Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 378 I, Xiao Wu, will never let her go if she hurts 3 times

Chapter 378 I, Xiao Wu, Will Never Let Her Go
"You big white cat, you really haven't made any progress at all."

Lu Lingqi sneered, dodging these attacks gracefully, then held Fang Tian's painted halberd, and swung it towards Dai Mubai's chest.

The tiger's claw and Fang Tian's painted halberd collided with each other, and the result was needless to say.

Dai Mubai couldn't bear the huge force from Fang Tian's painting halberd at all, he rolled on the ground more than ten times before barely stopping.


During this brief contact, Dai Mubai suddenly spat out a blood arrow from his throat, spraying a mouthful of old blood onto the ring.

And his tiger paw was already dripping with blood, probably already a mild disability.


Dai Mubai endured the severe pain, and very reluctantly supported his body to stand up, the bright red blood dripped down the ground along his palm.

"Why? Why are you so strong?" Dai Mubai asked, resisting the pain in his hands.

Dai Mubai really couldn't believe that Lu Lingqi's strength was so strong, but the facts were in front of him, so he couldn't help but not believe it.

What's even weirder is that Dai Mubai still has another memory in his mind, the memory of defeating the Galaxy Fleet.

Two completely different memories are intertwined in Dai Mubai's mind, making him feel like he can't tell which is true and which is false.

"You seem very puzzled? Do you think our strength is different from what you remember?"

Lu Lingqi carried Fang Tian's painted halberd upside down, and walked towards Dai Mubai's position step by step, the silver-white tip of the halberd drew a deep dent in the ground.

"That's because, in the qualifying match, your memories were false."

Lu Lingqi showed a strange smile, and continued: "Let me help you recall the truth of the matter one by one."

"Bahuang Town Demon Halberd: Feng Lan!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Lingqi stepped on her right foot, and cracks appeared on the ring.

At the same time, the Fang Tian painting halberd in her hand made sixteen strokes in the void in an instant.

In the next second, sixteen hurricanes appeared out of thin air, spinning continuously at high speed in the air like a swimming dragon, exuding one after another of incomparably sharp aura.

"Another self-created soul skill?"

Seeing the hurricane coming towards him from all directions, beads of sweat the size of peas appeared on Dai Mubai's head, the corners of his mouth twitching non-stop, he was really shocked.

"White tiger shield!"

In the duel with Lu Lingqi just now, Dai Mubai knew that he had no hope of winning at all, but how could he be willing to lose the match like this?

I saw a golden shield covering Dai Mubai's body, this soul ability was his only defense system soul ability.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom."

Sixteen hurricanes slammed into the golden shield fiercely, and bursts of loud noises continued to resound in the ears.

Although this golden shield is blessed by the White Tiger Vajra Transformation, the gap between Dai Mubai and Lu Lingqi is too large, and this spirit ability's lifespan is still very short.

Under the berserk impact of the hurricane, it finally shattered and turned into golden flakes.

Sixteen violent hurricanes swept directly towards Dai Mubai without stopping at all.

Dai Mubai had a horrified expression on his face, and deep regret in his eyes.

He shouldn't have forced himself, he should have surrendered.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world.


Under the sweep of the hurricane, Dai Mubai was directly sucked into the center of the hurricane, his clothes were twisted to pieces, flesh and blood flew all over the sky.

The wind disappeared, and the violent hurricane gradually dissipated.
The results of the second match between the Galaxy Fleet VS Shrek Academy team have already appeared.

Dai Mubai of the Shrek Academy team, he has already fallen down, dripping with blood, with hideous wounds all over his body, his pale ribs looming.

Lu Lingqi of the Galaxy Fleet looked at everyone in the Shrek Academy team indifferently with her phoenix eyes.

This scene directly dazed Yu Dashi's mind, he rushed to the ring like crazy, and shouted to the referee: "She is deliberately killing people, I demand that they be sentenced to lose immediately!"

The referee glanced at the motionless Lu Lingqi, then at the bloody Dai Mubai, not knowing what to say for a while.

"In terms of power control, among the four of us, I am the number one. If I want to cut off your hair, I won't hurt your scalp."

"Tang San and Dai Mubai looked as if they were hacked into pieces, but they were actually wounded. If you don't believe it, you can ask the military doctor to come and check him."

Lu Lingqi spoke the uncommon facts in a very plain tone.

Soon, the military doctor came.

Unfortunately, the result given by the military doctor was exactly the same as what Lu Lingqi said.

There were numerous wounds on Dai Mubai's body, but none of them touched a vital point, they were all flesh wounds.

After treatment, as long as you rest for a few days, you can recover.

Dai Mubai was carried on a stretcher, and the next one to appear was the 10-year-old rogue rabbit, Xiao Wu.

The Rogue Rabbit looked at Lu Lingqi solemnly, thinking about how to deal with Lu Lingqi.

However, in the Douluo Continent, as a soul sect, Xiao Wu only has four soul skills.

The first soul skill: Charm.

Second Soul Skill: Waist Bow.

The third soul skill: Teleportation.

Fourth Soul Skill: Invincible Golden Body.

With the addition of an enhanced version of the waist bow, it can kill the eight-stage fall.

How to combine and use these skills, do I need to say more?

One minute later, the match between Xiao Wu and Lu Lingqi started.

"The third soul skill: Teleportation!"

After the martial spirit possessed her body, Xiao Wu transformed into a real rabbit-eared girl, and the third spirit ring on her body burst into purple light.

"The first soul skill: Charm."

Xiao Wu's figure flashed, and she appeared in front of Lu Lingqi in an instant, and her first soul ability was released at this instant.

One pair of eyes, one red and one black, belonged to Xiao Wu and Lu Lingqi, and they were looking at each other at this moment, while Lu Lingqi's black eyes seemed a little hollow.

"Successful, kill the [-]th Duan explosively"

Originally thinking that she had successfully controlled Lu Lingqi, Xiao Wu immediately prepared to let Lu Lingqi have a taste of what it means to explode and kill Baduan.

Let her know that I, Xiaowu, will never let anyone who hurts Sanwao go.

"Even Kuang San is unwilling to fight me in close combat, little rabbit, do you think you can?"

In the next second, Lu Lingqi's cold words reached Xiao Wu's ears, making Xiao Wu slightly taken aback.

A hint of ridicule flashed in Lu Lingqi's black eyes, Fang Tian's painted halberd in her white right palm disappeared, and she directly reached out and grabbed Xiao Wu's head.

"The fourth soul skill: Invincible Golden Body."

The omnipotent charm had no effect on Lu Lingqi, Xiao Wu's face showed a look of panic, and she quickly used the fourth soul skill.

The next moment, Xiao Wu's body was suddenly covered by a layer of rich golden light, facing Lu Lingqi's palm.

(End of this chapter)

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