Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 512 Chapter 444-445 Renxue VS Xunji

Chapter 512 Chapter 444-445 Qian Renxue VS Chihiro Ji

Three days later, the carriage that Xue Qinghe had prepared for them had already stopped at Yuexuan's gate.

Not only Yu Dashi and Liu Erlong came to see him off, but Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo and others also came.

A group of people sent the brand new Shrek Seven Monsters to the horse, and put all the items that needed to be brought into the soul guides of everyone.

Before leaving, it was inevitable to say goodbye for a while, even if it was Yu Dashi who stabbed Tang San in the back several times, he would tell Tang San again and again.

And almost everyone's instructions to them are to let them put safety first.

Parting is always sad, watching the carriage gradually go away towards the outside of Tiandou City, the light in Ning Fengzhi's eyes couldn't help dimming a bit.

Soon, the carriage left the west gate of Tiandou City, and went west along the official road.

Yu Dashi drew a detailed map for Tang San. They needed to take a carriage to the west of the mainland, the sea in the Tiandou Empire, and then take a boat to reach the destination of this trip.

The journey of this trip is extremely long. According to Yu Dashi's calculation, it will take them about two months to arrive.

On the high mountain outside Wuhun City.

boom! ! !
A golden light exploded and turned into countless light filaments, rendering it in the sky.

Six huge golden wings stretched out behind Qian Renxue, and a golden halo erupted from her body.

Those golden threads that burst out poured in from the six wings behind the back like a sea of ​​rivers, turning into solid energy.

Qian Renxue floated in mid-air, her eyes were tightly closed, and her hands were clasped together in front of her chest.

Under the rendering of a sacred atmosphere, his originally noble temperament has a feeling of aloofness.

Qian Zhongling, Qian Daoliu, and Qian Xunji stood quietly in the distance, looking at Qian Renxue who was floating in the air instead of the sun's light, their eyes showed satisfaction.

Qian Renxue opened her eyes, her pupils had completely turned golden, and a strange golden flame magic pattern quietly moved between her brows.

"Ancestor, grandpa, dad, I passed the fifth test, and the angel affinity has increased to 40.00%."

Qian Zhongling smiled and said: "Your talent and potential can be called outstanding, so you can pass five exams in just two years, and the next sixth exam is relatively easy. But the last three exams are difficult. It’s going to be more difficult, you have to be mentally prepared.”

With determination shining in Qian Renxue's eyes, she said: "No matter how difficult it is, I will definitely complete it. Now I just want to know what my sixth test is. After I pass this sixth test, I will consider the final test." During the third exam."

Qian Zhongling grinned, and said with some malicious intent: "Your sixth test is to defeat Chihiro Ji, and the time limit is one year."

No matter how firm Qian Renxue's expression was before, when she heard Qian Chongling's words, her pretty face still changed instantly.

After passing the fifth test of the Angel Nine Tests, Qian Renxue's soul power has reached level 89, and her soul ring configuration is all red with eight rings.

Coupled with the god-level martial spirit Seraph, even if she faces a 96-level Super Douluo head-on, she may win the battle.

However, although Chihiro Ji is known as the weakest of the Qianjia, his current soul power is as high as level 97, with five black and four red soul rings.

Facing Qian Xunxue, who also has seraphs, and Qian Renxue, who has only level 89 soul power, it is very difficult to defeat Qian Xunji.

Chihiro Ji didn't say much, and didn't dare to say much.

Golden flames rose from under his feet, and nine gorgeous soul rings, five black and four red, spread out behind six huge golden wings.

Raising his right hand, a golden long sword appeared in his palm instantly.

The next moment, the sword light burst out suddenly, and a golden sword light shot towards Qian Renxue's direction.

Qian Renxue's figure flashed rapidly, narrowly dodging the golden light's shooting, but was still rubbed against her body by the golden sword light.

Immediately, the light beam directly cut through the clothes, and opened a scar on Qian Renxue's delicate skin, a stream of blood slowly flowed out.

"Xue'er, I won't show mercy. If you can't hold on, just refresh and start the challenge again."

"Father, Xueer understands."

Qian Renxue's beautiful eyes narrowed, she held the sword in both hands, and rushed towards Qian Xun.

"Good come!"

Chihiro Ji narrowed his eyes into a slit, and a strong fighting spirit emanated from his body.

The two figures collided at high altitude, making a violent roar.

Qian Renxue was sent flying several meters away, and Qian Xunji swayed slightly, but he didn't retreat.

Seeing Qian Xun Ji's state, Qian Renxue couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

She never thought that Chihiro Ji, who has a low sense of presence in Qianjia, is not much weaker than the level 98 Holy Dragon Douluo.

Qian Renxue: My dad isn't as weak as he imagined, he's okay, not too hip.

"Xue'er, I didn't expect you to have such a powerful combat power at the 89-level Contra realm. I am very pleased for my father."

Chihiro Ji had a strong sense of pride on his face.

For him, it was a pleasure for him that his daughter possessed such a tyrannical strength.

"Father, it's still under assessment, so it's not appropriate to say too much."

Qian Renxue smiled lightly, holding the angelic holy sword and slashed towards Qianxun again.

"Yes, Xueer really lived up to my expectations."

Qian Xunji yelled, his body spun around violently, and the six wings behind him collided with Qian Renxue again.

This collision, the two were separated again.

Qian Renxue's face flushed slightly, obviously she was slightly disadvantaged in the confrontation just now.

"Xue'er, don't force it, anyway, there is a year." Qian Xunji said softly.

Qian Renxue gritted her white teeth lightly, and swung her long sword again to kill him.

Qian Xunji shook his sword again, and Qian Renxue's body was pushed back again.

The battle between the two did not use soul skills and domains.

The reason is that whether it is Qian Renxue or Qian Xunji, they are very familiar with the soul skills of Seraphim, and they understand that using soul skills alone will not have much effect.

As for the two same angel domains, it would be useless, and it could be said that they would be completely offset.

Therefore, the final outcome can only be determined by whose swordsmanship is more exquisite and whose soul power is more profound.

On the holy mountain of the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong had her hands behind her back, looking at the high mountain outside Wuhun City.

Looking at the two figures confronting each other, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and there was a slight arc.

"Xue'er's swordsmanship is much better than Chihiro Ji's, but the gap in soul power is not small. As time goes by, Xue'er who consumes too much soul power will lose."

"It's just that it doesn't take a year, it only takes two to three months. Xue'er's swordsmanship will become more proficient, and her soul power will also increase to level ninety. At that time, passing the sixth test will be a matter of course."

With Bibi Dong's current strength, there is almost no one on the mainland who can defeat her head-on.

And whether it's Bibi Dong here or Bibi Dong in the original work, her eyesight and actual combat ability are very strong.

Not much else to say, just take Bibidong's soul ring configuration when she became a Rakshasa God, this configuration is only a little stronger than the so-called optimal configuration.

And what about Tang San?

What exactly was the configuration of his spirit ring when he became the Seagod is obvious to all.

However, Bibi Dong killed Tang San abruptly!
This is the same as in the League of Legends, using the Four Gods costume to single out and defeat the opponent's Six Gods costume, and a group of excellent operators.

PS: Of course, it is also possible that Tang San is too good.

Therefore, shortly after Bibi Dong made a judgment, Qian Renxue, who had consumed a lot of soul power, soon completely fell into a disadvantage.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Qian Renxue, who was originally floating in the air, had already landed on the ground.

At this time, her pretty face had turned a little pale, and she was panting slightly.

"Xue'er, your soul power is still a bit weak, continue to practice."

Qian Xunji also landed from mid-air, he let out a long breath, and said to Qian Renxue with a gratified face.

Qian Renxue's soul power of level 89 can compete with him, a super douluo of level 97, which is quite good.

It is true that people are dead compared to others, and goods are thrown away when compared with goods.

Qian Renxue smiled and said: "Xue'er understands, father worked hard for Xue'er to practice with."

In fact, she did her best in this battle. After all, even if Qian Xunji stretches her hips, she is still a super Douluo with a god-level martial soul. Qian Renxue is also very proud of being able to fight with Qian Renxue like this now .

"Okay, you go back and have a rest."

Sitting on a small bench at the side, Qian Zhongling, who was eating melon, came over, patted Qian Renxue on the shoulder, and said to her.

Qian Renxue responded, "Okay."

As night fell, the new generation of the Shrek Seven Monsters stepped down from the two carriages one after another, preparing to set up camp and have a good rest.

They didn't intend to travel at night.

After all, the carriage is bumpy on the stage, and it is twice the result with half the effort in practice.

Moreover, routine practice every night is essential, and the horses also need adequate rest in the end.

As for why there are two carriages, the reason is very simple.

Xue Qinghe is a sensible person, he knows Tang San's faction is not against Xue Haizang.

If they are forced to arrange for them to share a carriage, I am afraid that the carriage will be scrapped halfway.

Therefore, Xue Qinghe could only let Yu Tianheng, Xue Haizang, Ning Rongrong, Oscar, these four people have a carriage.

The remaining Tang San, Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai, the three Shrek masters, rode in a carriage.

It was autumn, and the night was already a little chilly.

Tang San took out drinking water and food from the moonlit night at the 24th bridge, Dai Mubai used his tiger claws to cut a large pile of firewood, Ma Hongjun's phoenix flames passed by, and a bonfire was formed.

Xue Haizang and Yu Tianheng also took out some dried meat slices and drinking water from the soul tool.

Everyone sat around the bonfire, looking at the hot water and stewed broth on the bonfire.

Such an atmosphere is quite warm.

"Brother Xue, I don't know if I should say something or not."

Tang San looked at Xue Haizang and asked.

Hearing the words, Xue Haizang glanced at Tang San, nodded, and said: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Well, since Brother Xue said that, I'll just say it directly. Brother Xue has a big heart and is a very nice person. I hope you can promise me one thing."

When Tang San said this, he paused for a moment, and then continued: "We are going to Sea God Island now, everything is unknown, safety and danger are unpredictable, I think we should put aside past suspicions and work together."

Xue Haizang raised his eyebrows, and said with a half-smile, "Oh? You mean, we should help each other now?"

"Brother Xue is quick to talk, and I won't beat around the bush anymore. If we work together, the training effect will be even better."

Tang San smiled slightly and said.

When Xue Haizang heard the words, he subconsciously wanted to refuse.

But when he thought about what Xue Qinghe said to him before he set off, and Yu Tianheng and Ning Rongrong were all persuading him to focus on the overall situation along the way.

Xue Haizang also knew in his heart that what Xue Qinghe said was correct, after they went to Sea God Island, they really needed to take care of each other.

After all, on Sea God Island, they all belonged to the status of outsiders, and the only ones who could safely hand over their backs were these companions.

Therefore, after pondering for a while, Xue Haizang said: "Since you sincerely invite me, if I don't give this face, it will seem too unreasonable. Well, I can promise to go hand in hand with you, but I hope You also need to focus on the overall situation.”

"Brother Xue, your worry is completely unnecessary, you must know that we are "family"."

Tang San said solemnly.

Xue Haizang nodded slightly, and said: "Well, I will trust you for this trip to Sea God Island."

Tang San was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, then laughed again, and said: "Brother Xue, don't worry, Spirit Hall is our common enemy."

"Tang San is right, the Spirit Hall is our common enemy, after the Spirit Hall is resolved, we will discuss other matters."

Yu Tianheng looked at Tang San, and continued: "Your teacher is my uncle, in other words, we are also old people from the same family. However, if you betray us, I will be the first Let you go."

"I'll remember what you said, but you should also trust me, I, Tang San, am a person who keeps my word." Tang San said.

"Let us grow up as soon as possible and become the nightmare of the Wuhun Temple!"

While speaking, Yu Tianheng stood up, stretched out his right hand, stared into Tang San's pupils, and uttered five words: "Destroy the Spirit Hall!"

Tang San didn't say anything when he heard the words, he just put his hand on Yu Tianheng's.

Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong, Oscar, also successively made the same action.

Finally, everyone's eyes fell on Xue Haizang.

Xue Haizang smiled slightly, and when he put his right hand on top, the seven of them roared angrily almost simultaneously: "Destroy the Spirit Hall!"

After eating the seven bowls of chicken soup, the atmosphere around the campfire became more harmonious.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, when the sky was just dawn, everyone had already set off.

In the following time, except for getting out of the carriage occasionally to exercise, or letting the horses rest.

The rest of the time is spent on the road, and only at night will I stop and really rest for a while.

Ten days later, they had already entered the western frontier of the Heaven Dou Empire.

When they were in the last city, they had already bought four new horses, which were enough to send them to the seaside.

 The Douluo fan written by Blueberry is currently the first round of recommendation, and whether it can be promoted depends on the follow-up, so if you have her book, you can kill it first.


(End of this chapter)

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