Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 506 A strong fortress is often breached from the inside

Chapter 506 A strong fortress is often breached from the inside
A few tens of kilometers away from Jialing Pass, there is a majestic and precipitous peak, soaring into the clouds, named Yuehu Mountain.

The thick mountain stands tall and majestic, with strange peaks and steep mountains, layer upon layer, shaped like a tiger, reaching straight into the sky.

On Yuehu Mountain, there is a lush and verdant forest. The trees are towering and lush, covering the sky and the sun. The canopy blocks the sun, making the whole world appear dark and humid, with lush branches and intertwined vines.

It was already evening, and the sky was getting dark, and there was a "rustling" sound in the forest, as if there were many monsters passing through the forest.

The rustling sound from the forest grew louder and closer.

Not long after, two figures in black costumes sprang out of the dense forest one after the other, climbed to the top of the mountain and looked into the distance.

The man in the back was tall and strong, with a resolute expression and piercing eyes, and at a glance, he knew that he was definitely not an ordinary person.

The one at the head, judging from the graceful and moving curves, should be a woman.

However, among these two people, this woman is vaguely headed.

"General Lin, what do you think of Jialing Pass?"

Lu Lingqi was dressed in black, with her hands behind her back, looking towards Jialing Pass in the distance, her phoenix eyes shone coldly.

Lin Yuanfeng remained expressionless, and he followed Lu Lingqi's gaze towards Jialing Pass in the distance.

Under the setting sun, the majestic and precipitous Jialing Pass, which is built against the mountains, is covered with a layer of golden light. From a distance, it looks like a golden eagle flying high, mighty and domineering.

"Very good, but also very bad." Lin Yuanfeng replied with a nod.

Hearing Lin Yuanfeng's answer, a smile appeared on the corner of Lu Lingqi's mouth, she turned her head to look at Lin Yuanfeng and asked, "I would like to hear more about it!"

"The terrain of Jialing Pass is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. If our Star Luo Empire can capture it, we can use it as a springboard to advance, attack, retreat, and defend. The unification of the mainland is just around the corner."

Having said this, Lin Yuanfeng paused, and continued: "Unfortunately, Jialing Pass is heavily guarded, and it will be very difficult for us to capture it."

Hearing Lin Yuanfeng's words, Lu Lingqi raised her eyebrows and asked, "General Lin, how many troops do you think you need to take down this city?"

Hearing Lu Lingqi's question, Lin Yuanfeng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately replied: "More than 50 elites!"

"How about the battle damage?" Lu Lingqi continued to ask.

Lin Yuanfeng remained silent, he had been thinking about this issue and looking for a breakthrough.

However, Jialing Pass has always had 20 defenders, and the city walls are solid and thick, making it very difficult to break through.

The most important thing was that the city gates were tightly closed, and there were heavy armored soldiers patrolling and guarding the city. If you want to capture Jialing Pass, you must first destroy the city gate defenders, but this leaves only one option for a frontal attack.

In siege warfare, the attacking side often needs more than five times the strength of the defending side to break through the city.

Therefore, if the 50 elites in his mouth really wanted to attack the city head-on, I am afraid that only one army would be wiped out.

Seeing Lin Yuanfeng's silence, Lu Lingqi did not urge her, she stood quietly on the spot, waiting for Lin Yuanfeng's answer.

After a while, Lin Yuanfeng finally said: "The city gate is strong, and there are many heavy armored soldiers. I can't do it if I want to capture this city!"

"General Lin, how many troops and how long do you think I will need to take down Jialing Pass?"

Hearing Lin Yuanfeng's answer, Lu Lingqi was not surprised, she asked lightly.

Lin Yuanfeng didn't answer in a hurry, but raised his head and looked forward. After pondering for a moment, he said slowly, "If it's General Lu, with 30 soldiers and horses, if we attack for a year, we should be able to conquer Jialing Pass."

When Lu Lingqi heard this, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she said, "I only need 1000 people and a month's time to open the gate of Jialing Pass!"

When Lin Yuanfeng heard these words, his eyes widened immediately, and he asked in shock, "General Lu, there is no joke on the battlefield!"

Lu Lingqi smiled slightly and said, "General Lin thinks I'm exaggerating?"

"This..." Lin Yuanfeng was extremely surprised, he really thought that Lu Lingqi was boasting.

"I know what the general is wondering about. In fact, this is not an exaggeration. Let me give you a word." Lu Lingqi said lightly.

Hearing this, Lin Yuanfeng couldn't help becoming interested.

"General, please speak!"

"Sturdy fortresses are often breached from within!"

As soon as Lu Lingqi's words fell, Lin Yuanfeng's body shook violently, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he thought: "Yes! Why didn't I think of it? If the city gate is opened from the inside, the enemy will Fang's defense has not yet collapsed?"

Thinking of these, Lin Yuanfeng couldn't help but feel admiration.

However, these are easy to say, but how to actually operate is the real problem!
Lin Yuanfeng subconsciously blurted out, and asked Lu Lingqi: "General Lu, haven't you already arranged a detailed operation in Jialing Pass? Are you planning to open the city gate when our army is attacking the city?"

"It's not!"

Lu Lingqi shook her head slightly, and said: "If I really installed a lot of details in Jialing Pass, then we have already prepared the celebration banquet in Jialing Pass, not on Huyue Mountain!"

Now, Lin Yuanfeng was dumbfounded again, neither this nor that, so how can we open the city gate from inside Jialing Pass?
"General Lu, what are you going to do?"

Lu Lingqi didn't explain either, she just smiled and walked towards the foot of Huyue Mountain, which was the temporary camp of the Star Luo Empire's Vanguard Army.

This batch of vanguard troops totaled [-] soldiers and horses, including [-] soul masters and [-] ordinary troops, all of whom were the best of the best.

Leaving Huyue Mountain, Lu Lingqi walked towards the camp, Lin Yuanfeng hurriedly followed, the two of them were silent all the way, and soon came to the camp at the foot of the mountain.

After entering the barracks, Lu Lingqi walked straight to the largest barracks in the center.

There were several officers sitting in the military tent, and when they saw Lu Lingqi coming, they all hurriedly stood up to greet her.

"General Lu!" Several people saluted Lu Lingqi respectfully.

"Well, thank you for your hard work!" Lu Lingqi nodded slightly and said.

"Where is it, it is our honor to serve the general." One of the officers complimented.

"Hehe, if that's the case, then you're welcome."

Lu Lingqi smiled lightly, and immediately said: "I have something important to tell you."

Hearing Lu Lingqi's words, all the officers present were in awe.

One must know that every officer here is an elite among the elite, brave and good at fighting, and is the mainstay of the Star Luo Empire's military.

Normally, even Dai Tianfeng would give them some face, but in front of Lu Lingqi, these officers were extremely humble.

(End of this chapter)

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