Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 505 Yu Dashi was slapped in the face again

Chapter 505 Yu Dashi was slapped in the face again

He bought two kinds of poisons from Wuhundian, one is a great tonic mixed with various non-toxic substances, even if taken all year round, it will not cause discomfort, but only one medicine primer is needed, which can instantly make people feel sick. kill.

The second type is the colorful colorful in Tang San's mouth.

Tang San is the direct descendant of the Clear Sky School, and the Po Zhi Clan was even an affiliate of the Clear Sky School before.

Therefore, from Xue Qinghe's point of view, it is very normal for Tang San to know the poison of colorful colorful.

However, now that the Pozhi clan has joined the Wuhun Palace, Xue Ye, who is the emperor of Tiandou, can still win colorful, which is intriguing.

After all, Xue Ye is the emperor, there are not many people who can get close to him.

There are even fewer people who can poison him.

Combining many conditions, it was very reasonable for Tang San to suspect that he was Qian Renxue.

Xue Qinghe sighed softly, and said: "I see, but I am indeed not Qian Renxue."

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi asked in surprise: "There is such a skill? Then if someone uses this skill to be a killer, wouldn't it be terrible?"

"Using these six soul bones requires very high requirements for soul masters. Not only must they have the seraph martial soul, but they must also have extremely powerful talents in order to be recognized by them."

Tang San shook his head, and continued: "Also, it is said that to absorb the last spirit bone, there is a condition that must be fulfilled, and that is spirit power level [-]."

Ning Fengzhi said in surprise: "Soul power level [-]? This is indeed a harsh condition. In the history of our soul masters, it seems that there are only legends like that."

"When the soul power reaches level ninety or above, it is very difficult to increase it by one level. Especially after level ninety-five, it is even more difficult and dangerous. I don't know what it is like to hit level one hundred at level ninety-nine?"

"I know."

The low and inner voice attracted everyone's attention through these three words. The person who spoke was none other than Sword Douluo Chenxin.

From Chen Xin's mouth, I know these three words, no one will doubt it, because he is the person with the highest soul power among all the people present.

Chen Xin glanced over everyone, and said loudly: "Level 95, this level can be regarded as a watershed for Titled Douluo. Between level 91 and 95, although the gap in soul power is not small, you can still rely on the quality of the martial soul." The advantage of it may be compensated by soul bones and soul skills."

"However, if one of the two Title Douluo in the battle is stronger than level 95, then the situation will change. The title Douluo at level 96 has 95% more soul power than the Title Douluo at level [-]." .”

Yu Dashi's eyes lit up, revealing excitement and fanaticism.

He is obsessed with plagiarism, the experience of top soul masters like Sword Douluo is really important for his "research".

Sword Douluo Luo Chenxin looked at Ning Fengzhi, and asked with his eyes if he needed to continue, but Ning Fengzhi nodded to him.

"Level 96 is 95% stronger than level 20.00. That's not something that can be compensated by the quality of martial arts and ordinary soul skills and soul bones, unless there is an essential gap between the soul skills of the two parties."

"After level 95, the difference of one level is a huge difference. The soul power of a level 97 Title Douluo is 96% stronger than that of a level 20.00 Title Douluo."


After hearing these words, everyone present could not help but gasp.

Yu Dashi said while thinking: "Then, a 97-level Title Douluo is 95% stronger than a 50.00-level Title Douluo in terms of soul power."

"According to this calculation, the soul power of a 99th-level Title Douluo is more than 95 times that of a [-]th-level Title Douluo. From the point of view of soul power alone, this gap is like a soul saint and a soul sage. The gap between the kings is over. Even if it is a one-on-six, there should be no problem."

"But in fact, considering that everyone is a Title Douluo, and they all have nine soul skills and martial souls that can restrain each other, a Level 99 Title Douluo can also fight against four Title Douluo below Level 95 at the same time."

PS: These are Yu Xiaogang's original words in the original work, which is outrageous.

As soon as Yu Dashi finished speaking, Chen Xin and Gu Rong looked at him like an idiot.



Chen Xin and Gu Rong couldn't help laughing at the same time.

They looked at Yu Dashi and couldn't help laughing.

Yu Dashi was a little embarrassed by the two of them, and couldn't help but glared at them, saying: "What's so funny?"

"I think of something happy." Bone Douluo said, and suddenly couldn't help laughing again.

"What a happy thing." Yu Dashi asked.

"My apprentice's wife is about to give birth." Bone Douluo quickly explained.

"What are you laughing at?"

Yu Dashi looked at Sword Douluo again. After all, Bone Douluo's reasons were very reasonable, and he couldn't find any flaws.

"My apprentice is about to give birth." Jian Douluo explained.

"If I'm not mistaken, Sword Douluo, your apprentice is a man, how can a man have children?"

Yu Dashi felt that he had been fooled, and said angrily, "Are you laughing at me?"

"Old and confused, old and confused."

Gritting his teeth and holding back a smile, Jian Douluo said, "Once this person gets old, he always tends to forget things."

"No, you guys are obviously laughing at me. Is my theory that funny?"

Yu Dashi roared angrily, at this time he had already forgotten that the two standing in front of him were Titled Douluo, and both were Super Douluo.

"Yu Dashi, we are Titled Douluo, we have seen a lot, no matter how funny it is, we won't laugh unless we can't help it."

"Well, what did you just say? Four Title Douluo below level 95 can join forces against a Title Douluo at level 99?" Sword Douluo asked.

"Yes, do you have any questions?" Yu Dashi asked.

"Do you think you are playing house? To tell you the truth, I am now level 97, and Bone Douluo has half a foot into level 96, but I can tell you directly."

Sword Douluo restrained his smile, and said: "It seems that we are only one level behind, and the difference in soul power is only 20%, but even if the three Bone Douluo join forces, they are still no match for me."

Yu Dashi: "."

"As for what you said, four Level 95 Title Douluo will be wiped out in front of a Level 99 Title Douluo within a few moves!"

Chen Xin said casually.

At this time, Xue Qinghe came out to smooth things over.

After all, this guy is the person in charge of training who I just "canonized". If he keeps being slapped in the face, doesn't it mean that he has no eyes?

"The second thing is the fall of Jialing Pass and several other cities. The specific process is as follows."

(End of this chapter)

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