Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 353 Tang is Level 350

Chapter 353 Tang San is Level 50
Compared to the Sunset Forest and the Star Dou Forest, apart from the large difference in size, there are also many differences.

Star Dou Great Forest is located in the central area of ​​the mainland, and it is the largest spirit beast forest in the central area.

It is also in the tropical range, and most of the forests are dominated by tropical plants.

The location of the Sunset Forest is in the center of the Heaven Dou Empire. Although it is not in the cold zone, the temperature is much lower than that of the Star Dou Great Forest. This makes the plants here are more temperate plants that are unique to the north. .

Tropical plants feel more dense and moist.

Although the feeling of temperate plants is refreshing, it is not as dense as tropical plants.

So it is much easier to act in the Sunset Forest than in the Star Dou Forest.

However, powerful soul beasts generally prefer tropical rainforests like the Star Dou Forest.

Although there are quite a few soul beasts in the Sunset Forest, there are not many soul beasts with a cultivation base of more than 3 years, but there are definitely not a few soul beasts that are over ten thousand years old.

A small dungeon like Sunset Forest is like a back garden to Tang Hao at the title Douluo level.

Deliberately avoiding the position of the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye, Tang Hao's powerful spiritual power of the Title Douluo level came out through his body.

He soon found a soul beast that was very suitable for Tang San in a cave, it was a 1-year-old iron-backed black bear.

A mere 1-year-old soul beast, with Tang Hao's title Douluo's fighting power, only blinked, and the Iron Ridge Black Bear's limbs were smashed into flesh, its proud bones were smashed, and it turned into a plant bear.

"Little San, kill it!" Tang Hao ordered Tang San.

"Okay, Papa."

Tang San took out the Clear Sky Hammer and smashed it on the iron-backed black bear's head one after another, making bang bang bang noises.

Maybe it was because of the experience of craniotomy, Tang San's resentment was very great, even if he smashed the head of the iron-backed black bear out of his brain, he still didn't stop.

It wasn't until a black ten thousand year spirit ring emerged from the Iron Ridge Black Bear's corpse mountain that Tang San stopped his "violence".

Tang San sat cross-legged, and began to absorb the iron-backed black bear's spirit ring.

Although the Iron Ridge Black Bear is a ten thousand year spirit beast, absorbing its spirit ring will cause soul shocks, but after Tang San had an experience once, absorbing the Iron Ridge Black Bear's spirit ring went very smoothly this time.

Four hours later, night gradually fell, and Tang San also finished absorbing the iron-spine black bear's spirit ring.

"Little San, how much has the spirit power increased?" Tang Hao asked Tang San when he saw that he had absorbed the spirit ring.

"Papa, I have increased by 3 levels, and now my soul power is level 46."

Not long ago Tang San's spirit power had been raised by another level, as a male pig's foot, this was very reasonable.

"You now have 4 soul rings for the Blue Silver Grass martial soul, and 1 soul ring for the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul. If you calculate according to the normal situation, the next soul ring you can add to the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul can be considered within 2 years. about."

Tang San nodded, and continued Tang Hao's words: "However, according to my sister, my Clear Sky Hammer spirit cannot be attached with a 2-year spirit ring at all, because my body can't bear it."

"Little San, do you want to try to see if you can absorb a 2-year spirit ring, or just continue to absorb a 1-year spirit ring?" Tang Hao asked Tang San.

"My feeling is that I can absorb a 1-year spirit ring, but I would like to try to see if I can absorb a 5000-year spirit ring." Tang San said with a ruthless look on his face.

"Okay, let's try it. If you find that you can't bear it, Papa will help you interrupt the absorption process of the soul ring." Tang Hao said.

Tang Hao led Tang San to continue searching for a soul beast suitable for him.

Perhaps it was because of Tang San's strong luck. In less than two hours, Tang Hao found a 2-year-old giant ape next to a big tree.

It was still Tang Hao who shot and broke the five limbs of the giant ape, plus the backbone, and then a plant ape was born.

"Bang bang bang!"

Tang San killed an evil spirit beast again, pulled its black spirit ring over, and began to absorb the 2-year spirit ring.

At the same time, Tang Hao stared at Tang San firmly, watching the process of Tang San absorbing the spirit ring,
If there is something wrong, Tang Hao will immediately block Tang San from absorbing this ten thousand year spirit ring.

However, within an hour of the process of absorbing the soul ring, a scene that made Tang Hao furious appeared.

At this time, within Tang San's body, the originally two distinct spirit forces began to riot, confronting each other and impacting each other.

This made Tang San not only have to bear the soul shock of absorbing the ten thousand year spirit ring, but also bear the impact of the two soul forces in his body colliding with each other.

"It seems that Xiaowei's statement about the twin spirits is completely correct. Xiaosan can't absorb the 2-year spirit ring."

Tang Hao's brows were tightly frowned, and Tang San's current situation was getting more and more wrong, if he continued to absorb it, Tang San would only explode and die!

In desperation, Tang Hao could only make a move, interrupting Tang San's process of absorbing the spirit ring, pulling Tang San back from the line of life and death.

"Dad, I failed!"

Tang San's expression was very disappointed, and he said in a desolate tone.

Although I have already prepared myself, but if I really want to accept this fact, no matter who I am, it will be very difficult.

"How do you feel about the process of absorbing the spirit ring?"

Tang Hao asked with a serious expression.

"From the moment I absorbed this soul ring, the soul power belonging to the Clear Sky Hammer and the soul power belonging to the Blue Silver Grass began to collide with each other in my body, and because my body was not strong enough to bear it, I almost split apart .”

"My guess is that the Clear Sky Hammer only had one soul ring before, and the proportion it occupied in my body was low after all, so it was completely suppressed by the soul power of the Blue Silver Grass. , then this ratio will be out of balance, causing a conflict between the two soul forces."

"Of course, if my body can withstand the conflict of two spirit forces, then I can still absorb this spirit ring."

Tang San clenched his fists tightly, his face very gloomy.

"In other words, either increase the body's endurance, or choose to absorb a spirit ring with a lower age."

Tang Hao's face was not very good-looking either.

"Papa, let's try a 1-year spirit ring, I think I can absorb a spirit ring of this age." Tang San said.

"That's the only way to go." Tang Hao said.

Tang Hao led Tang San to continue searching for spirit beasts in the Sunset Forest.

This time, Tang San's luck didn't show any effect, as if it was a sign of something.

It's a pity that Tang San doesn't understand such illusory things as luck.

Therefore, the father and son searched for dawn, only to find a 1-year-old wild king kong.

Father and son hold hands and press feet.
Soon the 1-year-old Wild King Kong also followed in the footsteps of the two soul beasts yesterday and became Plant Gang.

Tang San absorbed the 1-year-old wild King Kong's soul ring, and the process was also bumpy. Although he was not always on the verge of exploding, it still made Tang Dahammer worried.

For more than six hours, Tang San finally absorbed this spirit ring.

"Little San, how much has the spirit power increased?" Tang Hao asked again after seeing Tang San successfully absorbed the spirit ring.

As for what spirit ability he has obtained, Tang Hao doesn't really care about it yet, what he cares more about is how many levels Tang San has raised this time.

"Papa, this time I've raised a little more than two levels. I feel that I'm almost on the verge of reaching level 49. If I can absorb a soul ring that's more than 1 years old, I'm confident that I can directly increase to level 50." Tang San said.

When Tang Dachui heard what Tang San said, he also had a little understanding in his heart.

Currently Tang San's spirit power should be a little over level 48.5, if he can absorb a spirit ring that is more than ten thousand years old, it will not be a problem to increase it by 1.5 levels.

As long as Tang San's strength is raised to level [-], then Tang Hao can take Tang San to the Blue Silver Forest to awaken his martial soul to the Blue Silver Emperor.

Only when Tang San's Blue Silver Grass is awakened can he display its true power. At that time, Tang San's strength will have a qualitative leap. If he wants to win the championship in this competition, his hope is very high.

Tang Hao, who was already prepared, helped Tang San find an 1-year-old Xuanshui giant crocodile this time, and planned to use it as the third spirit ring for Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer.

However, an unfortunate scene happened again. When Tang San absorbed this spirit ring, his physical condition was exactly the same as that of the 2-year-old giant ape.

That is the explosive body!
Seeing this, Tang Hao's face was so gloomy that water dripped out. After absorbing this 1-year-old soul ring, Tang San became the soul king, which is a sure thing.

But it can't be absorbed at all now, doesn't that mean that the first four spirit rings of Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer Wuhun would be wasted if promoted to Soul King.

Tang Hao shot again, interrupting the absorption process of the spirit ring, looked at Tang San very helplessly, and said: "Baba, help you find a spirit beast that has just reached 1 years to make the spirit ring of the Clear Sky Hammer."

"Well, that's the only way to go." Tang San nodded and said.

Next, Tang Hao found a saber-toothed black tiger that had just reached 1 years old, and prepared to use it as a spirit ring for Tang San.

It was still a familiar operation, and it was still a familiar formula. This saber-toothed black tiger turned into a plant tiger again.

Although this absorption process lasted for more than ten hours, at the last moment, Tang San still failed.

"Hateful Spirit Hall!!!"

Tang Hao summoned his Clear Sky Hammer, smashed it at a hill, venting the anger in his heart.

"Papa, do as my sister said, find a soul beast around 9000 years old as the third soul ring, and finally find a soul beast with 5000 years as the fourth soul ring."

Tang San took a deep breath, and said somewhat disheartened.

In the end, Tang Hao helped Tang San find a 9000-year-old violent earth bear, and Tang San barely managed to absorb it!

"Little San, how are you? Have you broken through to level 50?" Tang Hao asked impatiently.

At this moment, Tang San's face was as dark as the African chief's, his feeling was only a little bit worse, less than half a level, and his spirit power could be raised to level 50.

If Tang San's spirit power was level 48.5 just now, it is now level 49.7.

It's just that at level 0.3, even if Tang San wanted to improve through cultivation, it would take two or three months, and the cucumber dishes would be cold by then.

Moreover, absorbing soul bones can only increase the strength of the body, not the soul power.

Therefore, the last choice for Tang Hao and Tang San is to add a fourth spirit ring to the Clear Sky Hammer.

With no choice, Tang Hao found a 5000-year-old powerful orangutan for Tang San. Tang San was also very "vigorous" and successfully absorbed this soul ring, and became a glorious soul king.

So far, Tang San's second spirit, the spirit ring of the Clear Sky Hammer, is black and purple.

If this kind of spirit ring configuration is placed on the first martial spirit and turned into purple, purple, black and black, it is enough to compete with the first few spirit rings of the Galaxy Fleet.

It's a pity, this is the soul ring of the second Wuhun Clear Sky Hammer, this kind of configuration can only be regarded as average, more than the above and not enough than the below.

Therefore, the faces of both father and son were very ugly.

Tang San was regretting, so if he hadn't cared about playing with Xiao Wu at Notting College, he wouldn't have only improved by less than 15 levels in six years.

You know, Tang San was born with full spirit power, he started at level 10, then absorbed the first spirit ring, raised his spirit power by 3 levels, and became level 13.

At level 20, if you absorb the second spirit ring, it will only increase by 1 level.

Adding all these together, Tang San started at level 14.

However, when Tang San joined Shrek Academy at the age of 12, he was only at level 29, that is to say, in the six years of entering Nuoding Junior Soul Master Academy, he had only improved by less than 15 levels.

Congenitally full of soul power, and with the Xuantian Kungfu accelerator, he has been promoted to 15 levels in six years. Tang San is not half-hearted. Is this possible?
Tang Hao was also regretting, if he had trained his son from the beginning, then even with the help of the energy of the spirit ring, Tang San would at least be around level 46 this year.

Then, by wasting at most the two spirit rings in front of the Clear Sky Hammer, Tang San would be able to raise his spirit power to level 50

Instead of wasting the four spirit rings of the Clear Sky Hammer like now.

But the problem is that there is no regret drug sale in any world, so no matter how much the father and son regret it, it will not help.

"Little San, it's getting dark now, take a good rest, Papa will take you to the Blue Silver Forest tomorrow, so that your Blue Silver Grass can truly awaken into the Blue Silver Emperor." There was a trace of bitterness in Tang Hao's words.

"I understand papa, but where is the Blue Silver Forest?"

Tang San took a deep breath, and after adjusting his emotions, he asked Tang Hao.

"Blue Silver Forest, that's where your mother was born."

When Tang Hao said this, his eyes were full of tenderness.

The other half, the bored Qian Chongling, lay in the big bed in the hotel with his whole body in the shape of Taizi.

"Dididi, the wicked host of the Five Elements, this system tells you a very important thing, that is, Tang San is now level 50."

The extremely vicious words of the dog system appeared in Qian Zhongling's mind.

"Is it so fast? When will Tang Hao set off for Blue Silver Forest?"

Maybe because he heard the good news, Qian Zhongling subconsciously ignored the words "five elements and evil".

"Tang Hao and Tang San will go to Blue Silver Forest tomorrow."

"Very good, very good, Chen Shuang, your chance has come!"

The dog system and Qian Chongling let out strange laughter again.

(End of this chapter)

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