Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 517 The price of growth 2

Chapter 517 The price of growth 2
"Father, be careful!"

It is roughly estimated that Chihiro Ji has probably adjusted his rhythm and is about to attack her again.

Qian Renxue took the first step and declared loudly, pointing her sword at the sky, a strong sword force suddenly condensed from her body.

Since the ancestors, my thousand family has only passed down the sword code to those with outstanding talents——"Sword Code of All Things in Nature", is it finally going to be used?

"Cold Light Sword Shadow!"

In Qian Renxue's hand, the long sword with golden light flowed forward and stabbed forward.

Immediately, a gust of wind rose from the sky, rolled up the wind and snow all over the sky, and merged into a white torrent, which swept out with the momentum of the sword.

The ground trembled, and the snowflakes exploded, as if the Wanqing waterfall fell in front of him, splashing countless white water splashes.

The world is vast, and everything is white.

Suddenly, a golden light appeared in the white world, which looked extremely abrupt.

Qian Renxue raised her head, and saw Qian Xun Ji appearing in the middle of the sky at some time, his figure fell like a meteorite, and he slashed down with a sword out of thin air.

Seeing this, Qian Renxue was neither surprised nor pleased, she retracted the long sword in her hand, and stepped out quickly, her body moving continuously.

The next moment, the airflow was surging, and the wind and snow that exploded in all directions rolled back, like a flower bud closing to surround Chihiro Ji who had just landed in the center.

Qian Xun quickly looked around, only to see a billowing snow curtain closing inwards, like a cage that was getting smaller and smaller, imprisoning himself in it.

Is this the "Sword Code of Everything in the Universe" handed down by our ancestors?
This tower is called swordsmanship?
This is obviously more like a soul skill than a soul skill!
I really want to learn too!
However, I just can't understand it, I can't learn it!

Although Chihiro Ji's face turned purple with envy, he did not forget that this duel is not over yet.

He glanced at the sky, the only place that was not blocked was here.

However, Qian Xun Ji slashed at the snow curtain that was about to hit with his sword without hesitation!
Hmph, I have never eaten pork, and I have seen pigs running.

Isn't such an obvious flaw just to lure the snake out of the hole?

Chihiro Ji would not be so stupid.

If he used the sky above as a breakthrough point, he would probably be hit by several sword qi when he first flew up.

The snowflakes exploded, and a sharp sword energy shot out, creating a gap in the snow curtain.

Then the figure flashed, and shuttled out from the gap that disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the next second, there was a loud bang, and several snow curtains collided fiercely in the center, and each exploded.

A ring of air exploded, and the surging air romantically rolled around, and countless snow particles collapsed in the air, splashing in all directions.

Hitting behind Chihiro Ji, who was not far away, made him feel a little itchy.

But at this moment, he didn't have time to take care of these trivial matters, because Qian Renxue, who had been waiting outside for a long time, would not give him this time.

"Sword Dance Lotus Flower!"

Suddenly, a dazzling sword light bloomed in front of Chihiro Ji.

The sword light is bright, like pieces of golden lotus petals, and it seems invisible and colorless during the transition, as if in the morning when the fog is filled, it is hazy, and it is impossible to distinguish any direction.

Chihiro Ji shrank his pupils, a trace of confusion flashed in his pupils, and he came back to his senses the next moment.

Even though the dreamy and illusory sword came to him, he resorted to a move of Su Qin's back sword, blocking the long sword in his hand behind his back.

In the next second, a long sword shimmering with golden light appeared from the void soundlessly, and instantly slashed at Qian Xun Ji's long sword.

The swords clashed, and the overflowing sword energy cracked like a flower, twisting Qian Xunji's cuff to pieces, and carved a few shallow sword marks on the palm of his hand.

"The star river is destroyed!"

Qian Renxue's voice suddenly became cold and heartless, like a god of the nine heavens high above.

Countless sword lights flickered darkly, like dim stars falling from the starry sky, covering all the vital points of Chihiro Ji's body.

Qian Xunji didn't even have time to react, and was drowned by the sword light.

The sword energy was endless, and the endless sword light kept bombarding Chihiro Ji's body, obliterating the protective shield he had transformed with soul power.

Gradually, scars continued to spread on his body, and blood gushed out, staining the ground beneath him red.

Qian Xunji's face had turned pale, but he was still struggling to resist.

Although the physical injuries were getting more and more serious, Chihiro Ji's eyes were exceptionally clear and resolute, as if he hadn't been affected in any way.

"Xue'er, you have won!"

Chihiro Ji looked up at the sky that was dyed golden yellow by the setting sun, and said with a forced breath.

As soon as the words fell, his tall body slowly fell backwards, lying in the icy snow, splashing a few snow dust.

Qian Renxue's footsteps also kept shaking, but she persisted in the end.

she won!
Yes, after an extremely difficult battle, she finally won the final victory.

The father who used to be extremely tall in Qian Renxue's heart, like a high wall that would always stand in front of her, sheltering her from wind and rain, finally fell under her sword.

Does this prove that he has grown up to the point where he can stand alone?
Does this prove that he can become a real strong man and has the ability to protect the people he cherishes?
So, should I be happy?

Because I finally became a strong person, but I didn't feel a trace of joy in my heart.

So, should I be sad?
However, all of this is what father, grandpa and ancestors want to see most!

Qian Renxue didn't have an accurate answer in her mind, she didn't know which one was the right one.

But she knew that since she had chosen her own path, she had to go on forever.

At this time, on the white snowy slope, there was a piece of silence, only the cold wind whistling.

Qian Renxue's sixth test is over, and her battle with Qian Xunji is also over.

It's just that despite the victory, there are tension, confusion, sadness, relief, and determination in the eyes of the winner.

All kinds of complicated thoughts were intertwined, forming a complex emotion that even she herself could hardly distinguish.

"Father, are you okay?"

With complicated emotions, Qian Renxue reluctantly moved her body, came to Qian Xun Ji's side, and stared at him with extremely complicated eyes.

"Xue'er, don't worry, I'm just a little bit out of strength."

Qian Xunji raised his hand to caress Qian Renxue's hair, and comforted her with a smile.

"Growth comes at a price."

Qian Chongling, who was watching the battle from a distance, looked at all this in front of him, his eyes were full of admiration, and he murmured.

"Grandpa Gaozu, what is the content of Xue'er's next divine test?"

Qian Daoliu stood aside, and after hearing what Qian Chongling said, he couldn't help asking curiously.

"The content of her seventh test is to comprehend the two great skills of the ancestors of the gods. Only by mastering them can she pass. The time limit is one year."

Qian Zhongling turned his head to look at Qian Daoliu after hearing this, and said lightly, "As for the eighth test, you can make preparations in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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