outside.

Her voice was like the sound of heaven, and Flender looked out the door, just in time to see Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi walking in.

The soul master is injured, let the healing department soul master treat it, and it will basically be fine.

However, this is basically fine, referring to general injuries.

If your hand is chopped off, it is impossible for the healing soul master to give you a sip, and your hand will be taken back.

Even if the physique of the soul master is stronger than that of ordinary people, and the recovery speed is relatively fast, it will take at least ten days and a half months before he can move freely.

Doesn't the Heaven Dou Empire have the money to hire a healing soul master to treat Huang Dou's deputy team?It sure doesn't exist!

It's just that the injuries caused by the Shrek team to Huangdou's deputy team, even if they were treated by a healing soul master at the level of Soul Emperor and Soul Sage, it would take more than a week to fully recover.

For a week, the day lily is cold.

The other teams don't know how many rounds they have competed in. Even if Huangdou's deputy team re-enters the competition, the first few rounds are counted as direct abstentions and defeats!
This is why Flender asked Ning Rongrong to invite Ning Fengzhi, high-level healing soul masters can make soul masters recover faster.

"Seven Treasures are Famous: Five Days for Healing!"

Ning Fengzhi was also unambiguous, and directly summoned the Martial Soul Seven Treasure Glazed Tower, and the seven-color glow enveloped the Shrek team, Yu Dashi and Liu Erlong inside.

This small treatment room, under the reflection of the seven-color glow, seemed to have a rainbow.

Just 10 minutes later, Ning Fengzhi wiped the sweat off his forehead and said to Flender: "The injury has stabilized, but it is conservatively estimated that it will take about five days to fully recover. They will not be able to play in these five days."

Healing nine people at once, even if Ning Fengzhi is a level 79 Soul Sage, the consumption is not too small.

five days!For five whole days, the Shrek team couldn't compete, so wouldn't it mean they couldn't even make it to the finals?
Didn't this kill their Shrek?
Yu Dashi was counting on the Seven Shrek Monsters to work together to defeat the Soul Master Contest and win the championship in the end, but he didn't expect that now, whether he could pass the preliminaries became a problem.

After taking Ning Fengzhi's treatment, Yu Dashi, who had just woken up, almost spat out a mouthful of old blood when he heard this, and passed out again.

"Sect Master Ning Ning, can you hurry up, you won't be able to participate in the competition for five days, and I'm afraid you will be eliminated directly!"

Yu Dashi reluctantly let out a breath, and asked Ning Fengzhi.

"This is already my limit, unless you can find the Ye Family who possesses the Nine-Hearted Begonia Martial Soul."

Ning Fengzhi said to Yu Dashi calmly.

After hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, Yu Dashi was immediately stunned, what is the Jiuxin Haitang Wuhun?What is the Ye family?
Fortunately, Ning Fengzhi might have seen Yu Dashi's "extensive knowledge", and he himself explained the situation of Jiuxin Haitang Wuhun.

When Yu Dashi heard the words, joy appeared on the zombie's face instantly, and he asked: "Then let Ye Renxin come over and treat us!"

Let Ye Renxin come over and treat you?Yu Dashi, you have such a big face!

Did you know that Ye Renxin is also an honorary elder of the Wuhun Hall, with the same status as Ning Fengzhi.

If you can order him, isn't that the same as ordering me?
Ning Fengzhi took a deep look at Yu Dashi, and couldn't help complaining in his heart, he took a deep breath and said, "The Medical Saint Ye Renxin is in the Wuhun Palace, he is the honorary elder of the Wuhun Palace."

"Furthermore, the Spirit Hall is very far away from the Heaven Dou Empire. This time is simply not enough time to go back and forth. The distance cannot quench the near thirst."

Yu Dashi: "."

After co-authoring and talking for a long time, Ye Renxin is the honorary elder of the Wuhun Palace, how could the people of the Wuhun Palace heal their opponents.

If you are not Ning Rongrong's father, the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and even less the Soul Sage, I, Yu Dashi, will let you know what it means to be definitely not a kind person!

"Three of our Shrek's main players are seriously injured, and the four substitutes are also seriously injured. The only ones left are Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Oscar, and Tang Xuanwei. There are only four people, what should we do in the next qualifiers?" Flender frowned. Said with a frown.

"If Xiao San and Xiao Wu are forced to enter the arena, it will definitely affect their future development. They are still young, so they can't participate in this soul master competition. It is also possible to participate in the next soul master competition. You will have an advantage over your peers.”

"So my opinion is that you can choose to abandon the game!"

Because of eating Oscar's sausage and Ning Fengzhi's treatment, Liu Erlong could barely speak, after all she was only slapped a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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