Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 513 This pot is big and round

Chapter 513 This pot is big and round

"There is a village ahead, Third Prince, should we take a rest?"

The driver of the car is a disciple of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, but he has been warned long ago.

This trip is not led by Ning Rongrong, but everything must follow Xue Haizang's orders.

Xue Haizang said: "Then let's take a rest."

It was already afternoon, the weather was getting colder, and the horses were exhausted physically. Although they took a rest at noon, they always had to rest again before dinner to maintain their speed.

The carriage continued on for a while, then stopped.

Just when the new "Seven Shrek Monsters" thought they had arrived at the village and were about to get off the car for a rest, there was a light knocking sound from the side of the car.

The Qibao Glazed Sect disciple who was driving said: "Third Prince, there seems to be something wrong. We are almost at the village, but the village is surprisingly peaceful. Even the cultivated land outside the village is not taken care of by anyone."

Everyone looked at each other, and Xue Haizang said, "Let's go down and have a look."

The six nodded, got out of the carriage one after another, and looked forward.

Just about 200 meters away from them, there is a small mountain village. The village does not look big, just a hundred households. The village is surrounded by a large area of ​​cultivated land.

Just as the disciple of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect said.

Looking from here, the village is surprisingly quiet, and there is no one in the cultivated land.

"I'm fast, let me go and have a look."

Before the words were finished, a white shadow had already jumped out.

I saw Xue Haizang's body, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black and black, six soul rings exuding bright light, and a pair of white wings spread out on the back, instantly turning into a white spot and rising into the sky.

"I haven't seen him for nearly four years. I didn't expect Brother Xue to already have a cultivation level of Soul Emperor."

Looking at Xue Haizang's leaving figure, a cold light flashed across Tang San's eyes.

If he eats the Binghuo Xiancao in the Binghuo Liangyi Eye
If he succeeds in awakening the Blue Silver Emperor.
If his talent of twin martial souls has not been abolished, his talent of cultivation is still there
If, the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover is his
Resentment, anger, resentment, jealousy.
Various emotions constantly filled Tang San's heart, and his complexion also became very gloomy, like a giant net full of dark clouds.

Tang San looks like this, Ning Rongrong who owns the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda and Wuhun Hall, she was the first to find out, her heart skipped a beat.

For a long time, Tang San had always given her the impression of sunshine, warmth, kindness and gentleness, he had never seen him like this before.

Even at the beginning, Ning Rongrong didn't understand why the Spirit Hall was targeting him.

Until, she vaguely saw Tang San's true face in front of the Pope's Palace.

Even after seeing that startling glimpse, Ning Rongrong still looked at Tang San squarely with the mentality of admiring the enemy.

And now, Ning Rongrong finally saw through Tang San's true face.

A dirty, narrow-minded, sinister villain!
Xue Haizang's speed was very fast, while Ning Rongrong was still thinking, Xue Haizang had already flown back.

He was even faster than when he left, almost just seeing a white dot in the air.

The next moment, Xue Haizang had already landed in front of everyone.

When Xue Haizang appeared in front of everyone, Tang San and the others found that Xue Haizang's face was extremely ugly, and his chest was still heaving, as if he was holding back something.

Tang San's eyes flashed, and he asked: "Brother Xue, what did you see?"

Xue Haizang's eyes showed strong anger: "This village has been looted. Behind the village, there are at least 100 corpses. Their death conditions are very miserable."

"Also, a group of people in strange costumes are still carrying their bodies and walking into the mountain behind. It seems that only some young women are alive."

Xue Hai hides himself as the third prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, and these villagers belong to his Xue family no matter what.

Now that his people were killed, how could he not be angry?
"Brother Tianheng, you, Ning Rongrong and Oscar stay here. Brother Xue, Mubai, Fatty, let's follow."

Tang San narrowed his eyes slightly, these people actually dared to wantonly slaughter within the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire, this is a blatant challenge to the authority of the Heaven Dou Empire.


Ning Rongrong pursed her lips tightly, and nodded with firm eyes.

The same goes for the other five.

"That's great, I'll use the skill of the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover to give them another protective cover."

Xue Haizang nodded, the blue light in his eyes was shining, and the triangular-shaped vast sea universe cover was released from the center of his brows while spinning.

A mellow soul power was injected into it out of thin air, and blue light suddenly bloomed, covering Yu Tianheng, Oscar, and Ning Rongrong in it.

The three of Yu Tianheng nodded and said, "Be careful."

Moreover, Oscar also produced more than ten large recovery sausages and small detoxification sausages and handed them to Xue Haizang.

Xue Haizang and the other four jumped up and headed towards the village.

But where they were before, the carriage and everyone had disappeared, but it was because the defense and invisibility effects of the Vast Sea Shield of the Vast Sea Cosmos were activated.

The four of them spread out at full speed and quickly bypassed the village.

Immediately, they also smelled the strong smell of blood. Although they hadn't seen anyone yet, they could tell from the blood-stained ground that the killings that had happened here before were terrible.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun became a little ugly.

Although the two had killed people and seen dead people before, it was the first time for them to experience such a strong smell of blood.

As for Tang San and Xue Haizang, one has been tempered in the Slaughter City, and the other has just seen it, so naturally they are relatively calm.

Dai Mubai moved his nose slightly, pointed forward to the left, and said: "They should be going in that direction."

As soon as the words fell, Dai Mubai took the lead in heading in this direction at top speed.

Tang San and the others looked at each other, then followed.

After a while, what appeared in front of their eyes was a mountain range with many peaks and peaks, and the mountains here were not high.

It's too simple to track those targets, you just need to follow the blood stains left on the ground, and you won't lose track at all.

The four of them groped along the side of the forest, quickly caught up with their target, and gradually saw the appearance of the robbers.

Said they were robbers, but they didn't feel like human beings.

There are about one hundred robbers, all of whom are extremely strong, and each of them is two meters tall.

Their hair was gray, and their bodies were so heavily haired that they looked like savages.

The lips protruded outward, revealing two canine teeth several times larger than ordinary people, and the face was daubed with dazzling oil paint.

Seeing these "thieves", Dai Mubai's evil eyes gradually stood up, and he said in a low voice: "It's wolf robbers! I didn't expect there to be wolf robbers in the Heaven Dou Empire."

(End of this chapter)

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