Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 377 How Can You Be So Strong

Chapter 377 How Can You Be So Strong

The energy of the ten-thousand-year soul ring was immediately transmitted to the Haotian Hammer, rendering the pattern on the hammer's body even deeper.

The Haotian Hammer, blessed by the ring explosion and the chaotic cloak, cut through the air, biting towards Lu Lingqi's chest like a ferocious black poisonous snake.

"You won't die until you reach the Yellow River, and you won't cry when you don't see the coffin. Anyway, I will let this general teach you what is the real halberd technique."

"Bahuang Town Demon Halberd: Dance!"

As soon as the words were finished, Lu Lingqi closed her eyes, and opened her phoenix eyes again in an instant.

At this moment, Lu Lingqi gave everyone the feeling that she had merged with the silver-white Fang Tian painted halberd in the palm of her right hand.

People and halberds unite to suppress demons and dance wildly.

Lu Lingqi moved half a step with her left foot, her right arm was slightly bent, and the Fang Tian Painting Halberd in her right hand was as swift as a gust of wind and as swift as thunder, like a giant silver-white dragon.


The silver-white giant dragon collided with the black poisonous snake, and there was a roar that tore through the air, and the turbulent flow of the materialized air blade cut mottled and interlaced marks on the surrounding ground.

The Big Sumeru Hammer and the Chaotic Wind Hammer, which Tang San gave high hopes to, did not give Tang San an advantage in the confrontation.

The strength transmitted from Fang Tian's painted halberd was twice as strong as before, which shocked Tang San endlessly.

With one blow, Tang San's legs kept moving back tens of meters, plowing two deep furrows on the ground.

Tang San's hands were trembling, his muscles were howling in pain, tiny bloodstains were all over his bare arms, it was caused by the huge pressure on the surface of the skin.

Many people who eat melons can tell who is strong and who is weak as long as they have eyes.

However, the battle did not end there.

Lu Lingqi, who was only defending but not attacking, moved at this moment.

Her legs were slightly bent, she jumped lightly, her slender and vigorous body was like a cannonball, and she appeared in front of Tang San in the blink of an eye.

From Tang San's perspective, the silver-white painted halberd slipped down again.

Tang San barely squeezed out the last bit of strength, and blocked the Clear Sky Hammer in front of him, hoping to block this blow.


The miracle didn't happen, Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer went out directly, and Tang San was directly blown away.

"The strength of this blow is four times stronger than before, how is this possible!"

Tang San, who was trembling all over, showed a horrified look on his face, thinking that Lu Lingqi's second attack just now was four times stronger than the original one.

At the same time, Lu Lingqi looked at the direction where Tang San landed, her figure disappeared in a flash, and when she reappeared, she was already at the lower right of Tang San's position.

Lu Lingqi waved the silver-white Fangtian painted halberd in her hand, a white wind blade pierced the sky, and slashed straight on Tang San's left chest.

It was this blow that unexpectedly made Tang San's falling speed stagnate.

A cold light flashed in Lu Lingqi's phoenix eyes, and the Fang Tian painting halberd in her hand swung a wind blade again, slashing at her right chest and abdomen.

Taking this move again, Tang San's body seemed to really stop falling.

"Suppressing demons and dancing wildly!"

With a loud shout, Lu Lingqi danced Fang Tian's painted halberd in her hand so tightly that wind blades were cut out of the halberd blade one after another.



The sound of clothes being torn, and the sound of sharp blades piercing through flesh and blood echoed in the arena.



Blood spurted out, hot blood sprayed, and the cloth on the entire arena was dyed red. The blood flowed down the arena, dripping down on the ground.

Tang San ate 81 times [-] times, just in line with the Haotian Hammer's [-] return to one, and then fell from midair.

On the ring, Tang San's body was lying on the ground like a ball of bloody mud.

If it wasn't for Tang San's chest still rising and falling, anyone would suspect that he was dead.

It can be said that how confident Tang San was last night is how miserable he is now.

Xiao Wu was far away from Tang San, but she clearly saw Tang San's miserable appearance.

"Three cuts."

Xiao Wu's heart was pulled into her throat, and her delicate body shook violently a few times.

Xiao Wu wanted to rush to the arena to check Tang San's injuries seriously, but she didn't dare.

Looking at the female general on the ring, Xiao Wu felt fear, despair and bewilderment from the bottom of her heart.

During the qualifiers, the three cleared Clear Sky Hammers didn't have soul rings, and they could defeat Lu Lingqi even with the Wind Hammer Technique.

Now the Clear Sky Hammer has four spirit rings attached, its power more than doubled.

Why was Lu Lingqi oppressed and beaten instead?

People who have the same idea as Xiao Wu also include Dai Mubai, Tang Xuanwei, Ma Hongjun and the Golden Love Triangle.

"Impossible, how could Lu Lingqi be so strong? This is impossible! There must be something wrong."

Dai Mubai's eyes were dull, and he muttered to himself.

How arrogant Dai Mubai was last night, how terrified and desperate Dai Mubai is now.

A total of 81 knives, every knife avoids the vital point!

Tang San was about to be cut into pieces, and the injury he suffered was only skin trauma, not even a bit of internal injury, this level of control was simply unimaginable.

Tang San, who used the Great Sumeru Hammer and the Chaotic Cape at the same time, was beaten like this by Lu Lingqi, and Dai Mubai, who was weaker than Tang San, his fate was self-evident.

As for why Dai Mubai knew that Tang San had no internal injuries at all.

That's because Tang San has already been carried on a stretcher by the healing soul master of the Royal Knights, that is, the military doctor, and sent to the treatment room.

It was the military doctor who came over and told everyone in Shrek Academy that Tang San was fine, and asked them to play as soon as possible to start the second match.

On the stage of the promotion competition, Lu Lingqi held Fang Tian's painted halberd, her posture was proud, and she was undoubtedly a general.

The result of this game is beyond doubt.

Lu Lingqi defeated Tang San with an overwhelming advantage, and even beat Tang San to a bloody mess, but Tang San's life was safe.

Urged by the referee, Dai Mubai reluctantly stepped onto the ring, his expression extremely solemn.

"It's your big white cat, does your injury still hurt?"

Lu Lingqi raised her eyebrows, as if teasing Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai swallowed, although he didn't know what Lu Lingqi was talking about, but he always felt a dull pain somewhere.

During the 1-minute preparation time, Dai Mubai let out a roar of a tiger, and he had already summoned the white tiger spirit, completed the spirit possession, and the four common spirit ring configurations of yellow, yellow, purple, and purple had no way to let Chigua The crowd was shocked.

Then the game officially started.

Dai Mubai's routine is still Cheng Yaojin's three axes, first activate the third soul ability White Tiger Vajra Transformation, then the second soul ability White Tiger Light Wave, and finally the fourth soul ability White Tiger Meteor Shower.

A mass of milky white light balls and golden light balls all over the sky whizzed past in the air, attacking Lu Lingqi.

And Dai Mubai was in the gap, stretching out his tiger claws to pat Lu Lingqi's body.

(End of this chapter)

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