Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 507 Battle Meeting

Chapter 507 Battle Meeting
The reason is naturally that Lu Lingqi completely subdued them in the art of war and commanding troops, or beat them to pieces.

Therefore, when these guys see Lu Lingqi, they respect Lu Lingqi like a student sees a teacher.

"General Lu, please tell me!"

An officer said, with a very respectful expression.

Lu Lingqi smiled slightly, and said: "Call all the officers of the same level as you, and prepare for the battle meeting!"


Hearing Lu Lingqi's order, all the officers did not dare to be negligent, they all saluted and accepted the order, and then hurried down.

Half an hour later, including Lu Lingqi and Lin Yuanfeng, a total of 15 officers, big and small, all gathered in this military tent.

Lu Lingqi looked around and saw that all the officers had arrived, so she said, "Everyone, I know that everyone knows our current situation. Although there is Jialing Pass blocking the front, I believe that with the help of our army of the Star Luo Empire With strength, you can definitely capture this city!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became tense, because they also knew that if Jialing Pass was captured, the strength of the Star Luo Empire would definitely rise to a new level, reaching an unprecedented peak.

"However, if we attack directly, we need at least 50 troops to turn the entire Jialing Pass into a bloody battlefield like a meat grinder. Even if we can win, it will be a miserable victory." Lu Lingqi continued.

This time, everyone looked even more serious.

The reason why the Star Luo Empire has never launched a war against the Heaven Dou Empire is because of the mediation of the Spirit Hall, and the high damage caused by conquering Jialing Pass is also a problem.

"However, this is not what this general wants. A war where more than half of the battle is lost is not called war, it is called death! Today, general, I will give you a military motto!"

Lu Lingqi glanced at all the people present, and said loudly: "The general will attack the plan, next will attack the handover, and then attack the soldiers, next will attack the city!"

Hearing Lu Lingqi's words, Lin Yuanfeng and the others all showed shocked expressions, and they couldn't help but secretly startled.

Although this sentence sounds very awesome, they don't understand what it means at all.

"General Lu, what is the meaning of this?"

In the end, it was Lin Yuanfeng who had the thickest skin, who was the first to ask. The other officers were also full of curiosity when they heard Lin Yuanfeng's words, and they all stared at Lu Lingqi waiting for her answer.

Lu Lingqi glanced at Lin Yuanfeng, and said calmly: "Generals, this sentence is about the true meaning of war!"

"I also ask General Lu for advice!"

Lin Yuanfeng cupped his hands, and asked for instructions respectfully, and everyone else seemed to be listening attentively.

"A real war is not a direct competition between soldiers and generals. Siege is just the last resort to achieve the goal."

"The best way is to defeat the enemy with one's own strategy, and to defeat the enemy without fighting."

"Secondly, use diplomatic means to disrupt the enemy's will to fight."

Lu Lingqi looked at the officers and said.

After hearing this, all the officers nodded incessantly.

Although we can't understand, we know that what you said is very reasonable.

Of course, as the great general of the Star Luo Empire, Lin Yuanfeng has more or less comprehended it, but he missed a bit and couldn't find the essentials, which made people feel very embarrassed.

Seeing this scene, Lu Lingqi also showed a smile on her face, and she said: "Come back to business, this general named this battle against Jialing Pass as Baiyi Crossing the River."

"General Feng, General Cheng, General Chu, General Wei, you four come out!"

Lu Lingqi's eyes slowly scanned the generals present, and finally settled on the four of General Feng.

"The end is here!"

Hearing Lu Lingqi call their names, General Feng and the others immediately stood up.

Lu Lingqi said calmly: "The four of you each lead a hundred elites, without armor or weapons, disguised as merchants, and marched into Jialing Pass in batches!"


Hearing Lu Lingqi's words, the four generals clasped their fists together and responded in unison.

"General He, General Shi, General Zhang, you three come out!"

Lu Lingqi turned her attention to the three of them again.

"The end is here!"

General He, General Zhang, and General Shi also clasped their fists in agreement.

Lu Lingqi said: "The three of you are also the same. Each of you led a hundred elites, without armor or weapons, and marched into Jialing Pass in batches, but you were disguised as tourists."

Hearing Lu Lingqi's words, General He and the others showed puzzled expressions.

Why can't they understand?
This General Lu asked them to bring a hundred elites to act as tourists. Does it have any effect?

Although they were puzzled, the three of them still clasped their fists and agreed.

"General Jiang, General Chen, you two are the youngest among many officers. Although your cultivation is not the highest, you are better than outsiders are not familiar with you."

Lu Lingqi looked at Jiang Qingshan and Chen Fei, and continued: "Your task is to lead 100 soul masters each, and bring the soul guides that store [-] sets of armor and weapons into Jialing Pass. As for the reason, there is no need The general said more."

Jiang Qingshan and Fade Chen nodded to express their understanding.

Soul master is the most noble profession in the Douluo Continent, what reason do you need to enter a city?
Will anyone dare to check their soul guides?

"The above eight generals, you and your subordinates have two tasks."

Lu Lingqi continued: "The first task is to investigate the military deployment of Jialing Pass, especially the situation of the city gate guards, when to change the defense, when the defense is relatively lax, and investigate everything clearly."

"The second task is, one month later today, General Lin and I will lead the army of the Star Luo Empire to attack Jialing Pass at [-]:[-] in the middle of the night. What you have to do is to help us open the city of Jialing Pass. Door."

"Can you do these two tasks?"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Hearing Lu Lingqi's words, everyone responded excitedly.

"Okay, do you have any doubts, generals?" Lu Lingqi asked lightly.


Everyone shouted in unison.

"Very good, since everyone has no problems, then this matter is settled, everyone go down and prepare." Lu Lingqi said seriously.

"Yes, General Lu!"

All the generals said in unison, and then they all walked out of the military tents and went back to their respective tents to rest.

After they left, a smile appeared on Lin Yuanfeng's face. He turned around, looked at Lu Lingqi who was sitting in the first place, and said, "General Lu's strategy is really amazing!!"

Hearing Lin Yuanfeng's praise, Lu Lingqi's face was still extremely calm, and she said lightly: "This is just a routine operation."

Basic exercises, don't be six!
Lin Yuanfeng: "."

(End of this chapter)

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