Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 347 Not Enough! ! !

Chapter 347 Not Enough! ! !
"Little San, you put away the Clear Sky Hammer first."

Tang Hao, who knew the Clear Sky Hammer's Tool Soul Avatar best at the scene, suddenly spoke to Tang San.

That voice carried a strange charm, leading Tang San to put the Clear Sky Hammer back in front of him again.

Dark golden brilliance surged out of Hammer, and quickly rushed back into Tang San's body.

And the Clear Sky Hammer also quietly returned to its original appearance as the little black hammer.

The expression on Tang San's face changed clearly, from momentary astonishment to pain, he clearly felt that his soul seemed to be peeled off, and then quietly re-injected into his body.

At this moment, he suddenly had a glimmer of understanding.

Using the Clear Sky Hammer's Tool Soul Avatar not only consumes one's own soul power and strength, but also one's own soul.

At that moment, one's own soul and the Clear Sky Hammer fused together to produce the real Tool Soul Avatar.

"Accept." Tang San forced out a word.

Only then did the other six members of the Shrek Seven Monsters pull back their strength, and the nine-colored halo slowly receded.

"Hahaha, yes, we are sure to win, no matter how strong the Galaxy Fleet is, it is impossible to defeat Tang San at the Soul Sage level." Dai Mubai also smiled, very happily.

After all, his goal is not only to have the Galaxy Fleet, but also to defeat the Royal Star Luo Squadron and defeat his brother and sister-in-law.

"That's right, with Sangua and Second Uncle personally pointing him out, even if he fights hard against a real soul sage, he won't necessarily lose." Tang Xuanwei said with a faint smile.

Tang Hao was naturally immersed in joy at the same glance as everyone else, but he was thinking a lot.

The weapon soul avatar of the weapon soul is actually the fusion of the soul of the soul master and the weapon soul to produce the real weapon soul avatar.

Although Tang San used the power of the seven in one to possess the soul power of the soul saint level, his soul strength is still that of the soul sect.

In this way, how long Tang San could use Haotian's real body, probably couldn't last for a few rounds.

It is true that if you fight against a real soul sage, you will eventually lose after a long time, but Tang San's goal is only to win the soul master contest.

Can there be an academy with soul saint combat power in the soul master competition?
No matter what Tang Hao thought, he thought it was impossible!

Tang San naturally thought of this, after all his real age was only ten years younger than Tang Hao.

However, the idea of ​​the father and son is the same. It is impossible for an academy with soul saint combat power to appear in the soul master competition?

Well, Murphy's Law is used at this time.
"Well, two days ago, my father just told me about the situation of the Seven Stars team that was recommended to the final by the Hall of Spirits."

At this moment, Ning Rongrong raised her white tender hand.

"Oh, Rongrong, tell me."

With full confidence, Yu Dashi naturally displayed his superior demeanor.

At the same time, all members of the Shrek team also looked at Ning Rongrong.

"That's what my father said. All members of the Seven Stars team have spirit power above level 55, and they used two martial soul fusion skills. They once defeated a soul sage head-on, even though they were only level 71 attack-type soul sages."

Ning Rongrong said with a guilty conscience, after all, saying this at this time is damaging morale.

Tang San:"."

Tang Hao: "."

Yu Dashi: "."

Dai Mubai and the others: "."

The scene suddenly became quiet, Tang San and the others seemed to have been hit by a body-holding spell, like clay sculptures and wood sculptures, motionless.

After a long while, Flender opened his mouth and said with a wry smile: "No wonder Wuhundian dared to take seven spirit bones as a reward for the champion of the soul master competition. It turns out that they have been waiting here for others."

"A mere level 71 Soul Sage is no match for the Clear Sky Hammer in my hand. We are sure to win this competition!"

Seeing that his little friends were decadent again, Tang San, the chicken soup master, naturally began to cheer up his little friends.

After making a few big pots of poisonous chicken soup, the confidence of the five Shrek thieves returned, and the third undercover agent still looked like he had nothing to do.

"Little San is right. You have to believe in yourself and your companions. It's almost a month before the promotion match. You should train the Seven Ones well."

Yu Dashi also fed them a bowl of poisonous chicken soup again, then turned to Tang San and said: "Little San, come with me for a while."

Tang San nodded, then walked to Yu Dashi's side.

"I'm going to Wuhun City right now, before I come back, Xiao San, you must remember not to cultivate the Haotian Hammer Wuhun!" Yu Dashi once again instructed Tang San.

"Teacher, I understand, I won't cultivate the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul unless it is absolutely necessary." Tang San said.

Yu Dashi stopped talking, turned around and walked towards the gate of Shrek Academy, with no doubt about his destination.

Tang San looked at Yu Dashi's figure that was drifting away, his eyes were full of respect.

In the original book, Yu Dashi was indeed a bit useless, and even he accepted Tang San as his apprentice, he just wanted to prove himself, purely to use Tang San.

After all, if Tang San didn't have twin spirits, Yu Dashi wouldn't have accepted him as his disciple.

However, it is undeniable that after accepting Tang San as an apprentice, Yu Dashi did his best to give Tang San the best, and Yu Dashi would not let him take the second place.

Just like in the original book, after Tang San's Haotian Hammer Wuhun was exposed, Yu Dashi set off to Wuhun City overnight, in order to let Bibidong let Tang San go temporarily because of his past affection, and told The cultivation method of his twin martial souls.

It has to be said that Yu Dashi's move has thrown all his "wisdom" and "pride" on the ground. Even if he loses face, he still has to pave the way for Tang San.

It's a pity that Yu Dashi threw all his integrity on the ground, and finally raised a white-eyed wolf
"Little San, although with the help of the seven-in-one body, you can possess the Haotian real body for a short time, but this Haotian real body has two fatal weaknesses. I think you have seen these two weaknesses."

Tang Dahammer came to Tang San's side, patted his shoulder, and said lightly.

"Papa, I do know these two weaknesses."

Tang San looked up at Tang Hao, and continued: "The first weakness: once the seven-in-one is used once, everyone will be prepared for the second time. And once the seven-in-one is interrupted, not only Haotian's real body cannot If it is used, even the seven of us will be seriously injured on the spot."

"The second weakness: this weakness lies in me. After all, the real body of the soul is not something that I, a soul sect, can actually use. If I fight a real soul saint, I'm afraid I won't be able to last for a few rounds."

Tang Dachui nodded in satisfaction, and said: "It seems that you have not been dazzled by the power of Haotian's real body, we still have to make double preparations."

"Papa, I'm also looking forward to how powerful the Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit will be." Tang San said.

(End of this chapter)

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