Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 381 The illusion is shattered, fear descends

Chapter 381 The illusion is shattered, fear descends

"Zhu Zhuqing"

Yu Dashi's extremely angry roar was still echoing, but unfortunately Zhu Zhuqing still didn't turn his head back.

It can be said that Zhu Zhuqing's luck is good, and Yu Dashi's luck is also good.

Because every time Zhu Zhuqing slapped Yu Dashi in the face and made Yu Dashi roar wildly, Liu Erlong was not there.

If Liu Erlong was here, if Flender hadn't held her back, then Zhu Zhuqing would definitely be beaten up

After all, Liu Erlong's brain is only the size of a sesame seed, which is inversely proportional to the two giant pandas she raised.

This matter is well known.

Why is it said that Yu Dashi's luck is also good?
That's because, Zhu Zhuqing was really beaten, and the first person to die was Yu Dashi.

"Xiao Gang, let's go and see Xiao San and the others."

Flender walked over at some point, and patted Yu Dashi on the shoulder.

It was only at this time that Yu Dashi came back to his senses, and the deafening applause filled his ears.

The applause was naturally for the Galaxy Fleet. The Shrek Academy team, which was defeated by Lu Lingqi, was not entitled to this kind of treatment at all.

As for the protagonist, Lu Lingqi, she was very calm, as if the applause had nothing to do with her.

The departure of the seven members of the Galactic Fleet also revealed that the game finally came to an end.

Dividing line.
As night fell, the current atmosphere in Shrek Academy's camp was extremely heavy, and it was almost overwhelming for them to breathe.

Golden love triangle and Zao Wou-Ki, these four people are sitting on chairs around a round table.

Not far away were Tang San, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, Tang Xuanwei who were carried back because their injuries had stabilized, all covered in bandages.

Liu Erlong, who didn't say a word, suddenly slammed his fist on the round table, making a violent sound.


I saw Liu Erlong's brows were upside down, his black eyes were full of anger, and a small hole had already appeared on the round table.

Clearly, the table was suffering in some way it didn't deserve.

"This is the fourth one tonight. If there is any contract termination, let's do it all at once. I can bear it."

With one hand on his forehead, Flender looked like a salted fish who had lost his ideals.

"From the qualifiers to the promotion rounds, our Shrek Academy has lost only a handful of games, and now because of the loss to the Galaxy Fleet, those businessmen have sent people to say that they want to cancel the sponsorship."

"Flender, these sponsors have no brains. You don't need to pay attention to them at all. There will be plenty of opportunities to make them regret it."

It was rare for Zhao Wou-ki to be enlightened, and he actually comforted Flender.

"That's right, Flender, today he likes to ignore his answers, but tomorrow I will make him unable to climb up."

Yu Dashi held his hands behind his back and raised his head to the sky, showing his demeanor without a doubt.

Everyone in Shrek Academy, you talk to each other, but it doesn't have a big effect on Flender.

Because there is one thing that everyone in Shrek Academy doesn't know.

That is, in order to earn gold soul coins, Flender accepted many advertisements from sponsors.

After all, Flender has only two greatest hobbies in his life: golden love triangle and golden soul coin.

Of course, if these unprofitable merchants are willing to sponsor Shrek Academy, there must be conditions.

The requirements of these merchants are that the Shrek Academy team must enter the finals, and there must be no great defeat in the promotion competition.

If the requirements are not met, not only will the sponsorship be cancelled, but double liquidated damages will also be paid.

Flender agreed to this request without hesitation.

The source of Flender's confidence is because the Shrek Academy team defeated the Galaxy Fleet, and he floated away.
The Shrek team in the original book, whether it was the qualifiers or the promotion rounds, was making great strides without losing a single game (not counting those who abstained to avoid risks).

In the finals, they defeated the Wuhun Academy team, which was scheduled to be the champion of the Soul Master Competition.

In the end, the name of Shrek Academy directly resounded throughout the soul master world, and everyone knew it.

For this reason, Ning Fengzhi uttered the unbelievable words that those who get great dampness win the world.

Even Ning Fengzhi humbled himself and asked Shrek Academy to train disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Such an outrageous thing can happen, it can only be said that the three-cut aura of Jiangzhi is too strong, and the record of Shrek Academy is too perfect.

It's a pity, the painful truth told Flender that if the sky wants to kill him, he must first make him mad.

The Shrek Academy team was brutally defeated by the Galaxy Fleet!

This kind of defeat is not a huge defeat, but a defeat of losing all face, a record of losing face to Peach Country.

Although the Heaven Dou Empire deliberately blocked the information of the competition, the promotion competition was broadcast live across the continent.

The news that the Shrek Academy team was pierced seven by one person is now known to the entire soul master world.

Especially those academies that were severely injured by the five Shrek thieves, such as the second team of Huangdou Academy and Canghui Academy, these academies almost burst their stomachs with laughter.

The operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the record is zero and five!
Anyway, once you wear seven, I can do it too!

Now, the name of Shrek Academy is basically no one takes it seriously.

Oh, right.

The current Shrek academy, because the headmaster Flender signed the contract, seems to owe another debt.
Boom boom boom!
At this moment, the five Shrek thieves who had been lying dead on the bed, four of them seemed to have gone epileptic, started to swing, and the four small beds began to shake.

With such a violent shaking, Liu Erlong and Flender, the two soul saints in the golden love triangle, naturally discovered it.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wei, what's wrong with you? Is the wound open again?"

"Fatty, what's the matter with you guys? Have you gone epileptic?"

The words of Liu Erlong and Flender also alarmed Yu Dashi and Zhao Wuji, and the four hurried over to condolences to the wounded.

But a strange scene appeared, the four Shrek thieves except Tang San were trembling all over, their eyes were full of endless fear and despair.

"It's not true, we won? We lost? Hahaha!"

Ma Hongjun looked crazy, crying and laughing, he didn't know what he was talking about.

"My little tiger, my little tiger, is he still alive?"

Dai Mubai's face was even more contorted, tearing off the bandage frantically.

Until, when Dai Mubai saw that his little tiger was still there, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Don't come here, don't stab me with a knife, don't"

Xiao Wu stretched out her hands and waved them wildly in the air, as if she was resisting someone.

"As the system papa said, someone had memory problems, so it turned out to be seven people!"

Tang Xuanwei closed her eyes in great pain, tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes.

What he loves most is to let Sangua alone suffer the pain of being misunderstood by the world, but he can't share it.

The illusion was shattered at this moment, and the seven faced the desperate truth.

 In the next two chapters, if there are so many high-energy stories that are not released, it means that they have been imprisoned.

(End of this chapter)

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