Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 354 Why is there a mother

Chapter 354 Why is there a mother

Five days later, Tang San, led by Tang Hao, came to an unknown forest, also known as the Blue Silver Forest.

Tang Hao stopped in front of the forest, and said to Tang San: "Do you know why I am not in the Sunset Forest, to help you obtain the fifth spirit ring of the Blue Silver Grass?"

Tang San shook his head and said, "Papa, I don't know."

Tang Hao smiled slightly, but he didn't explain to Tang San, only he pointed to the ground and said, "Sit down."

Tang San was stunned for a moment, but he still sat down cross-legged as he said, but he didn't understand what his father wanted him to do.

Tang Hao didn't explain, walked up to Tang San, and said: "Release your blue silver grass, and then use your heart to feel it. With your current mental strength, you should be able to feel it."

"Originally, I didn't want you to acquire this skill so early, but too many accidents have happened now. If you don't get it, I'm afraid we won't be able to get your numb relic back."

Tang San didn't think much about it, he immediately closed his eyes, the Wuhun Blue Silver Grass was released by itself, the mental power concentrated and scattered around.

Strangely, Tang San felt that the surrounding blue silver grass seemed to be calling him, he could even distinguish the emotion of each blue silver grass.

Tang San also had this feeling when he was cultivating outside Tiandou City, but that time he hit Shi Nian's ultimate move, the process was not very pleasant.

Gradually, Tang San was immersed in this feeling, and he discovered that all the Blue Silver Grass seemed to have a kind of humiliating emotion towards him.

It seemed like his own child, talking to his mother excitedly, this was an emotion Tang San had never felt before.

Every plant of blue silver grass in the forest began to release faint spiritual fluctuations. The seemingly weak but countless blue silver grass were connected with each other.

A rather huge mental magnetic field actually formed, this spiritual magnetic field merged with Tang San's released spiritual power, the range Tang San could feel was immediately increased exponentially.

At this moment, suddenly, a voice without warning sounded in Tang San's heart.

"Wang, great king, is it really you? You finally came to me, thank God."

king?Is this calling me?

Tang San was slightly taken aback, he didn't understand why a voice appeared in his spiritual world, and called himself king.

But at this moment, Tang Hao, who was standing beside him, had a faint smile on his face, and his mental power was always activated.

In the originally peaceful and distant Blue Silver Grass spiritual magnetic field, a strong spiritual power suddenly came, and this spiritual power was quickly entangled with Tang San's spiritual power, like two ropes tied together.

"King, can you come to me, please?"

The voice seemed to grow more urgent, with a strong desire.

Tang San opened his eyes in surprise, and subconsciously looked at Tang Hao.

Tang Hao said with a smile: "You should have felt it, go, go find it, go to awaken your Blue Silver Emperor martial soul, and get your fifth Blue Silver Emperor soul ring."


Tang San nodded, and then his figure disappeared into the Blue Silver Forest!
After running rapidly for about an hour, the mental power connected with Tang San became very clear.

"King, I'm here."

The spiritual call reappeared, and there was even a hint of nervousness in the excitement.

Passing through two ancient trees that required at least several people to hug, Tang San moved his mental power and locked on to a plant in front of him.

He could clearly feel that the spiritual call came from this plant.

The slender vines climbed up and tangled until about ten meters in the air.

It looked like a special plant composed of countless vines condensed together.

The whole body is clear blue, and the epidermis is shining with a special kind of crystal. Around it, blue silver grass grows particularly lush.

Each of the vines has the thickness of an ordinary person's waist and is more than a foot in diameter.

At this time, it was swinging slightly, and in the middle of the vine, there was a trace that looked like a human face.

The expression of the plant at this moment seems to be smiling, a very happy smile.

"Are you calling me?"

Tang San stared at the huge vine in front of him with scorching eyes. Although he already felt that the other party didn't have the slightest malice, he still couldn't help but increase his vigilance in his heart.

"Yes, great king, it is I who call you."

The face in the center of the vines entwined moved, revealing a very humane expression, and even spit out words.

"Who are you? Why do you call me king?" Tang San asked curiously.

The vine smiled and said, "Because the blood flowing through your body is more noble than mine. If I am the king of the blue silver grass, then you are the emperor of the blue silver grass."

Hearing this, Tang San instantly realized that what his papa Tang Hao said, his Blue Silver Grass martial soul was actually the unawakened Blue Silver Emperor martial soul.

But how to wake up?
Looking at this huge Blue Silver King, Tang San had a vague guess in his heart.

The huge Blue Silver King continued: "The Blue Silver King will always be in the same line in this world. Only after the previous generation of Blue Silver King dies, the next generation of Blue Silver King will appear, and you are the only one who is alive today. A person with the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor."

"Are you willing, let me help you awaken your Blue Silver Emperor bloodline and become"

Before the Blue Silver King finished speaking, a sharp piercing sound came down from the sky, and a blue figure could be seen faintly.

"who is it?"

The Blue Silver King let out a sky-shattering roar, and the thick vine instantly rose into the air, like a huge javelin, shooting towards the falling figure.

MMP, I, the Blue Silver King, have waited for 14 years and finally feel the breath of my mother.

After finally being able to return to his mother's embrace, he will no longer be ridiculed by other spirit beasts as a child without a mother.

But now, someone actually dares to come here to cause sabotage, look at me not stabbing you to death with the Blue Silver Overlord Gun!
The huge blue and silver Overlord Spear pierced the sky, like a stream of light, crashing into the blue figure.

Wait, this is.
Just when the Blue Silver Overlord Spear was about to stab the blue figure, the Blue Silver King's face showed an unbelievable expression.

"The smell of mother! Why is there a mother!"

The Blue Silver King let out an exclamation, and the huge Blue Silver Overlord Spear suddenly turned back into thick vines, carefully wrapping around the falling figure.

Afterwards, the Blue Silver King slowly retracted the vines, and it loosened the vines very carefully.

In that instant, a girl in a long blue dress appeared in front of Tang San and the Blue Silver King.

"Chen Shuang!"

"His Majesty!"

Two completely different titles sounded almost at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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