Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 380 Shrek Academy Tragedy 1 Wear 7

Chapter 380 Shrek Academy Tragedy
"That's it? I thought sister Xiaowei said something, this Lu Lingqi is really sick."

Tang San shouted, very dissatisfied.

Tang San didn't know the meaning of this sentence at all, he had never heard of it.

Seeing my two younger sisters, one biological sister and the other god-sister, both suffered such horrific torture.

Tang San's heart was twisted like a knife, the double negative buff of the mask of pain was achieved.

"No, then the only people left in Shrek Academy are Huang Yuan and Zhu Zhuqing?"

Tang San was feeling sorry for his two younger sisters, but Dai Mubai suddenly remembered that their Shrek Academy was still competing with the Galaxy Fleet.

Now that both Tang Xuanwei and Ma Hongjun have been sent in, the only person left in Shrek Academy who can fight is Zhu Zhuqing.

As for Huang Yuan, what?
Shrek academy team, there is no such person.

"That's right, when I came in just now, Huang Yuan had already played."

Zhao Wou-ki said very frankly.

As soon as the words fell, Huang Yuan was carried in again.
However, Huang Yuan's injury was the lightest. Not long after he played, he ate Lu Lingqi's long leg.

Then, it flew out of the field gorgeously.

Of course, there was a huge gap between the soul master and the soul king, and Huang Yuan still had a few broken ribs and a slight fracture in his calf.

Dai Mubai and the others: "."

The corners of Tang San's mouth twitched, and he asked with some lack of confidence: "Mr. Zhao, when you came in, how was Lu Lingqi's spirit power consumed?"

Zhao Wuji shook his head, and said to Tang San: "I know what you want to ask, I can only tell you that all she uses is self-created soul skills, I can't judge how much she consumes."

"And when I came in, she had already fought five games in a row, and she didn't look exhausted at all."

Hearing what Zhao Wuji said, Tang San no longer dared to hope for victory in this match.

All he expects now is that Zhu Zhuqing can finish Lu Lingqi, and don't let their Shrek team be defeated.

Dividing line.
On the stage of the promotion competition, Zhu Zhuqing had already summoned the Martial Soul Moon Shadow Demon Cat, his body was yellow, purple, purple and black, and the four soul rings exuded a bright light
Zhu Zhuqing's blue vertical pupils looked at her opponent with incomparable dignity.

Even in the face of a super martial soul, the Moon Shadow Demon Cat martial soul, who is not afraid at all, is trembling today.

This feeling only appeared when facing that Qian Guangyue.

"During the qualifiers, were you hiding your strength?" Zhu Zhuqing asked Lu Lingqi very puzzled.

"Why do you think so?" Lu Lingqi smiled meaningfully.

"Because with the strength you showed today, it is impossible for Shrek to defeat you."

Zhu Zhuqing's meaning is very simple, if you are so strong alone, how outrageous will the fighting power of those seven be.

"After playing this game, you will know the result, whether you win or lose, you will know."

As soon as Lu Lingqi finished speaking, the referee's voice also sounded, revealing that the last match had already begun.

"Second Soul Skill: Dark Night Falls."

"The first soul skill: Netherworld Broken Void Claw."

Zhu Zhuqing immediately used the enhanced BUFF, and a dark aura enveloped her delicate body.

In the next second, Zhu Zhuqing's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, leaving only a vague afterimage, and this afterimage gradually dissipated.

"Kitty's speed is good, but."

Seeing this, Lu Lingqi smiled instead of being startled, as if she was avoiding some attack, her body suddenly moved a few steps to the left.


At this moment, five deep claw marks appeared on Lu Lingqi's original position, which were extremely eye-catching on the ring.

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing's figure slowly appeared, her face was a little gloomy.

"Are you surprised?"

Lu Lingqi glanced at Zhu Zhuqing indifferently, and continued: "Maybe in the eyes of others, your speed is good, but in my eyes, it's just that. I can see your figure very clearly."

"Also, even if your speed exceeds my capture limit, you can't pose any threat to me."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing's pupils shrank suddenly, and subconsciously retorted: "This is impossible!"

Faced with Zhu Zhuqing's doubts, Lu Lingqi smiled lightly, and did not say much, but hooked her hand, which was self-evident.

Zhu Zhuqing gritted his teeth tightly, and his figure disappeared again, while Lu Lingqi was still smiling, standing with her hands behind her back.

After a few breaths, Lu Lingqi suddenly said: "In the next breath, you are going to attack my right rib. Huh? You ran to my left again, this time aiming at my left chest."

As soon as the words fell, a black figure slowly solidified on the ring, it was Zhu Zhuqing in black.

"Why? Why would you know my location."

Zhu Zhuqing's smooth forehead was covered with sweat, and his blue pupils were full of disbelief.

"No matter how fast the speed is, the moment you want to attack, you will definitely expose your traces."

"It's very simple to capture this kind of trace, such as the flow of air, the sound of breathing, the killing intent like a glow on the back, etc., all can be done."

Lu Lingqi's unremarkable words caused huge waves in Zhu Zhuqing's heart.

Capturing the flow of air and the subtle sound of breathing, is this something humans can do?
"Is it unbelievable? If you have been on the battlefield a few times and survived each time, then you can master these things."

"In other words, only by mastering these things can you be qualified to survive on the battlefield."

Lu Lingqi looked at Zhu Zhuqing who was gradually losing his mind, and said earnestly.

After a long time, Zhu Zhuqing looked up at Lu Lingqi, and asked her, "Can you tell me, is there anyone in the Galaxy Fleet stronger than you?"

"Yes, someone is stronger than me."

Lu Lingqi thought for a while, and answered like this.

She knows where and when I'm going to attack, so I'll make a fuss!

After Zhu Zhuqing heard this answer, he first complained in his heart, and then he chose to surrender.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing stepping off the ring very gracefully, Flender, the principal of Shrek Academy, didn't question Zhu Zhuqing's decision, and didn't even ask her why.

However, if Flender didn't ask, someone would definitely ask.

"Zhu Zhuqing, why did you surrender? Do you know that because of your surrender, our Shrek Academy has been destroyed! Do you know what this means?"

Yu Dashi was roaring, roaring, his saliva sprayed out like snowflakes.

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Yu Dashi, and said indifferently: "I, Zhu Zhuqing, do things, why do I need to explain to you, a mere level 29 soul master?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Zhu didn't even bother to clean up Yu Dashi, so he walked directly to his tent.

 At 12 o'clock in the evening, update tomorrow's first.

(End of this chapter)

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