Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 348 Yu Dashi Comes to Wuhun Hall

Chapter 348 Yu Dashi Comes to Wuhun Hall
The Shrek Academy team is continuing to work together to prepare for the Continental Soul Master Competition.

Even Ma Hongjun, who was the laziest, started to work hard because Oscar finally reached level 40 last night.

At present, in the Shrek Academy team, he is the only one who is still the soul master.
When Flender heard the news, he must have taken Oscar to the Star Dou Forest to obtain the soul ring.

However, a person who is very important to Shrek Academy is not here at this time.

He is Yu Dashi.

As for where Yu Dashi went, no one except Tang San and Tang Hao, the father and son, knew.

"Xiao Wu, your godmother doesn't seem to have a very good temper these days! What's going on?"

After practicing, Ning Rongrong, who was resting for a while, whispered in Xiao Wu's ear.

Xiao Wu shook her head helplessly, and said: "I don't know, but my mother has a bad temper. Everyone should be more careful these days. But don't make her angry, or you will be the only one in trouble."

Ma Hongjun on the side said: "Who dares to mess with Tyrannosaurus rex, it still breathes fire."

Dai Mubai glared at him angrily, "Keep your voice down, do you want to kill us?"

"If my guess is correct, the reason why Teacher Erlong's temper is not very good recently is probably related to Da Shi's departure. But seeing that she hasn't lost her temper, she probably knows where Da Shi has gone."

"Little San, do you know where Dashi went?"

Tang San smiled slightly, and said: "How can I know what the teacher is going to do, but he must be working hard for us to win the championship of the soul master competition."

On the other side, Yu Dashi, the person involved, had already arrived outside Wuhun City, and it took him more than three days to get here.

Under normal circumstances, it would take 20 days to travel from Heaven Dou City to Wuhun City, even by car.

The reason why Yu Dashi was able to reach Wuhun City so quickly was that Tang Dahammer flew all the way here with him in his arms.

Tang Dahui and Yu Dashi agreed to gather at this place at this time the next day.

"Decades have passed by in a hurry, Wuhun City has been missing for a long time!"

Looking at the Wuhun City with six walls, Yu Dashi couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Knowing that time waits for no one, Yu Dashi walked into Wuhun City without the slightest hesitation.

Yu Dashi, who was dressed in commoner clothes, walked into the city after being examined by a soul master. At his age, he only had a soul power of level 29, so naturally he would not attract anyone's attention.

Without stopping for half a minute, or even taking a break, Yu Dashi went directly to the highest governing body of Wuhundian, the Pope's Palace.

In front of the Pope's Palace.


Two palace knights in silver armor blocked Yu Dashi's way, and a total of a hundred palace knights raised their knight swords at the same time.

"This is a forbidden area, if you take a step closer, you will be killed."

Facing hundreds of knights guarding the temple whose strength was significantly higher than his own, Yu Dashi's expression remained as indifferent as usual, and he raised his hand to show his token.

The leading knight guard stepped forward quickly, and when he saw the six patterns on the token, he suddenly had a strange expression on his face.

"Now let me in."

Yu Dashi stood with his hands behind his back, and said to the palace guard in a very flat manner.

It's a pity that what happened next didn't go as Yu Dashi expected.

These palace knights not only did not kneel down to him, but directly showed their anger and asked him: "Where did you get this token?"


Yu Dashi frowned, and said very pretendingly: "This is the Pope's decree, you, a little Knight of the Temple, are worthy of knowing the origin of the Pope's decree?"

Hearing this, the Templar Knight sneered, "If it's a real Pope's decree, then I, a little Templar Knight, really don't have the right to know its origin."

"However, the fake papal order in your hand, I think I can still know where it was forged, and what forces dare to forge the papal decree."

"Fake papal decree?"

Yu Dashi's eyes widened in disbelief, and he shouted: "Hao, keep your dog eyes wide open, and show me whether the Pope's decree in my hand is true or not."

Haotian Douluo, how could the papal decree given to Yu Dashi by Tang Dahammer be fake, Yu Dashi didn't believe it at all.

In desperation, he almost slipped his tongue just now.

"Hehe, I have been a Knight of the Templar for ten years, and I have seen the Pope's order eight hundred times if not one thousand. The Pope's order in your hand is a fake."

They were all scolded by Yu Dashi, and the Knights of the Palace would not be polite. He continued: "The patterns on the Pope's decree are chrysanthemums, ghosts, long swords, blue dragons, rocs, and crowns."

"Representing Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo, Sword Douluo, Thunderbolt Douluo, Tianpeng Douluo, and His Majesty the Pope."

"What is the pattern on the pope's order in your hand? A hammer? You have to make it more real if it is fake."

"It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be"

Yu Dashi's face was flushed, and he wanted to refute, but he didn't know where to start, so he could only repeat this sentence together.

"A mere 29th-level great soul master is also worthy of having the Pope's order, why don't you hurry up and get rid of me." The temple guard said with a sneer.

The Pope's Palace, which is close at hand, seems to Yu Dashi to be inaccessible as if it is separated by thousands of rivers and mountains.

Yu Dashi panicked instantly.

The script is not like that!

Didn't Tang Hao say that as long as the Pope's decree is presented, everyone in the entire Wuhun Hall whose status is below the Pope and the elders will kneel to him.

However, this thing suddenly doesn't work now, has it become a fake?
Turn around and leave now?

That definitely won't work, Yu Dashi hasn't obtained the training method of twin martial souls from Bibidong yet.

Oh, if possible, by the way, how to increase the lifespan of the spirit ring.

Therefore, Yu Dashi, who is charged with revitalizing the world of soul masters, can just walk away like this.

"Brother, can you help me inform the Pope that I, Yu Xiaogang, came to find her."

Yu Dashi immediately put away his defiant expression and replaced it with the expression he usually used for Tang Dachui.

Abbreviation: from the heart + humble.

"What Yu Xiaogang, Yu Dagang, you, a little great soul master, still want to see the Pope? One key is three yuan, ten yuan is three, do you deserve it?"

Yu Dashi heard the words of the Knights of the Temple, and subconsciously replied: "I am definitely not worthy."

As soon as the words fell, Yu Dashi's ears rang out the laughter of the knights guarding the palace.

"Hahaha, I thought you would say that you are worthy, but I didn't expect you to be self-aware."

"Don't go too far!"

Although Yu Dashi was a little stupid, he quickly understood the true meaning of this sentence.

"What are you, if you don't get out, I'll arrest you and put you in prison!" the Knight of the Palace said directly, drawing his sword.

It's no wonder that the Knight of the Temple Guard is so arrogant. It can only be said that Yu Dashi's attitude was too rampant at the beginning, and now he can be regarded as self-inflicted.

Yuda's teeth were itchy with moisture, but he had no choice but to turn around and leave in desperation.

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded behind Yu Dashi, and this voice was somewhat familiar to Yu Dashi.

"what's going on?"

Yu Dashi turned around and looked at the owner of the voice.

I saw a young woman walking slowly behind Yu Dashi.

She looks very beautiful, she looks about 27 or [-] years old, tall and slender, with black hair hanging on her shoulders, and a pair of watery eyes full of wisdom

She has a good figure, exquisite and embossed, and her curves are exposed.

The young woman was wearing a close-fitting pink gauze dress, exposing her perfect figure.

Seeing this woman, Yu Dashi's eyes widened immediately, the eyeballs almost popping out of their sockets, his face full of disbelief.

"red beans."

Yu Dashi pointed to the middle-aged woman and said.

"I've seen Your Majesty the Cuckoo!"

At the same time, nearly a hundred palace guards bowed down very neatly to salute the middle-aged woman.

"How many times have I told you that I'm just a Titled Douluo who got up by taking drugs, and my combat power is very limited, so you don't need to be polite!" Hong Dou said to the leading Knights of the Palace Guard.

"Subordinates dare not." After the leader of the Knights of the Temple stood up, he still said very respectfully.

Hongdou smiled helplessly, turned to look at Yu Dashi and asked, "Why did you appear here?"


Before Yu Dashi could speak, he was interrupted by the palace guard.

"This is a liar. I don't know where to get a fake Pope's decree, and he said that he wants to see the Pope. It's really sick."

The Templar Knight said disdainfully.

"I'm not a liar, haven't the patterns on the Pope's decree been the same since ancient times? How could it change!"

Yu Dashi's extremely angry roar diverted Hongdou's attention, and she asked, "Oh, may I see your Pope's decree?"

Yu Dashi didn't suspect him, and handed the Pope's decree to Hongdou.

Hongdou looked at it for a while, then returned the papal decree to Yu Xiaogang, and said, "This papal decree is true, but it is also false."

When Yu Dashi heard the words, he immediately froze.
What is true and false?
Is this still possible?
Perhaps seeing Yu Dashi's doubts, Hongdou said: "14 years ago, the Wuhun Palace held a meeting to re-elect the top three sects. Stand out and become the new top three."

"As a result, a new papal decree was conceived. The Clear Sky Hammer, the pattern representing the Clear Sky School on the new papal decree, was erased and replaced by Tianpeng Douluo's golden-winged roc."

After hearing Hongdou's detailed explanation, the corners of Yu Dashi's mouth twitched a few times, and he said, "That is to say, my papal decree has expired?"

"That's right, it's expired, so it's useless." Hongdou nodded.

Yu Dashi: "."

"No noise is allowed in front of the Pope's Palace. If Yu Xiaogang is fine, I suggest you leave immediately. Otherwise, if things get serious, Sect Master Yu will not be able to protect you."

Hongdou glanced at Yu Dashi and said lightly.

"That. Hongdou, can you meet the Pope?" Yu Dashi asked suddenly.

"Of course it is possible, but why do you ask that?" Hong Dou said.

Hongdou's slightly questionable words were like the sound of nature in Yu Dashi's ears, Yu Dashi said quickly: "Then you take me in together, I have something to do with the Pope."

Hongdou was stunned, as if she suspected that she had heard wrong.

The Pope of the Wuhun Palace can be seen by just anyone?
It is also because of Hongdou's special status that under normal circumstances, he can meet the Pope at any time. As for the elders of other Title Douluo levels, they may not always be able to see the Pope every time they want to.

You Yu Xiaogang, a level 29 great soul master, a plagiarist who seeks fame and fame, and a well-known trash, why do you think you have a lot of face?

Hongdou took a deep look at Yu Dashi, and Yu Dashi felt a little hairy when he saw it.

After a while, Hongdou said: "Don't say I'm taking you in, I can't even tell you a word."

"If you really want to see the Pope, the only way is to go to the Dragon Sect of Blue Lightning Overlord and ask Sect Master Jade to borrow the Pope's decree in his hand. If I remember correctly, Sect Master Jade should be your father. I don't think he will Deny your request."

"Of course, even if you have borrowed the Pope's decree, you are not the honorary elder of the Spirit Hall, but just a slightly special guest."

Yu Dashi: ".Why?"

Yu Dashi cracked again, he couldn't tear it apart, sister Qi.
According to the rules of Wuhundian, no matter who holds the Pope's decree, they are all regarded as the honorary elders of Wuhundian, and their status is equal to that of Ning Fengzhi.

But now, this has changed no matter what.

"The three papal decrees that are now drifting outside belong to the suzerains of the last three sects. Only the suzerains of the last three sects themselves hold the papal decrees, and can enjoy the treatment of honorary elders."

"Otherwise, just any cat or dog, I don't know where to get a Pope's decree, and I want to come to the Wuhun Palace to show off my power, so where will we put the face of the Wuhun Palace?"

"You have self-knowledge, Yu Xiaogang, are you right?"

This new proposal was passed a long time ago. To put it bluntly, it is to implement a real-name system for the outflowing papal orders.

Otherwise, if Yu Yuanzhen and Ning Fengzhi lend the Pope's decree to Yu Dashi or Tang San at that time, will Wuhun Palace still be able to receive them as honorary elders?

In this way, Yu Dashi's way of filling the cup directly through the Pope's decree was completely blocked.

The temperature in Hongdou's mouth should be around 36 degrees, but every word she uttered was like a cold sharp knife, piercing Yu Dashi's chest fiercely.

A cat or a dog?

You might as well name them directly!
Do people have self-knowledge?
If I didn't know myself, how dare I come to Bibi Dong?

Good you red bean, I haven't seen you for more than ten years, but you have become so sharp-tongued, you are nothing but a scientific researcher, I am ashamed to be with you!
However, now that the matter has come to this point, there is absolutely no way for Yu Dashi to enter the Pope's Palace and see Bibi Dong.

In desperation, he could only snort coldly, waved his sleeves, pretended to be very chic, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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